Return to Oneness


Dear PPS,

Hi Pneuma. I know what real Love is and Who God is. We know here that Our Father is One with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and all of us. As long as God deems it to be. Life is eternal for those who choose Him and His Son, and His Holy Ghost. We do believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. We have not denied that. I speak in maybe more popular language that you'd like to hear. I do not know all of the fancy words, but I know a real loving heart. I adore God and His Son Jesus, and our Great Holy Spirit, Whom the Lord has sent to me a number of times. Oh, I cannot describe it to you, it is that wonderful. Magnificent. And it rushes into your soul and lets you understand tons of things in an instant. It just doesn't happen more often than I wish it did, though I have been blessed maybe five times so far. Well, I will close for now. No one is here to bite you. If you can't handle the harder college words, ask for Michael.

Much Love In His Holy Name and Being,


Ben Masada

New member
There is no Biblical Judaism. It's extinct. No temple, no sacrifices, no Levitical Priesthood, no yet-coming Messiah.

But since your Rabbinic Pharisaic Talmudism is Kabbalah at its core as ancient Babylonian Occtultic Mysticism, you're actually within the same underlying religion as all this Oneness of the Universal Consciousness garbage in the guise of truth.

Shake hands with your compatriots here. You're preachin' the same schtuff. God that isn't God. Love that isn't love. The soulish for the spiritual. Self as the realization of all. Ultimately totally intolerance as tolerance; all of which is allegedly love.

You do not speak as a Christian but rather as an atheist. Is the "Christian" on the label just to draw the fish to the bait?

When you refer to "all this Oneness of the Universal Consciousness garbage in the guise of truth" what do you have to offer about the Truth? Is there one after all in your agenda? What is the Truth in your opinion?

John Mortimer

New member
Critique :(

Critique :(

I apologize in advance, freelight, for this critique because I know you find the message inspiring and I owe you so much. :sigh:

"Soon, major events will need to occur so that the perception of The One becomes anchored into this and many other realities. Soon, no one will be allowed to even doubt it."

First of all, events are the spontaneous manifestation of the Consciousness and are completely unpredictable.
The implication in the message here is that there is in fact a state of duality that must be forced back to a state of oneness. But Oneness is the only reality there is....the temporal perception of manifest conscious forms has no more reality than a movie seen once and then forgotten.
There are no realities, (plural), only what is taken to be reality by fleeting conscious forms which are in a constant state of flux themselves.

"The One-and-Only is gently asking His beloved creatures to let go of their belief systems which separate the Godliness and His Creation into distinct realities, for such is not the case."
This is a blatant denial of the we have "The One-and-Only" and "His beloved creatures". There is here in the message the anticipation of some blissful state appearing as a result of a spiritual evolution but the only reality is the One and the absolute perfection of that One is completely untouched by the manifest consciousness, regardless of what states appear.

"Time has come for The One-and-Only to bring all of His children home and show them a new Creation, a new Song, a new way. They all erred like lost sheep without a real shepherd."

This is all soft headed dualistic imagination.

"There will be no judgment placed upon their former errors. Nevertheless, there will be great effort and intense intervention so that man understands that there is but One God, not many, One Source, not many, One Origin, not many, and It is all The One-and-Only."

Why does the idea of judgment placed upon past errors come about? This indicates that "Oneness" is simply a doctrine here. It is being taken seriously by the intellect and the imagination but is confined to the conceivable.
The idea that "there will be great effort and intense intervention so that man understands" indicates that this whole thing has absolutely nothing to do with Advaita Vedanta. The universal I AM is simply the witness of all this. If the I AM were to intervene that "I AM" would not be universal but merely another part of the manifest.

"All systems that flourished based on dominion and enslavement of others shall be made to fully disappear from the face of Creation. All beliefs which tried to portray the Godliness in a restricted manner, or negate His true Reality by introducing elements of worship of lower manifestations, shall fully disappear."

This statement portrays "the Godliness" in a restricted manner. It's also interesting that "the Godliness" is portrayed with a male gender?!

"The One will connect to receptive humans, in order to guide their thoughts into newer forms of manifestation of Creative energy, to allow for a full stop to so many dangerous and poisonous forms of it which are now extensively used by mankind and have created tremendous damage to the fabric of this planet and far beyond."

Again this is dualistic and relative. Not only the duality of The One/Humans but humans are further divided into receptive and relatively non-receptive. The psychosomatic apparatus constituting a human body will respond in accordance with its genetic, (or "elemental") make-up. If consciousness is pleased to manifest in a relatively non-responsive human form then that is how it is. It is neither a good thing nor a bad thing - it just IS.
The Universal I AM has no desire to eradicate what are perceived as dangerous and poisonous forms. The Universal I AM encounters ItSelf in matters not whether it be a pleasant or unpleasant experience for the manifest forms.

"All entities that believe that they can oppose the Will of The Oneness will face the fury of Oneness when It manifests Its full and deepest Love for all of Creation."

:chuckle: Oneness will face the fury of Oneness in full and deepest love. Got it! (Man, I better watch out - I'm starting to sound like John W).
Seriously though - an entity, (itself a mere appearance), may oppose a concept, of "The Oneness" but the One cannot be opposed. Were any of us consulted as to whether we would like to be born?*

"Creation will shift very soon from an emphasis on encouraging uncontrolled competition to an emphasis on wanting to manifest infinite co-operation.

The Godliness knows far too well, for He has experienced an infinitely large number of Creations, that uncontrolled competition always brings about uncontrolled suffering."

The Godliness has no problem with uncontrolled suffering in time for the suffering one IS the "Godliness" in the process of returning to timeless peace.


TOL Subscriber
Many a preconceptions there, a tightly defined complex of assumptions.

Vice versa, and backatcha. Everything you propagate is a preconception of tightly defined complex assumptions. You presume your one perspective encompasses all others when it's only your perspective.

You're constantly declaring unfounded subjective absolutes AS the objective absolute. Yet you've foundationally mistaken soul for spirit to postualte your somethingness of nothingness, just as all the ignorant gurus have for all of time immemorial.

All there is, is consciousness. Can you prove otherwise?

You haven't proven it in the first place for their to be a necessary disproof. You've just subjectively declared it and presumed it as the one central objective truth, while trying to encompass and amalgamate an overarching synchretism of aggregate belief systems; and portending they're all multi-chotomies of one central truth you proclaim.

There is nothing more soulish than consciousness insisting upon itself as the One. Sentient consciousness and volition IS the soul, along with emotions. In its appropriate functionality of subjection to the spirit, the soul has valid purpose as a conduit between spirit and body. When in "ascendency", the soul functions beyond its created parameters and postulates an endless expanse of itself to supercede the spiritual with the soulish as the epicenter of ALL.

