Robert's Gospel According to the Apostle Paul


New member
It wasn't "made void". It was fulfilled by Christ Jesus

I got a speeding ticket today...I argued with the cop “BUT BUT BUT the drivers ahead of me FULFILLED the speed limit requirement so that speed limit and all traffic laws are abolished right?”

He gave me a breathalyzer test...LOL

Ok that last part was false witness...ok only the first part wasnt...


I got a speeding ticket today...I argued with the cop “BUT BUT BUT the drivers ahead of me FULFILLED the speed limit requirement so that speed limit and all traffic laws are abolished right?”

Terrible analogy.

Christ Jesus fulfilled the law.

HINT: think of the state trooper as a Levite priest.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
In Germany, there is no speed limit, and you can go as fast as you want.

Correct-you cannot break a law, that is not defined,objectively.No transgression.

You: Eliminate the law, so that no one can break it, no transgression, no sin, no sin debt, no penalty..

You: There is no law, defining sin/transgression. so, Christ did not die for our sins, as there is no sin debt incurred, since there is no law anymore, objectively defining it.In the USA, all highways have speed limits.
What you are claiming is that the law (speed limit of 80 in Texas) is in place, but if you get caught going 100mph, you are not guilty, because you are free from the law.]

No, if I get caught, I must pay the price/penalty/"debt.." "Free from the law," from a biblical perspective, means that we no longer have the law as our "rule" for our life style, as our tutor. It does not mean that the law no longer exists-false dichotomy.

We break God's holy law. We are caught....Thus, the solution is not to eliminate the law, so that there is no sin debt/"fine"/penalty incurred, so that there is no no condemnation/judgment. Nea-we break God's holy, spiritual, not void law, and we would be condemned/judged, if not for the Saviour taking our place, taking our judgment/condemnation, "paying the speeding fine" for us-paying the penalty-the law still stands-it exists.

=Christ died for our sins, "paying our fine," paying for sin debt...


There's either a speed limit, or there isn't.

Correct. If there is no speed limit, no one can be judged/condemned for breaking it.

Grow a brain.

If there is a speed limit,it exists, if you break it, you must pay the fine, or someone else pay it for you.

You can't say there is one, but at the same time, say some people are exempt from it.

You missed it, as usual.

You: You cannot say there is a law of God, but, at the same time, say some are exempt from it.

Christian:There is an existing forever law of God, that defines what sin/transgression is, and we are all guilty of breaking it, but those that are "exempt"(your words) from the penalty, debt, fine, for breaking, by definition, that same EXISTING law of God, are those that trust in the dbr, as the Lord Jesus Christ took our judgment, our condemnation,upon Himself, in our place, as He paid the fine/sin debt,so that justice is served.

Quite a Saviour.

And that is the good news.


New member
Both the Law and Priesthood changed:

(Heb 7:12 KJV) For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

Old Covenant = Levitical Priesthood

New Covenant - Melchisedec Priesthood

I live in the New Covenant. Which covenant do you live in?

Yeah I bet I can guess which law changed for is always the same one...

9 of the 10 remain but that Sabbath one...oh no that changed...we under grace...dont apply to us or some other fuh fuh fuh



Yeah I bet I can guess which law changed for is always the same one...

9 of the 10 remain but that Sabbath one...oh no that changed...we under grace...dont apply to us or some other fuh fuh fuh


The law cannot be broken into pieces. It exists as a whole, or doesn't exist at all.

(James 2:10 KJV) For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.

The whole law changed, not just parts of it.


New member
Terrible analogy.

Christ Jesus fulfilled the law.

HINT: think of the state trooper as a Levite priest.

So I can speed now?

or will some other police Officer show me a ticket and either pay for it Himself or put me in jail cuz I reject his offer and dont have the money to pay myself?

Or will this new officer say “go ahead and speed...I got you covered”...or “I abolished the laws”

Just cuz that ordinance against me was abolished dont abolish the whole traffic law...or ministration of yes yes New Officer


New member
The law cannot be broken into pieces. It exists as a whole, or doesn't exist at all.

(James 2:10 KJV) For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.

The whole law changed, not just parts of it.

Changed into what then please...which ones remain?


Correct-you cannot break a law, that is not defined,objectively.No transgression.

John, the writer of Hebrews tells us the law changed:

(Heb 7:12 KJV) For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

You keep saying that the Law of Moses tells us what is a sin, and what isn't. Please tell us what law changed?


New member
John, the writer of Hebrews tells us the law changed:

(Heb 7:12 KJV) For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

You keep saying that the Law of Moses tells us what is a sin, and what isn't. Please tell us what law changed?

Actually a better translation believe it or not is TRANSFERED not changed...

So the ministration was transferred so duh the law was too...



Changed into what then please...which ones remain?

The law is whole.

Again, you can't pick it apart.

Some are obvious. There is no temple. There is no High Priest. There are no burnt offerings at the temple.

(Rom 8:2 KJV) For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

The new law is the Spirit filled life in Christ Jesus.


New member
The law is whole.

Again, you can't pick it apart.

Some are obvious. There is no temple. There is no High Priest. There are no burnt offerings at the temple.

(Rom 8:2 KJV) For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

The new law is the Spirit filled life in Christ Jesus.

Oh goody a new spirit filled life...Holy Spirit or just any spirit...a Spirit that guides you into keeping the Law or just whatever whenever...

A lifestyle CONTRARY to what Yahushua lived?...or just selectively modified due to schedule constraints...


would you elaborate?

thank you.

Hi meshak.

So nice to hear from you. Hope all is well.

To answer your question, let's look at what Paul said:

(Eph 5:18 KJV) And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

The verse is the best example of how I can explain it. It's a VOLUNTARY decision, that is rooted in what Christ Jesus said:

(Matt 22:37-40 KJV) Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

In my opinion, that's how we live the Spirit filled life in Christ Jesus.

We are not robots, and our volition doesn't end once we are saved.

Warmest Regards,



Oh goody a new spirit filled life...Holy Spirit or just any spirit...

Holy Spirit

a Spirit that guides you into keeping the Law or just whatever whenever...

The Law was fulfilled by Christ Jesus.

We now live in a new law, a new priesthood, and a new covenant.

Quit trying to put new wine in old wineskins!

A lifestyle CONTRARY to what Yahushua lived?

No human being did/can/will live the "lifestyle" that Christ Jesus lived.

or just selectively modified due to schedule constraints...

You appear very confused as to what covenant you live under.

Could you please tell us?