I'm 57, overweight, unemployed and pretty much unemployable; and soon to be homeless. Yet I don't drink, don't smoke, show up on time, have a good attitude toward life and work, am very intelligent, Am honest, and work well with others.That can happen late in life as well. There is a great deal of discrimination against older people trying to get work in favor of younger folks. An illegal alien is often hired before someone in their 50's, 60's or 70's.
Don't I know it!
I agree with this, but faith in God without faith in our fellow humans is a faith that's impotent.TMPOV it always boils down to the parents and faith in God.
Obama's foot is not on the neck of small business, that's the feet of those whores in the congress and senate that take the bribe money of the big corporate sponsored lobbyists and then do whatever they're told. It's the big conglomerates that don't want anyone else getting a break, not Obama.If Obama would get his foot off the neck of America's small businesses and penalize big companies taking their manufacturing oversees, there would be more jobs.
It turns out that Michael Brown never stole those cigars. FOX News altered the video clip so we wouldn't see him put them back on the counter, and walk away.I won't say that you're not right about this because you are. I will say though that black men and women don't have to give the wall power in their lives. They are valuable assets to our society's workforce. There are businesses out there that know this. I remember seeing an angry woman screaming that Michael Brown was going to college and was going to make something of himself. Then what in tarnation was that boy doing robbing and accosting a man? He had more to live for than that. He had a choice.