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God's Truth

New member
I continue to call her out for her lies. She's getting worse every day.

Jesus came and told us step by step how to have the heart he will live in.

So you really don't have to do anything but say you believe Jesus is Lord and believe he raised from the dead?
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Right Divider

Body part
Jesus came and told us step by step how to have the heart he will live in.

So you really don't have to do anything by say you believe Jesus is Lord and believe he raised from the dead?

Jesus gave Paul a gospel by which WE get saved TODAY. You don't like it because it is a GIFT OF GOD and that gives you nothing to boast about.

God's Truth

New member
I have answered. Scripture says that salvation is BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH and that it's NOT OF YOURSELVES, it is a GIFT OF GOD.

But you don't like to accept the GIFT. You want to PITCH IN.

Then stop calling me a liar! WE HAVE TO DO WHAT JESUS SAYS TO DO TO GET SAVED. Jesus doesn't save those who don't obey him. YOU call that pitching in! Since YOU CALL THAT PITCHING IN---that means you claim I am wrong when Jesus says he saves those who obey him!

What is wrong with you?

I don't say that, uh uh I don't say that uh uh you liar you LIE uh uh, I'm a bully and you are a LIAR, LIAR uh uh you're an idiot uh uh you moron uh uh

God's Truth

New member
Jesus gave Paul a gospel by which WE get saved TODAY. You don't like it because it is a GIFT OF GOD and that gives you nothing to boast about.

Paul TAUGHT what JESUS taught when Jesus walked the earth!

The gift is given to those who obey Jesus when he says repent of their sins.

Right Divider

Body part
Then stop calling me a liar!
When you LIE... you will get called on it!

WE HAVE TO DO WHAT JESUS SAYS TO DO TO GET SAVED. Jesus doesn't save those who don't obey him. YOU call that pitching in! Since YOU CALL THAT PITCHING IN---that means you claim I am wrong when Jesus says he saves those who obey him!
You always cherry-pick verses from Jesus' ministry to the CIRCUMCISION. Paul received a gospel from Christ. You don't like that gospel since it is a FREE GIFT.

What is wrong with you?
What is wrong is you.

I don't say that, uh uh I don't say that uh uh you liar you LIE uh uh, I'm a bully and you are a LIAR, uh uh
You're a childish little brat.

God's Truth

New member
Why is the PRIESTHOOD missing from Paul's epistles? Don't dance around it.
You keep bringing up that and it means NOTHING.

Show where in Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John Jesus is called the High Priest.

What is He interceding for or about? Christ DIED for my sins. Past-tense.

You don’t believe the scriptures that say Jesus lives to intercede.

Romans 8:34 Who is there to condemn us? For Christ Jesus, who died, and more than that was raised to life, is at the right hand of God--and He is interceding for us.

So everyone in the old testament was never saved either? Then the twelve apostles were also unsaved while they preached the gospel of the kingdom.
They were saved from Hell. They were God’s. There still was no one made perfect yet until Jesus.
I don't want to be PROUD...
Christ DIED for by sins. That does not make me PROUD. It makes me saved, because I trust Christ.
If you don’t obey Jesus, then you think that makes you humble?

Jesus is our HEAD and NOT our high priest. You are a Bible masher that cannot rightly divide the word of truth.
The whole old law was a teaching tool about what was to come, and you want to dismiss the fact that there were earthly priests to prepare us for the High Priest, Jesus Christ.
The gospel of the grace of God is how I got saved. You remain unsaved and proud of your obedience.
You called it your gospel, but when Paul calls the gospel his---you say it was another gospel given only to him.
Why did Jesus never once recorded in scripture as using the word "grace" during His entire earthly ministry to Israel?
Jesus IS GRACE. Duh
Why didn’t Jesus say he was a high priest?

How could Jesus be teaching GRACE and never ONCE use the word?
Jesus IS GRACE and John used the word. Good grief you are brainwashed and blind.

If you can stop your attempt to earn salvation and believe what you just wrote, you have a chance.
You don’t even know what grace is and you think I go by you telling me I’m not saved? lol

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
John 14:23
Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

That doesn't say anything about salvation. By the way, they have already made their home with me
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