Return to Oneness


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I will not derail this thread further as it is a train to nowhere to begin with...enjoy.


TOL Subscriber
I will not derail this thread further as it is a train to nowhere to begin with...enjoy.

Why bail? This is ALL Soul versus Spirit, presuming there is no distinction and never being able to comprehend the difference.

The alleged One Consciousness that allegedly underlies all outward ego of man's individuated personae is fallacious.

God isn't a cumulative pervasive impersonal force as Soul. God is Spirit. They don't have a clue how to determine the difference, and they've merely tapped into the psuedo-reality that all the ancient gurus thought was the Utopian inner "stuff".

It's a plunge down the rabbit hole into the self-engulfing fallacy of Psuche instead of Pneuma. It's one huge facet of the great apostasy and delusion.

Every last shread of this junk is Soul, but claimed to be Spiritual. For them, there's nothing to pierce and divide asunder. They've traded the senses of the body thinking the faculties of the soul to be infinite and ultimately non-individuated.

Soul doesn't vivify. There's no life in mind/will/emotion. They're responsive, not initiative. But since thought and volition presume themselves primary, they don't and can't yield to the Spirit.

The entirety of every other world religion in the history of mankind can be engulfed, encompassed, absorbed, assimiliated, and amalgamated by this syncretic "gloss" that is sucking up all belief systems... except one. The true esoteric Christian faith represents the ONLY wholly Spirit-based objective truth of all eternity.

Just because the exoteric schizm and fractured sectarian division has diluted its effectiveness, the TRUE esotericism of the ONLY Spiritual faith has and will prevail.

Faith is a hypostasis which hears the Rhema that is God's own hypostasis. That hypostasis is Spirit, not Soul. God HAS a soul, but His transcendent and personal essence is Spirit.

The foundation for ALL existence of life isn't Consciousness. The foundation for all existence of life is Breath. The heavens were made by God's Logos; but the host of the heavens by God's Pneuma.

Man's feeble logos of his soul isn't co-inherent with God's Logos. Man's psuche was derived by spirit/body joining. Life from life. By the Breath (Pneuma), NOT the Psuche.

There is no underlying collective consciousness of the universe. Man isn't the consciousness of creation. And further, that's why it's so vital to understand that God created eternity AND temporality. Even the metaphysical realm was spoken/breathed into existence.

All this soulish crap is just scrounging around for metaphysical crumbs. After all of their posturing and positing of soulish futility; the very pinnacle of all they could conceive is still created by the one true and living God, who is YHWH.

What they presume as some fathomless immensity of esoteric truth was created by the Word and Breath of God, who is Spirit not Soul.

The hypostasis (underlying foundational absolute assured substantial objective reality of existence) for ALL is Pneuma, not Psuche. Not consciousness. The Rhema OF the Logos.

Too bad the exoteric of the Christian faith is so meager and hypocritical to give them valid points of assessment and criticism. But the esoteric is still intact beneath AND above all that. The truth remains, and it's the Logos of God. The Rhema OF the Logos. Spirit, not Soul.

But they'll never understand it as they try to replace it. Without the Logos, there is no diikneomai and merismos. All the alleged gurued enlightment is nothing but a near-miss, which is an oxymoron to begin with.

They got nuthin' as their presumed everything. But it'll get worse on the world stage before it gets better. This is one major facet of what's sweeping the world.

Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, the synagogue of Satan. Kaballah is at the center of it. They're trying to gather the sparks of divinity in the self-shattered creation of the impersonal god-force.

And Scientific Naturalism is another facet of all this. Empiricism tainted and dressed in its secular best as a fascade for being an ancient occultic religion. The textbooks have already been indoctrinating modern generations for as long as there have been public schools.

This stretches back to Nimrod and can be traced from then to the present through Zoroastrianism, Taoism, all cultural practices of Alchemy, and every vestige of antichrist mysticism in human history.

It's the Edenic lie.


TOL Subscriber
Further study recommended before engaging inter-faith dialogue.

This isn't "faith", and you don't have "faith".

Faith is a hypostasis, and it is only relative to the hypostasis that is God as Spirit. You're not eligible to have true faith. Your faith is in Soul (Consciousness), not Spirit, though you presume to be able to differentiate.

You're still not 'getting' the Hindu view or concept of the 'atman', which is not the limited human ego-self, so we're just talking past each other. If you want to follow along it helps to understand where the terms & meanings the other is using and where they are coming from "within context", then a 'dialogue' and further exploration can ensue.

Understanding the 'atman' and its relationship with 'Brahman' or as 'Brahman' holds that within every human being is that eternal, immortal, incorruptible, divine principle or seed-consciousness...which is of 'God', so it is that principle which is 'God' being the eternal essence in the soul of man and the soul of the universe, since that divine presence and principle is OMNIPRESENT.

