Return to Oneness


Thanks Freelight,

You had me for a bit there with calling God "Ra", but to each his own. I like calling Him "I AM" or even Jehovah. I hope that all is very well with you today and that you are having a good time of it all. My days race by as my thoughts are upon God and His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Sure isn't like when I was a kid and time went slow and I got bored. Haven't been bored for 39 years now. The big 40 years is in March 2014. Glory be!

Until We Chat Again, God Give You Much Love,



Eclectic Theosophist
One Infinity

One Infinity

Thanks Freelight,

You had me for a bit there with calling God "Ra", but to each his own. I like calling Him "I AM" or even Jehovah.

Until We Chat Again, God Give You Much Love,


If you read carefully, one is calling God 'Ra'. Ra is the source of the communication, the entity being 'channeled' thru a human medium which gave us the 'Law of One' teachings. I've included links to the 'Law of One' material for further research. 'Ra' greatly influenced the Egytpians and therefore had a part in impressing ancient Hebrew theology with the concept of 'God' being 'One'. Moses was trained in the knowledge and arts of the Egyptians so much of our religious history and mythology, is ET influenced.

The name "I Am" is an awesome statement, which denotes the reality of one's own existence, reflecting itself as consciousness. I had a thread named "The Mighty I AM Presence"...which expounds on the many aspects and definitions of 'I Am' from many school perspectives. I may create a new thread on the 'I Am'...which is central to my view, it being divine science. (knowledge of one's own 'being' and the laws that govern the creative expression thereof).


Nothing exists outside of the "I" of consciousness.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj has a good primer on this fundamental truth here.

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TOL Subscriber
I said this:
I needn't acquiesce to your Universalistic and/or Kabbalistic silliness of antichrist that God is what you and all the channelers portend.

And I said this:
All mystics and illusionists who practice sorcery and divination and channeling are of the spirit of antichrist.

And I said this:
Keep channeling all those spirits. You WANT the delusion. It's yours.

And MichaelCadry said this:
Loving God is not channeling spirits. Maybe that's your take of it. If you ever channel anyone, channel God!!

And freelight said this:
Ra is the source of the communication, the entity being 'channeled' thru a human medium which gave us the 'Law of One' teachings.

It's all channeling.

And every esoteric source is quoted as absolute truth, as though the mere existence of views and beliefs is innately representative of truth.

I'm discussing the OP. I'm discussing Oneness. In every sense promoted in this thread and by these channelled teachings, Oneness has no existence and isn't the key to existence.

Such overarching all-prevading Syncretism isn't Oneness. It's a complete illusion for delusion. There is no objective truth in anything from any of the channelled sources.

The mind and the cosmos is not Divine, and is not the Singularity.


New member
Yes,....One continuum of 'Creation',....yet many dimensions unfolding within space.

Space and time portal here.

As shared earlier here, the Law of One material from Ra is one of the most unified comprehensive presentations on the concept of oneness (channeled thru Q&A dialogues) - We again share below -

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.

That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One


I love this. If we observe nature, of which we are undoubtedly one with, we can see the trees are there. The wind will blow. The sun rises and the rain does fall. All these things are never right nor wrong. They just are and all that exist just is. It's in there we can find our source of discipline, not only for our actions but also our souls. The more discipline we lack, the more we try to create fake identities and fight the flow of life, the more we create a negative state of mind. That's all an illusion or distortion, which takes a lot of effort to maintain, yet a center of calmness is effortless.

Great stuff :) .

I said this:

And I said this:

And I said this:

And MichaelCadry said this:

And freelight said this:

It's all channeling.

And every esoteric source is quoted as absolute truth, as though the mere existence of views and beliefs is innately representative of truth.

I'm discussing the OP. I'm discussing Oneness. In every sense promoted in this thread and by these channelled teachings, Oneness has no existence and isn't the key to existence.

Such overarching all-prevading Syncretism isn't Oneness. It's a complete illusion for delusion. There is no objective truth in anything from any of the channelled sources.

The mind and the cosmos is not Divine, and is not the Singularity.

For one thing, they didn't channel it, they shared it. Someone else "channeled" it. Secondly, you're more of an atheist than I am if you think the fountain of spiritual knowledge was exclusive to a tribe of Israelite. They didn't exist in a vacuum. Nothing freelight or Michael has posted is spiritually bankrupt.

As for oneness not being true, I challenge you to post pics of you separating your mind, soul and body so we can see how the universe exist triune and not as One entity. Maybe you can prove us wrong?