The soul and spirit need to be pierced for dividing asunder. Your undistributed soul and spirit is what causes your feeble and frail soul to be in its presumed authority and to encompass the spirit. It isn't and can't. You have no clue whatsoever of the metaphysical, yet are enslaved to it by your own subjective baseless silliness.

God is Spirit, not consciousness. God HAS consciousness, but it's not the central essence of His being. Creation came from His mind and will, but the processions of His Logos and Pneuma (Spirit) came from His Divine essence.

You have conflated soul and spirit, just as all the ridiculous alleged self-realized gurus have throughout human history. It's man attempting to be God in layers upon layers of idolatry.

Man BECAME a living soul when the dust body was vivified by God's own Spirit to have a spirit. The very foundation of life in ANY realm of existence is spirit, not soul. And consciousness is the soul, just as volition is the soul.

You can't ever distinguish with the singular thing that pierces and divides them asunder (partitions them for redistribution). You're trapped in your own fallacy of a your own fragile and feeble soul, attempting to be/become a universality of Divinity through consciousness.

The Oneness is of the Spirit, not the Soul. You've missed it all by a galactic mile, not just a country mile.

Can anything exist apart from consciousness?

Wrong question. Here's the right one in contesxt: Can consciousness exist alone apart from God AS Spirit? Nope.

Consciousness isn't the foundation of all life. Spirit is. Soul is NOT.

It would help to understand what 'Brahman' is within Hinduism for starters here, which is where the ancient teaching of Advaita inheres. In the non-dual context I often contextualize things from an advaitic (non-dualistic) POV, but there are other aspects of non-dualism from other religious traditions that offer different facets in the equation. It might be helpful to study up and actually learn where I'm coming from before super-imposing your belief-system and concepts here.

Atman is Brahman

It doesn't help one bit to understand the stupidity of Hinduistic Occultism. I know exactly where you're coming from. You're the one superimposing your belief system upon all others to attempt to synchretize them. It's nothing new.

And all World Religions can indeed be consumated under that one umbrella.... except one. The truth of the Spirit that is the one true and living God, YHWH; not your false God of Self-realized idolatry of soulish self AS God.

God is Spirit. Your Oneness of Consicousness is not Him.

Again, entertaining your own preconceptions here,

While presuming according to self-deluding double standard that you are devoid of preconceptions. LOL. What asseninity and willful self-obfuscation and inner obtusity. Good grief.

and having fun at it, which could be at your own expense.

Yes, and not in the least; in that order.

While the analogy of the matrix has its perks, the concept of oneness in its full comprehension exceeds it. Where God is already all, there is no lack or need of 'help', since there is always already perfection. Does 'God' lack anything NOW?

You're not talking about God. You know nothing of God. Everything you speak/write of isn't God. It's idolatry of the ultimate evolution of Self AS God.

Right here NOW is all the 'God' there is.

No. He's the hypostasis for all creation, all things being upheld by the Rhema of His power.

You're not God. You never were God. You'll never be God. None of mankind is God. Never has been, and never will be. God is NOT the ambiguous and non-existent wholly-imagined coallesced aggregate consciousness as energy and light.

There is no lack in what is whole. What is whole (one) is always present.

And that doesn't, didn't, and won't/can't ever include mankind, including the ridulosity of disembodied consicousness of all things as one as God as the Singularity.

God is Spirit. Everything you espouse is Soul. You desperately need a piercing for dividing asunder.

Again your misconceptions of a some syncretic religious collage,

It's not a misconception.

when there is no attempt at such,

Sure there is. You may have deluded yourself into some synergistic concept of "vertical and/or horizontal integration" NOT being sychretic; but that's exactly what you've done, and then some.

The "then some" doesn't disannul the hybridization of your "mutt" religion. And it IS a religion. It's a structure belief system, decrying all other belief systems. You just employ slimy semantics in an attempt to disguise it as neutral and non-religion.

but recognition that a universal truth exists and is expressed in various forms among various religious traditions and schools of philosophy,

The one universal truth is not expressed in those various religious traditions and schools of philosophy, including YOUR religion and philosophy (that you futily deny IS such).

since 'God' is the One and Only presence of truth thru-out all, no matter what distortions or imperfections arise in the perception of man
. Such is the way of the 'Perennial Philosophy'.

Nope. Your is the greatest of all distortions and imperfections of perception. So much so that you deny it's even a perception.

Love has true tolerance of real individual liberties based on universal laws and principles.

Yet another in a bazillion unfouded baseless assertions that has no foundational etymological significance to its semantics whatsoever. It's a stand-alone concept and perception adamantly pretending not to be a concept and perception. Self-deluding nonsense.

Cooperation and tolerance go along way towards establishing peace and harmony.

No. That's just the product of the delusion of your conceptual and perceptional religion of Self-everything in aggregate.

Adi da Samraj approaches the world-condition from an Advaitic perspective in his work 'Not-Two is Peace', based on the prior unity of mankind as a global family, - such is sourced back to the unity behind all that exists, so naturally includes every level and stage of human experience.

And the endless non-authority of religious indoctrination continues. Drivel, every last word, concept, preconception, belief, and bare assertion. Man as his own combined authority by consensus. Dialectic as absolute truth. Idolatry of Self. Soulish, not spiritual.

That about sums up most of your criticisms and misconceived judgments.


Not even close. I see it all for exactly what it is. I have my sense exercised by reason of use to discern. Other than the counterfeit framework to invert and parallel, it's all the antithesis of truth and reality as soulish fantasy indulging itself at the highest mystical levels.

It's more like the sub-conscious than the conscious. You don't even "know", you just spew. Soulish to the core. Not one ounce of spirit.


TOL Subscriber
You do not speak as a Christian but rather as an atheist.

...says the Atheistic non-Semitic Zionist Kabbalist under pretense of an extinct religion, while denying that faith's Messiah and playing victim while condescending to all others in blind arrogance.

There is no religious Judaism, and you have no genetic proof of ethnic lineage.

Is the "Christian" on the label just to draw the fish to the bait?

LOL. No. I'm just not a deluded Dispensationalist. I stand up to all the bullies because I know their delusions.

When you refer to "all this Oneness of the Universal Consciousness garbage in the guise of truth" what do you have to offer about the Truth?

Volumes. You wouldn't be interested. You're anti-Christian.

Is there one after all in your agenda? What is the Truth in your opinion?

Jesus Christ is Messiah, the Logos of God become flesh as the Son to redeem mankind from sin (hamartia, the noun).

