Return to Oneness

John Mortimer

New member
Yet an 'action' or 'movement' of consciousness within, is still an action that can have consequences....if 'mind' in any sense has power to effect, change or determine anything. Thoughts or emotions of anger for instance may bring about negative or harmful effects (reactions producing more of the same kind of reactions/responses). Anything having the power to effect or condition space within consciousness may be significant to the 'observer'.

The saying "an action that extends to infinity has no consequences" needs to be qualified....since ordinarily all action is subject to karma, for karma itself is action and its consequences. We can speculate that a pure contemplative 'act' of love born of the infinite Spirit is free of karma, and enjoys the fullness of joy and perfection that it already is....but can still appear to reap a positive harvest in reciprocal sharing.

Considering that which is subject to karma and that which isnt, however you distinguish or assume such,....anything is 'significant' according to the mind that assumes it, and within whatever context.


This is the thing there, in reality, any such thing as karma? Or is karma just a construct of the mind?

After all - doership is an illusion.

So far as the observer is concerned there are actions, but no actor other than consciousness.

I have to stress here that it is the real I am interested in - not the relative dualistic experience, which is continually interpreted by mind. The mind will tend to look for patterns and create "laws". I just don't believe anything the mind does anymore. It's not a comfortable experience but it is observed as such and I don't seek to avoid it.


Well-known member
This is the thing there, in reality, any such thing as karma? Or is karma just a construct of the mind?
I think it becomes real because of the intellectual construct. Are hills and valleys real? Or just illusions created by our compare/contrast method of cognition? I think the answer is that they're both. They're real in that the phenomena is really there. They're illusion in that they are not really two distinctly different phenomena. They only appear that way to us because of the way our eyes and brains perceive and understand our experience of reality.

Equilibrium is a real phenomena. But it's not really a moral phenomena until we humans apply it to our moral imperatives. And morality is, itself, an illusion of cognitive evaluation. But once applied, we act accordingly, and in so doing, morality, and moral equilibrium (karma) become real phenomena.

That's how I see it, anyway.
I have to stress here that it is the real I am interested in - not the relative dualistic experience, which is continually interpreted by mind. The mind will tend to look for patterns and create "laws". I just don't believe anything the mind does anymore. It's not a comfortable experience but it is observed as such and I don't seek to avoid it.
It is what it is. And it's pretty much unavoidable. We are humans, and that "relative dualistic experience" is the human condition. But once we become aware of this condition, that aspect of our human being can become our crazy, interesting, and lovable friend, instead of our insane ruler.


Well-known member
All is substance and form mirrored in consciousness.
As man is formed of the dust of the universe, the mind is formed from the dust of man. Each then reflect the nature from which they arise. It's good and proper that we recognize this, I think.


Eclectic Theosophist
karmic inter-action within the Whole......

karmic inter-action within the Whole......

This is the thing there, in reality, any such thing as karma? Or is karma just a construct of the mind?

After all - doership is an illusion.

Karma exists wherever there is action and any action has consequences, wherever cause/effect relationships exist. The idea of 'doership' is explained more in Advaita as you know, but there is still in human experience what appears to be actions taking place within a body-mind complex, and an 'ego' that has some power of determination in bringing about certain events, even if there is an element of 'illusion' in who or what is bringing anything about.

So far as the observer is concerned there are actions, but no actor other than consciousness.

Yes, on one level,...but that consciousness is being individually experienced thru the medium of an 'ego', and as far as the 'individual' is concerned,...if there is any self-responsibility at all,...that 'ego' has the perogative of choice in any given space, hence the affection of 'karma'. I know in pure non-dual teaching karma is an illusion, but thats a matter of deeper investigation depending on point of view.

I have to stress here that it is the real I am interested in - not the relative dualistic experience, which is continually interpreted by mind. The mind will tend to look for patterns and create "laws". I just don't believe anything the mind does anymore. It's not a comfortable experience but it is observed as such and I don't seek to avoid it.

