Rules Governing The Gift Of Tongues


New member
Truster is a messenger for Satan. Satan lies, slanders, accuses and condemns.

Strong words. Most of the time (unless you know that you know you are in the Spirit) when you make this type of insult/accusation, it says more about you than the person you are insulting.

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New member
Are you seriously suggesting that the unregenerate hypocrites are going to glory?

Are you suggesting blind guides and those that follow them will not end up in the pit?

Are you denying Rev 20:14 and the judgement of the wicked?

You might prefer to send someone to hell with a lie in their right hand, but I will warn them and if in receiving the warning they repent not, then their end is confirmed.

You say that Messiah never said that anyone would go to Hell. So where, in your opinion, does the broad way lead?

Matt 5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

Matt 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matt 11:23 And you, Capernaum! You won’t be lifted up to heaven, will you? You’ll go down to Hell! Because if the miracles that happened in you had taken place in Sodom, it would have remained to this day.

You are seriously in need of correction, but your stubborn pride will not allow it. Next time you judge someone make sure you are fully versed in scripture before you do.

If you notice, I said "that I remember", so my statement wasn't wrong. I do stand corrected on the Capernaum verse.
There were plenty of times that Jesus said you will go to hell IF you reject him, but that gives a person hope if they change their ways.
Your statement was simply that a person was going to hell. I don't apologize for saying that you better know that you are IN THE SPIRIT when you say things like that.

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New member
Truster is a messenger for Satan. Satan lies, slanders, accuses and condemns.

If you notice, I said "that I remember", so my statement wasn't wrong. I do stand corrected on the Capernaum verse.
There were plenty of times that Jesus said you will go to hell IF you reject him, but that gives a person hope if they change their ways.
Your statement was simply that a person was going to hell. I don't apologize for saying that you better know that you are IN THE SPIRIT when you say things like that.

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The one thing I know for an absolute certainty is that you are back peddling and lying. Liars go to hell.


New member
Veering back on-track here, the Book of Acts is very efficient with its language (as is all of the Bible).
Four different times the event of someone receiving the Holy Ghost is spelled out in detail. Acts 2 - the Jews. Acts 8 - the Samaritans. Acts 10 - the Gentiles. Acts 19 - believers who did not have a the fullness of truth.
In 3 out of 4, the Bible specifically details them speaking with tongues. In the one that doesn't specifically say that they spoke in tongues, it says there was observable evidence that they had received the Holy Ghost (I think it's obvious what that observable evidence was).
This was not by accident. If Jews, half-Jews, Gentiles, and believers who didn't have the fullness of truth all spoke with tongues when they received the Holy Ghost, and nowhere in Scripture does it say that God would change it, it is still for us today.

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Lazy afternoon


First you claimed that the gifts listed in the 12th chapter of Romans are callings. Now you claim they are enablements. You also claim that they have nothing to do with a manifestation of the Spirit.

Well; if your enablements don't manifest the Spirit, then whom do they manifest? The Devil? But the apostle Paul says they are gifts according to the grace that is given us.(Rom 12:6)

FYI: The koiné Greek word for "calling" is klesis (klay'-sis) which refers to invitations rather than gifts.


I see you are incapable of explaining the difference between Rom 12 and 1 cor 12.


God's Truth

New member
Strong words. Most of the time (unless you know that you know you are in the Spirit) when you make this type of insult/accusation, it says more about you than the person you are insulting.

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You have to believe what Jesus says.

Jesus says the way you judge others is the way you will be judged.

Truster accuses me of every bad thing and condemns me.

So then, according to Jesus, it is exactly what Truster is.

I am kind of surprised that you did not know that.

You have heard what Truster has said to me, and you seem to know how is it you falsely judged me?

God's Truth

New member
If you notice, I said "that I remember", so my statement wasn't wrong. I do stand corrected on the Capernaum verse.
There were plenty of times that Jesus said you will go to hell IF you reject him, but that gives a person hope if they change their ways.
Your statement was simply that a person was going to hell. I don't apologize for saying that you better know that you are IN THE SPIRIT when you say things like that.

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According to Jesus, Truster has condemned himself.

God's Truth

New member
Veering back on-track here, the Book of Acts is very efficient with its language (as is all of the Bible).
Four different times the event of someone receiving the Holy Ghost is spelled out in detail. Acts 2 - the Jews. Acts 8 - the Samaritans. Acts 10 - the Gentiles. Acts 19 - believers who did not have a the fullness of truth.
In 3 out of 4, the Bible specifically details them speaking with tongues.Agai In the one that doesn't specifically say that they spoke in tongues, it says there was observable evidence that they had received the Holy Ghost (I think it's obvious what that observable evidence was).
This was not by accident. If Jews, half-Jews, Gentiles, and believers who didn't have the fullness of truth all spoke with tongues when they received the Holy Ghost, and nowhere in Scripture does it say that God would change it, it is still for us today.

