Return to Oneness


Eclectic Theosophist
Self-realization is primary....before all other information

Self-realization is primary....before all other information

This is well-said. Freelight & Co. are in some ways quarantined and ignored by the majority of TOLers, but this sort of clear response is necessary from time to time, hard as it is for some to hear.

The declarations made in threads like these certainly do not have any support. To try to compare them with principled systematic thinking of any kind--be it philosophy, theology, hard science, etc.--would be a great mistake. Beyond that, they don't even rise to the coherence of more esoteric religion like orthodox Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Mystical Islam, or anything else of the like. It's really just a mockery of every world religion and serious system of thought all at once. I could literally program a computer to spew out a mish-mash of juxtaposed ideas and words indistinguishable from those that fill threads like these, silly New-Age bookstores, and ultimately garage-sale tables and landfills.

If you are buying these contentless books today, there is a 100% chance that they will be in your garage sale or your garbage 5-10 years from now. You don't have to believe me, you just have to wait a few years.

The obsession in question is simply another form of idolatry; excessively politically correct idolatry, but idolatry nonetheless. It is a more subtle form of egoism. I myself prefer the more direct egoism of the overzealous scientist or investor, since they actually have a chance at producing something worthwhile.

Hi zippy,

Long time no dialogue. I'll take the above with a grain of salt. Now to the real meat -

Reality itself is Self-evident as the light of consciousness itself, or that light behind consciousness that makes it possible. It is what IS....forever and always, unchanging, unborn, undying, omnipresent. I am that.

While I could address each other your 'assumptions' or 'assertions' above, I'll leave you with the pure teaching of 'Advaita' and the teachers such as 'Nisargadatta Maharaj' and 'Ramana Maharshi' to inquire of, for starters. While many know I'm very eclectic in my approach in universal philosophy, science and metaphysics,...I always come back to the basics of realization of the 'Self', which is the only base, ground and center of 'reality' whereby all or anything is known. The I AM ever remains as pure light. - all begins and ends in that sphere of consciousness. However, there is a more primal awareness that is prior to it that is without beginning or end. The 'I Am' is the door or gate to 'that', which is its source.


John Mortimer

New member

In Love there is no separation, difference or the realization that all is one (not two).
Yes - and ironically :chuckle: - we have to make a distinction here between Love and love because love has an opposite, (hate), whereas there is no opposite, nor can there be any opposition to, Love. This latter point is clearly felt in the fact that none of us asked to be born.

'Otherness' does appear in the realm of duality, where difference, distinctions, specialness and individuality arise, but these are all ultimately submerged into the primal Oneness from which they spring, that prior reality that is indivisible in nature.
Quite so. And there is nothing "wrong" with duality. It is true that there can be no suffering without the duality inherent in the manifest consciousness but neither can there be pleasure or anything else we normally conceive of as "good".

Yes, I meant that.....meaning the unchanging includes all movements of change, creation, evolution which arise in the play of space-time. All comings and going arise in Awareness, which itself never changes but is the eternal Witness. I agree that consciousness by nature features within it the ever-changing movements of space, energy, light, matter, all the elements. The beautiful mystery is recognizing the non-dual One co-existing amidst the moving images of creational experience and inter-actions of the mind (the realm of duality and its associations).
The play of consciousness would not be possible without the unchanging background of the Unborn Awareness, in much the same way as a movie would not be perceivable without a blank screen.

No worries,....a new thread on Advaita (non-duality)....or on some of the greater Advaita teachers/teachings is forthcoming, but teasers and tidbits of 'illumination' will be sprinkled here thru-out.

Truth is like a razors edge with cuts thru all the clutter of the mind, and presents itself as Self-luminous, because it is Consciousness itself that is the inner-most nature of 'being'. I sometimes interchange the words 'consciousness' and 'awareness' for the sake of convention, but I'm sure you know the difference if the context of a statement infers such. Pure awareness is prior to consciousness and the appearance of any "I" thought, which arises as a concept when the duality of "I" and the world appears together (subject/object). Awareness itself is the base to all reality.
Om shanti,
Om shanti Om :)


John Mortimer

New member
Dear PPS,

What part of "God is Love" did you get upset about? You said 'nothing (freelight and Michael) is spiritually bankrupt.' So you are, in fact, saying that we are not spiritually bankrupt. was Quincy who said that nothing you and freelight said was spiritually bankrupt, not PPS. :)


Well-known member
This is well-said. Freelight & Co. are in some ways quarantined and ignored by the majority of TOLers, but this sort of clear response is necessary from time to time, hard as it is for some to hear.