God is Spirit, not merely innate consciousness. Man is not divine, and doesn't retain, reclaim, attain, or maintain Divinity in any personal or non-personal sense.

John Mortimer

New member
Sentient consciousness and volition IS the soul, along with emotions.
Ok - so this provides a satisfactory definition of what you mean by the term, "soul"? Honest question.

In its appropriate functionality of subjection to the spirit, the soul has valid purpose as a conduit between spirit and body.
...and this is a further description of the soul in your terms, which is understood but it leads to the question of what you mean when you use the term, "spirit". Can you define and/or describe what you mean when you use the term, spirit?

God is Spirit, not consciousness. God HAS consciousness, but it's not the central essence of His being.

Fair enough...if by "God" you mean, "The One". Consciousness arises and subsides within the One. The One is perfect and complete in the absence of consciousness but consciousness cannot be without the One.

If you want to enter into dialogue here because you feel you want to impart something to the other contributors and readers of this thread then you are welcome to do so.


Eclectic Theosophist
The totality includes all points of view and beyond any 'point'

The totality includes all points of view and beyond any 'point'

I apologize in advance, freelight, for this critique because I know you find the message inspiring and I owe you so much. :sigh:

Hello John,

I agree with most all your points and critiques :)

As I shared in a PM with you, I understand that Gerald's messages from his perception of 'The One' is relative to his own interpretation within a total spectral view of both a 'non-dual' and 'dualistic' context, - I've opened this thread knowing that, using the messages as a 'spring-board' to connect the 'mind' to both points of view, since they both exist in the totality of consciousness, at least in this present conditional form in space-time. It is true that Gerald's messages are not pure advaita in the traditional Hindu perspective but suffices to hold the concept of oneness as primary and fundamental to existence, within the play of duality, which is the crux and context of human experience.

Again,....since many traditional Christian believers has some concept of 'unity of Spirit',....Gerald's messages and insights provide in-sights connecting the dualism of human experience within the underlying and universal oneness which is at the heart of all creation, and in a traditional dualist sense caters to the conventional concepts of the kingdom of heaven being realized here on earth, as a transformation of consciousness (both spiritually and physically), or some evolution of consciousness which brings forth a manifestation of a New Era of Golden Age on earth. Of course this is the traditional concept of a millennial reign of peace and righteousness, an era of true peace and harmony among all peoples, a 'state' that judeo-christian' scritpures and other traditions have 'prophesied' about or look forward to. In this context, open awareness recognizing and considering these points of view are shared, so that a panoramic view of all existence, in its dualistic and non-dualistic aspects can be surveyed.

As shared before I may create a new thread on 'Advaita' like my old 'non-duality' thread, and/or the concept of 'I AM' covering viewpoints from various religious traditions as in the past. 'I Am' remains the 'name' of 'God' and man's recognition of his own 'being' and 'consciousness' is the 'gate' and 'key' to all that is knowable and unknowable.

In appreciation,


John Mortimer

New member
Hello John,

I agree with most all your points and critiques :)

As I shared in a PM with you, I understand that Gerald's messages from his perception of 'The One' is relative to his own interpretation within a total spectral view of both a 'non-dual' and 'dualistic' context, - I've opened this thread knowing that, using the messages as a 'spring-board' to connect the 'mind' to both points of view, since they both exist in the totality of consciousness, at least in this present conditional form in space-time. It is true that Gerald's messages are not pure advaita in the traditional Hindu perspective but suffices to hold the concept of oneness as primary and fundamental to existence, within the play of duality, which is the crux and context of human experience.
Well, I certainly don't think I could argue with any of that! ;)
I may not appreciate Gerald's message but I certainly DO appreciate your commentary on this thread...many wonderful insights.

Again,....since many traditional Christian believers has some concept of 'unity of Spirit',....Gerald's messages and insights provide in-sights connecting the dualism of human experience within the underlying and universal oneness which is at the heart of all creation, and in a traditional dualist sense caters to the conventional concepts of the kingdom of heaven being realized here on earth, as a transformation of consciousness (both spiritually and physically), or some evolution of consciousness which brings forth a manifestation of a New Era of Golden Age on earth. Of course this is the traditional concept of a millennial reign of peace and righteousness, an era of true peace and harmony among all peoples, a 'state' that judeo-christian' scritpures and other traditions have 'prophesied' about or look forward to. In this context, open awareness recognizing and considering these points of view are shared, so that a panoramic view of all existence, in its dualistic and non-dualistic aspects can be surveyed.
I understand - and the panoramic view is very welcome because it is all too rare. :up:
As shared before I may create a new thread on 'Advaita' like my old 'non-duality' thread, and/or the concept of 'I AM' covering viewpoints from various religious traditions as in the past.
I hope so. I look forward to it. :)

'I Am' remains the 'name' of 'God' and man's recognition of his own 'being' and 'consciousness' is the 'gate' and 'key' to all that is knowable and unknowable.
In appreciation,

Likewise :e4e:


Eclectic Theosophist
returning to Source............

returning to Source............

There is nothing more soulish than consciousness insisting upon itself as the One. Sentient consciousness and volition IS the soul, along with emotions. In its appropriate functionality of subjection to the spirit, the soul has valid purpose as a conduit between spirit and body. When in "ascendency", the soul functions beyond its created parameters and postulates an endless expanse of itself to supercede the spiritual with the soulish as the epicenter of ALL.

The soul and spirit need to be pierced for dividing asunder. Your undistributed soul and spirit is what causes your feeble and frail soul to be in its presumed authority and to encompass the spirit.

Your assessment above comes along with what proof? Consciousness includes all conceptions of both 'spirit' and 'soul'. Where is your proof that anything I share is not of the Spirit and is only 'soulish', and who is making the 'qualifications' of such an assessment?

Yes, 'God' is Spirit, and that Spirit is conscious, being omnipresent-infinite, its consciousness pervades and encompasses all.

God is Spirit, not consciousness. God HAS consciousness, but it's not the central essence of His being.

We agree that God is Spirit, and that consciousness is innate within that Spirit-presence. I don't see how consciousness is not central to 'God', since He is the source of all 'being' and 'consciousness', - such would be innate to his spiritual nature. That essence is indivisible, however appropriated in a relational sense.

Creation came from His mind and will, but the processions of His Logos and Pneuma (Spirit) came from His Divine essence.

And how many would make the above differentiations and know if it made any difference how those things are assumed? - they are pre-scribed per your 'theology'.

You have conflated soul and spirit, just as all the ridiculous alleged self-realized gurus have throughout human history. It's man attempting to be God in layers upon layers of idolatry.

The burden of proof is on you to prove anyone has conflated 'soul' and 'spirit', beyond your own assumption and own definitions.