Thats fine, as Nisargadatta and all the great Advaita sages held only to the Real, while letting go of all that is unreal. That foundationally holds, since only the unchanging reality behind all change remains forever essential, BUT.....consciousness has dove into this world of dualistic engagements for its own play of possibilities and adventure. Physical, psychic and spiritual laws seem to exist, which prove themselves as they are repeatable phenomena, attesting to some cause/effect relationship going on in the realm of conditional existence. True, what is beyond conditioning, space or time, 'unconditional' in nature, although it may partake of the experience of all conditions in the potentials of creation.

As shared before, our life-experience is what we do or experience in the canvas of space-time as a creative experience, a dualistic play in relativity. We are engaged in various relations,....actions and re-actions. Whether our own egos or consciousness itself is doing the engaging (at some point there is no division of the two ;) )....its all in the realm of 'conscious experience'.



Eclectic Theosophist
Adam Kadmon.......

Adam Kadmon.......

As man is formed of the dust of the universe, the mind is formed from the dust of man. Each then reflect the nature from which they arise. It's good and proper that we recognize this, I think.

Indeed,....Man is a microcasm of the great macrocasm, a living organism comprised of matterial elements, psyche and spirit. He mirrors the nature and consciousness of that which he is constituted, prior to form, including form.


John Mortimer

New member
Karma exists wherever there is action and any action has consequences, wherever cause/effect relationships exist. The idea of 'doership' is explained more in Advaita as you know, but there is still in human experience what appears to be actions taking place within a body-mind complex, and an 'ego' that has some power of determination in bringing about certain events, even if there is an element of 'illusion' in who or what is bringing anything about.

Yes, on one level,...but that consciousness is being individually experienced thru the medium of an 'ego', and as far as the 'individual' is concerned,...if there is any self-responsibility at all,...that 'ego' has the perogative of choice in any given space, hence the affection of 'karma'. I know in pure non-dual teaching karma is an illusion, but thats a matter of deeper investigation depending on point of view.

Thats fine, as Nisargadatta and all the great Advaita sages held only to the Real, while letting go of all that is unreal. That foundationally holds, since only the unchanging reality behind all change remains forever essential, BUT.....consciousness has dove into this world of dualistic engagements for its own play of possibilities and adventure. Physical, psychic and spiritual laws seem to exist, which prove themselves as they are repeatable phenomena, attesting to some cause/effect relationship going on in the realm of conditional existence. True, what is beyond conditioning, space or time, 'unconditional' in nature, although it may partake of the experience of all conditions in the potentials of creation.

As shared before, our life-experience is what we do or experience in the canvas of space-time as a creative experience, a dualistic play in relativity. We are engaged in various relations,....actions and re-actions. Whether our own egos or consciousness itself is doing the engaging (at some point there is no division of the two ;) )....its all in the realm of 'conscious experience'.

I would not seek to argue with any of that, nor indeed the insightful post of PureX.

What I think is important to observe, is a great love for you both! :)


TOL Subscriber
All I'd like to see is you purported "love mongers" (it's not agape in the least) to stop including the true Christian faith in your silly syncretic attempts to allegedly absorb and represnt every belief system.

Engulf whatever else you wish; but stop attempting to portray the one true and living God as being the one you espouse as such, and that your pan-esotericism can even remotely supplant or assimilate the Christian faith.

You're entitled to your fantasies of prelest, and any degree of silly error you've been coerced by; but to continuously portend to have your pseudo-faith represent the inclusion of the Christian faith is innane to the point of outright stupidity, and is provocational.

Your god is not God, as in... YHWH of the Christian faith. Not even close. So just drift off to pixie land without dragging the one true and living God into the whole scenario. It's the least you can do, "in love".


Eclectic Theosophist


All I'd like to see is you purported "love mongers" (it's not agape in the least) to stop including the true Christian faith in your silly syncretic attempts to allegedly absorb and represnt every belief system.