The declarations made in threads like these certainly do not have any support. To try to compare them with principled systematic thinking of any kind--be it philosophy, theology, hard science, etc.--would be a great mistake. Beyond that, they don't even rise to the coherence of more esoteric religion like orthodox Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Mystical Islam, or anything else of the like. It's really just a mockery of every world religion and serious system of thought all at once. I could literally program a computer to spew out a mish-mash of juxtaposed ideas and words indistinguishable from those that fill threads like these, silly New-Age bookstores, and ultimately garage-sale tables and landfills.

If you are buying these contentless books today, there is a 100% chance that they will be in your garage sale or your garbage 5-10 years from now. You don't have to believe me, you just have to wait a few years.

The obsession in question is simply another form of idolatry; excessively politically correct idolatry, but idolatry nonetheless. It is a more subtle form of egoism. I myself prefer the more direct egoism of the overzealous scientist or investor, since they actually have a chance at producing something worthwhile.

Your stuck in a system Zip, time to disengage from the pod.


Eclectic Theosophist
ego has its place in the play, but also its non-place

ego has its place in the play, but also its non-place was Quincy who said that nothing you and freelight said was spiritually bankrupt, not PPS. :)

In the context of a 'non-dual' understanding,

I find it peculiar of those judging something or someone to be 'spiritually bankrupt' as they assume their 'concept', 'system' , 'theology' or 'belief-system' is either 'exclusive' or 'superior' to any other. True freedom is the dropping of all concepts, beliefs, opinions altogether, where one stands free as consciousness itself, centering in the 'I Am', which is reality itself, free of any additions, encumberments or distortions of 'ego'. While some may claim my approach is but a figment of ego-imagination having no substance, the substance of life or 'being' is always present, Omni-available, NOW. I am that. Reality is the Self, that is Being. It is fully luminous of its own existence, prior to any concept of space or time, prior to any assumption of mind or form whatsoever. This is freedom, is what already always is. It cannot be de-scribed...but only re-cognized. Reality neither comes or goes, ever, since it is omnipresent.



Well-known member
In the context of a 'non-dual' understanding,

I find it peculiar of those judging something or someone to be 'spiritually bankrupt' as they assume their 'concept', 'system' , 'theology' or 'belief-system' is either 'exclusive' or 'superior' to any other. True freedom is the dropping of all concepts, beliefs, opinions altogether, where one stands free as consciousness itself, centering in the 'I Am', which is reality itself, free of any additions, encumberments or distortions of 'ego'. While some may claim my approach is but a figment of ego-imagination having no substance, the substance of life or 'being' is always present, Omni-available, NOW. I am that. Reality is the Self, that is Being. It is fully luminous of its own existence, prior to any concept of space or time, prior to any assumption of mind or form whatsoever. This is freedom, is what already always is. It cannot be de-scribed...but only re-cognized. Reality neither comes or goes, ever, since it is omnipresent.


Yes my friend Freelight you are luminous, though I am just a fellow traveler not as well versed as you in dialect, or expression, I also know it doesn't matter I am where I need to be.

Much blessings and all that Jazz, Zeke.


TOL Subscriber
Dear PPS,

What part of "God is Love" did you get upset about?

The part where all you hyper-pseudo-esotericists have no clue who God is or what Love is and engage in rampant idolatry of egoism and more.

You said 'nothing (freelight and Michael) is spiritually bankrupt.' So you are, in fact, saying that we are not spiritually bankrupt. That was the point I wanted to make to you. You just don't get it?? It's a matter of miscommunication.


When you can't even tell who said what, it's an indicator not to trust what you say. Toss in the absurd content, and it's beyond laughable.

You guys must presume some of us haven't become intimately familiar with all these goofy schools of thought relative to an alleged singularity of universal consciousness and self-realization and all that crap.

I'm very acquainted with every cobweb of these views. What you're purporting IS the culminating onset OF the Matrix, not unplugging FROM the Matrix.

I'm a red-piller who knows the truth about God. You guys have been downing blue pills like they're candy. Here comes the Matrix.


TOL Subscriber
Hi zippy,

Long time no dialogue. I'll take the above with a grain of salt. Now to the real meat -

Reality itself is Self-evident as the light of consciousness itself, or that light behind consciousness that makes it possible. It is what IS....forever and always, unchanging, unborn, undying, omnipresent. I am that.

