Robert's Gospel According to the Apostle Paul


New member
If you live by the law, you will perish by the law, simply because by the law is the knowledge of sin, Romans 3:20.

You would rather not know you are in sin...

Spirit comes and says “ummm bob you are not following XYZ” you respond “there is no law”


New member
For you it is sin, because you are under the law.

You are a slave to Him...His kingdom has rules is ordered and has heirarchy

You are in accordance to His Way...which is EXACTLY lawful...

and unlike angels etc who had no choice you choose to keep the house rules voluntarily and serve Him...


Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are a slave to Him...His kingdom has rules is ordered and has heirarchy

You are in accordance to His Way...which is EXACTLY lawful...

and unlike angels etc who had no choice you choose to keep the house rules voluntarily and serve Him...



john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If you live by the law, you will perish by the law, simply because by the law is the knowledge of sin, Romans 3:20.
Evasion, rabbit trail, changing the subject, and deceitfully asserting that if one confirms that the law still exists, means that one is living by the law.

You wicked deceiver.

As asked, over 100 times, Pate: if there is no law, no longer existing, void, destroyed, abolished, as you satanicaly assert, is murder, theft, adultery, sodomy a sin, and on what basis?



New member
Your good works? What a joke.

The 24 elders gave their crowns back to Jesus, Revelation 4:10,11.

So I guess He lies?

John 5:28-29
"Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
For you it is sin, because you are under the law.

He continues to lie:

Romans 3:31 KJV
Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

And his demonic "logic," a false dichotomy, is that the law must not exist, for anyone to fulfill "The Just Shall Live By Faith" Romans 1:17 and not by rules, laws or religion."

This is a troubled, demon infested poser.

As asked, over 100 times, Pate: if there is no law, no longer existing, void, destroyed, abolished, as you satanicaly assert, is murder, theft, adultery, sodomy a sin, and on what basis?


You assert that you are a sinner, Pate. Tell all, of TOL, right now, how that is possible, if there is no law, according to you, by which sin is defined.

I've asked you over 50 times, Pate. Answer.

Tell us why murder, rape, sodomy,..........................are wrong, Pate, if there is no objective law, defining them as such.

Answer, fraud, and defend your satanic argument.

Romans 3:31 KJV
Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

Pate: No, the law is void, abolished, non existing, destroyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You wicked deceiver.


New member

“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.”

Rev 22:12

That almost concludes the holy book...

Maybe you just need to read more?

Start with genesis where you will read that after faith came an obligation to obey...and know...even BEFORE sin or the Law was revealed...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Your good works? What a joke.

The 24 elders gave their crowns back to Jesus, Revelation 4:10,11.
As asked, over 100 times, Pate: if there is no law, no longer existing, void, destroyed, abolished, as you satanicaly assert, is murder, theft, adultery, sodomy a sin, and on what basis?

Answer, Pate.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If you live by the law, you will perish by the law, simply because by the law is the knowledge of sin, Romans 3:20.

No, you are to answer NOW, Pate:

Again-POPE Pate: tell all of TOL, just how you can consider yourself a sinner, meaning you sin, if there is no law, since, according to you, it was abolished, to define what sin is.

What law did you break, that created a sin/transgression on your part? How could that be-you say that there is no law, so there can be no sin/transgression? That is your entire satanic argument as to why "Jesus" had to abolish the law, instead of dying for our sins, for breaking the perfect, holy, just, good, spiritual law of God.

Go ahead and spin, provide another one of your demonic, made up, intoxicated, irrational, "responses."

And, since you are a sinner, by your own words, you are under the law, per your own 1 Timothy 1:9 KJV "argument."


New member
No, you are to answer NOW, Pate:

Again-POPE Pate: tell all of TOL, just how you can consider yourself a sinner, meaning you sin, if there is no law, since, according to you, it was abolished, to define what sin is.

What law did you break, that created a sin/transgression on your part? How could that be-you say that there is no law, so there can be no sin/transgression? That is your entire satanic argument as to why "Jesus" had to abolish the law, instead of dying for our sins, for breaking the perfect, holy, just, good, spiritual law of God.

Go ahead and spin, provide another one of your demonic, made up, intoxicated, irrational, "responses."

And, since you are a sinner, by your own words, you are under the law, per your own 1 Timothy 1:9 KJV "argument."


Poor bob even denies that already in acts 15 the disciples with the Holy Spirit determined that 4 things were expected of new gentile converts immediately to merely assemble with the Jews in their synagogues every Sabbath to hear Moses read to them...

