Return to Oneness


Well-known member
My thoughts on consciousness are as follows.

It recently occurred to me that human consciousness, and in fact all forms of consciousness, are part and parcel of a universal consciousness, in that we are all products and parts of the universe, itself (existence as we know it). Human beings are not separate from the rest of existence. We are, in fact, expressions of existence. So that through us, and through whatever other conscious beings there are in the universe, the universe becomes aware of itself.

I find that a rather amazing thought, dolt that I am. All these years I figured the term "universal consciousness" must refer to some sort of idealized and etherial mass-consciousness phenomena; some sort of 'otherness' that I didn't really have any access to in my everyday life. And it had never occurred to me that it's actually as simple and real a thing as I am. Existence expresses itself through the physical universe. The physical universe expresses itself through a special balance between order and chaos: the 'laws' of physics. And through the order created by those laws, life happened. And then through life, consciousness happened. It IS in fact a collective (holistic) phenomenon. The universe IS aware of itself, through me, and through us. It 'feels' it's own being through all the forms of consciousness within it, and it 'thinks' through the higher forms.

So that it's perfectly real and reasonable to speak of a universal consciousness, because that's what consciousness actually is. And realizing this, for me, has only made my experience of 'being' myself all the more amazing and wondrous!

My own awesomeness increases daily! :)


New member
My thoughts on consciousness are as follows.

It recently occurred to me that human consciousness, and in fact all forms of consciousness, are part and parcel of a universal consciousness, in that we are all products and parts of the universe, itself (existence as we know it). Human beings are not separate from the rest of existence. We are, in fact, expressions of existence. So that through us, and through whatever other conscious beings there are in the universe, the universe becomes aware of itself.

I find that a rather amazing thought, dolt that I am. All these years I figured the term "universal consciousness" must refer to some sort of idealized and etherial mass-consciousness phenomena; some sort of 'otherness' that I didn't really have any access to in my everyday life. And it had never occurred to me that it's actually as simple and real a thing as I am. Existence expresses itself through the physical universe. The physical universe expresses itself through a special balance between order and chaos: the 'laws' of physics. And through the order created by those laws, life happened. And then through life, consciousness happened. It IS in fact a collective (holistic) phenomenon. The universe IS aware of itself, through me, and through us. It 'feels' it's own being through all the forms of consciousness within it, and it 'thinks' through the higher forms.

So that it's perfectly real and reasonable to speak of a universal consciousness, because that's what consciousness actually is. And realizing this, for me, has only made my experience of 'being' myself all the more amazing and wondrous!

My own awesomeness increases daily! :)



New member
You first, faithless one. Keep denying the blood.

As always, you're SO expressive.

Yes, I have received many compliments over the years from friends, colleagues, professors and even foes for my expressiveness.
Thank you so much for recognizing one of my many sterling attributes.


TOL Subscriber
Don't hold back PneumaPsucheSoma, tell us what you really think :noid:

Okay, I'll try to be less reserved and really expose the occultic mystical false syncretic religion of nothingness that is the unfounded delusional concept of man being god via collective consciousness, and all other associated inane drivel of that nothingness as somethingness.


New member
Okay, I'll try to be less reserved and really expose the occultic mystical false syncretic religion of nothingness that is the unfounded delusional concept of man being god via collective consciousness, and all other associated inane drivel of that nothingness as somethingness.

Cool, I get it. Your magic is better than freelight's magic. Who'd have thought it? :angel:


Well-known member
Okay, I'll try to be less reserved and really expose the occultic mystical false syncretic religion of nothingness that is the unfounded delusional concept of man being god via collective consciousness, and all other associated inane drivel of that nothingness as somethingness.
Kinda strange, you getting so upset over someone else's nothingness. :chuckle:


TOL Subscriber
Kinda strange, you getting so upset over someone else's nothingness. :chuckle:

Upset? LOL. I'm not upset. I'm not controlled by the lower soulishness of man's nature. That's why I'm not deluded by false conceptions of the mind; wrong applications and inclinations of the will; or overwhelming feelings of emotions.

So I don't have to be enslaved to "whatever occurs to me" in the fallacies of my own mind, laughably presuming mankind is the collective consciousness of the universe.

You said Dolt. That's very accurate. Instead of being convinced it was profundity beyond your presumed capactity and capability, you could have recognized it for what it was. Doltishness.

The fragile inflated psyche of humanity is the bane of reality. The nothingness is attempting to engulf all actual somethingness.

I don't get upset about it. I expose it for the doltishness that it is. Soulish drivel of the SUB-conscious. It's not even actual consciousness. It's just "self". Self as god. Inflated egomaniacism in a passive wrapper of pseudo-love and semi-light.

The ultimate UNreality pretending to be THE reality. It's as dangerously epidemic for all the gullibles as it is utterly stupid.


Well-known member
Upset? LOL. I'm not upset. I'm not controlled by the lower soulishness of man's nature. That's why I'm not deluded by false conceptions of the mind; wrong applications and inclinations of the will; or overwhelming feelings of emotions.

So I don't have to be enslaved to "whatever occurs to me" in the fallacies of my own mind, laughably presuming mankind is the collective consciousness of the universe.

You said Dolt. That's very accurate. Instead of being convinced it was profundity beyond your presumed capactity and capability, you could have recognized it for what it was. Doltishness.

The fragile inflated psyche of humanity is the bane of reality. The nothingness is attempting to engulf all actual somethingness.