That's your hang-up, pre-conception, assumption and 'projection'....which is rather peculiar, since you seem to feel threatened by any concept of 'syncretism', 'pluralism', 'universalism' or 'eclectic philosophical approach. There has also been no attempt here to include your narrow concept of Christianity into any of this, since 'God' who is universal, is by nature...the essence of love, truth and wisdom. As a theosophist (universalist/eclectic/gnostic) I naturally include the truth and wisdom found in all religious traditions. Truth is not threatened by such an approach (synthesis or comprehension of various analogies) but appreciated and expanded thereby. Truth is universal. 'You' or your own special 'religious tradition' have no monopoly on it.

Engulf whatever else you wish; but stop attempting to portray the one true and living God as being the one you espouse as such, and that your pan-esotericism can even remotely supplant or assimilate the Christian faith.

Again, your own 'insecurity' and 'thinking error' is showing itself, as no one is attempting to take anything away from your 'christian' faith. The true and living 'God' exists independent of our own support or apology. The true and living 'God' is neither threatened by anything since its reality as an eternal principle and 'presence' is all-pervading.

You're entitled to your fantasies of prelest, and any degree of silly error you've been coerced by; but to continuously portend to have your pseudo-faith represent the inclusion of the Christian faith is innane to the point of outright stupidity, and is provocational.

Again, you're the only one being 'provoked' and frustrated here, by your own 'reacting psychology'. Sharing a universal view or perennial philosophy is neither 'stupid' nor 'provocational'. - such would only be to an exclusivist or dogmatist,...not understanding the whole of truth.

Most all the major religious traditions (and others) have some light in them, and 'God' is that universal light, substance and truth in them, which make up their spiritual fabric from which are drawn various analogies and archetypes. 'God' is One....and 'theosophy' is a school sharing that universal wisdom hidden within many different traditions. The 'light' that pervades life, substance and being, cannot be separated from its universal source.

Your god is not God, as in... YHWH of the Christian faith.

Where did I ever claim what your proposing above, beyond your own assumption of such? :idunno: There is only One 'God' Reality, yet many interpretations, images, or personifications of that One. 'Brahman' is the best 'term' for 'God' in this context, which includes both impersonal and personal aspects of Being.

So just drift off to pixie land without dragging the one true and living God into the whole scenario.

'God' doesn't need your patronage or assistance to defend himself, since Hes under no threat. A seeker of truth and respecter of 'God' recognizes and celebrates the truth that is universal, infinite and all-encompassing.

It's the least you can do, "in love".

How presumptuous. The universal teaching of wisdom and love, because its based on an omnipresent divine principle,....ever holds and is fundamental to the perennial wisdom.



Eclectic Theosophist
Principles of Theosophy

Principles of Theosophy


While covering the principle of 'oneness' at the heart of all things,....thought to share the first fundamental principle of Theosophy (the school of universal, divine wisdom). There are 3 fundamental propositions underlying the 'Secret Doctrine', but we'll share the first here, from which all other corollaries stem, since it is the fundamental reality upon which everything else rests, and is the actual One eternal essence that pervades and subsists as the totality of existence, all that is insivible and visible, substance and form. To begin with -

1. The unity of all things

All existence is one thing. This one thing is variously called the One Life, the One Reality; it is the source of Being, and of all beings; it is in everything—in fact, it is everything, for there is nothing else.

..... the root of all nature, objective and subjective, and everything else in the universe, visible and invisible, is, was, and ever will be one absolute essence, from which all starts, and into which everything returns. - Key to Theosophy - H.P. Blavatsky

-Basic Ideas of Theosophy(source)


The First Fundamental Proposition is based upon -

(a)) An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable PRINCIPLE on which all speculation is impossible, since it transcends the power of human conception and could only be dwarfed by any human expression or similitude. It is beyond the range and reach of thought — in the words of Mandukya, "unthinkable and unspeakable."

