Return to Oneness


Eclectic Theosophist
When 'God' arises, all enemies dissolve......

When 'God' arises, all enemies dissolve......

You very foolishly underestimate your enemy....


And let us note as touched on earlier,...that which is One and All, can have no enemies, since It is One without a second, the One and Only Reality. The play of duality in space-time includes the polarities of 'good' and 'evil', the seeming 'battle' between opposite forces, until 'God' is realized as being all in all. How these play out in time must be seen within the context of 'eternity' or the 'timeless', that is prior to the drama altogether...yet includes it as extending out all potentials of experience to their various ends. However, only the supreme will of the One itself, ultimately prevails, yet this conclusion in any epoch or instant of time includes all its parts. Such is the wondrous play and paradox of existence.

We note further that Jesus tells us to LOVE our enemies, and we might suppose why this is, if indeed those so called perceived 'enemies' are actually just facets of our own Self, which also brings us back to the universal law of Love itself, which indivisibly holds all in its embrace, since it is not partial. Furthermore, Jesus taught us to be 'perfect' as our Heavenly Father is 'perfect' and this was in the context of showing love to 'perceived' enemies, for in that demonstration of 'love' we are 'whole/perfect' like God is. Love itself then is the ultimate consummation.



TOL Subscriber

We can look at the Universe as a living organism at it were, where all the parts (components),... matter, the elements, mind and spirit are inner-merging and inter-associating within space, reflecting the perception of time with-in their movements, so on an energetic-conscious level, it is as a living hologram. There is the primal unchanging essense of pure awareness at the heart of everything, while all else is a play of perception (maya).

'Universal Consciousness' includes all points of consciousness within its network, as each individual is a 'medium' or 'translation' of consciousness as it manifests thru the body-mind (and the endless varieties and complexities of 'personality'). Therefore all individual expressions of The One are also The One individualized expressing and experiencing itself as consciousness :)

Like the metaphor of an ocean,....the waves are not separate from the Ocean, but part of It, individual and localized movements within It. One may differentiate the waves from the Ocean as a whole, or focus on duality or the multiplicity of forms and images that arise in the Ocean, with the illusions that come with observation, but all is still 'water'.

Essense is one, from which emerge various substances and forms, but all comes back to that essence behind all form that makes all form possible, which is creation unfolding its potentials and exploring every facet and possibility of 'experience'. In this sense,...all creation is 'God' inter-relating, expanding and experiencing Himself in space-time thru all points of consciousness.


Some previously related threads (note on some of these older threads links may no longer work, since some resources are no longer extant) -

Pure Awareness


Challenge to Freelight: The Self is Being? (One of Traditio's philosophical challenges, - which eventually will bring up a comparison/difference of Greek and Vedic metaphysical systems, more to come).

Fish Eyes (the issue of perception)


Nice ta meetcha, Gawd. I'm Gawd, too, I guess. We're all Gawd, good Gawd, by Gawd.

All is Gawd, and all is one, Gawd-durnedit. Gawd is ever'thang and ever'wun.

It's Gawd-awful, is whut it is.


Eclectic Theosophist
Brahman, the ultimate and original reality......

Brahman, the ultimate and original reality......

Nice ta meetcha, Gawd. I'm Gawd, too, I guess. We're all Gawd, good Gawd, by Gawd.

All is Gawd, and all is one, Gawd-durnedit. Gawd is ever'thang and ever'wun.

It's Gawd-awful, is whut it is.

There is a lack of understanding of the concept of 'non-duality' which exists unto itself, for it is a matter of 'seeing' and 'being', not a structured theology or dogmatic system, although one can follow a disciplined practice of Advaita Vedanta in that tradition with study of the Vedic scriptures and a qualified teacher. More modern teachers or forms of 'Advaita' try to simplify the teaching that one already is 'The Self' (Brahman/atman) and there is nothing to do but to realize it (more is involved amid different approaches/methods).

Advaita concept of 'God'

What is non-duality?