Man BECAME a living soul when the dust body was vivified by God's own Spirit to have a spirit. The very foundation of life in ANY realm of existence is spirit, not soul. And consciousness is the soul, just as volition is the soul.

You can't ever distinguish with the singular thing that pierces and divides them asunder (partitions them for redistribution). You're trapped in your own fallacy of a your own fragile and feeble soul, attempting to be/become a universality of Divinity through consciousness.

The Oneness is of the Spirit, not the Soul. You've missed it all by a galactic mile, not just a country mile.

More assumptions, and your proof is what beyond those assumptions?

Consciousness isn't the foundation of all life. Spirit is. Soul is NOT.

Who ever made the claim that Soul was a foundation for anything? Back to your own reference-frame (default program). Nothing exists outside of consciousness, except the very source of that consciousness which can be recognized by abiding in the 'I AM', which is the heart of 'God'. Surrender to that 'Presence' is the way, but its not a 'way' to 'God', since 'God' is always already PRESENT.

It doesn't help one bit to understand the stupidity of Hinduistic Occultism. I know exactly where you're coming from. You're the one superimposing your belief system upon all others to attempt to synchretize them. It's nothing new.

Understanding Advaita Vedanta and non-dualism in general from various traditions does matter as we're referencing all these points of view within the greater context of oneness. Remember, 'God' is ONE(not two). Multiplicities arise from The One in form, personality and appearance....but these do not affect the indivisible essence of Deity.

And all World Religions can indeed be consumated under that one umbrella.... except one. The truth of the Spirit that is the one true and living God, YHWH; not your false God of Self-realized idolatry of soulish self AS God.

'God' is the source of all world religions and all that is. YHWH is an appellation of 'God', among others. The 'I AM' (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh) or 'I Will Be' is a denotation of the 'God' that is One and All, since all 'existence' and 'evolving creation' in space-time originates and thrives as movements of that One reality. All there is 'God' (Brahman) - all else is a shadow, reflection or modification of that universal substance expressing as a play of consciousness.

You're not talking about God. You know nothing of God. Everything you speak/write of isn't God. It's idolatry of the ultimate evolution of Self AS God.

If 'God' was not present as omnipresence,....these words would not be read :) Again, need to understand the Hindu concept of the 'Self' ('Brahman' and 'atman'). Hindu schools such as Vaishnavas hold a more dualistic view of the soul as distinct from Brahman, so there is nothing wrong with such a perspective, which holds that souls are parts and parcels of 'God', retaining their individuality (distinction) in a state of communion with 'God' in the highest state of heaven, when reaching there,..but this is from a dualistic perspective. Advaita (non-duality) centers on recognizing the 'being' and 'consciousness' of one's 'self'(atman) as the same essence and identity as the Supreme Self (Brahman). These views hold their own unaffected by any other tradition or theology. They dont need to be 'syncretized' with other religious traditions although aspects may correlate with other schools.

You're not God. You never were God. You'll never be God. None of mankind is God. Never has been, and never will be. God is NOT the ambiguous and non-existent wholly-imagined coallesced aggregate consciousness as energy and light.

Depends on point of view :) (non-dualism or dualism in their varieties). There is no existence or consciousness apart from 'God' if we define 'God' as the source, substance and 'light' behind all that is. In this sense 'God' (I Am) is Self-evident. 'God' is all-pervading light, and could not 'be' apart from my own 'being' to recognize IT.

And that doesn't, didn't, and won't/can't ever include mankind, including the ridulosity of disembodied consicousness of all things as one as God as the Singularity.

'God' is One, yet includes 'many'. A 'singularity' is another concept which can be explored, but be careful of 'definitions'.

God is Spirit. Everything you espouse is Soul. You desperately need a piercing for dividing asunder.

Yes, God is Spirit. Your other assumptions need proving, and an explanation to readers why a 'diving asunder' is necessary.

Yet another in a bazillion unfouded baseless assertions that has no foundational etymological significance to its semantics whatsoever. It's a stand-alone concept and perception adamantly pretending not to be a concept and perception. Self-deluding nonsense.

Reality, here, and present now.... is not delusional. It is What IS. - that is reality. Some call this 'Is-ness' God. It is the One and Alone Presence, always already being, and is the fundamental ground for that which is beyond dimension and within dimensions. One Infinity. "I" cant ever be separate from that, since it arises first as my own existence in the Infinite.

No. That's just the product of the delusion of your conceptual and perceptional religion of Self-everything in aggregate.

Nothing exists in the world outside of the 'Self' (the 'I' of consciousness).

And the endless non-authority of religious indoctrination continues. Drivel, every last word, concept, preconception, belief, and bare assertion. Man as his own combined authority by consensus. Dialectic as absolute truth. Idolatry of Self. Soulish, not spiritual.

What is absolute stands on its own. - all else is relative to IT.

Not even close. I see it all for exactly what it is. I have my sense exercised by reason of use to discern. Other than the counterfeit framework to invert and parallel, it's all the antithesis of truth and reality as soulish fantasy indulging itself at the highest mystical levels.

More assumptions.

It's more like the sub-conscious than the conscious. You don't even "know", you just spew. Soulish to the core. Not one ounce of spirit.

I know I AM. that is all and good enough, because it is sufficient unto itself. Abiding in that 'knowing' is primal to the nature of my own 'being'. Nothing else is necessary. - all else is a play of mind, engaging concepts, images, symbols, language, art, creativity, all the wonderful things souls enjoy by right of the potentials within awareness. Its a wonderful adventure.

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Eclectic Theosophist
panoramic view.............

panoramic view.............

Well, I certainly don't think I could argue with any of that! ;)
I may not appreciate Gerald's message but I certainly DO appreciate your commentary on this thread...many wonderful insights.

Thanks John,

Its all about 'creative dialogue' with me, and expanding/exploring consciousness....since that's what Life here in this space of creation is all 'about' ;)

I understand - and the panoramic view is very welcome because it is all too rare. :up:

Yes, and that's the view I generally take from the point of infinity looking down into all finite levels of mind and spirit, the sphere of space-time relativity, whatever is observable, more of a 'panoramic science' if you will. That all-inclusive knowledge approach includes 'non-dual' and 'dualistic' viewpoints since it recognizes all dimensions and what is beyond dimension.

I'm quite fine with accepting the absolute simplicity of pure Advaita, since it clears the mind-clutter in one sweep...when one realizes one's true nature in its absolute purity, and abides as that. All else is a play or adventure in various theories, religious systems, mythologies, symbology, allegory, archetypes, language, etc. - its all ok, but we would consider the context of all things, their relations, and that which is beyond the 'relative' altogether, which is recognizing the 'non-dual' reality that is prior to it all, but also encompasses all, being the infinite itself.