To render these ideas clearer to the general reader, let him set out with the postulate that there is one absolute Reality which antecedes all manifested, conditioned, being. This Infinite and Eternal Cause — dimly formulated in the "Unconscious" and "Unknowable" of current European philosophy — is the rootless root of "all that was, is, or ever shall be." It is of course devoid of all attributes and is essentially without any relation to manifested, finite Being. It is "Be-ness" rather than Being (in Sanskrit, Sat), and is beyond all thought or speculation.

This "Be-ness" is symbolised in the Secret Doctrine under two aspects. On the one hand, absolute abstract Space, representing bare subjectivity, the one thing which no human mind can either exclude from any conception, or conceive of by itself. On the other, absolute Abstract Motion representing Unconditioned Consciousness. Even our Western thinkers have shown that Consciousness is inconceivable to us apart from change, and motion best symbolises change, its essential characteristic. This latter aspect of the one Reality, is also symbolised by the term "The Great Breath," a symbol sufficiently graphic to need no further elucidation. Thus, then, the first fundamental axiom of the Secret Doctrine is this metaphysical One Absolute — Be-ness — Symbolised by finite intelligence as the theological Trinity.

It may, however, assist the student if a few further explanations are given here.

Herbert Spencer has of late so far modified his Agnosticism, as to assert that the nature of the "First Cause," (1) which the Occultist more logically derives from the "Causeless Cause," the "Eternal," and the "Unknowable," may be essentially the same as that of the Consciousness which wells up within us: in short, that the impersonal reality pervading the Kosmos is the pure noumenon of thought. This advance on his part brings him very near to the esoteric and Vedantin tenet. (2)

Parabrahm (the One Reality, the Absolute) is the field of Absolute Consciousness, i.e., that Essence which is out of all relation to conditioned existence, and of which conscious existence is a conditioned symbol. But once that we pass in thought from this (to us) Absolute Negation, duality supervenes in the contrast of Spirit (or consciousness) and Matter, Subject and Object.

Spirit (or Consciousness) and Matter are, however, to be regarded, not as independent realities, but as the two facets or aspects of the Absolute (Parabrahm), which constitute the basis of conditioned Being whether subjective or objective.

- An invitation to the Secret Doctrine (source)

Adding to all meditations and commentaries thus far presented, it remains universally so, as intrinsic to our own existence and existence itself (in which there is no separation)...that 'one thing' exists, which is really 'no-thing' (but a primordial essence, universal and original from which forms arise and of which forms are made), but we call it 'thing' as a matter of convention.

In a traditional theistic sense, thus confirms that 'God' (whether impersonal or personalized) is 'One'...indivisible, omnipresent. And thus in esoteric/occult teaching (divine science)....the metaphysical principle remains at the heart, center and circumference, within and without, actual and potential. This One is All There IS. - all 'else' are abstractions, reflections, expressions, emenations, offsprings, creative inflections of The One,...involving and evolving It-Self thru-out time and eternity. This is fundamental to the perennial wisdom of the ages.



TOL Subscriber
That's your hang-up, pre-conception, assumption and 'projection'....which is rather peculiar, since you seem to feel threatened by any concept of 'syncretism', 'pluralism', 'universalism' or 'eclectic philosophical approach. There has also been no attempt here to include your narrow concept of Christianity into any of this, since 'God' who is universal, is by nature...the essence of love, truth and wisdom. As a theosophist (universalist/eclectic/gnostic) I naturally include the truth and wisdom found in all religious traditions. Truth is not threatened by such an approach (synthesis or comprehension of various analogies) but appreciated and expanded thereby. Truth is universal. 'You' or your own special 'religious tradition' have no monopoly on it.

Again, your own 'insecurity' and 'thinking error' is showing itself, as no one is attempting to take anything away from your 'christian' faith. The true and living 'God' exists independent of our own support or apology. The true and living 'God' is neither threatened by anything since its reality as an eternal principle and 'presence' is all-pervading.