While I could address each other your 'assumptions' or 'assertions' above, I'll leave you with the pure teaching of 'Advaita' and the teachers such as 'Nisargadatta Maharaj' and 'Ramana Maharshi' to inquire of, for starters.

Pure teaching?!?! LOL. Nope. This is just more of your presumptive unfounded assertion.

While many know I'm very eclectic in my approach in universal philosophy, science and metaphysics,...I always come back to the basics of realization of the 'Self', which is the only base, ground and center of 'reality' whereby all or anything is known. The I AM ever remains as pure light. - all begins and ends in that sphere of consciousness. However, there is a more primal awareness that is prior to it that is without beginning or end. The 'I Am' is the door or gate to 'that', which is its source.


Yep, it's all about self.

Consciousness is the functionality of the mind. The mind is a soul faculty, not a faculty of the spirit.

All this drivel is soulish (contrasted to soulical, which is merely the descriptive appropriate designed purpose of the soul), not spiritual.

Intuitive knowlege (oida) is spiritual. This is the inverse. All of it. And exponentially so.


Well-known member
Oh my! it must be hell fire and brimstone for all those who don't agree with the christian religion, take me lawd take me lawd I am ready.


Eclectic Theosophist
comm-union 2

comm-union 2


Continuing commentary on 2013 new year message and post # 103 -

Soon, major events will need to occur so that the perception of The One becomes anchored into this and many other realities. Soon, no one will be allowed to even doubt it.

The One-and-Only is gently asking His beloved creatures to let go of their belief systems which separate the Godliness and His Creation into distinct realities, for such is not the case.

Time has come for The One-and-Only to bring all of His children home and show them a new Creation, a new Song, a new way. They all erred like lost sheep without a real shepherd.

There will be no judgment placed upon their former errors. Nevertheless, there will be great effort and intense intervention so that man understands that there is but One God, not many, One Source, not many, One Origin, not many, and It is all The One-and-Only.

All systems that flourished based on dominion and enslavement of others shall be made to fully disappear from the face of Creation. All beliefs which tried to portray the Godliness in a restricted manner, or negate His true Reality by introducing elements of worship of lower manifestations, shall fully disappear.

The One will connect to receptive humans, in order to guide their thoughts into newer forms of manifestation of Creative energy, to allow for a full stop to so many dangerous and poisonous forms of it which are now extensively used by mankind and have created tremendous damage to the fabric of this planet and far beyond.

As all beings move in-towards a greater expression or manifestion of Oneness, then the qualities, attributes and nature of 'God' reveal themselves. If the inner nature, motive, desire, intention and complete unity of the human spirit is one with divine Spirit, then there is the kingdom of 'God', in nature, form and substance. (seed, root, stems, leaves and fruit are of one tree). While this may sound like a utopian ideal or unattainable is that principle of lawful union which brings about realization and possession of the kingdom, for it is in that sphere of conscious light that God is.

All entities that believe that they can oppose the Will of The Oneness will face the fury of Oneness when It manifests Its full and deepest Love for all of Creation.

Creation will shift very soon from an emphasis on encouraging uncontrolled competition to an emphasis on wanting to manifest infinite co-operation.

The Godliness knows far too well, for He has experienced an infinitely large number of Creations, that uncontrolled competition always brings about uncontrolled suffering.

There shall not remain pockets of uncontrolled greed and corruption; these shall all be made to implode and be totally erased from Creation.

Again, here we see the full victory of Spirit where 'God' is all in all, and all that is not of 'God' is made to disintegrate, dissolve, become as nothing in the fullness of His presence. Even economic and diplomatic relations honor the divine laws and principles when real love is at the heart of all relations, because it is the love-principle itself that is motivating all actions. Where love reigns, that is heaven.

No matter what religious tradition, mythology or nomenclature is adopted in one's belief-system, until the fundmental laws that govern harmonious relations are recognized and lived, there can be no kingdom of heaven on earth. Whether a god-man, messiah, avatar or bodhisattva is the catalyst to bring such a state about, it is individuals in community that must live in such harmony for such to be.



Eclectic Theosophist
God is One

God is One

Pure teaching?!?! LOL. Nope. This is just more of your presumptive unfounded assertion.

Yes, the pure teaching of Advaita (non-duality), which points directly to the knowing Self, which is pure consciousness. I am that. I am. - this is the fundamental truth. - all else is conceptual.

Yep, it's all about self.