'God' is just a 'word' we use to describe, point to or denote 'something', even though it is not a 'thing', but something indescribable, wordless, timeless. But words we must use as symbolic gestures.

'God' is Life, Being, Consciousness, Intelligence, Energy, Light, Love, Truth, Reality, Spirit, Soul. - we can use various words to describe 'God', who is Original, Universal, Indivisible, Absolute, Supreme, Ultimate, Infinite, Omnipresent.....and so on. But let all words dissolve back into the primordial silence,...and there is that which is beyond all words, prior to all, witnessing all. That is 'Brahman'. - everything else is a reflection, shadow, image, modification, personification, expression, form, manifestation of 'that'. Brahman is all there is, behind the stage of forms and appearances.

The "I" of consciousness reflects its own existence within the manifold-mirror of creation, and in that way experiences itself in all its manifestations. 'Brahman' comes from a root-verb which means to 'grow out', 'expand', 'unfold', 'that which causes to grow'. In this way it is similar to 'ehyeh asher ehyeh', that 'God' is both 'Be-ing' (I Am) and 'Be-coming' (I Will Be),.....the 'actual' and 'potentializing' PRESENCE.



TOL Subscriber
There is a lack of understanding of the concept of 'non-duality' which exists unto itself, for it is a matter of 'seeing' and 'being', not a structured theology or dogmatic system, although one can follow a disciplined practice of Advaita Vedanta in that tradition with study of the Vedic scriptures and a qualified teacher. More modern teachers or forms of 'Advaita' try to simplify the teaching that one already is 'The Self' (Brahman/atman) and there is nothing to do but to realize it (more is involved amid different approaches/methods).

Advaita concept of 'God'

What is non-duality?

'God' is just a 'word' we use to describe, point to or denote 'something', even though it is not a 'thing', but something indescribable, wordless, timeless. But words we must use as symbolic gestures.

'God' is Life, Being, Consciousness, Intelligence, Energy, Light, Love, Truth, Reality, Spirit, Soul. - we can use various words to describe 'God', who is Original, Universal, Indivisible, Absolute, Supreme, Ultimate, Infinite, Omnipresent.....and so on. But let all words dissolve back into the primordial silence,...and there is that which is beyond all words, prior to all, witnessing all. That is 'Brahman'. - everything else is a reflection, shadow, image, modification, personification, expression, form, manifestation of 'that'. Brahman is all there is, behind the stage of forms and appearances.

The "I" of consciousness reflects its own existence within the manifold-mirror of creation, and in that way experiences itself in all its manifestations. 'Brahman' comes from a root-verb which means to 'grow out', 'expand', 'unfold', 'that which causes to grow'. In this way it is similar to 'ehyeh asher ehyeh', that 'God' is both 'Be-ing' (I Am) and 'Be-coming' (I Will Be),.....the 'actual' and 'potentializing' PRESENCE.


You presume much, including (for some reason related to ego or who knows what else) that I don't understand every concept and belief and statement you present.

I have a depth of intimate and comprehensive understanding of all you purvey. I've accessed all the "teachings" for over a decade. I could initiate every post you make virtually verbatim.

I know exactly what it all is. Soulish sub-conscious diversion and delusion. You somehow think it's inaccessible to non-inititiates and non-adherents.

It's all false esotericism. Since I thoroughly understand TRUE esotericism, I can readily recognize the pretending contenders.

It's distilled down to this... Man AS "G/god". CreaTOR, CreaTION, and CreaTED all as One.

This is the pinnacle of the arrogance and ignorance of man. You can't help it. It has sucked you up into the "Mutt"-ness of syncretism.

KabBudHinCultism. Self as all. Self as god. Absolute non-absolutism. Total tolerance of pseudo-love and semi-light.

I know every last vestige of all its permutations. I don't need to be enlightened. It's not difficult when one understands the depth, breadth, height, and glory of the truth compared to this wannabe deferred humanism as deism.

God is transcendent Spirit. This is immanent Soul. Ne'er the twain be the same. It's not even a near-miss. It's Monopoly colored money compared to real currency.

