Return to Oneness


TOL Subscriber
None where meant to be taken literally, the bible is inner science told through allegory and metaphor, when taken literal it breeds hate, elitist mentality and arrogance.

The height of veiled and equivocational masquerades of love is the hate, elitism, and arrogance of syncretism.

Your feeble gnosticism isn't epignositic and oidaic, so it's fallacious. But your gnosticism doesn't even know what that means.

If I can have an exponentially more esoteric understanding than you, it abrogates your syncretism. If my consciousness has greater boundaries than the parameters of your faux-religion, then it's YOUR beliefs that can syncretized as the lesser to the greater.

You've imagined an immanent Self-god AS transcendence. You're in the locker at the terminal in "Men in Black". LOL. Your alleged transcendence... ISN'T, and despite your adamant unfounded assertions.


TOL Subscriber
But those theists think you are the one who isn't sophisticated enough to understand. They call you Christian Other in a derogatory way because you do not see the Truth tm as they do. So why is your Truth superior to theirs? How do you know the fundagelicals and YEC's don't have the real Truth while your Truth is false?

Why is one faith superior to another? I personally think freelight has every right to stake his claim as he sees fit among the sea of differing views on this board. I think all of you are away with the fairies and my view is as good as any.

Fundagelicals = hilarious. I will pirate its usage. LOL. :)

I think freelight has every right to post anything he chooses. AND... He has no right to insist there be no objection to all that he chooses to post.

Mine is not a position of censure. Mine is an opposition to syncretism.


TOL Subscriber
How do you know it wasn't just a bunch of stuff half made up and half plagiarised from earlier myths. Science hadn't been invented yet when the Bible books were authored, inner or otherwise.

To this day people make stuff up. Just read a paper or magazine.

Science is gnosis. There has always been gnosis as long as there has been cognitive faculties.

Yes, people make things up all the time. That's why oida and epignosis trump mere gnosis.


Well-known member
But those theists think you are the one who isn't sophisticated enough to understand.
Of course they do. Ignorance is often willful.
They call you Christian Other in a derogatory way because you do not see the Truth tm as they do.
They're just afraid of being "wrong". It's a common affliction.
So why is your Truth superior to theirs? How do you know the fundagelicals and YEC's don't have the real Truth while your Truth is false?
I don't care about the "truth" in this instance. It's an irrelevant question. I'm interested in what works best for me in my life.
Why is one faith superior to another?
They aren't "superior" to one another. But certain systems of belief/faith work better for certain people under certain conditions. The question we should be asking isn't which religious theologies are "true", (because no one knows,) but rather which ones effect the best results?
I personally think freelight has every right to stake his claim as he sees fit among the sea of differing views on this board.
Me too.
I think all of you are away with the fairies and my view is as good as any.
Your view is as good as any for achieving what?


TOL Subscriber
Yes,....'karmic' in that it reflects an exclusive preconceived point of view contending or opposed to other points of view,

As is yours, despite your self-refuting insistence.

heralding itself as 'true' and all others as 'false',

Just as you do when others expose your syncretism. Yours is a "leech" system of faithlessness, dependent upon those it attempts to absorb.

which suffers from its own claims and contentions (in dualistic conflict), which perpetually needs to defend itself (fear based really),

Every word you post qualifies by that same criteria; for there is no other way for your views be espoused in comparison.

You are blind to YOUR fear, projecting it to and upon others.

...instead of seeing the universal light and wisdom at the heart of all. In Love there is no division.


More bare assertion, as always. Your Jell-O is nailed to the wall.


TOL Subscriber
I've been posting here for over 10 years, and this is the 'Religion' section and is NOT the 'exclusive Christian theology' forum, so I have full liberties as I've always had to create threads (related to 'religion' or on comparitive or eclectic-religious subjects) and contribute to threads as I always have.

I've never insisted you can't post whatever you choose. I've insisted I can challenge any topic you post as the unfounded bare assertional syncretic excrement it is.