Again, you're the only one being 'provoked' and frustrated here, by your own 'reacting psychology'. Sharing a universal view or perennial philosophy is neither 'stupid' nor 'provocational'. - such would only be to an exclusivist or dogmatist,...not understanding the whole of truth.

Most all the major religious traditions (and others) have some light in them, and 'God' is that universal light, substance and truth in them, which make up their spiritual fabric from which are drawn various analogies and archetypes. 'God' is One....and 'theosophy' is a school sharing that universal wisdom hidden within many different traditions. The 'light' that pervades life, substance and being, cannot be separated from its universal source.

Where did I ever claim what your proposing above, beyond your own assumption of such? :idunno: There is only One 'God' Reality, yet many interpretations, images, or personifications of that One. 'Brahman' is the best 'term' for 'God' in this context, which includes both impersonal and personal aspects of Being.

'God' doesn't need your patronage or assistance to defend himself, since Hes under no threat. A seeker of truth and respecter of 'God' recognizes and celebrates the truth that is universal, infinite and all-encompassing.

How presumptuous. The universal teaching of wisdom and love, because its based on an omnipresent divine principle,....ever holds and is fundamental to the perennial wisdom.


More soulical drivel of presumed adamant "truth" that isn't. Since you're intelligent and broadly well-versed, you are likely a malicious progenitor of the psychopathy of your overlords rather than merely an ignorant indoctrinate.

Either way, you're a deluded nut-job who has no clue about anything you purvey AS truth, etc. Neither I nor the one true and living God, YHWH, are "threatened" or "insecure". Sometimes such things just need to be said, even if it's futile in regard to those who are deranged and clinging to such things as theosophy and all the rest of the fecal material you've wasted your life pursuing.

In a way, I pity you. It's truly a pathetic squandering of your vapor of life, only to spend aionios in Theion. You can't know the difference between soul and spirit.

No need to play your little games of "nail slavedark's Jell-O rhetoric to the wall". It's just baffling how you could believe all that illusion of garbage. Appalling. Hilarious. Many such things. Your everlasting emptiness will be a monument to itself.

Such pure vanity of all vanities. You literally know nothing, in spite of all your efforts. You're imprisoned by the machinations of your own soul and the devices of "gurus" who have enslaved you to an alleged "freedom".

In your misery, my words will echo for all everlasting. You will have what you say. You'll have your theosophy and your Brahman. And it will be nothing you have imagined or hoped. It will be your living tomb.

Cosmic consciousness... pffffttt! The sheer arrogance of man as "gawd". Pathetic.


Well-known member
More soulical drivel of presumed adamant "truth" that isn't. Since you're intelligent and broadly well-versed, you are likely a malicious progenitor of the psychopathy of your overlords rather than merely an ignorant indoctrinate.

Either way, you're a deluded nut-job who has no clue about anything you purvey AS truth, etc. Neither I nor the one true and living God, YHWH, are "threatened" or "insecure". Sometimes such things just need to be said, even if it's futile in regard to those who are deranged and clinging to such things as theosophy and all the rest of the fecal material you've wasted your life pursuing.

In a way, I pity you. It's truly a pathetic squandering of your vapor of life, only to spend aionios in Theion. You can't know the difference between soul and spirit.

No need to play your little games of "nail slavedark's Jell-O rhetoric to the wall". It's just baffling how you could believe all that illusion of garbage. Appalling. Hilarious. Many such things. Your everlasting emptiness will be a monument to itself.

Such pure vanity of all vanities. You literally know nothing, in spite of all your efforts. You're imprisoned by the machinations of your own soul and the devices of "gurus" who have enslaved you to an alleged "freedom".

In your misery, my words will echo for all everlasting. You will have what you say. You'll have your theosophy and your Brahman. And it will be nothing you have imagined or hoped. It will be your living tomb.