Ample explanations and links have been provided on such, besides basic info. that can be acquired from the vast libraries of knowledge online. In that case, 'google' can be your best friend. Otherwise its just a candy-toss and kindergarten banter over whose bag of candy is better than the other which fails miserably when it comes to a serious exploration of the subject at hand, especially when the truth of 'God being ONE' is central to most all mono and pan-theistic theologies. Since 'God' is 'One',....the entirety of infinity can only always be One, which includes the total cosmos and all its evolutions, no matter the variations.

Concept of 'Self' in Hinduism

See 'atman' and 'Brahman' in the various schools of Sanatana Dharma. The complexity of the terms do require extra study. We also covered this in our no longer extant thread on 'Hinduism' here in previous years. Without understanding it, no real dialogue could be had since misconceptions and ignorance prevent such from occurring. In due time a new thread on 'Sanatana Dharma' will be forthcoming. Such a rich diverse tradition such as this represents a full spectrum of religious experience and philosophical genius, since it covers almost all possible views expressed in the universal experience and language of man.

Self- Atma

I might also remind you this is the 'Religion' section where all contributors have 'equal opportunity' to share their views on 'religion' in its various expressions and forms. Therefore every 'religion' has a place in the discussion, especially on an 'inter-faith' level which some of us more 'eclectic' ones can excel in doing.

Otherwise, coming from a Christian background and 'religious experience',..I'm able to synthesize or correlate aspects within various religious traditions and enjoy exploring those parellels, since universal symbols, archetypes and correlaries exist within them pointing to an underlying fundamental ultimate truth.

At the core of most mono or pan-theistic cosmologies is the concept of the universal unity of all creation existing because the nature of its source is indivisible, since creation depends on or inheres in that universal consciousenss or Spirit-presence, the cause co-existing and being inherent within the effect. On that basis the omnipresence of 'God' pervades thru all its forms or effects, since they cannot exist separate from their source. Krishnananda gives a wonderful commentary on the 'atman' here in his survey of two Upanishads, touching on the issue of 'cause' and 'effect', which really excites me :)


I can't speak for Rocketman, but I know exactly what I'm facing in your bogus declarations from all the goo-roo teachings.

It distills to this... You can't and won't ever be able to distinguish Soul and Spirit; and all you're propagating is Soul. It's the underlying paradox you THINK is the non-duality relative to apparent duality.

Though you constantly deny it, it's all concept and perception and a structured religion; no matter how pseudo-esoteric it's presumed to be.

The cult of the ages. The cult of all cults. Total underlying selflessness of Self as gawd. You think it's the deep end of the pool. It's barely even a puddle.

John Mortimer

New member

"Soul" is not a word I use because it is far too can mean all kinds of things to different people. If you are equating "consciousness" with "soul" then fair enough. Consciousness is most certainly not ultimate in any way; it arises and subsides, it requires a form, (a body). My individual body is a psychosomatic apparatus that temporarily sustains a point of consciousness, my mind. The body of the universal consciousness is the total manifestation, the universe. That's all I am saying. As soon as the sense of presence, "I am", is - the manifestation is also, quite simultaneously.
You say that consciousness is not the basis of life, breath is. I agree. The vital breath is what life is. What you mean by "breath" in this context may be what I mean by "Prana"?
What you mean by "Spirit" may be what I mean by "Parabrahman"? :idunno:


TOL Subscriber

"Soul" is not a word I use because it is far too ambiguous...

But that's because you don't know what it is. Otherwise, you wouldn't think it was ambiguous. The presumption that the true esoteric Christian faith can be homogenized via a semantics shuffle is fallacious.

it can mean all kinds of things to different people.

The subjective is irrelevant. Only the objective matters. That's the problem.

If you are equating "consciousness" with "soul" then fair enough.

Consciousness is the result of the aggregate facutlies of the Soul.

Consciousness is most certainly not ultimate in any way;

Of course not. And certainly even moreso in the traditions of your mythology.

it arises and subsides,

For creation, yes. You don't comprehend the truth of UNcreated relative to creation.

it requires a form, (a body).

For individuated procreated persons, yes.

My individual body is a psychosomatic apparatus that temporarily sustains a point of consciousness, my mind.

No. That psychosomatic appartus wasn't "psuche" in the "soma" until vivified individually with a pneuma.

The body of the universal consciousness is the total manifestation, the universe.

No. There is no universal consciousness. The individuated consciousnesses are distinct unto themselves. There is no pre-existence for human consciousness.

Souls are very specifically propagated, and it's via mediate creation of procreation. Individual consciousness isn't directly derived from a collective universal consciousness; nor does it return or transcend or evolve to that universal consciousness.

That's all I am saying. As soon as the sense of presence, "I am", is - the manifestation is also, quite simultaneously.

No. That's the core fallacy of all the traditions and various mythologies.

You say that consciousness is not the basis of life, breath is. I agree.

No, you don't. You think you do because of the traditions you have embraced.

The vital breath is what life is. What you mean by "breath" in this context may be what I mean by "Prana"?

No. It's not the sum total of all cosmic energy in the universe (or whatever other explicit semantics need to be conveyed to parallel your mythologies).