The very same things required in the OT of the Gentiles to live amongst in that alone the disciples PROVE the OT was NOT abolished...

Sadly bob merely parrots what most of Christendom teaches...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Poor bob even denies that already in acts 15 the disciples with the Holy Spirit determined that 4 things were expected of new gentile converts immediately to merely assemble with the Jews in their synagogues every Sabbath to hear Moses read to them...

The very same things required in the OT of the Gentiles to live amongst in that alone the disciples PROVE the OT was NOT abolished...

He, and others, have been shown, countless times, with chapter, and verse, that the law was observed by Spirit filled/led saints, including the 12, Paul......................"post cross."

He is a deceiver.

Robert Pate

Well-known member

Poor bob even denies that already in acts 15 the disciples with the Holy Spirit determined that 4 things were expected of new gentile converts immediately to merely assemble with the Jews in their synagogues every Sabbath to hear Moses read to them...

The very same things required in the OT of the Gentiles to live amongst in that alone the disciples PROVE the OT was NOT abolished...

I doubt very much whether you and John W. will understand this.

To live according to laws and rules will produce wrath.

"Because the law works wrath: for where there is no law, there is no transgression" Romans 4:15.

The law will not make you a better Christian, if anything it will make you a terrible Christian and a hypocrite. This is what Paul meant when he wrote Romans 7:9 "For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died".

The law made Paul want to sin. Why is that? Human nature does not want to be told what to do. We all want to be our own God's. This is what caused Adam to sin and causes us to sin today. This is why the law works wrath. This is why Jesus abolished the law, Ephesians 2:15.

I can tell that you and John W. are under the law by your attitude towards others, you are both full of contention and wrath. You do not have peace with yourselves, nor do you have peace with God.

A good son does not need rules, laws or instructions. He loves his father and wants to please him, not because he has to, but because he wants to. He always does those things that pleases his father out of love and respect for his father. It would be unthinkable for him to do anything that would disappoint his father. He knows what is required of him and lives accordingly. This is what is known as living by the Spirit.
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He, and others, have been shown, countless times, with chapter, and verse, that the law was observed by Spirit filled/led saints, including the 12, Paul......................"post cross."

He is a deceiver.

Wow when did it change?

You guys have been saying law keepers are worker bees and have been claiming that worker bees are not saved.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Wow when did it change?

You guys have been saying law keepers are worker bees and have been claiming that worker bees are not saved.

No, you missed it. I have never argued, that the law was followed/kept/observed, "post cross," as a basis for justification. My argument is based upon the faulty, made up premise, that some promulgate, such as Pate, that the holy law of God was abolished/destroyed/eliminated/done away with/made void, at the cross. Neh-the law still exists today, for the purpose for which it was given(explained by me/others, eloquently on other threads)-but not for the purpose of justification, attaining righteousness.

Good day to you sir, and may the LORD God rain lightning bolts upon you, and that stupid hat.


New member
No, you missed it. I have never argued, that the law was followed/kept/observed, "post cross," as a basis for justification. My argument is based upon the faulty, made up premise, that some promulgate, such as Pate, that the holy law of God was abolished/destroyed/eliminated/done away with/made void, at the cross. Neh-the law still exists today, for the purpose for which it was given(explained by me/others, eloquently on other threads)-but not for the purpose of justification, attaining righteousness.

Good day to you sir, and may the LORD God rain lightning bolts upon you, and that stupid hat.

Got your pm bro, but yours is full, so I was unable to respond.

Rom. 5:6-8.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Got your pm bro, but yours is full, so I was unable to respond.

Rom. 5:6-8.

Thanks, D-just cleared some email's-resent you the previous. My mistake, as I read the above as you did not intiially receive!


No, you missed it. I have never argued, that the law was followed/kept/observed, "post cross," as a basis for justification. My argument is based upon the faulty, made up premise, that some promulgate, such as Pate, that the holy law of God was abolished/destroyed/eliminated/done away with/made void, at the cross. Neh-the law still exists today, for the purpose for which it was given(explained by me/others, eloquently on other threads)-but not for the purpose of justification, attaining righteousness.

Good day to you sir, and may the LORD God rain lightning bolts upon you, and that stupid hat.

You have been calling us who say being faithful to Jesus is requirement for salvation as wolves.

How about it [MENTION=9508]Robert Pate[/MENTION]?

When did Mads change? or just John W changed?