Rules Governing The Gift Of Tongues


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Re: Rules Governing The Gift Of Tongues

1Cor 12:1-2 . .Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant.

Tongues is only one of many spiritual gifts. Some other are:

• The word of wisdom (1Cor 12:8)
• The word of knowledge (1Cor 12:8)
• Faith (1Cor 12:9)
• Healing (1Cor 12:9)
• Miracles (1Cor 12:10)
• Prophecy (1Cor 12:10)
• Distinguishing spirits (1Cor 12:10)
• Interpreting languages (1Cor 12:10)
• Helps (1Cor 12:28)
• Administration (1Cor 12:28)
• Ministering (Rom 12:7)
• Teaching (Rom 12:7)
• Encouragement (Rom 12:8)
• Charity (Rom 12:8)
• Leadership (Rom 12:8)
• Compassion (Rom 12:8)
• Evangelism (Eph 4:11)
• Pastoring (Eph 4:11)

It seems a little out of balance to me that with so many worthwhile spiritual gifts out there to think about, the only one that obsesses people enough to quarrel over it is tongues.


Lazy afternoon

When we receive the gift of holy spirit from the Holy Spirit, also known as the gift of salvation, we inherently receive with the gift the ability to do the same works as Jesus Christ, John 14:12 and greater works. We have the ability to manifest all nine of the manifestations, having the gift of holy spirit, our job is to manifest it in the nine profitable ways that God lists in these verses.

1Co 12:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He will.

Lazy afternoon

1Cor 12:1-2 . .Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant.

Tongues is only one of many spiritual gifts. Some other are:

• The word of wisdom (1Cor 12:8)
• The word of knowledge (1Cor 12:8)

• Faith (1Cor 12:9)
• Healing (1Cor 12:9)
• Miracles (1Cor 12:10)
• Prophecy (1Cor 12:10)
• Distinguishing spirits (1Cor 12:10)
• Interpreting languages (1Cor 12:10)
• Helps (1Cor 12:28)
• Administration (1Cor 12:28)
• Ministering (Rom 12:7)
• Teaching (Rom 12:7)
• Encouragement (Rom 12:8)
• Charity (Rom 12:8)
• Leadership (Rom 12:8)
• Compassion (Rom 12:8)
• Evangelism (Eph 4:11)
• Pastoring (Eph 4:11)

It seems a little out of balance to me that with so many worthwhile spiritual gifts out there to think about, the only one that obsesses people enough to quarrel over it is tongues.


The gifts of the Spirit of 1 Cor 12 are not callings of Romans 12.


God's Truth

New member
That miracle, the fact that someone was present that understood the tongues spoken by the twelve is not guaranteed in scripture.

The language or languages spoken maybe a tongue of men or a tongue of angels. I Corinthians 13:1 If it is the tongues of angels being spoken, then no human would understand it. After all, who has an angel/English dictionary?

That it is the either the tongue of men or angels, that information does not guarantee that when anyone speaks in tongues in a situation with people who speak other languages that the others will understand the speaker.

It happened on the day of Pentecost, certainly, but is there any evidence that it happened on a faithful basis after that?

Not in scripture, but it does occur at times.

Have you read I Corinthians 12:7-11 closely?

7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;

10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

Have you noticed that the list of nine is preceded by a verse that refers to manifestation?

That has been a very common point of misunderstanding by many.

Speaking in tongues and the rest of the eight are manifestations of the gift of Holy Spirit.

When we receive the gift of holy spirit from the Holy Spirit, also known as the gift of salvation, we inherently receive with the gift the ability to do the same works as Jesus Christ, John 14:12 and greater works. We have the ability to manifest all nine of the manifestations, having the gift of holy spirit, our job is to manifest it in the nine profitable ways that God lists in these verses.

There were miracles and signs during the laying of the foundation. The foundation has been laid. The message has been testified to.