Om shanti,



Eclectic Theosophist


I know what real Love is and Who God is. We know here that Our Father is One with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and all of us. As long as God deems it to be. Life is eternal for those who choose Him and His Son, and His Holy Ghost. We do believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. We have not denied that. I speak in maybe more popular language that you'd like to hear. I do not know all of the fancy words, but I know a real loving heart. I adore God and His Son Jesus, and our Great Holy Spirit, Whom the Lord has sent to me a number of times.

It is only the Spirit of reality itself, the One Presence...that is Love, that is all. As Jesus said "the Father and I are one", he calls us to recognize our unity with 'God', who is also our Father, as there is only One Universal Parent (Father-Mother-God).

'God'(Brahman) is always 'One' no matter how His indivisibility is divided, differentiated or personified. All are expressions or creative offsprings of One Consciousness....formations of one essence.

Much Love In His Holy Name and Being,

Absolutely, since 'God' is Love. This is 'divine science'.....a knowledge born out from the essence itself. It is the 'light' of 'awareness' behind all creation, the source of all 'being'.



TOL Subscriber
Your assessment above comes along with what proof? Consciousness includes all conceptions of both 'spirit' and 'soul'. Where is your proof that anything I share is not of the Spirit and is only 'soulish', and who is making the 'qualifications' of such an assessment?

Yes, 'God' is Spirit, and that Spirit is conscious, being omnipresent-infinite, its consciousness pervades and encompasses all.

We agree that God is Spirit, and that consciousness is innate within that Spirit-presence. I don't see how consciousness is not central to 'God', since He is the source of all 'being' and 'consciousness', - such would be innate to his spiritual nature. That essence is indivisible, however appropriated in a relational sense.

And how many would make the above differentiations and know if it made any difference how those things are assumed? - they are pre-scribed per your 'theology'.

The burden of proof is on you to prove anyone has conflated 'soul' and 'spirit', beyond your own assumption and own definitions.

More assumptions, and your proof is what beyond those assumptions?

Who ever made the claim that Soul was a foundation for anything? Back to your own reference-frame (default program). Nothing exists outside of consciousness, except the very source of that consciousness which can be recognized by abiding in the 'I AM', which is the heart of 'God'. Surrender to that 'Presence' is the way, but its not a 'way' to 'God', since 'God' is always already PRESENT.

Understanding Advaita Vedanta and non-dualism in general from various traditions does matter as we're referencing all these points of view within the greater context of oneness. Remember, 'God' is ONE(not two). Multiplicities arise from The One in form, personality and appearance....but these do not affect the indivisible essence of Deity.

'God' is the source of all world religions and all that is. YHWH is an appellation of 'God', among others. The 'I AM' (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh) or 'I Will Be' is a denotation of the 'God' that is One and All, since all 'existence' and 'evolving creation' in space-time originates and thrives as movements of that One reality. All there is 'God' (Brahman) - all else is a shadow, reflection or modification of that universal substance expressing as a play of consciousness.

If 'God' was not present as omnipresence,....these words would not be read :) Again, need to understand the Hindu concept of the 'Self' ('Brahman' and 'atman'). Hindu schools such as Vaishnavas hold a more dualistic view of the soul as distinct from Brahman, so there is nothing wrong with such a perspective, which holds that souls are parts and parcels of 'God', retaining their individuality (distinction) in a state of communion with 'God' in the highest state of heaven, when reaching there,..but this is from a dualistic perspective. Advaita (non-duality) centers on recognizing the 'being' and 'consciousness' of one's 'self'(atman) as the same essence and identity as the Supreme Self (Brahman). These views hold their own unaffected by any other tradition or theology. They dont need to be 'syncretized' with other religious traditions although aspects may correlate with other schools.

Depends on point of view :) (non-dualism or dualism in their varieties). There is no existence or consciousness apart from 'God' if we define 'God' as the source, substance and 'light' behind all that is. In this sense 'God' (I Am) is Self-evident. 'God' is all-pervading light, and could not 'be' apart from my own 'being' to recognize IT.

'God' is One, yet includes 'many'. A 'singularity' is another concept which can be explored, but be careful of 'definitions'.

Yes, God is Spirit. Your other assumptions need proving, and an explanation to readers why a 'diving asunder' is necessary.

Reality, here, and present now.... is not delusional. It is What IS. - that is reality. Some call this 'Is-ness' God. It is the One and Alone Presence, always already being, and is the fundamental ground for that which is beyond dimension and within dimensions. One Infinity. "I" cant ever be separate from that, since it arises first as my own existence in the Infinite.

Nothing exists in the world outside of the 'Self' (the 'I' of consciousness).

What is absolute stands on its own. - all else is relative to IT.

More assumptions.

I know I AM. that is all and good enough, because it is sufficient unto itself. Abiding in that 'knowing' is primal to the nature of my own 'being'. Nothing else is necessary. - all else is a play of mind, engaging concepts, images, symbols, language, art, creativity, all the wonderful things souls enjoy by right of the potentials within awareness. Its a wonderful adventure.


The central problem with you and others of you ilk is that you make a bazillion bare assertions with quotes and links that are portended as some contribution to absolute and objective truth in whatever manner, and there isn't any fundamental shred of "proof" for anything you say, think, or feel or pretend to "know".

And yet the first thing that comes out of your mouth (keyboard/pen/instrument of expression) is the utterly inequitous double standard of demanding "proof" for anything I contend.

There's not one bit of evidence that anything you or any other alleged and/or self-appointed guru of all this fallacious soulish drivel is legitimate or authoritative, or even a contributor of anything that merits even a modicum of consideration.

Everything you say or infer, post or link is utter pseudo-metaphysical prevarication and paltry pontification of the depravity of man attempting to be god at the level of conjoined consciousness.

This thing will consume you and then turn and devour you from without and within. There is no peace and light and love. It's a counterfeit that isn't even the full consciousness of man. It's the sub-conscious being exploited against the truth.

You continue to attempt to guru-ize the substitute for all truth, never once presenting any "proof" or evidence. It's mere naked declaration.

God is not man and man isn't Divinity and doesn't retain, reclaim, attain, obtain, or maintain ANY type or form of Divinity. Man's minds are not the confluence of all collective consciousness from/as the Creator as merely an impersonal force or energy or whatever variety of idiotic semantics are assembled in an attempt to gloss over any individual belief system or viewpoint while "absorbing" them into the vacuous whole as the One that IS the Divinity or whatever else it could be called.