What you mean by "Spirit" may be what I mean by "Parabrahman"? :idunno:

No. What you refer to as Parabrahman is actually created. It's not the god-force of universality of/for the cosmos.

You don't recognize and understand how low your traditions and mythologies are while trying to homogenize the one exponentially transcendent true faith that supercedes all the ancient mystical forms of pseudo-faith.

Your idea of enlightenment... isn't. It's low and small. But since it's puffed up as the heights of gnosis, indoctrinates can't recognize that false inflation in contrast to the true epignostic and oidaic truth.

Even though the exoteric of the Christian faith is in shameful and hypocritical disarray of division and schizm and condemnation and lovelessness, etc., the true esoteric Christian faith transcends all, including the paltry traditions and mythologies of all the ancient occultic mystical belief systems.

Everything you percieve as Creator is created. You're nowhere near true transcendence. Your chosen traditions can't reflect it or represent it.

There are no homogenous semantics you seek. The miniscule traditions and mythologies of all these ancient occultic disciplines can't depict or mirror anything within the true esoteric Christian faith.

It's sad that the exoteric disarray of Christianity has been a factor in others embracing these lower traditions and insufficient mythologies. You just can't even begin to realize how pathetic and tiny they all are in contrast to the real esoteric truth of the Christian faith.

John Mortimer

New member
PPS, do you have a thread or threads where you expound the real esoteric truth of the Christian faith?

Thank you for your time and effort in that last post, by the is appreciated.


Well-known member
The subjective is irrelevant. Only the objective matters.
Matters to whom? See the problem, here?
There is no universal consciousness. The individuated consciousnesses are distinct unto themselves.
Yet, it is a collective phenomena. Just as humanity is a collective phenomena, and life is a collective phenomena. Existence is an event, happening. Life, and through life, consciousness, are expressions of that event. We can view this expression by viewing the individual forms, or we can view it collectively, as a whole. Both are 'legitimate' conceptual points of view.


Eclectic Theosophist
The Omnipresent One......

The Omnipresent One......

I will not derail this thread further as it is a train to nowhere to begin with...enjoy.

Those following the thread can make an intelligent decision for themselves by actually exploring the concept of oneness relative to the resources, commentary and religious traditions or schools of thought represented here. Reading the first article in the OP would be customary for those wishing to engage the subject here as all springboards off those central concepts relating to the consciousness that we all share within the Universal One. Taking this first step is customary in respecting the actual discussion, no matter what your bias or preconceived belief-system is.

The genenerosity also of providing commentary and research info. can be appreciated by those willing to explore the subject, even if you've chosen not to afford yourself the opportunity, so the 'discussion' still serves the greater collective.

Furthermore,....since 'God' is One and All,....the train of consciousness can only be derailed (so it seems) by egoic diversions or false religious concepts, but one can never ever be seperate from the source of Life itself. The direction of this discussion is clear and Self-evident as one discovers the light of 'God' in his own 'being' and sees that it is the universal Light in one and all. Such is the 'atman'. Since 'God' is omnipresent, ever-available and all-pervading, and is the only ultimate and absolute reality always matter what adventures the body-mind or personality takes in the worlds of space-time.

Hence the cosmos and all life in all worlds is 'God' at play (lila), the endless manifestations of His potentials, his dance thru space and time, his dive into multiplicity, relationships and associative experience.



Eclectic Theosophist
points and suggestions......

points and suggestions......

This is ALL Soul versus Spirit, presuming there is no distinction and never being able to comprehend the difference.

You continue to rant about 'soul' vs. 'spirit' without elaborating on the significance or the difference or why it is important, or relative to the subject at hand, which offers little 'bearing' in the discussion. Granted, a seperate thread on dividing 'soul' from 'spirit' could be started, if you so want to make your case there. There is distinction and differentiation between 'soul' and 'spirit' in eastern religious traditions as well, as well as other 'terms' relating to the 'mind' and 'spirit' of man, perhaps even more complex than western theological systems, so that would entail a deeper study and expounding upon such. Until then, your 'assumption' that 'soul' and 'spirit' need to be distingished and "why" remains somewhat 'vague', and seems to be a 'tactic' engaged to discredit the content of this thread. Its a 'reaction' from your own religious preconceptions and antagonisms built on your own 'perceptions' and 'prefigurations'. The fundamental truth that Spirit is ONE still holds. Since 'God' is Spirit and is omnipresent, it is that universal principle that is foundational, and the 'mind' recognizing the Spirit is life and peace.

The alleged One Consciousness that allegedly underlies all outward ego of man's individuated personae is fallacious.

God isn't a cumulative pervasive impersonal force as Soul. God is Spirit. They don't have a clue how to determine the difference, and they've merely tapped into the psuedo-reality that all the ancient gurus thought was the Utopian inner "stuff".

It's a plunge down the rabbit hole into the self-engulfing fallacy of Psuche instead of Pneuma. It's one huge facet of the great apostasy and delusion.