New member
Rules Governing The Gift Of Tongues

There were miracles and signs during the laying of the foundation. The foundation has been laid. The message has been testified to.

There continues to be miracles today (divine, miraculous healing, resurrection from the dead, etc). Those with faith and desire still see them regularly.

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God's Truth

New member
There continues to be miracles today (divine, miraculous healing, resurrection from the dead, etc). Those with faith and desire still see them regularly.

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God still gives miracles, but God is not allowing the raising of the dead, healing of those born blind, and healing of those born paralyzed.

The Bible says plainly that those things were allowed during the laying of the foundation.

The foundation has been laid.

God has already testified to His message.

God's Truth

New member
The New Testament is of very special times, to say the least. God through Jesus Christ gives salvation to us, and God testified to the gospel message by the miraculous signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will (Hebrews 2:4; and Acts 14:3).

The gift of tongues is a gift, a sign given, during the laying of the foundation of the church, but the foundation has since been laid (Eph 2:20), so the use for a sign has been given and no longer needed.God already testified to His WORD.


New member
The New Testament is of very special times, to say the least. God through Jesus Christ gives salvation to us, and God testified to the gospel message by the miraculous signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will (Hebrews 2:4; and Acts 14:3).

The gift of tongues is a gift, a sign given, during the laying of the foundation of the church, but the foundation has since been laid (Eph 2:20), so the use for a sign has been given and no longer needed.God already testified to His WORD.

Sorry, but you can't show me one place that God's word ever justifies a belief that tongues were only for a time. I can show you many scriptures to justify "earnestly contending for THE FAITH THAT WAS ONCE DELIVERED to the saints".
And if you want to use the "tongues shall cease" argument, tell me how "knowledge has vanished away"

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New member
God still gives miracles, but God is not allowing the raising of the dead, healing of those born blind, and healing of those born paralyzed.

The Bible says plainly that those things were allowed during the laying of the foundation.

The foundation has been laid.

God has already testified to His message.

If God isn't allowing it, how do I keep seeing cancers being healed (doctors show it on one image, then, after prayer, not on the next). Blind eyes from birth, seeing. How, if "God doesn't allow it"?

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God's Truth

New member
Sorry, but you can't show me one place that God's word ever justifies a belief that tongues were only for a time. I can show you many scriptures to justify "earnestly contending for THE FAITH THAT WAS ONCE DELIVERED to the saints".
And if you want to use the "tongues shall cease" argument, tell me how "knowledge has vanished away"

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New knowledge has passed away, for you know you cannot add a single prophecy to the scriptures.

I gave you proof that God TESTIFIED to what the disciples said during the LAYING OF THE FOUNDATION.

You need to type out those scriptures and answer accordingly.

God's Truth

New member
If God isn't allowing it, how do I keep seeing cancers being healed (doctors show it on one image, then, after prayer, not on the next). Blind eyes from birth, seeing. How, if "God doesn't allow it"?

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I already answered you. It is dishonest for you to say that I said God does not heal. Now address what I said.


New member
Rules Governing The Gift Of Tongues

I already answered you. It is dishonest for you to say that I said God does not heal. Now address what I said.

It's not dishonest. Here is your quote

"God still gives miracles, but God is not allowing the raising of the dead, healing of those born blind, and healing of those born paralyzed."

You said God doesn't allow the specific healings you listed. I said I've seen and know of cases in the past months where cancer has been healed, a person blind from birth has been given sight, etc".

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New member
The gifts of the Spirit of 1 Cor 12 are not callings of Romans 12.

Rom 12:6-8 . . Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them: if prophecy, in proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching; if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity; if one is over others, with diligence; if one does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

The koiné Greek word for "gifts" in that passage is charisma (khar'-is-mah). It's the very same word for gifts in 1Cor 12:4, 12:9, 12:28, 12:30 and 12:31.

FYI: The Greek word for "calling" is klesis (klay'-sis). It is nowhere in the 12th chapter of Romans; though it is in the 11th, juxtaposed with charisma.