There isn't one ounce of spiritual in anything you have ever said. It's purely soulish substitution of delusion. It's disguised as love and peace and light because you don't know love and peace and light, etc.

You are the spirit of antichrist, just as your peers and minions are; along with all those throughout the historicity of the ages have been.

When this thing turns and rends you, it will be too late. You will be devoured. You're accountable for having heard the truth.

The one and only central and objective truth is relative to your sin (hamartia, the noun) and the Savior who spilt His blood for it. Without true repentance and belief in that one and only way, truth, and life, you have no everlasting hope whatsoever.

It isn't just one of the ways in your syncretic amalagamation of belief systems. The one true and living God who created BOTH the metaphysical and physical realms of existence has given you the opportunity to be a partaker of HIS Divine nature (not to be Divine).

You ignore that free gift of grace to pursue the Edenic lie to be as god. You're not, and you cannot be. There is no means of Divinity for man.

Instead of the truth, you follow the mythological illusion of all ancient religions culminating in the syncretic aggregate mystical nothingness of this present age. Thinking yourself wise, you become a fool. When this is done with you, there will be nothing left. You think it's the One, but it's the None. And it's nothingness is you. Your something of yourself is and will be emptied into it as you yield to it with everything that you are.

The only reality is the singular substance (hypostasis) of the essence (ousia) of God. And nothing and no one else is God but Himself.

You can attempt to "annex" yourself into/with/as God, and attempt to include all of humanity and/or anything else. It's futile and laughable. There is no Divinity to be had by man. And your soulishness abrogates ALL potentially spirituality. You are without and beyond all hope. Your dream will be a perpetual nightmare, with no way out. The singular consciousness you seek will be your everlasting, but it won't be as the One.

When the light goes out, there will only be the darkness. Outer darkness. It will be more than you ever bargained for. And you've invited it; indeed insisted on it with total embrace.

In the end... "tails", you lose.


There isn't one ounce of spiritual in anything you have ever said. It's purely soulish substitution of delusion. It's disguised as love and peace and light because you don't know love and peace and light, etc.

You are the spirit of antichrist, just as your peers and minions are; along with all those throughout the historicity of the ages have been.

When this thing turns and rends you, it will be too late. You will be devoured. You're accountable for having heard the truth.

The one and only central and objective truth is relative to your sin (hamartia, the noun) and the Savior who spilt His blood for it. Without true repentance and belief in that one and only way, truth, and life, you have no everlasting hope whatsoever.

It isn't just one of the ways in your syncretic amalagamation of belief systems. The one true and living God who created BOTH the metaphysical and physical realms of existence has given you the opportunity to be a partaker of HIS Divine nature (not to be Divine).

You ignore that free gift of grace to pursue the Edenic lie to be as god. You're not, and you cannot be. There is no means of Divinity for man.

Instead of the truth, you follow the mythological illusion of all ancient religions culminating in the syncretic aggregate mystical nothingness of this present age. Thinking yourself wise, you become a fool. When this is done with you, there will be nothing left. You think it's the One, but it's the None. And it's nothingness is you. Your something of yourself is and will be emptied into it as you yield to it with everything that you are.

The only reality is the singular substance (hypostasis) of the essence (ousia) of God. And nothing and no one else is God but Himself.

You can attempt to "annex" yourself into/with/as God, and attempt to include all of humanity and/or anything else. It's futile and laughable. There is no Divinity to be had by man. And your soulishness abrogates ALL potentially spirituality. You are without and beyond all hope. Your dream will be a perpetual nightmare, with no way out. The singular consciousness you seek will be your everlasting, but it won't be as the One.

When the light goes out, there will only be the darkness. Outer darkness. It will be more than you ever bargained for. And you've invited it; indeed insisted on it with total embrace.

In the end... "tails", you lose.

Are you a Christian? If you are what is a Christianity to you?



Well-known member
The central problem with you and others of you ilk is that you make a bazillion bare assertions with quotes and links that are portended as some contribution to absolute and objective truth in whatever manner, and there isn't any fundamental shred of "proof" for anything you say, think, or feel or pretend to "know".

And yet the first thing that comes out of your mouth (keyboard/pen/instrument of expression) is the utterly inequitous double standard of demanding "proof" for anything I contend.

There's not one bit of evidence that anything you or any other alleged and/or self-appointed guru of all this fallacious soulish drivel is legitimate or authoritative, or even a contributor of anything that merits even a modicum of consideration.

Everything you say or infer, post or link is utter pseudo-metaphysical prevarication and paltry pontification of the depravity of man attempting to be god at the level of conjoined consciousness.

This thing will consume you and then turn and devour you from without and within. There is no peace and light and love. It's a counterfeit that isn't even the full consciousness of man. It's the sub-conscious being exploited against the truth.

You continue to attempt to guru-ize the substitute for all truth, never once presenting any "proof" or evidence. It's mere naked declaration.

God is not man and man isn't Divinity and doesn't retain, reclaim, attain, obtain, or maintain ANY type or form of Divinity. Man's minds are not the confluence of all collective consciousness from/as the Creator as merely an impersonal force or energy or whatever variety of idiotic semantics are assembled in an attempt to gloss over any individual belief system or viewpoint while "absorbing" them into the vacuous whole as the One that IS the Divinity or whatever else it could be called.

There isn't one ounce of spiritual in anything you have ever said. It's purely soulish substitution of delusion. It's disguised as love and peace and light because you don't know love and peace and light, etc.

You are the spirit of antichrist, just as your peers and minions are; along with all those throughout the historicity of the ages have been.

When this thing turns and rends you, it will be too late. You will be devoured. You're accountable for having heard the truth.

The one and only central and objective truth is relative to your sin (hamartia, the noun) and the Savior who spilt His blood for it. Without true repentance and belief in that one and only way, truth, and life, you have no everlasting hope whatsoever.

It isn't just one of the ways in your syncretic amalagamation of belief systems. The one true and living God who created BOTH the metaphysical and physical realms of existence has given you the opportunity to be a partaker of HIS Divine nature (not to be Divine).

You ignore that free gift of grace to pursue the Edenic lie to be as god. You're not, and you cannot be. There is no means of Divinity for man.

Instead of the truth, you follow the mythological illusion of all ancient religions culminating in the syncretic aggregate mystical nothingness of this present age. Thinking yourself wise, you become a fool. When this is done with you, there will be nothing left. You think it's the One, but it's the None. And it's nothingness is you. Your something of yourself is and will be emptied into it as you yield to it with everything that you are.

The only reality is the singular substance (hypostasis) of the essence (ousia) of God. And nothing and no one else is God but Himself.