Every last shread of this junk is Soul, but claimed to be Spiritual. For them, there's nothing to pierce and divide asunder. They've traded the senses of the body thinking the faculties of the soul to be infinite and ultimately non-individuated.

Soul doesn't vivify. There's no life in mind/will/emotion. They're responsive, not initiative. But since thought and volition presume themselves primary, they don't and can't yield to the Spirit.

The entirety of every other world religion in the history of mankind can be engulfed, encompassed, absorbed, assimiliated, and amalgamated by this syncretic "gloss" that is sucking up all belief systems... except one. The true esoteric Christian faith represents the ONLY wholly Spirit-based objective truth of all eternity.

Just because the exoteric schizm and fractured sectarian division has diluted its effectiveness, the TRUE esotericism of the ONLY Spiritual faith has and will prevail.

Faith is a hypostasis which hears the Rhema that is God's own hypostasis. That hypostasis is Spirit, not Soul. God HAS a soul, but His transcendent and personal essence is Spirit.

The foundation for ALL existence of life isn't Consciousness. The foundation for all existence of life is Breath. The heavens were made by God's Logos; but the host of the heavens by God's Pneuma.

Man's feeble logos of his soul isn't co-inherent with God's Logos. Man's psuche was derived by spirit/body joining. Life from life. By the Breath (Pneuma), NOT the Psuche.

There is no underlying collective consciousness of the universe. Man isn't the consciousness of creation. And further, that's why it's so vital to understand that God created eternity AND temporality. Even the metaphysical realm was spoken/breathed into existence.

All this soulish crap is just scrounging around for metaphysical crumbs. After all of their posturing and positing of soulish futility; the very pinnacle of all they could conceive is still created by the one true and living God, who is YHWH.

What they presume as some fathomless immensity of esoteric truth was created by the Word and Breath of God, who is Spirit not Soul.

The hypostasis (underlying foundational absolute assured substantial objective reality of existence) for ALL is Pneuma, not Psuche. Not consciousness. The Rhema OF the Logos.

Too bad the exoteric of the Christian faith is so meager and hypocritical to give them valid points of assessment and criticism. But the esoteric is still intact beneath AND above all that. The truth remains, and it's the Logos of God. The Rhema OF the Logos. Spirit, not Soul.

But they'll never understand it as they try to replace it. Without the Logos, there is no diikneomai and merismos. All the alleged gurued enlightment is nothing but a near-miss, which is an oxymoron to begin with.

They got nuthin' as their presumed everything. But it'll get worse on the world stage before it gets better. This is one major facet of what's sweeping the world.

Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, the synagogue of Satan. Kaballah is at the center of it. They're trying to gather the sparks of divinity in the self-shattered creation of the impersonal god-force.

And Scientific Naturalism is another facet of all this. Empiricism tainted and dressed in its secular best as a fascade for being an ancient occultic religion. The textbooks have already been indoctrinating modern generations for as long as there have been public schools.

This stretches back to Nimrod and can be traced from then to the present through Zoroastrianism, Taoism, all cultural practices of Alchemy, and every vestige of antichrist mysticism in human history.

It's the Edenic lie.

Spouting the same old rant which are but your own opinions. I suggest you read the OP article as intended here and the entire thread for a better comprehension of the subject, as following posts and dialogue expand on such from different schools and resources, instead of reflexing back to your preconceived projections and assumptions, with the 'soul' vs. 'spirit' thing which being unexplained and unproven, bring little clarity, neither does it disprove the unity of Spirit behind all that exists. That 'God' is Spirit has never been denied here, since that Spirit is the source of all consciousness and existence in the comsos.

I would begin your own thread explaining and defending your position on 'soul' vs. 'spirit' since this appears to be so important to you. Eastern metaphysics on the 'soul' are different amid the various layers of the 'mind' within the various 'bodies'(sheaths) of man, being somewhat complex, so these would have to be considered in comparison to western schools on the subject, so that the proposition of soul vs. spirit will be 'conditional' according to definition and point of view.

In any case,....that might serve your campaign better as my commentaries on the Unity of God and Man comprise the entire religious experience of man including the mystics from all religious traditions, also correlating how consciousness studies and science are coming closer to find a common denominator behind all phenomena, which points to a universal underlying unity to all existence. This 'unity' is intrinsic within the very fabric of existence, and sourced within the Spirit-origin and MIND of One absolute reality.



Eclectic Theosophist


Matters to whom? See the problem, here?

What PPS fails to recognize here is that all 'truth' or 'perception' is mediated thru 'subjectivity'. The assumption that all truth is 'objective' is not entirely true, since all is 'interpreted' and 'translated' thru the subjectivity of 'consciousness'. Reality is not limited to a religious idiom, concept, doctrine, dogma or proposition,...and even if 'truth' is attempted to be described by such, is still 'subjectively' interpreted.

Yet, it is a collective phenomena. Just as humanity is a collective phenomena, and life is a collective phenomena. Existence is an event, happening. Life, and through life, consciousness, are expressions of that event. We can view this expression by viewing the individual forms, or we can view it collectively, as a whole. Both are 'legitimate' conceptual points of view.

