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God's Truth

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You think that you can become a child of God by saying that you're obedience enough?

Jesus obeyed HIS FATHER and tells us to obey him, and you make that a sin. How do you not see that is illogical and something Satan is smiling about?

John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.


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You are the boring one.


Is that how you act in person to others?

I bet you wouldn't to me.

If you were being an idiot in my presence, as you are currently, I would call you an idiot. Don't be an idiot, idiot.

The covenant passed away and you make it as if it still existed. It does not.

LIAR. I said nor implied no such thing.

I literally just said THE COVENANT passed away, not the people involved.


That doesn't mean that the old covenant did not pass away.

There is no Jew according to the old covenant. The old covenant is gone.

Why do you reject both Jeremiah and the book of the Epistle to the Hebrews (which clearly shows a distinction, where Paul says there is none)?

BOTH say that the new covenant was made with the SAME PARTIES AS THE OLD ONE.

Which chosen people.

You don't know who God's chosen people are?

Shame on you.

Be careful now, you might catch on to something, but I doubt it.


People are what the covenant they enter says they are.

ONLY if the covenant defines them as something more.

It does NOT, however, change who they were initially.

You are what you say I am.

"I know you are, but what am I?"


Quit acting like a child, and respond to the argument.

Who really knows how much Hebrew they have in them?

Do you or do you not claim to be a Hebrew?

If you do not claim to be a Hebrew, then why are you reading the mail written to the Hebrews and responding to it as if you were?

It wouldn't make any difference how much I had. God doesn't care since Jesus came. It is only his blood that matters now, not Abraham's anymore.

Who said anything about blood relations?

I'm talking about whether you're a Hebrew or not.

Gentiles can become Jews, you know. They're called proselytes.

The whole Bible is a teaching tool on how to love, and since Jesus came, it is all for all.

But it isn't TO all.

You are goofy and pathetic to claim Hebrews isn't for all.

Straw man. We keep telling you that the WHOLE BIBLE is for all. But the whole Bible IS NOT TO ALL.

Or do you not know that the full title of Hebrews is "The Epistle to the Hebrews"?

You aren't Timothy or Titus.

Which is why I don't react to what Paul wrote to him as if I were, but learn from it nonetheless.

You, on the other hand, apparently think you're a Hebrew, and read and respond to the Epistle to the Hebrews as if you were a Hebrew.

Timothy's mom and grandma were Jews.

So what? His father was a Gentile.

What were Timothy's mother and grandma doing believing in what Paul said if what he said was only to Gentiles? What was Paul doing preaching in all those synagogues? What was Paul doing debating the Jews?

So you admit what they believed in was different than what the Twelve were teaching?

There is NOT ONE scripture that says anything about Paul preaching a different gospel to the Gentiles and a different one to the Jews.

Straw man.

The argument is that Paul teaches something different than what Jesus taught the Twelve.

No one said that Paul didn't teach something similar at the beginning of his ministry. In fact, that's what we assert, that what he taught was different, but not because it was completely different, but because it was mostly the same, but from a different perspective. God simply hadn't revealed the entire mystery to Paul yet.

This is evident when you consider how long Paul ministered, and examine what he taught and when.

You are so brainwashed you can't let your false beliefs go.

You should really look in a mirror and say that to the person in it. Seriously.

If my beliefs were shown to be false, then I would accept it and reconsider what I believe. When was the last time you were willing to consider that you were wrong about what you believe?

When was the last time you admitted to having a false belief?

Mine was a few years ago, because I realized my beliefs weren't strong enough for me to be able to defend them, and it wasn't because I didn't know enough, it's because my paradigm of beliefs was completely wrong.

Your paradigm of beliefs refuses to let you see what scripture says without contorting it through it's lens. This is why you mock others and can't answer direct questions without trying to divert away from what is being asked.

I have asked you MULTIPLE questions in this thread (and in others, but in this thread alone) that you have evaded or completely ignored. NOT ONE OF THEM have you answered with a clear and direct answer. NOT. ONE.

I would LOVE to see you answer a direct question honestly and directly. Would you like to try again:

QUESTION 1: Are you a Hebrew? No, I'm not asking about your bloodline, or your genetics. I'm asking if you are a Jew, either through direct lineage or as a proselyte.

QUESTION 2: Have you ever lied? Be honest.


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So what? So did the Old Covenant. It required that ALL who enter the covenant keep the law, including circumcision.


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I don't tell anyone to get circumcised or do any of the other purification works of the law.

I preach that Jesus' blood washes away our sins.

Do you have a list of rules that you must follow, and if you break any of them, you must repent of it to God, or else you're not saved?

That's called legalism.

It's what the Pharisees taught.

When you call that being a pharisee who denies grace, it make you sound stupid.

If you don't repent of your sins, LIKE JESUS SAYS TO DO, then YOU are the pharisee.

Jesus condemned the Pharisees for not keeping the whole law.

Paul however said if you keep ANY law, you're cursed.

Big difference.


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Salvation is free to God's children. You have to become a child of God's first, and Jesus tells us how to do it.

Jesus tells us who he gives the free gift to and how to be the one he saves.

It is light and easy and not burdensome.

You don't have to live every day trying to keep yourself clean by doing the purification works of the law.

That is the works that no longer save.

Paul would not ever say that we no longer have to abstain from evil and do right.

That is beyond retarded.

Do you keep the 10 commandments?


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No way is that it. You know how many people call themselves Christian and are sinners like always?

That's what scripture says, GT. Why do you deny it?

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him.For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” - Romans 10:9-13
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