Return to Oneness


Eclectic Theosophist
what there is to realize......

what there is to realize......

What you don't realize is that I recognize, comprehend, and understand everything you write, quote, or link. It's not a deficiency of information or insight that causes me to expose your false mystical occultism. It's not fear or ignorance or another delusion that provokes a response from me.

I know all of this, and I know the truth. They aren't the same, and they aren't even compatible.

Remember,...Reality is that which is. It is wordless and timeless, omnipresent. The sharings from a non-dual and universal perspective from many points of view, are just that...pointing to the Truth that is. There is no presumption here or concept being pre-supposed, neither a 'denomination' assumed, since 'reality' is prior to and beyond such, ...yet includes all points of view. In this case I take the view of 'Advaita Vedanta' (non-duality),...the direct-path approach to Self-realization, because recognizing the 'Self' which is the essence of pure all there is to realize, while all 'else' are only perceptions, observations and concepts entertained by mind. The Self-luminous being that is....shines of its own nature, 'light'. I am that. 'That' is all there is.

It's the abomination of desolation... IN YOU.

That term can be variously 'interpreted' ;)

Your heart is the problem. That which is in your heart as God is NOT God, yet you're worshipping it as God.

If I would deny the reality of 'God' in my own 'being', I would deny truth altogether....since my own 'being' could not be apart from 'God'. On another level, we recognize 'God' as the Heart itself, the epi-center.

There is no dualism.

There is duality and plurality in the realm of creation, where space and time inflect the full spectrum and possibilities of relative and conditional perceptions. The realm of the 'non-dual' is that universal God-Presence that is not 'two', but allows the perception of duality and all the variations of creation to arise in the play of consciousness.

There is only truth.

Indeed, 'God'(Consciousness) is all there is.

All of this is YOUR false perception, and all the other deluded minions of your NON-faith. If only your heart would have heard the Rhema.

More concepts :) Any 'faith' I have is from the Spirit, since grace and faith still avail themselves. The pure in heart see 'God', so that purity of heart and clarity of vision is all that is essential. That is all.

From your terminology, whether one hears a 'rhema' word....or some extension of the 'logos' word,....what really matters is that one recognizes (re-acquaints) himself with truth, which a pure heart affords because that vision is unstained by the ego, sees the true light of its own being. That 'being' is 'God',...but 'God' is still more than that, since 'God' is infinite.

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New member
What you don't realize is that I recognize, comprehend, and understand everything you write, quote, or link. It's not a deficiency of information or insight that causes me to expose your false mystical occultism. It's not fear or ignorance or another delusion that provokes a response from me.

I think perhaps you don't quite understand syncretism and how freelight employs it. After reading through the last couple pages, I have to say I don't think you are properly inferring what freelight means at all. You are pulling from your own knowledge banks and ascribing that material to freelight's words. Regardless, I don't mean to be rude but it just strikes me that you are overreacting, with the anti-christ accusations, especially.


Eclectic Theosophist
we can 'add' more too.........

we can 'add' more too.........


I'll add this, as well... Your distillation of various/many schools regarding all this DOES give a very clear view of the counterfeit; possibly the clearest I've encountered.

Since 'God' is the ever-present One, the recognition of 'that' does not allow for a so called 'counterfiet' of anything, except recognizing that the 'mind' is subject to the illusions of space-time perception in its so called 'human-experience'. Returning to the central reality which is at the heart of all that most logical, since it is fundamental. It is in that primal awareness where consciousness and all its contents arise. This 'light' is where all begins and ends....and yet if we define that 'light' as 'God', has all the qualities and attributes of it is eternal, infinite, immutable, indivisible, absolute. - everything else is 'relative'.