The 'universal' and 'individual' cannot be seperate from one another. One view may come more from a 'universal' or 'individual' perspective, yet one cannot exist without the other. 'God' remains the One Universal Spirit from which all points of view inhere, and in that Spirit is inherently one universal 'light' that shines thru all that exists, no matter how many 'minds' exist as 'individual' points or 'mediums' of that consciousness. As far as Man is concerned, all only exists within the sense-medium of his being (I Am-ness), the 'I Am' is the gateway to all. This truth, is Self-evident, individually and universally. The original reality behind all duality is 'non-dual' in nature. This comes back to our foundation explained in 'Advaita Vedanta'. There is 'not-two' (only in appearance). We say "all is one" by the proposition of the unity of existence, the indivisible reality sustaining the manifold creation.

Last edited:


TOL Subscriber
PPS, do you have a thread or threads where you expound the real esoteric truth of the Christian faith?

Thank you for your time and effort in that last post, by the is appreciated.

Unfortunately, even though I introduce it in a corrective manner to all those allegedly O/orthodox who have sadly been trapped in a diluted exotericism while eschewing the true esotericism of the Christian faith, it's mostly on an exoteric level to engage on that level.

My intents are reconciliatory rather than adversarial, but most of the faith is preoccupied with promoting their skewed exoteric views to further dilute the pragmatism they so thoroughly violate and compromise.

Others are very often pursuing the pseudo-esotericism of the various coallescing world religions because the traditional faith is terrified to embrace the undeniable fact that Christianity is a mystical faith and has become marginally effective while being gradually hybridized from within.

It all begins with Theology Proper and Cosmogony, and O/orthodoxy is heterodox by degree. That's what has led to this point as it has unfolded throughout history. And now the Church overall has few real answers beyond dogma, indoctrination, and compromised outward behavior while preaching a gospel of fear and condemnation and supposed mystery.

I'm just as candid with those who profess to be within the faith as I am with those attempting to hybridize Christianity from outside the faith.

It's me casting the money-changers out of the temple after the example of Jesus Christ. There's no place in the naos for any other spirit; and an enhanced and exalted soul isn't and can't be the same.


Well-known member
The 'universal' and 'individual' cannot be seperate from one another. One view may come more from a 'universal' or 'individual' perspective, yet one cannot exist without the other. 'God' remains the One Universal Spirit from which all points of view inhere, and in that Spirit is inherently one universal 'light' that shines thru all that exists, no matter how many 'minds' exist as 'individual' points or 'mediums' of that consciousness. As far as Man is concerned, all only exists within the sense-medium of his being (I Am-ness), the 'I Am' is the gateway to all. This truth, is Self-evident, individually and universally. The original reality behind all duality is 'non-dual' in nature. This comes back to our foundation explained in 'Advaita Vedanta'. There is 'not-two' (only in appearance). We say "all is one" by the proposition of the unity of existence, the indivisible reality sustaining the manifold creation.
That's all somewhat overly complex, and perhaps a little presumptive, for me.

My understanding is that the duality we perceive in everything around us not in everything around us. It's in the way our human minds cognate what we experience. Our physiological structure causes us to experience/perceive/understand reality through a process of 'compare/contrast, repeat'. We identify everything we see/smell/touch/taste/hear by comparing and contrasting that experience with to everything we remember seeing/smelling/tasting/touching hearing, before that moment. How it is similar, and how it is different is how we understand what it "is". So that from our perspective, all of reality a collection of individual "kinds of things" that all exist (from our perspective) in relation to their opposites. But reality is not divided into parts and aspects and opposites as we perceive it. It's one singular event phenomenon.

What that means to us, I don't know. Because even though I can understand this in theory, I'm still human, and so I still perceive things as we all do - as parts. As "yin and yang". All I can say is I'm fine with it. It's my place to be what I am. :)


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I can't speak for Rocketman, but I know exactly what I'm facing in your bogus declarations from all the goo-roo teachings.

The cult of the ages. The cult of all cults. Total underlying selflessness of Self as gawd. You think it's the deep end of the pool. It's barely even a puddle.

^This^ pretty much sums it up...Well put I might add. :thumb:


TOL Subscriber
You continue to rant about 'soul' vs. 'spirit' without elaborating on the significance or the difference or why it is important, or relative to the subject at hand, which offers little 'bearing' in the discussion.

You're too pseudo-enlightened for it to matter. You'd just make a declared successful attempt to hybridize and engulf it within your concepts and perceptions as part of the somethingness to your nothingness. You're the Bounty of the metaphysical, portending and intending to hyper-absorb all other belief systems into your soulishly-inflated para-gnostic nonsense.

