No Jerry, the Bible does not say that an antichrist makes a covenant with Israel, and then builds them a temple to worship God in so they can sacrifice animals for sin atonement.
Nobody taught this nonsense until Darby invented it in the mid 1800's.
Dispensationalism is nothing more than a recent fad.
Christ Jesus made a one time sacrifice for all sin for all men for all time.
More satanism-he spams:
"Nobody taught this nonsense until Darby invented it in the mid 1800's.Dispensationalism is nothing more than a recent fad."-satanist Craigie
"That's not my argument.I have never said that dispensationalism was "wrong" because of how old it was. I specifically said that no one taught about Christ coming back twice before Darby did."--habitual liar Wimpy Tet.
You satanic weasel....caught, in lie, after lie...........
Did you say this, weasel?:
"Not to mention, Darby followers deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough. They claim people in the future will have to sacrifice animals for sin atonement."-Craigie Tet.
He won't reply. Spineless, lying snake.
You satanic accuser, of the members of the boc. We smell your sulfur.