Cosmic consciousness... pffffttt! The sheer arrogance of man as "gawd". Pathetic.
I am truly puzzled by your need to spew all that vitriol when you could simply have said you don't agree with his perspective of the Divine. If your spiritual view is so wise and true, why is your heart so full of bile?


TOL Subscriber
I am truly puzzled by your need to spew all that vitriol when you could simply have said you don't agree with his perspective of the Divine. If your spiritual view is so wise and true, why is your heart so full of bile?

True love isn't the fuzzy emotion depicted by all the pseudo-faiths.

Agape is the willful directive of affection toward what is truly best for someone, regardless what they desire. In my experience, those who are trapped in such prelest of mysticism need staunch and "tough" love.

If my child had a penchant for playing in the middle of the interstate, I'd be quite stearn when reprimanding him; especially if he were inviting many friends along in his folly who didn't know any better themselves.

Delusion shouldn't be indulged.


Well-known member
True love isn't the fuzzy emotion depicted by all the pseudo-faiths.

Agape is the willful directive of affection toward what is truly best for someone, regardless what they desire. In my experience, those who are trapped in such prelest of mysticism need staunch and "tough" love.

If my child had a penchant for playing in the middle of the interstate, I'd be quite stearn when reprimanding him; especially if he were inviting many friends along in his folly who didn't know any better themselves.

Delusion shouldn't be indulged.
How is your reasoning any different from any other righteous religious bully in the world?


TOL Subscriber
How is your reasoning any different from any other righteous religious bully in the world?

You don't seem to comprehend that everything I've said is responsive rather than initiative.

I took issue with a passive bully who is always intimating that his view is the only truth, and that he represents the conglomeration of all truths from all faiths.

How is that any different than a socio-political agenda for world domination with no accession to any detractors?

I'm not the bully. You just suppose a feigned love and a calm demeanor with endless contrived dialectic double-speak can't be bullying.

You're really no different, nor are any others of the hyper-mystics. Most bully from such passive stances, and then play the martyr if others dare speak up against the syncretism.

According to slavedark, your response would mean you're "threatened" and "insecure" because I've exposed your weakness. And he won't apply it to himself and his responses. Double standards are always quite revealing.

Why are you a religious bully? Why is slavedark a religious bully? Why do you come to a Christian website with open disdain for that faith and then take Christians to task when they dare stand for the truth of the one living God YHWH against all the mystical tripe?

I'm not on a "freelight" website. I'm not on a "PureX" website. I'm not the interloper, spewing and pawning cosmic crap to dilute and absorb the Christian faith and any others who get caught in the vortex of nothingness.

So take yourself and your minions to the woodshed, not me. I'm holding up the truth against all the delusional lies that come here to marginalize the Christian faith as merely being another belief system.

You can remain as deceived as you desire to be; but it's not me that's going to a Taoist website. But the interlopers always want to turn the tables and cry tolerance and have a victim mentality.

You prey upon the good nature of Christians, and then challenge any who dare speak against your tactics and motives of forced Henotheism.

And that's what it is. Forcing Christians to accept other "gods" along with their own, reducing the Christian faith to a "belief system" rather than a vital interactive relationship with the one true and living God, YHWH.

Your intent, whether consicous or not, is to force Christians to accept other gods even if they don't accept or worship them. That's Henotheism, and it's a subtle passive perversion to force acceptance of other gods. I don't. I won't. There are no other gods, but the one true and living God, YHWH.

All else is merely soulical delusion of the highest order, especially when presuming it to be "spiritual". It's all manipulated psychology. Prelest.

The biggest religious bullies are the ones who have the big puppy-dog eyes while claiming to be victims and much more after they've attempted to gut the Christain faith and absorb it into their nothingness. I've seen it all, and slavedark is no exception.

So don't flip the script and start impying that I'm the bully. You guys come here because most Admins on Christain sites don't give this kind of latitude for non-Christians to post. I just respond to the utlimate bullying of syncretism and passive leveraged Henotheism.