Granted, a seperate thread on dividing 'soul' from 'spirit' could be started, if you so want to make your case there. There is distinction and differentiation between 'soul' and 'spirit' in eastern religious traditions as well, as well as other 'terms' relating to the 'mind' and 'spirit' of man, perhaps even more complex than western theological systems, so that would entail a deeper study and expounding upon such. Until then, your 'assumption' that 'soul' and 'spirit' need to be distingished and "why" remains somewhat 'vague', and seems to be a 'tactic' engaged to discredit the content of this thread. Its a 'reaction' from your own religious preconceptions and antagonisms built on your own 'perceptions' and 'prefigurations'.

Says the deluded uber-goo-roo in reactionary religious preconception and antagonism built on his (and others') own perceptions and prefigurations, ad infinitum ad nauseum.

The fundamental truth that Spirit is ONE still holds. Since 'God' is Spirit and is omnipresent, it is that universal principle that is foundational, and the 'mind' recognizing the Spirit is life and peace.

No, you merely espouse an immanent declaration of transcendence that is Soul. You don't and can't know the difference or I would delineate it.

Spouting the same old rant which are but your own opinions.

Ummm... This is among the most epic and monumental double standards I've encountered. This forum is filled with threads of your same old rants which are but your own opinions.

Everything you say/write is nothing but bare assertion and declaration of pseudo-tantric opinion of the lowest order, yet presuming to be the enlightened truth and its pursuit of/for acquiescence.

I've never seen a greater inequity than you exhibit. There isn't one thing you've ever posted that is anything but adamant unfounded declaration. And all while decrying any of it is merely concept, perception, and all the rest as a religion of structured beliefs.

You want to skate around in some nebulous middle ground of total syncretism, sucking up every other system of beliefs like some mystical Hoover of the soul pretending to be spirit.

You have no idea what hypostasis is. You can't even fathom that the very highest and most transcendent you can conjur up by your occultic majik is created by the one true and living YHWH. Whatever force and "I AM-ness" you ascribe, or by the traditions of your mythologies is insisted to inhere; THAT is created by YHWH. (Since you attribute Theos as being an impersonal force, I'll refer to the Tetragramaton who IS God.)

I suggest you read the OP article as intended here and the entire thread for a better comprehension of the subject, as following posts and dialogue expand on such from different schools and resources, instead of reflexing back to your preconceived projections and assumptions, with the 'soul' vs. 'spirit' thing which being unexplained and unproven, bring little clarity, neither does it disprove the unity of Spirit behind all that exists. That 'God' is Spirit has never been denied here, since that Spirit is the source of all consciousness and existence in the comsos.

Suggestion noted. You don't and can't know the truth, having given yourself to something else and attempting to horizontally and vertically to integrate it with all else you "Borg"ify with your silly fragile inflated gnosis.

I would begin your own thread explaining and defending your position on 'soul' vs. 'spirit' since this appears to be so important to you. Eastern metaphysics on the 'soul' are different amid the various layers of the 'mind' within the various 'bodies'(sheaths) of man, being somewhat complex, so these would have to be considered in comparison to western schools on the subject, so that the proposition of soul vs. spirit will be 'conditional' according to definition and point of view.

There's nothing conditional about it. I don't have to be a Mystical Concordist any more than I have to be a Scientific Concordist (not that there's much difference). You take unabridged license to accumulate every possible belief system into a miasmic compilation of inferred and declared fact. I don't need to assimilate anything or be assimilated by anything.

Your double standard of bare assertions mean nothing. You don't get to prescribe any type of template for anything or anyone else, regardless how you esteem yourself and your chosen goo-roos and sift them at your discretion.

In any case,....that might serve your campaign better

I don't have a campaign. You constantly attempt to encompass and engulf the Christian faith within your "mutt" religion. It's your campaign of syncretism, and I'm just responding to it because I'm equipped to do so.

as my commentaries on the Unity of God and Man comprise the entire religious experience of man including the mystics from all religious traditions,

Yeah, that's the problem. You presume to comprise and compromise the true esoteric Christian faith into your paltry wannabe Self-realization cult of nothingness. It can't be and won't be. It stands apart as the one true faith of YHWH as the only spiritual truth.

You don't get to do that and insist others not respond or suggest that they respond according to your prescribed silliness of nothingness. You don't get to be the final arbiter of spiritual truth, especially when everything you espouse is nothing but soulish garbage and fecal material.

There is no universal consciousness of/in/as the cosmos. That which is transcendent to the cosmos is also created, except YHWH Himself who is Spirit. You don't get to claim some inane majority-rules priority of belief and truth just because you coallesce many belief systems into one as a giant "mutt" cult of Self-awareness to be gawd.

also correlating how consciousness studies and science are coming closer to find a common denominator behind all phenomena, which points to a universal underlying unity to all existence.

All part and parcel of the fallacious vortex you're trapped within. Science is gnosis, and it's all foundationally predicated upon Kabbalah to begin with.

This 'unity' is intrinsic within the very fabric of existence, and sourced within the Spirit-origin and MIND of One absolute reality.


No. You continue to make infinite bare assertions and declarations while pouting and whining about anyone else who contests it as the rubbish it truly is while making other assertions.