I haven't once reported you or lobbied for censure. I'm not the simpering whining little psuedo-esotericist leech.

Have you? Have you reported me? Have you insisted I leave? I've only responded to your insistence by returning it. I don't care if you stay or go. I don't care if you post or not. But I'm free to challenge whatever you post. It's ALL bare assertion and declaration.

It's the collective excrement of the collective human psyche trying to be more than the dung that it is. It's as hilarious as it is sad.

Actually most of my older threads listed here were deleted in the last server upgrade (being very old),

Miracles never cease. LOL.

and I have less current threads compared to many here who make threads who are not even subscsribers, but may revive some of those subject-topics again :)

Whoop-de-doo. And....?

The OP article still holds and is of significance to both Jews and Christians

No, it doesn't. Not in the least. That's your faux-cult declaring again.

There aren't any remaining religious Jews. Judaism is extinct. There is no Levitical Priesthood, no temple, not sacrifices, no yet-coming Messiah. It's all Talmudism. Kaballah. Mystery Babylon the Great.

And don't refer to ethnic Semitism unless you have DNA samples from Shem or Abraham, etc. Japhetic isn't Semitic.


since Jerusalem is recognized as the City of One, being a special 'segway' or 'medium' thru which heaven and earth merge and harmonize, - this relates the truth of God the One for all peoples since all have their being in that One, the Universal ONE.

No. That's your leech syncretism's assertion.

Gerald having a long background in consciousness studies and remote viewing happens to have in-depth insights into the nature of reality,

No. It's all gnostic drivel of the sub-conscious. Prove otherwise beyond declarative assertions.

which is sourced in the One, who is 'God', the only source of all that exists, the very womb and creative intelligence at the heart of creation. Thats what this thread is about, our re-turning to Source,

I know. I've been posting about the OP's ridiculosity.

which is recognizing our own true nature, our relation to the cosmos and our human and divine potential revealed in both time and eternity. - it has individual and collective significance since all things are inter-dependent within the One.

No. It's your goofball, fruit loop delusion.

Oneness is at the very heart of all that is, since nothing exists outside of the One Infinite. 'God' is essentially the One and Only. As one continues their research they learn to understand the various terms and meanings from various teachers and systems, whereby they can inter-relate, correlate and comprehend the Greater whole and its creative potential (however individualized).

Thats what its all about. No religious tradition or cult is being attacked or challenged at all here, so those seeing the recognition of universal truth as 'threatening' is telling in itself.

'God' is One, and so Creation inheres in and reflects that inherent UNITY.


More syncretic cowardice of bare assertion.

Call the dung wagon and the septic service. This thing needs to be bled out to rid us of the stench and blockage.

It's all sub-conscious nothingness, attempting to suck up everything around it in its self-refuting vortex.


TOL Subscriber
All comes from one source from a theistic perspective, call that source 'God', 'Spirit', 'Brahman', 'The One', 'The All', 'YHWH', 'Allah', 'Tao', 'The Absolute', etc. Evidently diversity, multiple interpretations, differing perspectives, symbology and archetypes spring from the womb of consciousness reflecting various properties, qualities and attributes of a foundational primordial essence.

Like Light manifests itself thru a rainbow of different colours, so the essence behind all appearances and forms appears as the whole of creation, the entire manifest existence which includes all ideas, images, potentials and possibilities. No one says one colour is more correct or 'right' than another vibrational reflection in the colour spectrum. There is difference in manifestation/expression, but it is all sourced and reflected in the context of one core energy, being light itself.


Blah to the blah of the blah in the blah for the blah with the blah over the blah around the blah under the blah.

More syncretic mumbo jumbo of attempted assimilation by paltry declaration.

Just because being a guru of nebulosity enables your co-dependence to find your missing worth in this crap, it doesn't make it valid because you and the deluded ancient gurus have something in common by tapping the undertow of the sub-conscious and mistaking it for anything of cosmic substance.

