Return to Oneness


Well-known member
Yet to immediately appreciate the final reality, free from mind....that is true life.
Or as close as we can get, anyway. ;)

I have not learned how to shut my mind off. There just doesn't seem to be any switch, anywhere, for that. But I can, with a little practice, learn to ignore it's incessant chatter. And then, for an ongoing moment, I can just BE. And the sense that in that state, I am at one with the Divine Mystery: the wholeness of being, accompanies great peace, and joy, and timeless unity with all that is.

And when it's time to take back the human burden of self-consciousness, I feel grateful for the sojourn. But I'm happy to be human, too. Even with all the 'noise' that comes with it.

John Mortimer

New member
Or as close as we can get, anyway. ;)

I have not learned how to shut my mind off. There just doesn't seem to be any switch, anywhere, for that. But I can, with a little practice, learn to ignore it's incessant chatter. And then, for an ongoing moment, I can just BE. And the sense that in that state, I am at one with the Divine Mystery: the wholeness of being, accompanies great peace, and joy, and timeless unity with all that is.

And when it's time to take back the human burden of self-consciousness, I feel grateful for the sojourn. But I'm happy to be human, too. Even with all the 'noise' that comes with it.

Interesting - we each find our own way with this. One thing I find helpful is Nisargadatta's teaching that "mind" is really a collective consciousness flow. What we think of as our "individual mind" is just the product of our psychosomatic apparatus interfacing with the collective mind-flow. I find that when I depersonalize the noise and chatter, (no longer considering it "mine", even if memories etc appear personal), it becomes much easier to ignore.

Anyhow - regardless of how we get there - I do know what you're talking about when you speak of that sojourn and the timeless peace.


TOL Subscriber
I dont know the PPS guy but I know the type.. Very smart and very mean.I guess he and Truster have the same understanding of tough love ,sorry, agape.But when I took a deep,personal look at him he did have compassion and love as I am sure PPS does too.
God created all.And all created are worthy of creation in the big scope of things.Check your Ego and check your Agape.Everyone serves a purpose.
But I would ask PPS, how much of that great IQ and vocabulary have you used to convert anyone vs belittle and brow beat?

I see Freelight enlightening PPS as much as I see PPS converting Freelight.
Everyone knows something the other does not and all can learn from everyone.

In regard to your (boldedz0 comment/question...

I've spent the last decade working in recovery ministry with inmates, alcoholics, and addicts. There's nobody to pay a salary for such ministry, so I've adapted my life to support myself financially and do whatever it takes to minister to those in recovery and their families.

We've been greatly blessed of the Lord to see many come to faith in Christ, and many marriages and families restored. It's all by God's grace and mercy, but He still uses the vessels that are at hand. I just purpose to be that vessel as often as possible for His glory.

There have probably been more conversions of true salvation with discipleship through the recovery ministry than many churches combined. That's why I prefer to work in an effective environment rather than languishing in a stale fellowship with no real heart or direction for lost souls and restoration of the hurting.

Saying any more would seem to be commending myself, which is not my intention. But I don't think I should let my good be evil spoken of.

I have to deal with all this mystical hodge-podge regularly. I know the source of it and the end of it. There's no light or truth in any of it whatsoever. I spend time diffusing all this drivel in much harsher environments than this; and I'm not the aggressor.

The only purpose for all of this garbage is forced Henotheism through tolerance. It's part of a much larger agenda on the entire world stage; and I know every vestige of the widespread plan of the spirit of antichrist in this regard.

Others just don't know how to nail all the mumbo jumbo Jell-O to the wall. Some have PMed me to let me know they agree but just can't navigate all the gobbledygook of silliness.

No, I won't ever be enlightened by freelight. He has nothing for anyone, especially those of true faith in YHWH. But I'm thankful to be part of God's grace converting many on a regular basis.

Now if only I could get the county jails and state prisons to let us build baptistries on-site for those who are led to faith in Christ weekly. That will continue, even if freelight remains reprobate in delsusion.

But perhaps you don't know my type after all.:cool:


New member
In regard to your (boldedz0 comment/question...

I've spent the last decade working in recovery ministry with inmates, alcoholics, and addicts. There's nobody to pay a salary for such ministry, so I've adapted my life to support myself financially and do whatever it takes to minister to those in recovery and their families.