It's all pseudo-esoteric. It's not even legitimate esotericism. It isn't reality.


New member

And let us note as touched on earlier,...that which is One and All, can have no enemies, since It is One without a second, the One and Only Reality. The play of duality in space-time includes the polarities of 'good' and 'evil', the seeming 'battle' between opposite forces, until 'God' is realized as being all in all. How these play out in time must be seen within the context of 'eternity' or the 'timeless', that is prior to the drama altogether...yet includes it as extending out all potentials of experience to their various ends. However, only the supreme will of the One itself, ultimately prevails, yet this conclusion in any epoch or instant of time includes all its parts. Such is the wondrous play and paradox of existence.

We note further that Jesus tells us to LOVE our enemies, and we might suppose why this is, if indeed those so called perceived 'enemies' are actually just facets of our own Self, which also brings us back to the universal law of Love itself, which indivisibly holds all in its embrace, since it is not partial. Furthermore, Jesus taught us to be 'perfect' as our Heavenly Father is 'perfect' and this was in the context of showing love to 'perceived' enemies, for in that demonstration of 'love' we are 'whole/perfect' like God is. Love itself then is the ultimate consummation.


Yes "enemy" is our own creation. The psychic energy required to create "enemy" is a destructive drain on the creative process.

John Mortimer

New member
The ego, the person, is NOT Divine - that is a very important point. Persons live, move and have their being in the Divine but they are not Divine. John Mortimer, for example, is not Divine.


TOL Subscriber
The ego, the person, is NOT Divine - that is a very important point. Persons live, move and have their being in the Divine but they are not Divine. John Mortimer, for example, is not Divine.

There is no covert or overt, underlying or overarching sense or means in or by or through which man was or is or ever becomes Divine.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
No. You very foolishly underestimate the one God of all Creation, the blood of whose Son you deny while endorsing all this antichrist spirit in your faithlessness.

Easy there PPS, bybee is by no means antichrist nor faithless, she is more than likely reading your posts as I am, watching you deal with these self prescribed wannabe demigods. She is merely pointing out that these individuals are versed in the lie they proselytize and they have been here spewing this drivel to us longer than your tenure, bybee was commenting on need to attack the bystanders here. Deep breath...:cool:


TOL Subscriber
Easy there PPS, bybee is by no means antichrist nor faithless, she is more than likely reading your posts as I am, watching you deal with these self prescribed wannabe demigods. She is merely pointing out that these individuals are versed in the lie they proselytize and they have been here spewing this drivel to us longer than your tenure, bybee was commenting on need to attack the bystanders here. Deep breath...:cool:

Okay, talk to me, Goose (Top Gun). Whassup with her mimicking the mystical sentiments and opposing my posts? What am I missing, Bro?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Okay, talk to me, Goose (Top Gun). Whassup with her mimicking the mystical sentiments and opposing my posts? What am I missing, Bro?

Bybee is a sweet old lady kind of cut from the cloth of "blessed are the peacemakers". Her comment about underestimation would be that of the fact we have seen these wannabe demigods defend their beliefs quite well even though it is totally erronious...bybee knows this. The second comment she made was a shot at them IMO but, I will let her explain herself. I do know from my years here that she is certainly not a subscriber to this antichrist drivel being espoused in this thread. Your posts in this thread have been spot on, all these individuals are preaching is "Self"...Pure Garbage. :down:


Well-known member
Easy there PPS, bybee is by no means antichrist nor faithless, she is more than likely reading your posts as I am, watching you deal with these self prescribed wannabe demigods. She is merely pointing out that these individuals are versed in the lie they proselytize and they have been here spewing this drivel to us longer than your tenure, bybee was commenting on need to attack the bystanders here. Deep breath...:cool:

Seems weird then that she would rep us drivel spreaders, of coarse your drivel is sanctioned by how much historical fact there rocketman? easy to point the finger harder to justify it through real facts, and rubber meets road kinda proof when it comes to spiritual truth, the letter kills so where does that leave you? dead maybe!!.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Seems weird then that she would rep us drivel spreaders, of coarse your drivel is sanctioned by how much historical fact there rocketman? easy to point the finger harder to justify it through real facts, and rubber meets road kinda proof when it comes to spiritual truth, the letter kills so where does that leave you? dead maybe!!.