The 'Self' referred to in Advaita is 'Brahman/atman',...the eternal, unborn, undying nature. It is one's true identity, NOT the ego-self, although the ego arises as a superimposed or temporal identity in the play of space-time.

Consciousness is the functionality of the mind. The mind is a soul faculty, not a faculty of the spirit.

All this drivel is soulish (contrasted to soulical, which is merely the descriptive appropriate designed purpose of the soul), not spiritual.

Intuitive knowlege (oida) is spiritual. This is the inverse. All of it. And exponentially so.

These intellectual equivalents all depend on how one defines and relates the terms, in what 'system' and in what 'context', so they are quite 'relative'.

Also I asked earlier how you qualify and justify your terms of 'soul' and 'spirit' and why they are to be distinguished, and what significance comes from such a 'division'. - this would be according to whatever system you're referencing, which doesn't compute much until its explained to readers.

Also, your claim of these writings as 'soulish' in contrast of 'soulical' is rather vague, since you're the only one claiming the distinction without offering proof. As if that mattered, beyond because "you say so". The words we use are only 'symbolic' pointers to some concept, thing or reality beyond them. - hence their utility.

In any case as shared already, the concept of Oneness includes both 'non-dual' and 'dualistic' aspects, since all creation is a manifold one, but the underlying reality behind all plurality is the indivisible oneness of Spirit, which is also a living MIND (awareness/consciousness).

'God' is One', and so his divine creation or Creation Itself is one.



TOL Subscriber

Continuing commentary on 2013 new year message and post # 103 -

As all beings move in-towards a greater expression or manifestion of Oneness, then the qualities, attributes and nature of 'God' reveal themselves. If the inner nature, motive, desire, intention and complete unity of the human spirit is one with divine Spirit, then there is the kingdom of 'God', in nature, form and substance. (seed, root, stems, leaves and fruit are of one tree). While this may sound like a utopian ideal or unattainable is that principle of lawful union which brings about realization and possession of the kingdom, for it is in that sphere of conscious light that God is.

Again, here we see the full victory of Spirit where 'God' is all in all, and all that is not of 'God' is made to disintegrate, dissolve, become as nothing in the fullness of His presence. Even economic and diplomatic relations honor the divine laws and principles when real love is at the heart of all relations, because it is the love-principle itself that is motivating all actions. Where love reigns, that is heaven.

No matter what religious tradition, mythology or nomenclature is adopted in one's belief-system, until the fundmental laws that govern harmonious relations are recognized and lived, there can be no kingdom of heaven on earth. Whether a god-man, messiah, avatar or bodhisattva is the catalyst to bring such a state about, it is individuals in community that must live in such harmony for such to be.


And there it all is in a nutshell. The global agenda and initiative of the spirit of antichrist, to be set up in the temple of God to be worshipped AS God.

The temple of God is that which is not made with hands. This abomination of desolation illustrated above is the masquerade to displace the one true and living God with a pseudo-light from the latent power within man's soul that God has designated and delegated for HIS glory

This religion is all man's glory AS "God" via counterfeit soulish projection to immitate true illumination of the spirit.

And yes, it will sweep the world, including political and economic segments. Indeed, it is well underway. Communitarianism. Dominionist drivel. The practical implementation is already established and gaining momentum on the world stage in every way.

It's Tower of Babel, Part Deux. You guys are the weak, to have been taken in so totally. It's the most soulish who have been overtaken first. Soon you'll be zombifying scads of others with your infectious bites.

It must come to pass. I just like exposing it as it rears its ugly head. You have no idea how heinous this thing is. It will turn and devour you after you've been its minion.

It's not God. And you're not God. And no human is God OR part of God or any collective consciousness.

You're in the Matrix. That blue pill has dropped you down the rabbit hole. There may be no help for you at this point.

This is the stupidest religion ever. The attempt to encompass all belief systems and ultimately to forcibly disallow any variance. It's the greatest intolerance of all, just like all alleged tolerance.