We've been greatly blessed of the Lord to see many come to faith in Christ, and many marriages and families restored. It's all by God's grace and mercy, but He still uses the vessels that are at hand. I just purpose to be that vessel as often as possible for His glory.

There have probably been more conversions of true salvation with discipleship through the recovery ministry than many churches combined. That's why I prefer to work in an effective environment rather than languishing in a stale fellowship with no real heart or direction for lost souls and restoration of the hurting.

Saying any more would seem to be commending myself, which is not my intention. But I don't think I should let my good be evil spoken of.

I have to deal with all this mystical hodge-podge regularly. I know the source of it and the end of it. There's no light or truth in any of it whatsoever. I spend time diffusing all this drivel in much harsher environments than this; and I'm not the aggressor.

The only purpose for all of this garbage is forced Henotheism through tolerance. It's part of a much larger agenda on the entire world stage; and I know every vestige of the widespread plan of the spirit of antichrist in this regard.

Others just don't know how to nail all the mumbo jumbo Jell-O to the wall. Some have PMed me to let me know they agree but just can't navigate all the gobbledygook of silliness.

No, I won't ever be enlightened by freelight. He has nothing for anyone, especially those of true faith in YHWH. But I'm thankful to be part of God's grace converting many on a regular basis.

Now if only I could get the county jails and state prisons to let us build baptistries on-site for those who are led to faith in Christ weekly. That will continue, even if freelight remains reprobate in delsusion.

But perhaps you don't know my type after all.:cool:

I know your type well. You count your mansions on streets of gold.You cannot be talked down from your ego by man of any depth.

Preach the good word shepard.


TOL Subscriber
I know your type well. You count your mansions on streets of gold.You cannot be talked down from your ego by man of any depth.

Preach the good word shepard.

Nothing I've said is from ego. I don't count mansions and streets of gold.

I do virtually nothing BUT preach the good word. And that includes exposing the spirit of antichrist and all this pseudo-mystical drivel.

And I thought you wanted to know what I used my IQ and vocabulary for. I use them for the Kingdom of God, and against principalities and powers like some on this forum who are the spirit of antichrist.

They're not of any depth. It's a sham. A soulical, mystical charade.


Well-known member
In regard to your (boldedz0 comment/question...

I've spent the last decade working in recovery ministry with inmates, alcoholics, and addicts. There's nobody to pay a salary for such ministry, so I've adapted my life to support myself financially and do whatever it takes to minister to those in recovery and their families.

We've been greatly blessed of the Lord to see many come to faith in Christ, and many marriages and families restored. It's all by God's grace and mercy, but He still uses the vessels that are at hand. I just purpose to be that vessel as often as possible for His glory.

There have probably been more conversions of true salvation with discipleship through the recovery ministry than many churches combined. That's why I prefer to work in an effective environment rather than languishing in a stale fellowship with no real heart or direction for lost souls and restoration of the hurting.

Saying any more would seem to be commending myself, which is not my intention. But I don't think I should let my good be evil spoken of.

I have to deal with all this mystical hodge-podge regularly. I know the source of it and the end of it. There's no light or truth in any of it whatsoever. I spend time diffusing all this drivel in much harsher environments than this; and I'm not the aggressor.

The only purpose for all of this garbage is forced Henotheism through tolerance. It's part of a much larger agenda on the entire world stage; and I know every vestige of the widespread plan of the spirit of antichrist in this regard.

Others just don't know how to nail all the mumbo jumbo Jell-O to the wall. Some have PMed me to let me know they agree but just can't navigate all the gobbledygook of silliness.

No, I won't ever be enlightened by freelight. He has nothing for anyone, especially those of true faith in YHWH. But I'm thankful to be part of God's grace converting many on a regular basis.

Now if only I could get the county jails and state prisons to let us build baptistries on-site for those who are led to faith in Christ weekly. That will continue, even if freelight remains reprobate in delsusion.

But perhaps you don't know my type after all.:cool:

I hope your explaining to these emotional converts that your pushing a plagiarized story, Krishna is another version you could try using seeing the Jesus tale was copied from it most likely.


TOL Subscriber
I hope your explaining to these emotional converts that your pushing a plagiarized story, Krishna is another version you could try using seeing the Jesus tale was copied from it most likely.