Rom 11:29 . . God's gifts and his calling are irrevocable.


God's Truth

New member
It's not dishonest. Here is your quote

"God still gives miracles, but God is not allowing the raising of the dead, healing of those born blind, and healing of those born paralyzed."

You said God doesn't allow the specific healings you listed. I said I've seen and know of cases in the past months where cancer has been healed, a person blind from birth has been given sight, etc".

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I didn't say anything about God not healing cancer. As for those born blind, I am not talking about a temporary blindness. As for raising the dead, you know no one is raising someone dead for four days.

Lazy afternoon


Rom 12:6-8 . . Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them: if prophecy, in proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching; if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity; if one is over others, with diligence; if one does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

The koiné Greek word for "gifts" in that passage is charisma (khar'-is-mah). It's the very same word for gifts in 1Cor 12:4, 12:9, 12:28, 12:30 and 12:31.

FYI: The Greek word for "calling" is klesis (klay'-sis). It is nowhere in the 12th chapter of Romans; though it is in the 11th, juxtaposed with charisma.

Rom 11:29 . . God's gifts and his calling are irrevocable.


The gifts of 1 cor 12 are manifestations of the Holy Spirit

The enablements of Romans ch 12 are not in the same way.



New member
I didn't say anything about God not healing cancer. As for those born blind, I am not talking about a temporary blindness. As for raising the dead, you know no one is raising someone dead for four days.

On cancer, I'm not talking about through treatment or over time. I'm talking about one scan clearly showing it, then after prayer another scan showing it healed. And yes, I'm talking about healing from being born blind. Someone with 3 ruptured discs on one X-ray, then 3 new discs on the next. On the raising from dead, I don't know of anyone being raised after 4 days, but after almost an hour.
People have come along too late to tell me that the promise God made in Acts 2 (unto as many as the Lord our God shall call) has been revoked

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New member
Re: Rules Governing the Gift Of Tongues

Re: Rules Governing the Gift Of Tongues

The gifts of 1 cor 12 are manifestations of the Holy Spirit The enablements of Romans ch 12 are not in the same way.

First you claimed that the gifts listed in the 12th chapter of Romans are callings. Now you claim they are enablements. You also claim that they have nothing to do with a manifestation of the Spirit.

Well; if your enablements don't manifest the Spirit, then whom do they manifest? The Devil? But the apostle Paul says they are gifts according to the grace that is given us.(Rom 12:6)

FYI: The koiné Greek word for "calling" is klesis (klay'-sis) which refers to invitations rather than gifts.



New member
I didn't say anything about God not healing cancer. As for those born blind, I am not talking about a temporary blindness. As for raising the dead, you know no one is raising someone dead for four days.

I was dead for 43 years.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Elohim: and they that hear shall live."

GT always misses the spiritual aspect.

Wait for the insults...wait...wait...


New member
The New Testament is of very special times, to say the least. God through Jesus Christ gives salvation to us, and God testified to the gospel message by the miraculous signs, wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will (Hebrews 2:4; and Acts 14:3).

The gift of tongues is a gift, a sign given, during the laying of the foundation of the church, but the foundation has since been laid (Eph 2:20), so the use for a sign has been given and no longer needed.God already testified to His WORD.

These scriptures only say that God confirmed His word with signs and wonders. No where does the Bible say that God would ever stop confirming His word that way.
Yes, we are built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. That only underscores the fact that it is of utmost importance that our doctrine and "acts" are consistent with theirs.
It makes absolutely no sense to say "the apostles and prophets are our foundation, so therefore we should have experiences and theology that is different than theirs". Especially when there are those in the modern age that can tell you they've experienced the same Holy Ghost that was poured out at Pentecost.
I readily admit there are counterfeits, but the real Holy Ghost - the one that was poured out in Acts 2, Acts 8, Acts 19 - is still being poured out.

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