Show me one fact that you yourself are a god? or a demigod for that matter. Trying to mix Bible with this consciousness, gnosis, humanist drivel does not, nor will it ever be fact. The spiritual truth has already been laid out for you, Jesus Christ and Him crucified, the real God that died for you, that is where the rubber meets the road. What has been laid down in this thread is not truth nor fact, just conjecture from the minds of the fallen.


TOL Subscriber
No dearie I am not a minion or an ilk!
I am a Trinitarian Christian.
I try not to lose the forest for the trees.

None of this balderdashery and bloviation is the forest OR the trees, m'dear. Why do you compromise the faith for interloping occultists deluded into self-Divinity via their own depraved souls over the Spirit?

The Apostle John didn't do anything but discharge both barrels at the Docetics, and this is a much more pervasive and insidious lie permeating every world culture and hybridizing the Christian faith as nothing in human history.

It's the momentous culmination of all the antichrist world religions of all ages collectively attempting to engulf and encompass everything and everyone during the imminent Eschaton. The Church is lulled to sleep and riddled with unpluckable tares.

Patronization and passivity isn't effective. We are to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. A meek and quite spirit has its place; but this needs be given no quarter.

No compromise. This isn't flesh and blood. And it's everywhere to varying degrees. I prefer the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost rather than apathy and feigned love. I love the truth and lost souls enought to stand.

It's not a zeal of God that's not according to knowledge (epignosis). I know this agenda. It's not benign. No greater malignancy has ever been.
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TOL Subscriber
Show me one fact that you yourself are a god? or a demigod for that matter. Trying to mix Bible with this consciousness, gnosis, humanist drivel does not, nor will it ever be fact. The spiritual truth has already been laid out for you, Jesus Christ and Him crucified, the real God that died for you, that is where the rubber meets the road. What has been laid down in this thread is not truth nor fact, just conjecture from the minds of the fallen.

Exactly. I'm more than content to obtain the promise of being a joint heir with Jesus Christ and partaker OF His divine nature for all everlasting, by grace through faith of having heard the Rhema.

The only hypostasis (underlying foundational absolute assured substantial objective reality of existence) is the singular hypostasis of God. That's why I oppose the three hypostases O/orthodoxy so vehemently. There aren't three realities for/of God OR our faith.

The hypostasis of God is the substance within the Rhema of the Logos. The singular substance of God's singular essence for our undiluted faith.

The Logos and Pneuma ARE that qualitatively two-fold singular hypostasis of His ousia. There IS nothing else. HE IS. He is THE I AM.

Nothing and no one else is, whether collectively or individually.


Well-known member
Show me one fact that you yourself are a god? or a demigod for that matter. Trying to mix Bible with this consciousness, gnosis, humanist drivel does not, nor will it ever be fact. The spiritual truth has already been laid out for you, Jesus Christ and Him crucified, the real God that died for you, that is where the rubber meets the road. What has been laid down in this thread is not truth nor fact, just conjecture from the minds of the fallen.

No need I never claimed such a title, part of the creator yes, I am, just like every other creature on the planet made by that creator, everyone has their being and substance in that creator as well, which scripture supports Acts 17.

The literal presumptions implied by taking the bible as literal historical fact is based on faith, the record isn't in your favor. The words of Jesus are spiritual concerning the kingdom within the temple of God! the human body, not the messiah in the clouds coming to save you someday.

No one was crucified for your salvation, and the metaphors are there in scripture to reveal the the inner truth that takes place in the temple made without hands, the place of the cross is in the skull, its figurative not literal! your the ones under a spell, hatred and arrogance for those who dare to disagree is all you have! been there done that, no thanks you can have my share of that folly.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
No need I never claimed such a title, part of the creator yes, I am, just like every other creature on the planet made by that creator, everyone has their being and substance in that creator as well, which scripture supports Acts 17.