LOL. No. Since I'm IN Christ, I know the absolute and objective truth of YHWH; and I convey that to those who are spiritually converted rather than having a mere soulical emotional experience.

Maybe if you'd ever been IN Christ instead of just fraudulently playing the church game, you wouldn't have fallen off the cliff into never-never land to embrace esoteric fecal material as some underlying pseudo-reality that you're lost in.

You shoulda stayed the course to know Kabbalah and all the rest is excrement of soulically deluded minds.

All of you fruit loops are in desperate need of THE Logos of God instead of your own feeble misguided and bankrupt human logos. You don't and can't ever know the difference between soul and spirit, and are hopelessly adrift with misapprehension by the former.

It's the ONE hypostasis (underlying foundational absolute assured substantial objective reality of existence) of YHWH that matters. The debauched and depraved condition of any human hypostases, like all you wannabe esotericists, are irrelevant. But you don't know what that means because you're hopelessly adrift in a vortex of prelest.

Prelest. Total and pervasive prelest. And all because carnal people in some church hurt you, or whatever your story is about all that. They likely weren't IN Christ, either.

What all you guys are looking for in all these cobwebbed corners of soulical nothingness, I've already found and been functioning in for years by the Spirit. It's too bad the overall Christian faith is so compromised and diluted that few have any comprehension of their own professed affiliation.

But you guys are all outside the veil in a miasma of idiosyncratic silliness. You're chasing your tail, and wearing a circle in the carpet to boot. Ruh-roh.


Well-known member
PneumaPsucheSoma;3731021]LOL. No. Since I'm IN Christ, I know the absolute and objective truth of YHWH; and I convey that to those who are spiritually converted rather than having a mere soulical emotional experience.

I thought Christ in you was the correct analogy of being Christ like, in Christ includes all people who breath the Creators air and have their being.

Maybe if you'd ever been IN Christ instead of just fraudulently playing the church game, you wouldn't have fallen off the cliff into never-never land to embrace esoteric fecal material as some underlying pseudo-reality that you're lost in.

Assumptions are a dime a dozen.

You shoulda stayed the course to know Kabbalah and all the rest is excrement of soulically deluded minds.

More assuming.

All of you fruit loops are in desperate need of THE Logos of God instead of your own feeble misguided and bankrupt human logos. You don't and can't ever know the difference between soul and spirit, and are hopelessly adrift with misapprehension by the former.

Opinions are like?

It's the ONE hypostasis (underlying foundational absolute assured substantial objective reality of existence) of YHWH that matters. The debauched and depraved condition of any human hypostases, like all you wannabe esotericists, are irrelevant. But you don't know what that means because you're hopelessly adrift in a vortex of prelest.

Well the need for your religion to break people down then built them back up is an old trick, Governments, Military, religion, all use it to in-slave the mind. You should take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself if your brainwashed, and now dance to the tune your programmed to present to others being broken down mentaly, sinners, evil, no good, in need of a saviour, can't help your self, need big brother, etc........................................

Prelest. Total and pervasive prelest. And all because carnal people in some church hurt you, or whatever your story is about all that. They likely weren't IN Christ, either.

Actually I prefer carnal people over church folks, there a lot more real than the self righteous facade put on by some spiritual folks.

What all you guys are looking for in all these cobwebbed corners of soulical nothingness, I've already found and been functioning in for years by the Spirit. It's too bad the overall Christian faith is so compromised and diluted that few have any comprehension of their own professed affiliation.

It is because the religion looks nothing like the Christ you claim to be in. But you claim to be the cats meow, and you certainly talk a good game.

But you guys are all outside the veil in a miasma of idiosyncratic silliness. You're chasing your tail, and wearing a circle in the carpet to boot. Ruh-roh.

I still think it would be more honest if you gave ole Krishna some love seeing he was the the template for your Jesus story.


TOL Subscriber
I thought Christ in you was the correct analogy of being Christ like,

There is no analogy; only literality. You have no idea of what I speak. You can't.

in Christ includes all people who breath the Creators air and have their being.

Ummm... no. IN Christ is those who have truly repented and their faith hypostasis has believed the truth that their hypostasis is literally in the hypostasis of God.

It's so exponentially beyond all you could imagine in your conjecture, you don't even realize the true Christian faith is the esotericism all your minions are seeking. What you've settled for is untold fathoms beneath the actual esotericism of the true Christian faith.