I don't get upset about it. I expose it for the doltishness that it is. Soulish drivel of the SUB-conscious. It's not even actual consciousness. It's just "self". Self as god. Inflated egomaniacism in a passive wrapper of pseudo-love and semi-light.

The ultimate UNreality pretending to be THE reality. It's as dangerously epidemic for all the gullibles as it is utterly stupid.
My! All that self-righteousness must make you feel very powerful, and special, and superior! A heady drug, indeed!

I think I'd rather be a dolt, though, and just be my sober self. But by all means, enjoy yourself! I don't mind. It's even kind of amusing.


New member
Upset? LOL. I'm not upset. I'm not controlled by the lower soulishness of man's nature. That's why I'm not deluded by false conceptions of the mind; wrong applications and inclinations of the will; or overwhelming feelings of emotions.

So I don't have to be enslaved to "whatever occurs to me" in the fallacies of my own mind, laughably presuming mankind is the collective consciousness of the universe.

You said Dolt. That's very accurate. Instead of being convinced it was profundity beyond your presumed capactity and capability, you could have recognized it for what it was. Doltishness.

The fragile inflated psyche of humanity is the bane of reality. The nothingness is attempting to engulf all actual somethingness.

I don't get upset about it. I expose it for the doltishness that it is. Soulish drivel of the SUB-conscious. It's not even actual consciousness. It's just "self". Self as god. Inflated egomaniacism in a passive wrapper of pseudo-love and semi-light.

The ultimate UNreality pretending to be THE reality. It's as dangerously epidemic for all the gullibles as it is utterly stupid.

You very foolishly underestimate your enemy....


Eclectic Theosophist
Individuality in the One and the Many.......

Individuality in the One and the Many.......

My thoughts on consciousness are as follows.

It recently occurred to me that human consciousness, and in fact all forms of consciousness, are part and parcel of a universal consciousness, in that we are all products and parts of the universe, itself (existence as we know it). Human beings are not separate from the rest of existence. We are, in fact, expressions of existence. So that through us, and through whatever other conscious beings there are in the universe, the universe becomes aware of itself.

I find that a rather amazing thought, dolt that I am. All these years I figured the term "universal consciousness" must refer to some sort of idealized and etherial mass-consciousness phenomena; some sort of 'otherness' that I didn't really have any access to in my everyday life. And it had never occurred to me that it's actually as simple and real a thing as I am. Existence expresses itself through the physical universe. The physical universe expresses itself through a special balance between order and chaos: the 'laws' of physics. And through the order created by those laws, life happened. And then through life, consciousness happened. It IS in fact a collective (holistic) phenomenon. The universe IS aware of itself, through me, and through us. It 'feels' it's own being through all the forms of consciousness within it, and it 'thinks' through the higher forms.

So that it's perfectly real and reasonable to speak of a universal consciousness, because that's what consciousness actually is. And realizing this, for me, has only made my experience of 'being' myself all the more amazing and wondrous!

My own awesomeness increases daily! :)


We can look at the Universe as a living organism at it were, where all the parts (components),... matter, the elements, mind and spirit are inner-merging and inter-associating within space, reflecting the perception of time with-in their movements, so on an energetic-conscious level, it is as a living hologram. There is the primal unchanging essense of pure awareness at the heart of everything, while all else is a play of perception (maya).

'Universal Consciousness' includes all points of consciousness within its network, as each individual is a 'medium' or 'translation' of consciousness as it manifests thru the body-mind (and the endless varieties and complexities of 'personality'). Therefore all individual expressions of The One are also The One individualized expressing and experiencing itself as consciousness :)

Like the metaphor of an ocean,....the waves are not separate from the Ocean, but part of It, individual and localized movements within It. One may differentiate the waves from the Ocean as a whole, or focus on duality or the multiplicity of forms and images that arise in the Ocean, with the illusions that come with observation, but all is still 'water'.

Essense is one, from which emerge various substances and forms, but all comes back to that essence behind all form that makes all form possible, which is creation unfolding its potentials and exploring every facet and possibility of 'experience'. In this sense,...all creation is 'God' inter-relating, expanding and experiencing Himself in space-time thru all points of consciousness.


Some previously related threads (note on some of these older threads links may no longer work, since some resources are no longer extant) -

Pure Awareness


Challenge to Freelight: The Self is Being? (One of Traditio's philosophical challenges, - which eventually will bring up a comparison/difference of Greek and Vedic metaphysical systems, more to come).

Fish Eyes (the issue of perception)



TOL Subscriber
My! All that self-righteousness must make you feel very powerful, and special, and superior! A heady drug, indeed!

I think I'd rather be a dolt, though, and just be my sober self. But by all means, enjoy yourself! I don't mind. It's even kind of amusing.

I have no righteousness of my own that isn't imputed by the one true righteous God Himself who is NOT the collective consciousness of mankind for the paltry vaporous wisp of the created temporal and material universe as the cosmos.

But this and all other similar threads and their pretending portenders are the very eptiome and height of self-righteousness.

Self-righteousness is to presume one was, is, or shall be Divine in any manner via one's phyche in any manner.

That's the very epicenter of self-righteousness, and it's copiously represented on this thread and others by many.


TOL Subscriber
My! All that self-righteousness must make you feel very powerful, and special, and superior! A heady drug, indeed!

I think I'd rather be a dolt, though, and just be my sober self. But by all means, enjoy yourself! I don't mind. It's even kind of amusing.

You're just another pawn who's been "rooked".:juggle: