Maybe but their preterist disagreement with you just adds noise to the conversation where there is already enough noise. I do not agree with their understanding of rightly divided either but want to understand why they believe the way they do. From what I can gather the translation "rightly divided" stems from one word in greek and from what I can tell that word is used only once in the whole of scripture. They have developed a whole doctrine based on this foundation and I would like to see supporting scriptures to this foundation.
These issues are not studied from the Greek and personal impressions not guided by objectivity, both of which you violated.
I laid out how to study the issue out. And I based it on the passage and its surrounding passages. What more do you want.
You have some nerve - you obviously haven't a clue what you are talking about as to this issue, which you yourself did not even lay out in the manner you asked others to.
So what gives you the right [other than more dishonesty] to agree or disagree with anyone about this issue until you first solve for that.