Truth over tolerance, no matter how you or other twist it to be bullying while you promote your agendas to dilute and minimize the one true and living God, YHWH, into whatever assortment of nebulous drivel that is spread amongst you.

It truly is the goodness of God that leads to repentance. But many hearts are already hardened. I stand for the first, but against the latter.

Go bully Christians on a Taoist site; and slavedark can go bully Christains on a theosophy site or a hindu site or a buddhist site, or whatever his flavor of the moment is. But don't cry bully against those who are standing for their faith against syncretizing, interloping wolves all dressed in pseudo-love sheep's clothing; many of whom have left the Christian faith behind because they have no idea what it is, yet think they do.


Eclectic Theosophist
redeeming the thread......

redeeming the thread......

I am truly puzzled by your need to spew all that vitriol when you could simply have said you don't agree with his perspective of the Divine. If your spiritual view is so wise and true, why is your heart so full of bile?

The attacking, condescending responses and defensive nature of this person was evident from his first post here and continuing, which shows his true nature. His choice of words, demeanor and spite are evident for all readers to see.

But moving on -

Such vitriol is contrary to the purpose of this thread, which is exploring, recognizing and considering the oneness of 'Life', the essential nature at the heart of existence, the fundamental principle of one thing existing, one essence, from which all substances and forms derive, and how all things inter-act interdependently, involving and evolving in periodic cycles. - only recently as in my previous post I've included some theosophical principles, as the 'fundamental first the unity of all things. - from 'this' proceeds all the laws of creation and their activities. For those interested in the subject as it connects and considers the various sources shared here on the topic, such a dialogue is encouraged and welcome here.

Happy New Year!


John Mortimer

New member
Post #409 is very good.

The world of appearances cannot be without the sense, "I am". Yet that which is, in the absence of the sense "I am" and therefore the world, is ever THAT.

The mind can get to grips with all of this by seeing what is dependent upon what. Yet to immediately appreciate the final reality, free from mind....that is true life. :)


Eclectic Theosophist
the aim of the study of truth.....

the aim of the study of truth.....

True love isn't the fuzzy emotion depicted by all the pseudo-faiths.

True Love, the divine 'agape' kind is what it is. Your presuming a lot by assuming some form of it is 'fuzzy emotion', and further judging other religious traditions as 'pseudo'. - its all 'judgmental'.

Agape is the willful directive of affection toward what is truly best for someone, regardless what they desire. In my experience, those who are trapped in such prelest of mysticism need staunch and "tough" love.

Love's affection is surely for the good and well-being of others. You're bringing in all the preconceived, preconceptualized judgments from your limited experience and assuming a lot.

If my child had a penchant for playing in the middle of the interstate, I'd be quite stearn when reprimanding him; especially if he were inviting many friends along in his folly who didn't know any better themselves.

An odd analogy,...since no one is drawing anyone to a dangerous road or path, since theosophy respects and allows all to research and investigate all writings or propositions for themselves, and remain open to learn, discover and know truth for themselves. This is a fundamental precept in Theosophy.


Important read -

Basic Principles of Theosophy

Delusion shouldn't be indulged.

None are encouraged to be 'indulged'. All is to be thoroughly and continually researched by 'study', 'investigation' and verifyable experience. Such is the path.



Well-known member
You don't seem to comprehend that everything I've said is responsive rather than initiative.

I took issue with a passive bully who is always intimating that his view is the only truth, and that he represents the conglomeration of all truths from all faiths.

How is that any different than a socio-political agenda for world domination with no accession to any detractors?

I'm not the bully. You just suppose a feigned love and a calm demeanor with endless contrived dialectic double-speak can't be bullying.

You're really no different, nor are any others of the hyper-mystics. Most bully from such passive stances, and then play the martyr if others dare speak up against the syncretism.

According to slavedark, your response would mean you're "threatened" and "insecure" because I've exposed your weakness. And he won't apply it to himself and his responses. Double standards are always quite revealing.