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Again, speaking in tongues were for a sign during the laying of the foundation. The sign has been given and the foundation has been laid.

Lazy afternoon

Repeating something over and over doesn't make it true.
Offer scripture for your opinion that God doesn't allow the same type of miracles. Show scripture for where the promise of the exact gift the apostles received was retracted (the promise that is "to you, and your children, and all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call").

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She can't


Lazy afternoon

You go against me because I show easily with scripture that tongues have ceased.

Simpleman77 made a mistake and you joined in on his mistake because the two of you want to hold your babbling gibberish to high esteem.

So you can not show from scripture that requested from you.

God's Truth

New member
So you can not show from scripture that requested from you.

I have already given the scriptures, but since I love giving the scriptures, here they are again:

Speaking in tongues was a gift given, a sign, given (Isaiah 28:11) during the laying of the foundation of the Church (Hebrews 2:4). It was a sign to the Jews (Acts 2:6). Speaking in tongues has served God's purpose, God has given the sign (1Cor 14:21), and God has laid the foundation (Eph 2:20). Speaking in tongues by the Gentiles showed the Jews that God granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life (Acts 11:18). Tongue speakers spoke mysteries (1 Cor 14:2); consequently, the mystery of the gospel has been given (Eph 6:19). Speaking in tongues is the language of angels (1 Cor 13:1), angels minister to humans (Hebrews 1:14). Humans are to understand speaking in tongues in earthly languages (Acts 2:6, 11). Speaking in tongues would be “stilled” (1 Cor 13:8).

The believers in the Bible times who spoke in tongues, they spoke in tongues supernaturally. The believers who supposedly speak in tongues nowadays, they speak gibberish and believe God turns their gibberish into supernatural language, and that is a false doctrine.


Well-known member
1Co 12:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He will.

When the Greek words are looked at, we learn that the word "severally" is the word "idios" which is commonly translated his own, their own...

Dividing to every man his own... his own depending on what? As God wills? nope as the man wills.

Any person that has receieved the gift of holy spirit from the Holy Spirit has the potential to manifest all nine of the manifestations listed in I Corinthians 12.

We must consider the law of believing, no man receives anything from God until they believe.

That includes how many of the nine the man wills to believe to manifest.

If he erroneously believes that speaking in tongues is a gift, he may never speak in tongues for he may spend his whole life waiting to receive a gift.

However, speaking in tongues is not a gift, it is an inherent ability that everyone who has received the gift of holy spirit from the Holy Spirit (God) has the ability to manifest if they learn from the scriptures what it is and how to do it.

Does the scripture teach us how to pray with our understanding? yes it does.

Does the scripture teach us how to walk worthy of God unto all pleasing? Yes it does.

Does the scripture teach us how to receive salvation? Yes it does.

Does the scripture teach us how to please God? Yes it does.

Does the scripture teach us how to live rightly in the sight of God? Yes it does.

Does the scripture teach us how to manifest what we have already received? Yes it does

Every person who is born again of God's spirit, that incorruptible seed already has the ability to speak in tongues.

Believers simply need to learn to believe to receive.


Well-known member
There were miracles and signs during the laying of the foundation. The foundation has been laid. The message has been testified to.

Yes, the foundation has been laid, but take heed as to how you build thereon.

The foundation is of little value, unless you learn how scriptures tell you to build thereon.

When we see Jesus Christ face to face, then tongues will cease.

I Corinthians 13:10,12

Jesus Christ is that perfect one to come and he has not come back yet.

Face to face as in I John 3:1-3


Well-known member
God still gives miracles, but God is not allowing the raising of the dead, healing of those born blind, and healing of those born paralyzed.

The Bible says plainly that those things were allowed during the laying of the foundation.

The foundation has been laid.

God has already testified to His message.

Let it be according to your believing.

According to my believing those things are happening and shall continue to be the results of those who believe John 14:12


New member
You have to believe what Jesus says.

Jesus says the way you judge others is the way you will be judged.

Truster accuses me of every bad thing and condemns me.

So then, according to Jesus, it is exactly what Truster is.

I am kind of surprised that you did not know that.

You have heard what Truster has said to me, and you seem to know how is it you falsely judged me?

1 Peter 3:9
Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.

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