But most professing Christians haven't gone from mere hope to faith; so they don't and can't exemplify the truth, having but a shadow of the truth they attempt to purvey.

Assumptions are a dime a dozen.

I notice you don't apply that to anything slavedark and the other drones post ad infinitum ad nauseum, somehow acquiescing to all that skubalon and bloviational nonsense.

Yes, your assuptions are a dime a dozen. A penny a gross, even.

More assuming.

That's all you have? Your non-absolutism can't have such absolutes. You're a paradox unto yourself.

Opinions are like?

You should poll all your peers for a dialectic. I only present the didactic truth of God, so I don't have opinion tainted with soulical pseudo-truth from idiot gurus who plumb the depths of man's depravity for answers that aren't.

Well the need for your religion to break people down then built them back up is an old trick,

You've been part of a denominationalized minimization OF the Christian faith. There's isn't ANY breaking people down and building them back up. There's a translation into Christ, with no condemnation.

It's sad that the majority of Christianity misrepresents it with such erroneous and heinous practices, I agree. There is only edification and building up in the true body of Christ. Others are sidetracked by as much a pseudo-Gospel as all that you've been pursuing since your apostasy.

Governments, Military, religion, all use it to in-slave the mind.

No need. There's a better way, and it has nothing to do with enslaving someone soulically. It's to set them free FROM enslavement.

You've just been swept away in the great apostasy of the church. I was too, for many years. Now I know the truth of the Christain faith rather than all the hybridized legalistic stupidity that has overtaken the church through the centuries and has escalated and diversified in the current age.

You've likely never even heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You've only heard man's replacement. Your criticisms have validity for an overwhelming majority of those who misrepresent the Christian faith in their own ignorance and types of prelest. I'm much plainer in speech toward the body. Judgment begins there, not with you interlopers.

You should take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself if your brainwashed, and now dance to the tune your programmed to present to others being broken down

I've looked in that mirror many times. That's how I know the absolute and objective truth. I WAS in that category, drawn into the same soulical deception that is IN the church that mirrors all the drivel of your minions and peers in esotericism. It's all the same, with different outlets.

You don't yet know the difference. You don't and can't know the distinction between soul and spirit. Your own logos can NEVER know that distinction. That's why there's such prevalent prelest withOUT AND withIN the Christian faith. There's been great apostasy, and it has taken over at every stage of deception. As I said, I'm much more plain-spoken to those professing to be withIN the faith.

mentaly, sinners, evil, no good, in need of a saviour, can't help your self, need big brother, etc...

Yeah, that's not the Gospel. Neither is "hell", which is misrepresented by most. Neither are many other things taught and practiced within the compromised and hybridized Christan faith in all its schizm and division. That's no reason to bail and dive headlong down all the ridiculous rabbit holes of false esotericism.

Actually I prefer carnal people over church folks,

Same-same, for the most part.

there a lot more real than the self righteous facade put on by some spiritual folks.

There is NO reality except YHWH. Having our hypostasis IN His hypostasis is the only reality. You're just chasing rodents in the landfill. There is nothing except YHWH, and our underlying reality can either be IN Him or apart from Him.

The Gospel is GOOD news, not condemnation. Exceedingly few have actually heard it.

It is because the religion looks nothing like the Christ you claim to be in.

So? Just because others have polluted it and misrepresented it, that doesn't mean the modern substitute is any more valid than all the sad comedy of al this wannabe esotericism in all this junk spewing from these threads.

But you claim to be the cats meow,

I'm nothing. The One in whom I am, IS. The true esotericism you're scrambling and scrounging for is in the Christian faith alone. There is NO other way. And it's nothing like the legalistic fascade that is presented within the dead and droll denominationalized substitute that has become the outward corpse of the true Christian faith.

and you certainly talk a good game.

I only speak the absolute and objective truth, which is from YHWH. I'm IN Him and He's IN me, all via His Spirit which was given by His Son in whom I believe.

You've just been exposed to those who've codified grace with the Law that was crucified WITH Christ. Those ordinances have been blotted out, and the Gospel is of the NEW creation in Christ, not the repentance of dead works. Just because most are well-meaning, it doesn't mean they're not horribly wrong.

I still think it would be more honest if you gave ole Krishna some love seeing he was the the template for your Jesus story.