You either need meds or need to abstain from whatever psychotropics you're on.

Your tenure here means no more than the tenure of freedom for an unabucted serial killer. I've got the nailgun for your Jell-O. Blap, blap, blap.


Well-known member
How do you know it wasn't just a bunch of stuff half made up and half plagiarised from earlier myths. Science hadn't been invented yet when the Bible books were authored, inner or otherwise.

To this day people make stuff up. Just read a paper or magazine.

The bible does have a lot of information from prior hermetic teachings that have always been relevant to the seeker, Plus we don't really know that much about the prior ages, and they might have known a lot more than we do, plus every belief has its bias and blindside that the faithful can't see, be it religion or science etc...


TOL Subscriber
The bible does have a lot of information from prior hermetic teachings that have always been relevant to the seeker, Plus we don't really know that much about the prior ages, and they might have known a lot more than we do, plus every belief has its bias and blindside that the faithful can't see, be it religion or science etc...

This is a reasonable and rational post, especially in contrast to so many others. Kudos.:cool:


Well-known member
Yes,....'karmic' in that it reflects an exclusive preconceived point of view contending or opposed to other points of view, heralding itself as 'true' and all others as 'false', which suffers from its own claims and contentions (in dualistic conflict), which perpetually needs to defend itself (fear based really),...instead of seeing the universal light and wisdom at the heart of all. In Love there is no division.


The allegory here is found in hagar and her off spring from the flesh, mockers and no understanding of the still small voice that speaks to everyone who cares to shut up and listen, karma has a way of making that happen.


TOL Subscriber
Yes,....'karmic' in that it reflects an exclusive preconceived point of view contending or opposed to other points of view, heralding itself as 'true' and all others as 'false', which suffers from its own claims and contentions (in dualistic conflict), which perpetually needs to defend itself (fear based really),...instead of seeing the universal light and wisdom at the heart of all. In Love there is no division.


If you actually knew what love (agape/agapao) meant, it would really, really, really help. But you don't, leaving you helpless.


Eclectic Theosophist
actions and their effects.......

actions and their effects.......

The allegory here is found in hagar and her off spring from the flesh, mockers and no understanding of the still small voice that speaks to everyone who cares to shut up and listen, karma has a way of making that happen.

Yes,....when the mind is silent and one recedes back into the 'Heart',...there, is the kingdom of heaven.

The universal law of karma holds wherever thoughts, words and actions are 'conditional' and have their 'effects'.

In saying that "Love is indivisible", never violates its inherent unity or nature....or fragments itself into one 'part' against another (at least knowingly). While it honors and recognizes its diverse expressions and forms, it is 'integral' to all, the unifying principle, the sole value.


John Mortimer

New member
Material for a whole new thread here...

Material for a whole new thread here...

Yes,....when the mind is silent and one recedes back into the 'Heart',...there, is the kingdom of heaven.
The "receding" is important. An infant never thinks, "Right - I must remember that experience". For an infant stuff just happens. Of such is the kingdom of heaven - but this is where the sprouting of the conscious sense of presence takes place. Only by abiding there can we re-cognize our origin. Jesus was right; we need to become as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.
The universal law of karma holds wherever thoughts, words and actions are 'conditional' and have their 'effects'.
I was once told, "An action that continues on to infinity has no consequences". I would love to have your thoughts on that.
In saying that "Love is indivisible", never violates its inherent unity or nature....or fragments itself into one 'part' against another (at least knowingly). While it honors and recognizes its diverse expressions and forms, it is 'integral' to all, the unifying principle, the sole value.
This is very deep.


Eclectic Theosophist
The universal and the individual........

The universal and the individual........

Adding to Zekes commentary to Rocketman below -

The scripture proclaims that there is no Jew or Gentile, Male or Female in the children of light, (one new man) who has reached the level of enlightenment where fear no longer guides the ships of liberty, your still sailing on condemnation and mind control.