Why are you a religious bully? Why is slavedark a religious bully? Why do you come to a Christian website with open disdain for that faith and then take Christians to task when they dare stand for the truth of the one living God YHWH against all the mystical tripe?

I'm not on a "freelight" website. I'm not on a "PureX" website. I'm not the interloper, spewing and pawning cosmic crap to dilute and absorb the Christian faith and any others who get caught in the vortex of nothingness.

So take yourself and your minions to the woodshed, not me. I'm holding up the truth against all the delusional lies that come here to marginalize the Christian faith as merely being another belief system.

You can remain as deceived as you desire to be; but it's not me that's going to a Taoist website. But the interlopers always want to turn the tables and cry tolerance and have a victim mentality.

You prey upon the good nature of Christians, and then challenge any who dare speak against your tactics and motives of forced Henotheism.

And that's what it is. Forcing Christians to accept other "gods" along with their own, reducing the Christian faith to a "belief system" rather than a vital interactive relationship with the one true and living God, YHWH.

Your intent, whether consicous or not, is to force Christians to accept other gods even if they don't accept or worship them. That's Henotheism, and it's a subtle passive perversion to force acceptance of other gods. I don't. I won't. There are no other gods, but the one true and living God, YHWH.

All else is merely soulical delusion of the highest order, especially when presuming it to be "spiritual". It's all manipulated psychology. Prelest.

The biggest religious bullies are the ones who have the big puppy-dog eyes while claiming to be victims and much more after they've attempted to gut the Christain faith and absorb it into their nothingness. I've seen it all, and slavedark is no exception.

So don't flip the script and start impying that I'm the bully. You guys come here because most Admins on Christain sites don't give this kind of latitude for non-Christians to post. I just respond to the utlimate bullying of syncretism and passive leveraged Henotheism.

Truth over tolerance, no matter how you or other twist it to be bullying while you promote your agendas to dilute and minimize the one true and living God, YHWH, into whatever assortment of nebulous drivel that is spread amongst you.

It truly is the goodness of God that leads to repentance. But many hearts are already hardened. I stand for the first, but against the latter.

Go bully Christians on a Taoist site; and slavedark can go bully Christains on a theosophy site or a hindu site or a buddhist site, or whatever his flavor of the moment is. But don't cry bully against those who are standing for their faith against syncretizing, interloping wolves all dressed in pseudo-love sheep's clothing; many of whom have left the Christian faith behind because they have no idea what it is, yet think they do.
You're still way over-reacting.

People come here to share their ideas and experiences of the Divine Mystery. There's no need or reason to attack the views of others just because they don't happen to align with your own. Why would they? Different people are different people. They have different experiences in life, and different backgrounds and traditions through which they perceive and interact with the world, and with God. If God is God, it stands to reason that our various different glimpses and experiences of this Great Mystery will be limited and unique (and human), even though God is still God.

I realize that it's difficult for people to grasp the notion that other people perceive the world differently, and that it's still the same world, or that other people perceive God differently, and that it's still God, but I don't see any reason that we must always presume our way is the only way, and must absolutely be the only "right" way. No reason except our own egos, that is. I certainly have my own way of perceiving and conceptualizing God, apart from others, here. And for me, I think it's the "right way". But I can accept that I'm not the yardstick by which God, humanity, and righteousness should all be measured.

Can you?


New member
I dont know the PPS guy but I know the type.. Very smart and very mean.I guess he and Truster have the same understanding of tough love ,sorry, agape.But when I took a deep,personal look at him he did have compassion and love as I am sure PPS does too.
God created all.And all created are worthy of creation in the big scope of things.Check your Ego and check your Agape.Everyone serves a purpose.
But I would ask PPS, how much of that great IQ and vocabulary have you used to convert anyone vs belittle and brow beat?

I see Freelight enlightening PPS as much as I see PPS converting Freelight.
Everyone knows something the other does not and all can learn from everyone.