I don't need to entertain such speculative excuses. I know in whom I have believed and IN WHOM I DWELL. Right now.

I don't need "enlightenment" according to all this vaporous nothing of esoteric stupidity from the depths of man's depravity. I've been thoroughly enlightened according to the Logos of God. Nobody else's logos matters in that regard.

And if you knew what sin is instead of what it's been taught to be, you wouldn't have to be all pouted up and reject a faith that has been grossly misrepresented to you by those who mistook hope for faith and haven't known much of the true Christian faith.


Eclectic Theosophist
Nature's ways are universal............

Nature's ways are universal............

freelight = moonbeams



I don't think the universal approach to truth as recognized and taught by Theosophy or the Perennial Wisdom is 'moonbeams' (your own created 'phrase' which you apply without really debating the principles)...since it claims no monopoly on truth (as might be the case in your 'reformed' theology), but recognizes truth wherever it may be found, as it exists esoterically within most all the religious traditions behind the garb of language, symbol, myth and metaphor.

The 'moonbeam' might actually be the religious 'beam' in your own eye blinding you to the greater truth expounded in these schools, which do not support any one religious tradition or denomination as having a monopoly on truth.

'God' if we define such as 'absolute reality' or the 'Light' behind all that exists, the One by which all exist and have their 'being'. This primordial light gives rise to all the colours of creation, in their different frequencies, rays, tones and vibrations. Recognizing that source, its laws, principles and movements is key to the universal science, as the Light contains all colours, they being but a reflection of it in the various forms and objects of knowledge (in-form-ation).

We could go on,....but to continue your passé little remarks about freelight espousing a 'moonbeam theology' is a bit comical to the larger audience, but we'll take that in good jest :)



Eclectic Theosophist
The stainless nature of the 'Self'

The stainless nature of the 'Self'

Interesting - we each find our own way with this. One thing I find helpful is Nisargadatta's teaching that "mind" is really a collective consciousness flow. What we think of as our "individual mind" is just the product of our psychosomatic apparatus interfacing with the collective mind-flow. I find that when I depersonalize the noise and chatter, (no longer considering it "mine", even if memories etc appear personal), it becomes much easier to ignore.

Anyhow - regardless of how we get there - I do know what you're talking about when you speak of that sojourn and the timeless peace.

Hi John,

This reflects back to the "I" or the light behind the "I Am" as being 'impersonal', or we could even say 'pre-personal'...being that very God-presence that is the 'witness' of the mind and all its operations. - hence you can stand in or as that 'primal awareness' and be unaffected by whatever arises in consciousness.

Nisargadatta's teaching continually brings us back to the "I Am", but more essentially to that which is prior to even that 'cognitive reflection of itself', because its the 'awareness' in which any and all reflections take place. - that awareness therefore remains ever original to whatever arises as an appearance in it ;)




TOL Subscriber
Light is free, since it is the ever-availing and ever-present nature of 'God' apart from which nothing can 'be' or be 'conscious'. This 'light' of knowledge does not enslave, but is the essence of freedom.


You have no light.

You have no ever-availing/-present nature of god.

You have no knowledge (no epignosis or oida, only gnosis).

You have no freedom.

You have no idea of the distinction between spirit and soul. You are constrained by the former with no awareness of the latter.

You don't and can't yet know how miserable you truly are.

And at this point I'm convinced you're a complicit minion of the psychopathic progenitors of all you portend and pretend.


Eclectic Theosophist
seeing the unity of Life.............

seeing the unity of Life.............

You have no light.

You have no ever-availing/-present nature of god.

You have no knowledge (no epignosis or oida, only gnosis).

You have no freedom.

You have no idea of the distinction between spirit and soul. You are constrained by the former with no awareness of the latter.

You don't and can't yet know how miserable you truly are.

And at this point I'm convinced you're a complicit minion of the psychopathic progenitors of all you portend and pretend.

These false and misguided judgments are reflections or projections from your own mind, and your need to continually assume spiritual superiority or 'righteousness' over others (this includes other belief-systems, schools, traditions, branches of science), being so,...they reflect nothing but your own assumptions coloured by your own divided mind (which peculiarly assumes a dichotomy of 'soul' and 'spirit' but fails to elaborate the 'formula' thereof). The very need to condescend, vilify, demean and belittle another is telling in itself, and is not a demonstration of true humility, let alone love.