You have no unity with the cosmos or any other level of existence. Nobody does. There is no collective consciousness from which individuated consciousnesses are dervied, and to which they return or evolve or transcend or whatever goo-rooed semantics need to be employed to parallel the assertions of your many vaccuously omni-coallesced mythologies.

As I said, it all distills to Soul versus Spirit, and you're not even equipped to have that conversation or any resulting understanding from it.


Well-known member
Unfortunately, even though I introduce it in a corrective manner to all those allegedly O/orthodox who have sadly been trapped in a diluted exotericism while eschewing the true esotericism of the Christian faith, it's mostly on an exoteric level to engage on that level.

My intents are reconciliatory rather than adversarial, but most of the faith is preoccupied with promoting their skewed exoteric views to further dilute the pragmatism they so thoroughly violate and compromise.

Others are very often pursuing the pseudo-esotericism of the various coallescing world religions because the traditional faith is terrified to embrace the undeniable fact that Christianity is a mystical faith and has become marginally effective while being gradually hybridized from within.

It all begins with Theology Proper and Cosmogony, and O/orthodoxy is heterodox by degree. That's what has led to this point as it has unfolded throughout history. And now the Church overall has few real answers beyond dogma, indoctrination, and compromised outward behavior while preaching a gospel of fear and condemnation and supposed mystery.

I'm just as candid with those who profess to be within the faith as I am with those attempting to hybridize Christianity from outside the faith.

It's me casting the money-changers out of the temple after the example of Jesus Christ. There's no place in the naos for any other spirit; and an enhanced and exalted soul isn't and can't be the same.

You need to focus on you, your temple is the only one that needs stuff cast out, get off your high horse of self righteous and religious crusade and love your fellow man.


Eclectic Theosophist
That's all somewhat overly complex, and perhaps a little presumptive, for me.

My understanding is that the duality we perceive in everything around us not in everything around us. It's in the way our human minds cognate what we experience. Our physiological structure causes us to experience/perceive/understand reality through a process of 'compare/contrast, repeat'. We identify everything we see/smell/touch/taste/hear by comparing and contrasting that experience with to everything we remember seeing/smelling/tasting/touching hearing, before that moment. How it is similar, and how it is different is how we understand what it "is". So that from our perspective, all of reality a collection of individual "kinds of things" that all exist (from our perspective) in relation to their opposites. But reality is not divided into parts and aspects and opposites as we perceive it. It's one singular event phenomenon.

What that means to us, I don't know. Because even though I can understand this in theory, I'm still human, and so I still perceive things as we all do - as parts. As "yin and yang". All I can say is I'm fine with it. It's my place to be what I am. :)

:) - the complexity inheres in the unity, for it is a manifold one.



TOL Subscriber
You need to focus on you,

No. I need to continue to focus on the Rhema as the hypostasis of God's Logos and on His Pneuma. The whole problem is all of "you" focusing on "Self", thinking there's some underlying cosmic god of "you-ness" in collective consciousness.

your temple is the only one that needs stuff cast out,

You know nothing of my temple or ANY temple. You're a temple unto yourself.

get off your high horse of self righteous and religious crusade

I'm not astride any such equine of immense stature. You're the cult of "Self" on a crusade to syncretize every other religious faith of humanity. Dismount YOUR beast.

You guys always pretend someone else is initiating something when it's your puny cult of cults that is attempting to suck up all belief systems into the vacuum of nothingness of your non-existent collective cosmic consciousness; and I'm just responding to it.

Have your false religion of concepts and perception, and desist with attempting to absorb all other belief systems.

and love your fellow man.

I do; and you have no idea what love is. You think love is tolerance and this pseudo-peace that you mistake for all things real.

And loving my neighbor is second to loving God. My neighbor isn't God, and neither are you or your peers.

When you present idolatry and attempt to disannul the one true God who IS love, don't come at me about love in your void of lovelessness.

I must and will earnestly contend for the true faith that you and others callously and indifferently presume can and shall be swallowed up by all the soulish drivel in all these threads.

Just because you were among the minions of the marginal exoteric Christian faith, it doesn't mean there isn't a true esoteric Christian faith that you never knew of and now attempt to metaphoricize into non-existence in favor of your new induction into soulish fantasy.

I lay down my life (psuche) for my fellow man. Greater love hath no man than this. You elevate your psuche to Divinity. You are the antithesis of love. Every non-Christian world belief system is the antithesis of love, presuming soulishness to be love.

The consciousness doesn't love. Your non-existent divine collective cosmic consciousness would be loveless, if it weren't a fantasy in your mind. Your "god" isn't love. You as "god" aren't love. You're not the I AM.


New member
No. I need to continue to focus on the Rhema as the hypostasis of God's Logos and on His Pneuma. The whole problem is all of "you" focusing on "Self", thinking there's some underlying cosmic god of "you-ness" in collective consciousness.

You know nothing of my temple or ANY temple. You're a temple unto yourself.