It was interesting that this was denied as existing in scripture earlier, for someone who claims to know the Bible. The 'Christ' unites all peoples, because when all see truth, there is no division anywhere as all enter into union with 'God' as sons and daughters. One Family...united in Spirit. The 'new man' is the Adam-Kadmon....wherein 'God' and 'Man' are unified, as the Son of Man/Son of God. This 'archetype' holds for both the first and last Adam, perfected in the person of Jesus, who is but the 'head' or 'firstborn' of all others entering the new birth of the Spirit, putting on the Christ.

To me your the one who is in a prison, your mind has been stolen and implanted with a virus that infects most religious people, the boogieman is around every corner and the narrow road of dogma has you afraid of anything out side your belief system.

Truth has nothing at all to fear. Spirit is One. The One includes all its various forms, attributes and expressions. Truth needs no defense, but only re-cognition.

God is Light.

Plus I have never felt more at peace than now, the only struggle is the residue of arrogance left over from my dogma programming days of slavery.


Your breaking one of the ten commandments, have no other gods before ME!!! which means "you" the temple of God.

Any thought, image, doctrine, theology, idea....can be an 'idol' worshipped instead of 'Real God'. There are no other 'gods' in reality besides the infinite 'I Am',....but various personifications and personalities of 'God' play out their roles in creation. - the whole cosmic drama of life evolves, playing out its potentials and possibilities to infinity.

Our own 'being' in whatever body or form, right NOW is the temple of 'God'...since 'God' is omnipresent and is the 'life' and 'light' of our being. We are his tabernacles. Honoring that presesnce and co-operating with its divine principle is life's fulfillment.

The kingdom of God is within you Rocketman a micro version of the macro, which is why the stars and seasons effect us, and like it or not your part of the total sum of Gods creation.

'God' envisioned us and mirrors us in His own consciousness, ever sustaining, empowering and evolving us, as far as our inner potential goes, and what can be our maximal experience of his creation. From the inside view looking out, it is 'God' himself orchestrating and emenating the creative play, our body-mind being a temporal reflection-medium where individual experience of Himself as consciousness is being engaged. All comes back to consciousness. 'Personality' and 'individuality' have their place here of course :)



Eclectic Theosophist
cause & effect.......

cause & effect.......

I was once told, "An action that continues on to infinity has no consequences". I would love to have your thoughts on that.

Ah,....many levels here :) - an 'action' is followed by a 're-action', in a cause/effect continuum along some time-line, so it would be how we assume such transpiring within an 'eternal' or 'infinite' context. Some karmas can be effected to their maximal effect within a certain time period as well as 'mitigated' or 'absolved' within such a 'time' as well. Even in an infinite-context....wouldn't there still be a consequential chain of effects variously conditioned as long as any conditioning takes place?



New member
Truth doesn't need recognition.
Neither does Love.

all that is fleshy, carnal, temporal, selfish may or may not need or seek it.

Yhwh says nothing of the flesh is beneficial/profitable - there is no good in the flesh.

the oneness, unity , of the ekklesia is as the unity of Yhwh and Y'shua - and is not seen anywhere on tol, and almost nowhere on earth.


Eclectic Theosophist
God is

God is

Truth doesn't need recognition.
Neither does Love.

all that is fleshy, carnal, temporal, selfish may or may not need or seek it.

Yhwh says nothing of the flesh is beneficial/profitable - there is no good in the flesh.

the oneness, unity , of the ekklesia is as the unity of Yhwh and Y'shua - and is not seen anywhere on tol, and almost nowhere on earth.

Yet 'God' who is the one universal, absolute, supreme, eternal, infinite, ultimate, omnipresent here now being 'that'. What actually exists and is the original reality supporting and allowing all to ever-availing. Consciousness arises and bears testimony to 'that'.