I'll be waiting.


Eclectic Theosophist
Truth is relative to 'point of view'.......

Truth is relative to 'point of view'.......

I said this:

It's all channeling.

Well,....all communication is 'channelled' so to speak. All thoughts, ideas, images, concepts are 'translated' thru the mind and spoken via 'language'(oral or written) which is further subject to 'interpretation'. All inspired or religious writings are 'channelled'....being written thru a human 'medium' or 'mediums'. ( granted the term or concept of 'channelling' has gotten a negative wrap among some fundamentalists, it is more important to assess the quality and content of the teachings themselves as to their value.)

Ra gave the teachings of 'The Law of One' thru Carla Rueckert (see 3 part video interview). The Infinite Creator is of a unified constitution or nature, - his 'Creation' is always One in as much as the Creator pervades, sustains and encompasses that creation.

And every esoteric source is quoted as absolute truth,

This is totally false and a misconception on your part.

Only The Absolute Itself is 'absolute',...all else is relative to IT. Our communications here can only be 'relative', modifications and interpretations of truth. - what we share is conditional, limited or distorted concepts of reality, while 'absolute reality' remains unchanging in its essence. Language itself dips down into the realm of distortion just to communicate...since it does so thru images, words, concepts. The 'word' is never the 'reality' itself,....they only 'describe' and 'point' to a certain subject. (in this case the "I" of consciousness).

as though the mere existence of views and beliefs is innately representative of truth.

See above. A message or teaching comes forth thru a channel which is the attempt at sharing or explaining a particular subject or truth, but that truth ('information') is more or less relative and 'limited' to the quality of the source and the ability of the medium to receive that info. accurately - however, the medium could distort and misinterpret the info. There are many factors involved with 'mediumship'. All servants of the Light strive to serve 'God' and the higher forces more purely, as a clear channel. We are reflections of that original Light.

To receive a particular stream of data, you must be tuned into the right frequency or 'channel'.

I'm discussing the OP. I'm discussing Oneness. In every sense promoted in this thread and by these channelled teachings, Oneness has no existence and isn't the key to existence.

Oneness is at the Heart of Creation, since the Creator/Creation is One. Since 'God' has Existence, or is Existence,...'God' exists. Existence itself is Self-evident. I Am (or "I Am That"). This is the fundamental truth. - all else are relative perceptions of consciousness accessing different view points in space-time.

Such overarching all-prevading Syncretism isn't Oneness. It's a complete illusion for delusion. There is no objective truth in anything from any of the channelled sources.

Since 'God' is 'One' and Creation is One....a syncretism is not needed, - it just so happens that all parts of creation and all concepts of Infinite Intelligence make up a unified whole. Reality as a non-dual realization is beyond 'objective' or 'subjective', but it is subjective in its essence, since all is perceived and recognized thru the subjectivity of mind.

The mind and the cosmos is not Divine, and is not the Singularity.

Well, relatively speaking this is correct if we divide, qualify and differentiate aspects of mind, divinity, soul, spirit, etc....comparing such to the greater cosmic infinite MIND if we are looking from a dualistic/pluralistic platform...separating 'God' from 'creation', or 'God' from 'Man', but such is a matter of 'description'.

In another communication you said I was not Infinite Consciousness, and since I've changed my slogan to simply "I AM". We can differentiate the 'infinite' from the 'finite', yet we can also hold the consciousness of man to be of the same essence of the consciousness of 'God', there being no difference or separation (as in the teaching-perspective of non-duality). In non-duality, the soul(atman) and 'God' (Brahman) are of one essence. One comes to realize that they are pure 'being' and 'consciousness'...and that is the eternal unchanging truth, no matter what changes occur in the apparent world or misperceptions the 'ego' assumes as being 'seperate'. The pure light of divinity is the unchanging reality, as pure conscious light. I Am that. (see the great sages such as Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramana Maharshi as shared earlier).

But back to the realm of duality,....we can of course differentiate between 'God' and creation' or 'God' and individual souls...which would be seen as being 'parts and parcels' of God, or individual offsprings of Deity,....distinct from God as being 'finite' and limited in their individuality, yet non-separate from God as their life-source and eternal sustainer. Hinduism has schools that cover the entire spectrum from the pure non-dual (Advaita) schools to the dualist (Dvaita) schools, one can take any view that resonates with their own religious experience or philosophical preference.