John Mortimer

New member
In the context of a 'non-dual' understanding,

I find it peculiar of those judging something or someone to be 'spiritually bankrupt' as they assume their 'concept', 'system' , 'theology' or 'belief-system' is either 'exclusive' or 'superior' to any other.
In many cases, it's the need for certainty. That was my experience in the past. Each individual has unique reasons for thinking and behaving as they do of course, but I do remember in my own case feeling a desperate frustration because the questions that really matter were met with an apathetic shrug by most people....a of kind, "who knows?" :idunno: attitude. I also found it frustrating that the major religions and philosophies were generally at odds with each other. I had no time for all the spiritual "entertainment" out there - I wanted real solid answers to the questions that mattered immediately. So as soon as there was a truly profound experience of Jesus Christ for me, I was ready to invest all of my belief in the particular brand of Christianity that seemed the most serious. It took me 25 years to get out of that. I can understand therefore that need to oppose anything that seems to contradict the conceptual system that one's faith has been invested in. Remember the fear factor also. The idea will no doubt seem self-evidently absurd to you that some terrible and irreversible consequence will be the result of believing the "wrong" things. But
you know the power of consciousness - and if that is what consciousness happens to be doing, it will do it and nothing will stand in its way.
True freedom is the dropping of all concepts, beliefs, opinions altogether, where one stands free as consciousness itself,
Oh, YES! :)

centering in the 'I Am', which is reality itself,
Well, "I am" is the Primary concept - but it is time bound and it comes and goes. The Awareness of the sense of Presence is most certainly reality itself.

free of any additions, encumberments or distortions of 'ego'.
This is what I refer to as the universal consciousness per se. However, as soon as the sense "I am" is, spontaneously and simultaneously the universe is also. Is it possible for the "I Am" to be free of additions??? The great thing is that consciousness remains consciousness no matter what in itself is completely untouched by even the dissolution of the universe. That is why the I AM is the gateway to a freedom that was in truth never lost.
While some may claim my approach is but a figment of ego-imagination having no substance, the substance of life or 'being' is always present, Omni-available, NOW. I am that.
Namaste! :)
Reality is the Self, that is Being. It is fully luminous of its own existence, prior to any concept of space or time, prior to any assumption of mind or form whatsoever. This is freedom, is what already always is. It cannot be de-scribed...but only re-cognized. Reality neither comes or goes, ever, since it is omnipresent.


TOL Subscriber
IMHO, the only way for an absolute return to Oneness is to join the Jewish Faith which is Judaism. (Isa.1:18,19)

There is no Biblical Judaism. It's extinct. No temple, no sacrifices, no Levitical Priesthood, no yet-coming Messiah.

But since your Rabbinic Pharisaic Talmudism is Kabbalah at its core as ancient Babylonian Occtultic Mysticism, you're actually within the same underlying religion as all this Oneness of the Universal Consciousness garbage in the guise of truth.

Shake hands with your compatriots here. You're preachin' the same schtuff. God that isn't God. Love that isn't love. The soulish for the spiritual. Self as the realization of all. Ultimately totally intolerance as tolerance; all of which is allegedly love.


TOL Subscriber
Yes, the pure teaching of Advaita (non-duality), which points directly to the knowing Self, which is pure consciousness. I am that. I am. - this is the fundamental truth. - all else is conceptual.

The 'Self' referred to in Advaita is 'Brahman/atman',...the eternal, unborn, undying nature. It is one's true identity, NOT the ego-self, although the ego arises as a superimposed or temporal identity in the play of space-time.

These intellectual equivalents all depend on how one defines and relates the terms, in what 'system' and in what 'context', so they are quite 'relative'.

Also I asked earlier how you qualify and justify your terms of 'soul' and 'spirit' and why they are to be distinguished, and what significance comes from such a 'division'. - this would be according to whatever system you're referencing, which doesn't compute much until its explained to readers.

Also, your claim of these writings as 'soulish' in contrast of 'soulical' is rather vague, since you're the only one claiming the distinction without offering proof. As if that mattered, beyond because "you say so". The words we use are only 'symbolic' pointers to some concept, thing or reality beyond them. - hence their utility.

In any case as shared already, the concept of Oneness includes both 'non-dual' and 'dualistic' aspects, since all creation is a manifold one, but the underlying reality behind all plurality is the indivisible oneness of Spirit, which is also a living MIND (awareness/consciousness).

'God' is One', and so his divine creation or Creation Itself is one.


This is the best part, and the blatant underlying inequity of everything you've ever posted.

As bolded above...
"As if that mattered, beyond because "you say so"."

You undermine and berate and demean every word you say with your own double standards and much more.

You're not "free" at all. Everything you believe and say is just a concept that has no meaning. Everything you say is applied to yourself and everything you say.

It's all just Scooby-Doo chasing his tail. Ruh-roh.