The literal presumptions implied by taking the bible as literal historical fact is based on faith, the record isn't in your favor. The words of Jesus are spiritual concerning the kingdom within the temple of God! the human body, not the messiah in the clouds coming to save you someday.

No one was crucified for your salvation, and the metaphors are there in scripture to reveal the the inner truth that takes place in the temple made without hands, the place of the cross is in the skull, its figurative not literal! your the ones under a spell, hatred and arrogance for those who dare to disagree is all you have! been there done that, no thanks you can have my share of that folly.

The folly is yours...congratulations you have joined the faith of the godless, you have been robbed, ripped off, and all you have left is emptiness...:sigh:


Eclectic Theosophist
Difference between the 'Self' and 'ego-self'

Difference between the 'Self' and 'ego-self'

The ego, the person, is NOT Divine - that is a very important point. Persons live, move and have their being in the Divine but they are not Divine. John Mortimer, for example, is not Divine.

Yes John, and we might remind others here that the 'Self' refers to 'Brahman/atman', and does NOT refer to the limited concept of 'self' being the human ego with its finite limitations. However these critics here have apparently not studied or understood Advaita Vedanta (or Hinduism in general) despite resource links for their education on the matter so they continually misrepresent and mis-interpret what is being shared, further adding their own preconceived beliefs into the equation, which is really 'missing the forest for the trees'. (my commentaries on 'oneness' however are not limited to 'Advaita' as I take an eclectic approach here).

Sadly their own ignorance is described by their own derogatory terms upon these insights or propositions, because of the misunderstanding, which hides the value of what is being shared and assumes some sort of 'enemy' or 'anti-christ' that needs to be 'downtrodden' or 'exposed'. This keeps the religious 'matrix' going alive and well, while one's true nature as 'atman' continues to be clouded over, which is pure consciousness itself. The ignorance of these critics will continue until further enlightened, but that cant happen until the conditions and will allow for their own research and openness to consider 'Advaita' in its various forms, which points to the primordial unity at the heart of all....and 'God' (call it by any name you like) is the 'Heart' of all. And 'all' means 'all'.

I thought to expound more on non-duality in this umbrella thread on the topic of oneness, until I begin a new thread on the subject. Hopefully readers can consider the information and propositions for themselves and come to their own experiential knowledge, for that is the only way anyone can know for themselves....and we are still ever learning :)

More on how 'Brahman' and 'atman' are one and the same can be treated in a forthcoming 'Advaita' thread, and fundamentally this 'sameness' or 'oneness' concerns essence/nature....even though 'atmans' assume a human identity (body-mind complex/ego) and consciousness takes on various formal attachments in the physical world.

Concept of God and Soul in Hinduism (note there are 3 main schools, one of pure non-duality, a qualified non-duality, and 'duality' based cosmology, there being a great diversity of viewpoints within the university of Hinduism. Advaita is only one prominent school within Hinduism).


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Eclectic Theosophist
Comprehending matters...........

Comprehending matters...........

Your posts in this thread have been spot on, all these individuals are preaching is "Self"...Pure Garbage. :down:

You clearly misunderstand and misinterpret what the 'Self' (note the capital "S") in Hinduism is referring to, if you assume it is a human ego-self. The Self refers to the 'atman' (individual-soul, immortal, eternal being) which is of the same essence of 'Brahman' (Universal Soul, immortal, Eternal Being). It has nothing to do with 'selfishness' or a temporal 'ego' in the negative egostistical sense at all. There is no exuse for ignorance or misinterpretations on this matter.

I understand this is further complicated coming to this teaching from a Judeo-Christian point of view with its strict dualism in place and a 'God' that is wholly separate from souls, being wholly 'other' or 'transcendent'. Further conceptions of 'God' make 'God' wholly unavailable and even more remote.

The 'Self' in Hinduism

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