What is, at this very moment and every moment is Reality Itself. This reality is One, and is non-separate from the whole of existence. How we perceive, contextualize and describe this and other points of view will vary depending on our 'locus' of consciousness and filters of interpretation. The clarity however of Awareness itself, free of any filters, concepts, pre-conceptions or inherently FREE. It is just pure light.

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Eclectic Theosophist
Existence is its own authenticy.......

Existence is its own authenticy.......

"For in Him we live and move and have our being" Paul

If we but reflect upon what this means or infers, our very life and being is of 'God' alone, since there is no life, energy or consciousness separate from 'God'.

The ‘I am’ is the only God to be pleased. Whatever you presently know about God is only bargaining. Your very existence or beingness is the proof that God exists. If I am not, God is not. God’s existence is due to the consciousness, the ‘I am’, please it and it will lead you to its source.

-Nisargadatta Maharaj



Dear freelight,

You should share post no. 205 with many others. It will help them understand you so much more easily!!

Much Love and God's Blessings,



TOL Subscriber
For one thing, they didn't channel it, they shared it. Someone else "channeled" it.

Same-same. It was "channeled". Sorcery.

Secondly, you're more of an atheist than I am if you think the fountain of spiritual knowledge was exclusive to a tribe of Israelite.

I don't. Occultic perversions were prevalent long before the beginning of the unfolding of Judaism, and on into Christianity.

They didn't exist in a vacuum.

I said nothing of hoovers.

Nothing freelight or Michael has posted is spiritually bankrupt.

Everything they've posted is spiritually bankrupt. It's all soulish.

As for oneness not being true, I challenge you to post pics of you separating your mind, soul and body

First, the mind is a soul faculty; and man is body, soul, spirit.

so we can see how the universe exist triune and not as One entity.

Man's constitution is trichotomous/tripartite, not triune. And the universe has nothing to do with the constitution of man, and vice versa.

Maybe you can prove us wrong?

I'll be waiting.

The sharp, powerful, two-edged Logos is that which pierces to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, joints (body) and marrow (soul). The soul and spirit are incorporeal and cannot be seen.

There's nothing to prove wrong. Everything is bare assertion. You've compared man's constitution to the universe and declared they're synonymous. LOL.

No need to wait. You haven't proven yourself right. This whole thread and all others like it are filled with declarations, assertions, contentions, affirmations, statements, and designations that have no support whatsoever.

It's all pure abstract fallacious esotericism by declaration. The mumbo-jumbo double-speak to encompass all views is inane. Man does not retain, reclaim, attain, or maintain Divinity in any manner. Man is not the I AM.


Nothing freelight or Michael has posted is spiritually bankrupt.

Dear PPS,

You are right. Nothing pj or me posted is spiritually bankrupt. It is instead spiritually a fountain of wonder. Thanks for your backing.

In God's Love,



TOL Subscriber
Nothing freelight or Michael has posted is spiritually bankrupt.

Dear PPS,

You are right. Nothing pj or me posted is spiritually bankrupt. It is instead spiritually a fountain of wonder. Thanks for your backing.

In God's Love,


Read it again. You don't have any backing from me for the untruth you proclaim as truth. I quoted one of your compadre Atheists and indicated the opposite.

It's a soulish mountain of blunder, not a spiritual fountain of wonder.

In God's Love,

John Mortimer

New member
If we but reflect upon what this means or infers, our very life and being is of 'God' alone, since there is no life, energy or consciousness separate from 'God'.


...and if we go a little deeper here we see that "being" is one.

"For in Him we live and move and have our being".

So "we" the innumerable centers of consciousness in the relative manifestation of the "I AM", live (our various stories) and move (in our various ways) and have our being - ONE being. You know that you are and that is your being-ness. I know that I am and that is my being-ness. Yet, my being-ness is absolutely identical to your being-ness and that of anyone reading this. Being is one. Undeniably.


Eclectic Theosophist
Eternal Love..........

Eternal Love..........

In God's Love,


Yes, 'God' is Love. Love fulfills itself in the realization of Oneness, where individual expressions of 'God' see that every 'other' is but a manifestation of one universal indivisible Self (Brahman/atman). Herein the law of love is fulfilled because one loves the total collective creation and centering 'being' and 'consciousness' that every one really is (that being their true 'nature', their 'beingness'). "Love thy neighbor as thyself",....because they are non-different from you in essence, there being only that one eternal presence of enduring value, which is unchanging but includes change in the creative play of consciousness.

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Dear freelight,

Great Post 211. God is Love and Love is God! Will chat with you soon. To My Good Friend!!!


Dear PPS,

Nothing (freelight or Michael has posted) is spiritually bankrupt.

I was just trying to show you that what you said was evidently a mistake on your part. Nothing is spiritually bankrupt re: Michael and freelight.

God Bless You and Yours,


New member
This whole thread and all others like it are filled with declarations, assertions, contentions, affirmations, statements, and designations that have no support whatsoever.

It's all pure abstract fallacious esotericism by declaration. The mumbo-jumbo double-speak to encompass all views is inane. Man does not retain, reclaim, attain, or maintain Divinity in any manner. Man is not the I AM.

This is well-said. Freelight & Co. are in some ways quarantined and ignored by the majority of TOLers, but this sort of clear response is necessary from time to time, hard as it is for some to hear.

The declarations made in threads like these certainly do not have any support. To try to compare them with principled systematic thinking of any kind--be it philosophy, theology, hard science, etc.--would be a great mistake. Beyond that, they don't even rise to the coherence of more esoteric religion like orthodox Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Mystical Islam, or anything else of the like. It's really just a mockery of every world religion and serious system of thought all at once. I could literally program a computer to spew out a mish-mash of juxtaposed ideas and words indistinguishable from those that fill threads like these, silly New-Age bookstores, and ultimately garage-sale tables and landfills.

If you are buying these contentless books today, there is a 100% chance that they will be in your garage sale or your garbage 5-10 years from now. You don't have to believe me, you just have to wait a few years.

The obsession in question is simply another form of idolatry; excessively politically correct idolatry, but idolatry nonetheless. It is a more subtle form of egoism. I myself prefer the more direct egoism of the overzealous scientist or investor, since they actually have a chance at producing something worthwhile.


TOL Subscriber
This is well-said. Freelight & Co. are in some ways quarantined and ignored by the majority of TOLers, but this sort of clear response is necessary from time to time, hard as it is for some to hear.

The declarations made in threads like these certainly do not have any support. To try to compare them with principled systematic thinking of any kind--be it philosophy, theology, hard science, etc.--would be a great mistake. Beyond that, they don't even rise to the coherence of more esoteric religion like orthodox Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Mystical Islam, or anything else of the like. It's really just a mockery of every world religion and serious system of thought all at once. I could literally program a computer to spew out a mish-mash of juxtaposed ideas and words indistinguishable from those that fill threads like these, silly New-Age bookstores, and ultimately garage-sale tables and landfills.

If you are buying these contentless books today, there is a 100% chance that they will be in your garage sale or your garbage 5-10 years from now. You don't have to believe me, you just have to wait a few years.

The obsession in question is simply another form of idolatry; excessively politically correct idolatry, but idolatry nonetheless. It is a more subtle form of egoism. I myself prefer the more direct egoism of the overzealous scientist or investor, since they actually have a chance at producing something worthwhile.


It's all Non-Absolutist, Ultra-Tolerant, Syncretistic Communitarianism as an inane amalgamated confluence of false esoteric Occultism.

It's the cheap B-movie of belief systems. Integrated nothingness as purported somethingness, with man as God.


Well-known member
This is well-said. Freelight & Co. are in some ways quarantined and ignored by the majority of TOLers, but this sort of clear response is necessary from time to time, hard as it is for some to hear.

The declarations made in threads like these certainly do not have any support. To try to compare them with principled systematic thinking of any kind--be it philosophy, theology, hard science, etc.--would be a great mistake. Beyond that, they don't even rise to the coherence of more esoteric religion like orthodox Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Mystical Islam, or anything else of the like. It's really just a mockery of every world religion and serious system of thought all at once. I could literally program a computer to spew out a mish-mash of juxtaposed ideas and words indistinguishable from those that fill threads like these, silly New-Age bookstores, and ultimately garage-sale tables and landfills.

If you are buying these contentless books today, there is a 100% chance that they will be in your garage sale or your garbage 5-10 years from now. You don't have to believe me, you just have to wait a few years.

The obsession in question is simply another form of idolatry; excessively politically correct idolatry, but idolatry nonetheless. It is a more subtle form of egoism. I myself prefer the more direct egoism of the overzealous scientist or investor, since they actually have a chance at producing something worthwhile.