You can attempt to "annex" yourself into/with/as God, and attempt to include all of humanity and/or anything else. It's futile and laughable. There is no Divinity to be had by man. And your soulishness abrogates ALL potentially spirituality. You are without and beyond all hope. Your dream will be a perpetual nightmare, with no way out. The singular consciousness you seek will be your everlasting, but it won't be as the One.

When the light goes out, there will only be the darkness. Outer darkness. It will be more than you ever bargained for. And you've invited it; indeed insisted on it with total embrace.

In the end... "tails", you lose.

Sounds like your happy about it, your a sick :noid: puppy and in need of some serious help.


TOL Subscriber
Sounds like your happy about it, your a sick :noid: puppy and in need of some serious help.

I'm not happy about any such thing in any manner whatsoever. And you, sir, know better than all of this stuff in these threads. You laid hold on truth before giving in to this lie of man's Divinity via Oneness of cumulative consciousness.

You've traded the spiritual for this soulish nonsense that appeals to man's vanity at the core level. I know the excellency of your spirit from your previous posts, and was compelled by it.

I'm not happy. I grieve for this death in the guise of life. That's why I so unsparingly expose it. I know the intimate resulting affects of this vortex of nothingness. My directness is to awake others unto true righteousness rather than this self-righteousness.

You "were not", are not, and cannot be or become Divine. But you CAN have the promise of being joint heir as partaker OF God's Divinity.

Only YHWH is God, and He has made every provision for you and any others by His grace and through faith. Your faith hypostasis can believe His hypostasis. I beseech and implore you by the mercies of God. I don't relish anything but God's love, and His mercy and grace.

I'm not an ill young canine at all.


Eclectic Theosophist
coin tossing.......

coin tossing.......

The central problem with you and others of you ilk is that you make a bazillion bare assertions with quotes and links that are portended as some contribution to absolute and objective truth in whatever manner, and there isn't any fundamental shred of "proof" for anything you say, think, or feel or pretend to "know".

I know that 'I Am'. This 'truth' is the first fundamental, and because 'I Am',...all else exists. We come back to 'consciousness'. That I Am, its own proof, its not a religion that needs apologists (like some), since truth is Self-evident.

And yet the first thing that comes out of your mouth (keyboard/pen/instrument of expression) is the utterly inequitous double standard of demanding "proof" for anything I contend.

I am consciousness itself. I am aware. I am being. - this 'presence' is Self-luminous, the source of all that arises in creation....because all arises in its light, apart from which nothing could ever 'be'.

I simply asked you to explain your terms of 'soulish' and 'spiritual', why you believe the distinction is important, how my writings are 'soulish', and the siginificance of it all, which will naturally reflect your own preconconceptions and religious beliefs. Furthermore, how do your 'beliefs' disprove what I and others share about the subject of oneness, or non-duality? Non-dualism is found within many of our religious traditions; mystics of all schools have intuited the underlying unity of Spirit that pervades and transcends all, where all differences dissolve, and the unity of Spirit is realized.

There's not one bit of evidence that anything you or any other alleged and/or self-appointed guru of all this fallacious soulish drivel is legitimate or authoritative, or even a contributor of anything that merits even a modicum of consideration.

The 'Self' that is 'Brahman' is Self-evident. I am that. All there is, is 'Brahman'. Considering the nature of 'reality' and one's own 'being' merits continual meditation and research.

Advaita is simple

5 lessons on Advaita Vedanta

Everything you say or infer, post or link is utter pseudo-metaphysical prevarication and paltry pontification of the depravity of man attempting to be god at the level of conjoined consciousness.

Even 'God' is a concept that arises in consciousness. 'Brahman' is prior to and transcends all concepts. How much of your own theology is just a 'concept'? (let alone just a 'belief'). ;)

You continue to attempt to guru-ize the substitute for all truth, never once presenting any "proof" or evidence. It's mere naked declaration.

'I Am' is proof enough. Such is the name/identity of 'God', the fundamental, eternal, absolute reality.

I Am - The First Name of God

God is not man and man isn't Divinity and doesn't retain, reclaim, attain, obtain, or maintain ANY type or form of Divinity.

Once all differences, concepts, names, forms, words dissolve...what is left? Only 'God'.

Man's minds are not the confluence of all collective consciousness from/as the Creator as merely an impersonal force or energy or whatever variety of idiotic semantics are assembled in an attempt to gloss over any individual belief system or viewpoint while "absorbing" them into the vacuous whole as the One that IS the Divinity or whatever else it could be called.

All there is, is consciousness :)

There isn't one ounce of spiritual in anything you have ever said. It's purely soulish substitution of delusion.

Spirit pervades all, being Infinite. Again you go on touting the term 'soulish' as if it meant anything. Back to interjecting your preconceived terms and beliefs into the equation.

It's disguised as love and peace and light because you don't know love and peace and light, etc.

How do you know that I do not know love, peace or light? Such is the very nature of 'God', who is present within and without. Love is indivisible, from whose nature I am not separate from, but AM. Don't forget,....'God' is One...and 'God' is all there is.

You are the spirit of antichrist, just as your peers and minions are; along with all those throughout the historicity of the ages have been.

This is laughable, more religious musing and pontifications, more egoic posturing to bolster your own dogma, sense of righteousness, orthodoxy, etc.

When this thing turns and rends you, it will be too late. You will be devoured.

Love does not inflict harm, and knowledge liberates from ignorance.

You're accountable for having heard the truth.

Truth is that essence that is within Silence. It is prior to any words, thoughts, forms, names, concepts. It is indescribable....but can be realized.

The one and only central and objective truth is relative to your sin (hamartia, the noun) and the Savior who spilt His blood for it.

'Objective truth' so defined or heralded is partial, while all perception and knowledge is 'interpreted' via 'subjectivity'.

'Sin' is a religious concept. A Savior spilling his blood is also a 'concept', whereby various 'atonement' theories are assumed. Furthermore, one can obtain atonement apart from the shedding of blood. I had a whole thread on this - 'Atonement without blood'. The concept of 'blood-atonement' only applies to those who believe in it.

Without true repentance and belief in that one and only way, truth, and life, you have no everlasting hope whatsoever.

Repentance has its place, as 'changing the mind'(transforming consciousness), but not necessarily according to anyone's religious format or dogmatic prescriptions. Pure consciousness is free.

You can attempt to "annex" yourself into/with/as God, and attempt to include all of humanity and/or anything else. It's futile and laughable. There is no Divinity to be had by man. And your soulishness abrogates ALL potentially spirituality. You are without and beyond all hope. Your dream will be a perpetual nightmare, with no way out. The singular consciousness you seek will be your everlasting, but it won't be as the One.

Doing well, thank you. I dont fear 'your' threats or judgments.