This is why I recommend drawing from truths found in 'non-duality' from the great teachers in the Advaita Vedanta tradition such as Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj....for starters :) - from this lineage we learn the great insights of the Vedic tradition. All points back to the eternal 'Self', where the 'atman' (individual soul) and 'Brahman' (Supreme Being) are one and the same, since in essence they are not different from one another, since there is in reality, only that 'Self' existing although in the various reflections of manifold creation which are like fragmented mirrors which the omnipresent One sees himself, as a play of illusion (maya). But to dive into this one must inspect his own condition in life, and experience Self-realization for himself. One is already that 'light' but is unaware of it, due to the illusions of the mind(ego) and its distortions/mis-identifications. However the 'Self'(atman/Brahman) is already 'illumined' being the Light itself, untainted and unstained by the mind's conditioning.

It's actually very helpful because it's so integrated. I've been able to glean several nuggets to focus upon in the coallescence of it all, as it shows me more clearly where the spirit of antichrist is "herding" all this.

These teachings have nothing to do with your concept of an 'anti-christ' which are religious pre-imagery and projections.

I'm pleasantly surprised. You're one of the best sources for info to teach and preach against all this drivel by contrast to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You provide a concise apophatic to warn others against while teaching the cataphatic truth of scripture.

Well that's a mouthful, but good to know I'm a valuable source for seekers looking for a multi-dimensional approach. I've been that for some time.......

In other words, "don't step HERE in this pile" while pursuing truth. What an invaluable resource you are for exposing the lie while proclaiming the truth.

It would be akin to the analogy of first panning for gold, sifting thru the gravel and sand to find the nuggets of truth. Gold is a wonderful symbol of divinity (aum) :)

If only you'd heard THE Rhema instead of other rhemas.

Back to that concept of 'rhema',...hard one to let go of eh?

The 'word' or 'om'(a-u-m) of 'God' is ever-present within Creation itself, that light and sound-current that sustains all worlds. One universal OM sustains all, here, now and forever. 'Om' is 'God' :)


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New member
Hello freelight!

I find the concept of Oneness to be rather compelling. It seems like at its core there is a drive towards self-realization. Perhaps the self is scary to some folks and it's easier to "follow" instead of becoming fully realized in their own skin.

To my eyes, I agree with a lot of what you say. There is only what is and each individual has a unique pov and perspective from within the machine. Our "bodies" are our point of reference throughout our journey of gaining knowledge.

I recall being in my late teens and early 20s and my idea of myself was rather limited and more defined by my surroundings and cultural influence. The interesting thing about that is you often tend to develop tunnel vision. You think people are all similar to you. Once you break that however, and gain some experiential knowledge, it's amazing how you go from being a member of the "herd" to becoming a free spirit. Being in tune with mind and body is a great experience but becoming at peace with your surroundings and the world at large pays big dividends.

The sunlight is never brighter than it is the moment you really feel it course through you.
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Eclectic Theosophist
I Am

I Am

Great statement, freelight...

This is what the Christian theologian Paul Tillich was indicating in the book "The Courage To Be" by the expression, "God behind God". THAT which is prior to consciousness and the manifestations of consciousness. Although words and therefore concepts can only point to the Absolute, (The Parabrahman, the Supreme State...all titles are inadequate), there is perhaps a parallel in the experience of the body-mind. The one and only constant fundamental in the experience of the body-mind is the sense of presence, the wordless "I am". Without consciousness and the forms that manifest therein the Awareness prevails and yet is not aware of itself. The unborn, undying, supreme awareness is the immutable eternal. Concepts such as "truth" arise only when consciousness arises within Awareness and vanish when consciousness subsides. Yet if anything is indicated by the concept of "absolute truth" it must be that primal fundamental awareness without which there could be no consciousness and therefore no, "I am" God, no creation.


I might add that the fundamental teaching of the great sage 'Nisargadatta Maharaj' reveals this expressly. All can access truth for themselves, since truth is....what actualy is.

All begins and ends in the 'consciousness-sphere' of the 'I Am'...since only in that "I" of consciousness the world and all its contents appear (the entire play of relations, conditions, karma, body-mind, etc.)

Nisargadatta teaches us to center our attention in the 'I Am',...for that is the sole gate-way to 'God'(reality). But like all teachings, one must research and apply the discipline of self-inquiry to themselves, to realize what exists to be realized.

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Eclectic Theosophist

Hello freelight!

I find the concept of Oneness to be rather compelling. It seems like at its core there is a drive towards self-realization. Perhaps the self is scary to some folks and it's easier to "follow" instead of becoming fully realized in their own skin.

To my eyes, I agree with a lot of what you say. There is only what is and each individual has a unique pov and perspective from within the machine. Our "bodies" are our point of reference throughout our journey of gaining knowledge.

I recall being in my late teens and early 20s and my idea of myself was rather limited and more defined by my surroundings and cultural influence. The interesting thing about that is you often tend to develop tunnel vision. You think people are all similar to you. Once you break that however, and gain some experiential knowledge, it's amazing how you go from being a member of the "herd" to becoming a free spirit. Being in tune with mind and body is a great experience but becoming at peace with your surroundings and the world at large pays big dividends.

The sunlight is never brighter than it is the moment you really feel it course through you.




Hi freelight,

The audacity of being compared to the words of the antichrist floor me. It's not even close. But I'll not go into that here but instead on my own site, which I think is best. I know who the antichrist is and it certainly is not nearly you!!

God Bless You and Yours freelight,



Eclectic Theosophist
The Creation (the totality of all spirit-energy-consciousness)

The Creation (the totality of all spirit-energy-consciousness)

Like this excerpt...

11. The human can create wondrous worlds in a dream in the same way that Creation consciously creates the worlds.

12. To the human, this capability arises from his consciousness, which is available in existence within himself in the same way that all wonders are available within himself.

13. He himself is the realm of heaven, the realm of the Creational.

LOL. No Creator. Only "Creation" and "the Creational", all with and as man's consciousness.

Man as god. Man as the realm of heaven. Man, man, man. All man.

First of all, its important for readers here to read the entirety of the 'spiritual teachings' in context from this knowledge-source which consists of 271 verses (here) to properly understand the term 'creation' within the context of the laws and principles which rule creation, comprehending what 'The Creation' is as that living energetic evolutional Spirit-Being which is omnipresent, being the source of all, the essence of all life and consciousness.

The term 'creational' therefore refers to 'creation', or 'The Creation'(the totality of infinite potential, spirit-energy). A fragment of this 'spirit-energy-consciousness' lives in man, which would be in our traditional terms, the spirit of 'God', this 'spirit' being 'creational' in nature, because it is of 'God' (the eternal creative spirit).

In other places in the 'Billy Meier' material (given from Plejaren/Pleiadian sources)...the human 'spirit' is that inner organ that communicates with the Universal Spirit since it is a part and parcel of the same Spirit. Therefore a human becoming acquainted with his 'spirit' or 'spiritual nature' is merging or becoming one with Creation. One must understand what Creation this context. This 'comprehension' is essential.

What is creation?

I'm reading through all your sources. They're a gold mine for contrasting all those lies to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wonderful,..since there are many schools, sources, traditions and teachers I draw from and study, in the context of the perennial wisdom and golden thread of truth which runs thru all. Remember,...'God' is omnipresent, all-pervading, immanent and transcendent, infinite, all-encompassing. This 'God-presence' includes 'personality' and is also 'impersonal' or 'transpersonal' depending on what dimensions, facets and characterists one is inter-facing or relating to.

I might also add that these teachings and universal wisdom in general do not necessarily contrast or oppose the 'goodnews' of the kingdom (realm of God-consciousness) that Jesus taught, lived and demonstrated, since he calls us to also recognize our oneness with God as a spiritual family.

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Dear freelight,

Hey pj, I understand and agree with all you say in this last post, and find it intriguing and interesting. It is the extrapolation behind the scenes of the Creation, and our place in it. Thanks for not leaving Jesus without.