I'm not astride any such equine of immense stature. You're the cult of "Self" on a crusade to syncretize every other religious faith of humanity. Dismount YOUR beast.

You guys always pretend someone else is initiating something when it's your puny cult of cults that is attempting to suck up all belief systems into the vacuum of nothingness of your non-existent collective cosmic consciousness; and I'm just responding to it.

Have your false religion of concepts and perception, and desist with attempting to absorb all other belief systems.

I do; and you have no idea what love is. You think love is tolerance and this pseudo-peace that you mistake for all things real.

And loving my neighbor is second to loving God. My neighbor isn't God, and neither are you or your peers.

When you present idolatry and attempt to disannul the one true God who IS love, don't come at me about love in your void of lovelessness.

I must and will earnestly contend for the true faith that you and others callously and indifferently presume can and shall be swallowed up by all the soulish drivel in all these threads.

Just because you were among the minions of the marginal exoteric Christian faith, it doesn't mean there isn't a true esoteric Christian faith that you never knew of and now attempt to metaphoricize into non-existence in favor of your new induction into soulish fantasy.

I lay down my life (psuche) for my fellow man. Greater love hath no man than this. You elevate your psuche to Divinity. You are the antithesis of love. Every non-Christian world belief system is the antithesis of love, presuming soulishness to be love.

The consciousness doesn't love. Your non-existent divine collective cosmic consciousness would be loveless, if it weren't a fantasy in your mind. Your "god" isn't love. You as "god" aren't love. You're not the I AM.

You have not laid down your life. You have flapped your gums in a most demeaning and derogatory fashion.


Well-known member
No. I need to continue to focus on the Rhema as the hypostasis of God's Logos and on His Pneuma. The whole problem is all of "you" focusing on "Self", thinking there's some underlying cosmic god of "you-ness" in collective consciousness.

You know nothing of my temple or ANY temple. You're a temple unto yourself.

I'm not astride any such equine of immense stature. You're the cult of "Self" on a crusade to syncretize every other religious faith of humanity. Dismount YOUR beast.

You guys always pretend someone else is initiating something when it's your puny cult of cults that is attempting to suck up all belief systems into the vacuum of nothingness of your non-existent collective cosmic consciousness; and I'm just responding to it.

Have your false religion of concepts and perception, and desist with attempting to absorb all other belief systems.

I do; and you have no idea what love is. You think love is tolerance and this pseudo-peace that you mistake for all things real.

And loving my neighbor is second to loving God. My neighbor isn't God, and neither are you or your peers.

When you present idolatry and attempt to disannul the one true God who IS love, don't come at me about love in your void of lovelessness.

I must and will earnestly contend for the true faith that you and others callously and indifferently presume can and shall be swallowed up by all the soulish drivel in all these threads.

Just because you were among the minions of the marginal exoteric Christian faith, it doesn't mean there isn't a true esoteric Christian faith that you never knew of and now attempt to metaphoricize into non-existence in favor of your new induction into soulish fantasy.

I lay down my life (psuche) for my fellow man. Greater love hath no man than this. You elevate your psuche to Divinity. You are the antithesis of love. Every non-Christian world belief system is the antithesis of love, presuming soulishness to be love.

The consciousness doesn't love. Your non-existent divine collective cosmic consciousness would be loveless, if it weren't a fantasy in your mind. Your "god" isn't love. You as "god" aren't love. You're not the I AM.

I am part of the I am, are you saying the Spirit we all move and have are being in isn't?


Eclectic Theosophist
See 1 Cor. 13........

See 1 Cor. 13........

As I said, it all distills to Soul versus Spirit, and you're not even equipped to have that conversation or any resulting understanding from it.

You continually put down others and exalt yourself as being more superior, loving and wise, twice referring to our philosophy as 'fecal matter'. Such is not a sign of true humility, let alone respect or kindness. A 'religious ego' is often the most difficult to de-throne, but with humility it can be demolished, so the pure light of 'God' can shine, and that 'light' is the 'I Am' itself, which is free of any sense of competition, aggression, pride or cruelty.


You're welcome to start your own thread on the explanation of why differenatiating between 'soul' and 'spirit' is important, since your claim that it is does little to disprove or de-value the concept expounded upon here from the OP on....of the unity of consciousness and Spirit that all share in 'God', since 'Brahman' is the absolute, ultimate, universal source and root and of all that is, whose essence is all-pervading.

Otherwise your input is just a unnecessary distraction since your not here for 'dialogue' as your posts prove, but to discredit, malign and denigrate. If this is your m.o. we recommend leaving the thread. Such is not welcome here. Your manner does little to draw anyone to your 'theology' or concept of 'God' with its 'stringent definitions' but leaves a taste of bitterness within a bondage of 'terms'. Real love inspires, uplifts, empowers, edifies, envalues, liberates, and makes whole. Its that divine law and principle that serves all souls and awakens the Christ within, where the principle of the brotherhood of man(sonship) and Fatherhood of 'God' can be realized and lived.