When the light goes out, there will only be the darkness. Outer darkness.

How do you know?

God's Light is omnipresent, ever-available.

It will be more than you ever bargained for. And you've invited it; indeed insisted on it with total embrace.

No bargaining is involved here, neither necessary.

In the end... "tails", you lose.

Where God is all, and God is One....there is no contest of 'winners' or 'losers' as the mind assumes, - these are but assumptions of your own theology, playing itself out after all to make the 'believer'(you) the victor. See how subtle the mind-game is? Where 'God' is all in all, how can there be any losers?

Also there is no 'end' in 'God', time has no effect on my so called demise ;)

I think there could be more 'coin-flipping' going on in you're theology than your aware of :)



TOL Subscriber
I know that 'I Am'. This 'truth' is the first fundamental, and because 'I Am',...all else exists. We come back to 'consciousness'. That I Am, its own proof, its not a religion that needs apologists (like some), since truth is Self-evident.

I am consciousness itself. I am aware. I am being. - this 'presence' is Self-luminous, the source of all that arises in creation....because all arises in its light, apart from which nothing could ever 'be'.

I simply asked you to explain your terms of 'soulish' and 'spiritual', why you believe the distinction is important, how my writings are 'soulish', and the siginificance of it all, which will naturally reflect your own preconconceptions and religious beliefs. Furthermore, how do your 'beliefs' disprove what I and others share about the subject of oneness, or non-duality? Non-dualism is found within many of our religious traditions; mystics of all schools have intuited the underlying unity of Spirit that pervades and transcends all, where all differences dissolve, and the unity of Spirit is realized.

The 'Self' that is 'Brahman' is Self-evident. I am that. All there is, is 'Brahman'. Considering the nature of 'reality' and one's own 'being' merits continual meditation and research.

Advaita is simple

5 lessons on Advaita Vedanta

Even 'God' is a concept that arises in consciousness. 'Brahman' is prior to and transcends all concepts. How much of your own theology is just a 'concept'? (let alone just a 'belief'). ;)

'I Am' is proof enough. Such is the name/identity of 'God', the fundamental, eternal, absolute reality.

I Am - The First Name of God

Once all differences, concepts, names, forms, words dissolve...what is left? Only 'God'.

All there is, is consciousness :)

Spirit pervades all, being Infinite. Again you go on touting the term 'soulish' as if it meant anything. Back to interjecting your preconceived terms and beliefs into the equation.

How do you know that I do not know love, peace or light? Such is the very nature of 'God', who is present within and without. Love is indivisible, from whose nature I am not separate from, but AM. Don't forget,....'God' is One...and 'God' is all there is.

This is laughable, more religious musing and pontifications, more egoic posturing to bolster your own dogma, sense of righteousness, orthodoxy, etc.

Love does not inflict harm, and knowledge liberates from ignorance.

Truth is that essence that is within Silence. It is prior to any words, thoughts, forms, names, concepts. It is indescribable....but can be realized.

'Objective truth' so defined or heralded is partial, while all perception and knowledge is 'interpreted' via 'subjectivity'.

'Sin' is a religious concept. A Savior spilling his blood is also a 'concept', whereby various 'atonement' theories are assumed. Furthermore, one can obtain atonement apart from the shedding of blood. I had a whole thread on this - 'Atonement without blood'. The concept of 'blood-atonement' only applies to those who believe in it.

Repentance has its place, as 'changing the mind'(transforming consciousness), but not necessarily according to anyone's religious format or dogmatic prescriptions. Pure consciousness is free.

Doing well, thank you. I dont fear 'your' threats or judgments.

How do you know?

God's Light is omnipresent, ever-available.

No bargaining is involved here, neither necessary.

Where God is all, and God is One....there is no contest of 'winners' or 'losers' as the mind assumes, - these are but assumptions of your own theology, playing itself out after all to make the 'believer'(you) the victor. See how subtle the mind-game is? Where 'God' is all in all, how can there be any losers?

Also there is no 'end' in 'God', time has no effect on my so called demise ;)

I think there could be more 'coin-flipping' going on in you're theology than your aware of :)


More constant and repetitious bare assertion claiming "self-proof". Being conscious doesn't mean you ARE consciousNESS. You were mediately ensouled by a distinct Self-existent Creator-God who is NOT a collective of share consiousness.

All you can do is infer and declare and infer and declare and infer and decalre, and all from a cross-section of ancient mystical occultic mythological traditions that are religions as belief systems. The Brahman Blender.

Your double-talk has double-talk. Your first knee-jerk response is to demand proof of anything anyone else would dare mention in oppostion to your soulish drivel; but you insist anything that comes from you and your goofy ancient sources is self-proof. You claim anyhing you say is proof of itself by default.

You're a wannabe syncretic hack, just like every guru who has ever infected this earth with the vanity of the lie that man is god in whatever fashion.

You can't know the difference between soulish and spiritual because you've so wholly yielded yourself to the former. There is no oida intutitive knowledge available because you've chosen gnosis and misapplied it into the metaphysical.

What God gave all men to be able to commune with Him and ultimately be able to be partaker OF HIS Divine nature, you've replaced with the ascendancy of the latent power of man's soul that is depraved and incapable of communing by spirit of man with God's Spirit.

Every ancient tantric and occultic and universalistic humanistic religious tradition and mythology is based in the psyche, not the pneuma. It's the ultimate self-delsuion, not the self-evident proof.

You insist others have merely a concept, yet yours is the self-devouring concept of being god rather than having a God. THE God. The only one that ever has been and ever will be. The one who freely gives His Spirit to vivify all who receive it by faith, hypostasis to hypostasis. Substance to substance.

Yours is a cheap knock-off of nothingness in the guise of somethingness. You are a sham. Your religion of religions is a lie. You ARE the nothingness. Self-consciousness is a pursuit of total vanity that will undermine and desolate itself.

You aren't THE I AM. You've already yielded to the abomination of desolation within yourself. Worshipping yourself and all other selves AS God.

You are antichrist, and only one more of many who have gone before and who do now accompany you and who will come after you by your influence or in company with you.

The self-Nirvana and Utopia you seekf and think you've found... isn't. It's a figment of your imagination of unreality. There is only one reality. The hypostasis of God Himself. And this ain't it.

As I said, you've emptied yourself into this pit. You're its somethingness of nothingness. It IS and WILL BE it's own end unto itself. You will have just what you sayd and what you want. I've done what I can to spare you and others from it. It's your own vanity that will be your everlasting hopelessness. Personally, I would spare you from it; but I can't. You have thought and desired and chosen it with every ounce of your soul in deference to the Spirit.

I just pray God's mercy on you and others.