God's Blessings Upon You,


John Mortimer

New member

I might add that the fundamental teaching of the great sage 'Nisargadatta Maharaj' reveals this expressly. All can access truth for themselves, since truth is....what actualy is.
Yes, indeed! And for me, Nisargadatta represents the unequivocal end of my own spiritual seeking insofar as objective things are concerned, such as writings and teachings. Discerning what actually is from what merely appears is an exclusively subjective task if one is serious about it. But as you indicate, no-one can be disqualified from the attempt.
All begins and ends in the 'consciousness-sphere' of the 'I Am'...since only in that "I" of consciousness the world and all its contents appear (the entire play of relations, conditions, karma, body-mind, etc.)
...and if this is truly absorbed there can be no further mis-identification with the body and the individual mind that spontaneously springs from such an apparently individual form.
Nisargadatta teaches us to center our attention in the 'I Am',...for that is the sole gate-way to 'God'(reality). But like all teachings, one must research and apply the discipline of self-inquiry to themselves, to realize what exists to be realized.
Certainly there can be no question of attaining a realization of the Self...for who would be the one attaining it? The best we can do in self-inquiry is to negate. When all is genuinely negated the negator must also disappear. Then, beyond affirmation and negation, prior to any concept, the One is. All such words can merely serve as pointers of course.



Eclectic Theosophist


Dear freelight,

Hey pj, I understand and agree with all you say in this last post, and find it intriguing and interesting. It is the extrapolation behind the scenes of the Creation, and our place in it. Thanks for not leaving Jesus without.

God's Blessings Upon You,


Superlative,....all is a matter of understanding, intuiting and comprehending the subject at hand. From the higher ET perspective shared previously....'The Creation' is the totality of all life and consciousness in the grand universe (as 'infinite creation') so it naturally includes the concept of a 'Creator' since a 'creative intelligence' and 'Spirit-energy' is at the heart of all. 'God' can be 'personalized' yet also has 'non-personal' aspects, so 'The Creation' includes all concepts or personality-constructs (every complex-ity and form) as well as transcends all forms or personality-constructs. This is the beauty and wonder of the 'creation/creator'. All is a matter of point of view and from what perspective we are looking out from or relating to.

An open and receptive reading of the 'spiritual teachings' section (Meier material) in this context inspires one to recognize his own 'spirit', that inner conscious light which is already one with the Infinite Spirit, so one's contact and communion with their own 'spirit' is communion with 'God'. - "the Spirit bears witness with our spirit, that we are children of God". - it is this spiritual consciousness that is life and peace (from which all true values, life, immortality, harmony and abundance flow). Naturally, one communions with 'God' with-in the 'spirit' of 'God', and where is that spirit of God? that's the key.

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Well-known member
Wow, Zeke. I just had to bump this old thread after reading your slam-dunk assessment from a true awareness of the spirit of antichrist and his ancient plan coming to fruition in utter deception.

Reps coming. Keep exposing the lies of the enemy. Some of us are fighting the good fight with you to expose every vestige of Kabbalah, Kundalini, Tikkun, and all the rest.

Be encouraged. You are appreciated, and you're not alone amidst the vortex of mystical drivel overtaking man's vulnerable arrogance of ignorance.

Thanks for the kudos but I no longer prescribe to this strict and narrow outlook, the propaganda has some truth in it, that being the real truth is kept hidden from the exoteric taught masses!

The Jesus story is valid in the sense it tales of spiritual truth, but this truth wasn't birthed 2000 years ago, it has lived in every human "being" and awaits to be awakened from the matrix.

The need to judge others fades away with the fear, that is instilled by strict and exclusive religious dogma.

The kingdom is within not through another, we are the children of light that has no jew or gentile, male or female, we are all part of the same lump, etc............

Grace, Zeke.


TOL Subscriber
Thanks for the kudos but I no longer prescribe to this strict and narrow outlook, the propaganda has some truth in it, that being the real truth is kept hidden from the exoteric taught masses!

The Jesus story is valid in the sense it tales of spiritual truth, but this truth wasn't birthed 2000 years ago, it has lived in every human "being" and awaits to be awakened from the matrix.