This is funny, Catholics have their mystic strain as well which mimic much of the same type of teaching, plus the majority you speak of is also questionable concerning freelight, the Catholics along with their Jesuits historical record of the treatment of the native peoples of this planet is shameful to say the least so look in the mirror.

John Mortimer

New member
Yes, 'God' is Love. Love fulfills itself in the realization of Oneness, where individual expressions of 'God' see that every 'other' is but a manifestation of one universal indivisible Self (Brahman/atman).
Yes, this is important because there is a great deal of confusion as to what love actually is. Love is the unconditional desire to BE. When exclusive identification with a particular body-mind happens love is colored by that mistaken identification. The flip side of desire is fear and so inevitably the death of the body is greatly feared by those who have colored love by such mis-identification.

The deeper meaning of Jesus' teaching that you should do unto as others as you would have them do unto you is that, in fact, what you do to others you ARE doing to yourself. Even statements such as, "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brothers, ye have done it unto me" indicate quite clearly that Jesus was a Self-realized One. The "King" here IS that One being.

...there being only that one eternal presence of enduring value, which is unchanging but includes change in the creative play of consciousness.
Well, I would say the Immutable Eternal is aware of change in the creative play of consciousness. (It could even be said that change is the very nature of consciousness). I think I understand what you mean by the word, "includes", because consciousness can only appear because of the Immutable Eternal and so the concept of the I AM arising within the Parabrahman is an auspicious one.


Eclectic Theosophist
Advaita (non-duality)

Advaita (non-duality)

Yes, this is important because there is a great deal of confusion as to what love actually is. Love is the unconditional desire to BE. When exclusive identification with a particular body-mind happens love is colored by that mistaken identification. The flip side of desire is fear and so inevitably the death of the body is greatly feared by those who have colored love by such mis-identification.

The deeper meaning of Jesus' teaching that you should do unto as others as you would have them do unto you is that, in fact, what you do to others you ARE doing to yourself. Even statements such as, "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brothers, ye have done it unto me" indicate quite clearly that Jesus was a Self-realized One. The "King" here IS that One being.


In Love there is no separation, difference or the realization that all is one (not two). This is the non-dual realization. 'Otherness' does appear in the realm of duality, where difference, distinctions, specialness and individuality arise, but these are all ultimately submerged into the primal Oneness from which they spring, that prior reality that is indivisible in nature.

Creation itself springs from the Heart of Love to experience the integration of two (or the many) becoming one, as in the principle of marriage and the dual poles/polarities of masculine/feminine co-operating in synergy to procreate, begetting new generations, adaptations and evolutions. Trinity-assocations are also part of the creative cosmic play (all multiples). All is 'God'(spirit, light, energy, consciousness) in play, for it is The One enfolding and outfolding Its own SELF. There is no 'other', but only in the appearance of 'otherness' in creation.

Well, I would say the Immutable Eternal is aware of change in the creative play of consciousness. (It could even be said that change is the very nature of consciousness). I think I understand what you mean by the word, "includes", because consciousness can only appear because of the Immutable Eternal and so the concept of the I AM arising within the Parabrahman is an auspicious one.

Yes, I meant that.....meaning the unchanging includes all movements of change, creation, evolution which arise in the play of space-time. All comings and going arise in Awareness, which itself never changes but is the eternal Witness. I agree that consciousness by nature features within it the ever-changing movements of space, energy, light, matter, all the elements. The beautiful mystery is recognizing the non-dual One co-existing amidst the moving images of creational experience and inter-actions of the mind (the realm of duality and its associations).

No worries,....a new thread on Advaita (non-duality)....or on some of the greater Advaita teachers/teachings is forthcoming, but teasers and tidbits of 'illumination' will be sprinkled here thru-out.

Truth is like a razors edge with cuts thru all the clutter of the mind, and presents itself as Self-luminous, because it is Consciousness itself that is the inner-most nature of 'being'. I sometimes interchange the words 'consciousness' and 'awareness' for the sake of convention, but I'm sure you know the difference if the context of a statement infers such. Pure awareness is prior to consciousness and the appearance of any "I" thought, which arises as a concept when the duality of "I" and the world appears together (subject/object). Awareness itself is the base to all reality.

Om shanti,



Dear PPS,

What part of "God is Love" did you get upset about? You said 'nothing (freelight and Michael) is spiritually bankrupt.' So you are, in fact, saying that we are not spiritually bankrupt. That was the point I wanted to make to you. You just don't get it?? It's a matter of miscommunication.