Dear PPS,

Sounds like you're PMS! What part of God is Love and Love is God don't you understand? No, we're not a Scooby-Doo cartoon, so grow up. Get real. Did you go to college? That might explain part of it. Love each other as much as you love yourself. And Love God with all your Heart, Soul and Mind. That is what we adhere to here.

As Time Passes, You Will Find Answers!!


TOL Subscriber
Oh my! it must be hell fire and brimstone for all those who don't agree with the christian religion, take me lawd take me lawd I am ready.

In spite of what idiot indoctrinated fear-mongering preachers spew, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with hellfire and brimstone.

I have almost as much criticism for the dilution of the true Christian faith among its proponents as I do for the fecal vortex that has sucked you into its nexxus of nothingness as somethingness.

What you and all your compadres are embracing and ushering in IS gehenna. It will turn to eternal torment AS the One Consciousness, etc. The limne tou puros, beginning right here on earth in this age. You're already being consumed by it.

My guess is you have pikria (bitterness) in your heart. That's usually the onset of accepting all this crap; especially after being in some hammer-dead condemnational faction of the Christian faith.


TOL Subscriber
Dear PPS,

Sounds like you're PMS! What part of God is Love and Love is God don't you understand? No, we're not a Scooby-Doo cartoon, so grow up. Get real. Did you go to college? That might explain part of it. Love each other as much as you love yourself. And Love God with all your Heart, Soul and Mind. That is what we adhere to here.

As Time Passes, You Will Find Answers!!

I know and understand God and Love. None of what you and your compatriots post is either.


Eclectic Theosophist
points to ponder.......

points to ponder.......

And there it all is in a nutshell. The global agenda and initiative of the spirit of antichrist, to be set up in the temple of God to be worshipped AS God.

The temple of God is that which is not made with hands. This abomination of desolation illustrated above is the masquerade to displace the one true and living God with a pseudo-light from the latent power within man's soul that God has designated and delegated for HIS glory

This religion is all man's glory AS "God" via counterfeit soulish projection to immitate true illumination of the spirit.

And yes, it will sweep the world, including political and economic segments. Indeed, it is well underway. Communitarianism. Dominionist drivel. The practical implementation is already established and gaining momentum on the world stage in every way.

It's Tower of Babel, Part Deux. You guys are the weak, to have been taken in so totally. It's the most soulish who have been overtaken first. Soon you'll be zombifying scads of others with your infectious bites.

It must come to pass. I just like exposing it as it rears its ugly head. You have no idea how heinous this thing is. It will turn and devour you after you've been its minion.

Many a preconceptions there, a tightly defined complex of assumptions.

It's not God. And you're not God. And no human is God OR part of God or any collective consciousness.

All there is, is consciousness. Can you prove otherwise? Can anything exist apart from consciousness? It would help to understand what 'Brahman' is within Hinduism for starters here, which is where the ancient teaching of Advaita inheres. In the non-dual context I often contextualize things from an advaitic (non-dualistic) POV, but there are other aspects of non-dualism from other religious traditions that offer different facets in the equation. It might be helpful to study up and actually learn where I'm coming from before super-imposing your belief-system and concepts here.

Atman is Brahman

You're in the Matrix. That blue pill has dropped you down the rabbit hole. There may be no help for you at this point.

Again, entertaining your own preconceptions here, and having fun at it, which could be at your own expense. While the analogy of the matrix has its perks, the concept of oneness in its full comprehension exceeds it. Where God is already all, there is no lack or need of 'help', since there is always already perfection. Does 'God' lack anything NOW? Right here NOW is all the 'God' there is. There is no lack in what is whole. What is whole (one) is always present.

This is the stupidest religion ever. The attempt to encompass all belief systems and ultimately to forcibly disallow any variance. It's the greatest intolerance of all, just like all alleged tolerance.

Again your misconceptions of a some syncretic religious collage, when there is no attempt at such, but recognition that a universal truth exists and is expressed in various forms among various religious traditions and schools of philosophy, since 'God' is the One and Only presence of truth thru-out all, no matter what distortions or imperfections arise in the perception of man. Such is the way of the 'Perennial Philosophy'.

Love has true tolerance of real individual liberties based on universal laws and principles. Cooperation and tolerance go along way towards establishing peace and harmony.

Adi da Samraj approaches the world-condition from an Advaitic perspective in his work 'Not-Two is Peace', based on the prior unity of mankind as a global family, - such is sourced back to the unity behind all that exists, so naturally includes every level and stage of human experience.


That about sums up most of your criticisms and misconceived judgments.