Readers interested in the perennial wisdom can study the truth for themselves and make an intelligence decision therein, and at the same time accept the universal principle of the unity of all things, a proposition germane to science, philosophy and religion.

Educating oneself in the universal knowledge is not a path of egoity, arrogance, exclusivity or pride, but one of universal service, altruism and concern for the good of all, since the knowledge empowers one to live according to the principles, which are consonant with the laws of nature. Its a path of integrity, goodness, joy, encouragement and progress.



Well-known member
These false and misguided judgments are reflections or projections from your own mind, and your need to continually assume spiritual superiority or 'righteousness' over others (this includes other belief-systems, schools, traditions, branches of science), being so,...they reflect nothing but your own assumptions coloured by your own divided mind (which peculiarly assumes a dichotomy of 'soul' and 'spirit' but fails to elaborate the 'formula' thereof). The very need to condescend, vilify, demean and belittle another is telling in itself, and is not a demonstration of true humility, let alone love.

Readers interested in the perennial wisdom can study the truth for themselves and make an intelligence decision therein, and at the same time accept the universal principle of the unity of all things, a proposition germane to science, philosophy and religion.

Educating oneself in the universal knowledge is not a path of egoity, arrogance, exclusivity or pride, but one of universal service, altruism and concern for the good of all, since the knowledge empowers one to live according to the principles, which are consonant with the laws of nature. Its a path of integrity, goodness, joy, encouragement and progress.


He has a bad case of it, must be a reason the source has brought him here to project his reflection on to others, these strongholds are very hard to shake from the system but it can be done, he needs to be stuck in a land full of Ubuntu peoples, they would clean him up.

Ubuntu Zeke.


Eclectic Theosophist
IS-ness is fundamental.........

IS-ness is fundamental.........

I'm nothing. The One in whom I am, IS.

Even more appropriately, there is the one fundamental reality that always IS, that underlies all, and is all. It is this Infinite IS-ness that we may call 'God' or 'Brahman', or any other name by which our particular tradition or school subscribes.

The true esotericism you're scrambling and scrounging for is in the Christian faith alone.

FALSE. - since the universal wisdom is reflected in all authentic schools where the light of truth resides, in various traditions, since the infinite Spirit is not limited to only one tradition, race, culture or language sub-set.

There is NO other way.

'God' is omnipresent,....while there are 'ways' or 'methods' of re-turning to 'God',...the eternal 'way' is already inherent in reality itself, which is everywhere always present.

The original nature of consciousness

Reality already is what it IS, no matter what is superimposed, imaged, or conceptualized by the mind, which only appears as an 'after-thought' to that prior awareness.



Eclectic Theosophist
He has a bad case of it, must be a reason the source has brought him here to project his reflection on to others, these strongholds are very hard to shake from the system but it can be done, he needs to be stuck in a land full of Ubuntu peoples, they would clean him up.

Ubuntu Zeke.

;) - It appears the that Ubuntu philosophy holds to some good principles rooted in our basic humanity, free of imposing dogmas, but based on our common humanity itself.



TOL Subscriber
These false and misguided judgments are reflections or projections from your own mind,

No. Everything that proceeds from you is false and misguided as a soulical reflection and projection.

Odd how you always declare aboslute truths, whether cataphatic or apophatic; but then you insist nobody else can ever do so.

You're a trip, that's for sure. You're a captive of your own depraved mind and the psychopathy of your guru mentors of nothingness.

and your need to continually assume spiritual superiority

You're the one assuming spiritual superiority over all others and all else. You exhibit that with every nauseous and insidiously ridiculous post of your demented pseudo-existence. You pretend to be the arbiter of all truth and disallow the same of any others who recognize your prelest for what it is.

You have the most monumental double standard of anyone I've ever encountered. You yammer on and on and on about absolutes from your debauchery of soulish death, purporting it to be the only life.

or 'righteousness' over others (this includes other belief-systems, schools, traditions, branches of science),

It's quite the inverse, according to your double standard of utter superiority to all others. It's you who insists all the scattered drivelous machinations of psychopathic idiots through the ages is the nebulous singularity of ascending to the one central cosmic consciousness that is the impersonal god-force shattered into all creation, and all the rest of the blah-blah-blah of Kabbalah and the Hindu-ized syncretization of all the Mesopotamian mythologies of ancient whorish lore.