The need to judge others fades away with the fear, that is instilled by strict and exclusive religious dogma.

The kingdom is within not through another, we are the children of light that has no jew or gentile, male or female, we are all part of the same lump, etc............

Grace, Zeke.

Okay. :noid:


Dear Pneuma,

freelight is not taking away from the Oneness of God and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Read a bit more carefully. Also he does lean towards belief in Hindu, but we all have our own religious beliefs. He's certainly not the antichrist. We'll take that up at another time and place.



TOL Subscriber
Dear Pneuma,

freelight is not taking away from the Oneness of God and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Read a bit more carefully. Also he does lean towards belief in Hindu, but we all have our own religious beliefs. He's certainly not the antichrist. We'll take that up at another time and place.


freelight is the most thoroughly decieved person I've ever encountered. A perfect indoctrinate into the esoteric disciplines of untruth masquerading as total truth. Slimiest semantics ever. An all-encompassing fascade of complete delusion and perceptionless perception.

Yes, it's Hinduism, Kabbalah, and much more amalgamated into "A" ONE that isn't "THE" ONE. Absolutely the spirit of antichrist. "White magic". Divination. Sorcery.

It's not even a "near" miss. It's the antithesis of all truth. An accumulation of all the schools of human depravity projected as divinity and universality of the metaphysical.


Eclectic Theosophist
discerning what is 'real' and 'unreal'........

discerning what is 'real' and 'unreal'........

PPS continues to critique 'spiritual teachings' (the Meier material)

And this...

49. It is a sign of human weakness when religions and their false teachings are presented as an instrument of the Creational and wisdom thereby becomes unreal.


...conveniently impugning ALL religions, while avoiding the fact that this amalgamation of silly beliefs IS a religion, and it/they make/s itself/themselves AND its/their alleged wisdom unreal by presenting an instrument of the Creational.

It's all self-refuting nonsense. Hilarious, but serious. It's where all the delusion is going, for sure.

These are an organized system of beliefs relative to the metaphysical and that are important to a person or group, etc.. Such an organized system of beliefs is a religion. You've joined, founded, expounded, delineated, etc. a religion.

If we take the above verse in 'context', it is simply saying that by there are religious teachings and dogmas that do not consider or recognize 'Creation' and its universal laws, thereby making wisdom 'unreal' (meaning they would be ignorant of such existing, not recognizing such, instead having misconceptions and images of 'God' and associated mythology).

These teachings are principles and concepts consonant with Creation, and not a creed or collection of dogmas,...they are self-evident, practical and in accord with the universal laws of existence inherent in Creation itself. FIGU does not present itself as a 'religion' neither does it seek to proselyte anyone, since the teachings are available to any who are interested in them, expressing a desire to learn more. All is open and subject to research, investigation, logic, reason, science, etc.

I've initially shared from this resource because it resonates with my own concepts of 'Creation' and 'Evolution' as shared earlier from a metaphysical perspective, but may not agree with all aspects of the organization touching on more controversial subjects or particulars. This is just one collection from many alleged ET sources expounding on the subject.

Our teachings of the truth are not directed toward destroying religions and sects or some other faith of people, and so we live by the rule of tolerance and refrain from proselytizing. Therefore, never would we approach religion or sect members to convert them to our teachings. Our motto is that everyone must be allowed to believe what he or she wants to in religion or knowledge matters. So, if someone trusts in a god or a guardian angel and the like, we do not attempt to change the person's opinions about his/her belief system. We only mediate when people approach us to inquire about our teachings and the knowledge we possess. Only in this way will we impart information.

- Interview with Billy Meier, 2

PPS continues -

The Dialectic. A consensus of men as designated absolute authority.

No 'absolute authority' is claimed, but holding to Creation and its laws. While universal laws/principles are unchanging in nature and essence, man's comprehension and appropriation of them continue to expand with his own evolution, since 'revelation' is progressive in a space-time continuum.