It's you who presents the self-righteousness. I've died to myself and am hid with Christ in YHWH. It's your ego that drives you to seek the enablement of online followers to feed your desperate co-dependency for worth in your shattered little crystal ball.

being so,...they reflect nothing but your own assumptions coloured by your own divided mind

And there you go again flipping the script and being the consummate arbiter of all truth, etc. You're just trapped in a gyre of depraved mind-warpage.

(which peculiarly assumes a dichotomy of 'soul' and 'spirit' but fails to elaborate the 'formula' thereof).

I could easily do so, and at great length. But it would be futile and pointless because your human logos is incapable of comprehending it. That's the irony that you'll never see because of being hopelessly and volitionally mired in your all-encompassing prelest. You're captured by your own mental misconstructions.

The very need to condescend, vilify, demean and belittle another is telling in itself,

You've mistaken this for being personal. I don't know you. I well know the garbage you spread for all the vermin to gather. It's not you directly that is the issue at all. Yet you're responsible, and you never give any place to anything other than your broad-spectrum indulgences as truth.

Everything's all fine unless/until someone dares say anything you can't engulf or encompass. You refuse to allow any singular truth that would disanull your nightmare of fantasy. You can't see the pure ego of it. You can't tolerate anything you consider to be intolerance. You must continually force your Henotheism upon any and all who have the freedom to post here.

It's YOU who is all the passive ad hominem that you have noted. You don't allow disagreement, and you feed on it to turn it into Henotheism. You force others to accept other gods by syncretizing them into your little Ghostbusters trap of ecto-nothing.

You're a metaphysical sponge, trying to absorb an ocean you can't contain. Yet you constantly dismiss any detractors and turn them into malefactors with your passive-aggressive false demeanor. It's the very nature of the wretched confluence of beliefs you've amassed. It's inevitable. You're the product of all the near-light and near-love that most can't distinguish from the true.

and is not a demonstration of true humility, let alone love.

You don't know what love OR humility are; and you don't practice them in spite of presuming you do. It IS love that compels me to correct your double-standardized inequitous compunction of behavior. You'll never know actual love. You can't. It's ontological, and you're not part of YHWH who is love. You're a violently insistent interloper who's look in every wrong nook and cranny for something that can't be found in the manner of your search.

Readers interested in the perennial wisdom can study the truth for themselves

See? There you go. Always adamantly declaring what is truth, yet never allowing anyone else to dare do the same. You either deride them or attempt to absorb their view in the abyss of syncretic feces you vociferously call "truth". You can't stand to have your self-ascended status challenged.

and make an intelligence decision therein, and at the same time accept the universal principle of the unity of all things, a proposition germane to science, philosophy and religion.

More ramblings of self-assertion. The master of non-absolutism vehmently pontificating endless absolutes. You're like the world's lengthiest math equation that yields a product or quotient of absolute zero. It's all vapor. Soulical nothingness. Pure self, when there is no such thing in that context.

You'll never know the distinction between soul and spirit; and it's not a dichotomy in any sense you'll ever understand. You could if you'd repent and believe in Yeshua as the substance of YHWH, but that's not likely to ever happen after you've entertained every manner of prelest ever conceived by man or spirits.

Educating oneself in the universal knowledge is not a path of egoity, arrogance, exclusivity or pride,

That's exactly and all it is. You're one ginormous throbbing ego. Just because it's veiled in apparent placidity, it makes no difference.

but one of universal service, altruism and concern for the good of all,

You'd have to know the truth for such. You don't.

since the knowledge empowers one to live according to the principles, which are consonant with the laws of nature. Its a path of integrity, goodness, joy, encouragement and progress.

No. It's a path to ascendant self as Kabbalistic evolution on the way to "godhood" by recapturing all the divine sparks, etc. It's psychopathy masquerading as humanitarianism. Same-same. Man attempting to do and be the epitome of "good" to bypass the need for true spiritual regeneration. It's the ultimate pathos of the soul. But you don't know the distinction, and indeed can't know it.

When you hit bottom at the end of all the maze of rabbit holes, it'll be very ugly. Your Nirvana and Utopia are not waiting. Theion for aionios. But it need not be. Just put all this crap aside and find repentance.

Sigh, and... alas. It shan't be.