Below is the passage context surrounding vs. 49, whose primary subject is wisdom itself, which is of the Infinite Spirit, and available to the spiritual consciousness of man. Wisdom is the principle thing, being an eternal aspect of Creation. This teaching is non-theistic since it does not subscribe to a 'Creator-Deity' and the usual assumptions that come with a 'personal god'. Again,...'The Creation' is the totality of all that exists, and it has within it all the potentials of infinity, hence it is evolutional in nature since creation includes all possibilities of life and consciousness in the unfolding of space-time.

38. Wisdom is a characteristic of the existence of the spirit and the consciousness, and it bears within itself the qualities of happiness, truth, knowledge, balance, beauty, harmony and peace.

39. Wisdom is light.

40. Wisdom is also the characteristic of a human who has recognized the existence of his spirit and works with it in accord with Creation's laws.

41. Wisdom is using the spirit's power.

42. Wisdom and spirit are two things that make one, like sunlight and the sun are two things.

43. The sunlight first results from the heat of the sun, which has to first generate it through its processes.

44. So it is also for an all-creating existence in the universe that, on the strength of its forces, creates forces that, following definite Creational laws, constantly and imperturbably follow and enliven the endless eons as truth, knowledge and wisdom, according to a given uniform guideline.

45. This powerful existence, however, is Creation.

46. And there is, therefore, only one existence that rules throughout the universe - only one Creation, only one truth, one knowledge and one wisdom - which is unidirectional and unchanging for eternity.

47. The eternal truth is subject to no variations and no changes, and its laws must never be revised and adjusted to a new time.

48. The spirit's power is vital and dynamic, namely, to the extent that it embodies wisdom within itself.

49. It is a sign of human weakness when religions and their false teachings are presented as an instrument of the Creational and wisdom thereby becomes unreal.

50. The human searches somewhere for power, freedom, joy and light, but not where they are really found.

51. Wisdom is a distinguishing feature of Creation, which, as a fragment, as spirit, dwells within the human.

52. Therefore, may the human increase his knowledgeable wisdom, and he will recognize Creation.

Therefore in this light,...we see that the way of truth or true principles can be 'unreal' to some, meaning they are not fully cognizant of such in a greater context of comprehension of universe realities. From this teaching-perspective (Plejaren/Pleiadian)...all that is essential is for man to recognize 'Creation' and its universal laws, applying them to his own life, individually and collectively to ensure his own happiness, well-being, evolution and progress towards perfection. Even from a traditionally 'theistic' perspective with a personal 'Deity', the theme, application and parallels are the same, since souls only fulfill their purpose of existence by abiding by the laws of Source, and speed their evolution by living in harmony with that Source. Whether we recognize The Source of Life as 'The Creator' or 'The Creation' is still that One Universal Power and Presence and its eternal laws that govern all, notwithstanding the liberties of free will.



New member
freelight is the most thoroughly decieved person I've ever encountered. A perfect indoctrinate into the esoteric disciplines of untruth masquerading as total truth. Slimiest semantics ever. An all-encompassing fascade of complete delusion and perceptionless perception.

Yes, it's Hinduism, Kabbalah, and much more amalgamated into "A" ONE that isn't "THE" ONE. Absolutely the spirit of antichrist. "White magic". Divination. Sorcery.

It's not even a "near" miss. It's the antithesis of all truth. An accumulation of all the schools of human depravity projected as divinity and universality of the metaphysical.

Threatened by his wisdom, much?


Well-known member

These teachings are principles and concepts consonant with Creation, and not a creed or collection of dogmas,...they are self-evident, practical and in accord with the universal laws of existence inherent in Creation itself.

Short but concise, and a short lesson in liberating one to the fear based thinking of dogmas, they have nothing to offer the searcher except barriers! these create divisions that feed the collective slave markets of the mind, freedom can ring within and no where else, which translates into freedom to be them selves with those we interact with.

Gracious, Zeke.