Return to Oneness


Eclectic Theosophist
A new song......

A new song......


Continuing commentary -

Remember that under and behind every single event you will see manifested from now on lies a deeper meaning reality and lesson. Try to see it and integrate it so that soon only beautiful realities shall wash upon your shores.

Woven behind all events is a golden thread, an inter-connectivity of All That Is. As one peers into the Heart of hearts...there is the beauty of holiness, the pure reality that is before all conceptions, beyond all words, giving vision of every horizon and beyond.

Soon warring factions and opposing ideas shall embrace each other for they will have no other choice remaining, as the effects of conflict will be so deeply felt that no one will want to revisit such.

As hearts and souls are healed (integrated/made whole)...all dispositions towards and mechanisms creating conflict will be dissolved, swallowed up in the unity of Spirit.

Do not be afraid to proclaim your faith in unity and Love. Show it to everyone and everything. Sing only that Song.

The eye that is 'simple' (single) shall be filled with light, and the whole body will be one. With only the new song of the Spirit being sung within the inner chambers of one's soul,...heart, mind and will follow in concert. All attuned to and joined with the divine conductor are naturally harmonized, since this condition of unity is the prior reality before any division, differentiation or conflict of mind. It is the natural state, the home of one's true nature.




TOL Subscriber
Every Christian sect claims the other ones are out of the pure stream of faith,

This is not really accurate. The foundations are overwhelmingly the same. Schizm can always be traced to a source, like a fractured bone in the overall body.

Such is the nature of exoteric pursuits of men.

what makes you think your version is the right one?

I don't have a "version". I pursue the TRUE esotericism, which is the height, depth, breadth, and glory of the Christian faith alone with belief in the one true and living God YHVH alone, and without any degree of syncretism or compromise.

You don't know the difference between exoteric and esoteric. And the drivel that attempts to pass itself of as Esotericism... isn't.

You don't realize it's about ontological reality of existence in Christ, not a belief system or schizms of division in that belief system. And all the pseudo-Esoteric stuff you're pursuing are merely belief systems ABOUT ontological reality of existence.

Smoke and mirrors. You shouldn't have let the rampant exoteric junk in the Christian faith deter you from the true esotericism of the Christian faith.

That's not my fault. It's not even other nominal Christians' fault. It's your own fault for being gullible and deceived by all this excrement from Toucan Sam and his compadres.

Now you're in the bowl as just one of many Fruit Loops, asserting God can be found in many ways while allegorizing everything into a nothingness that suits your own vanity and delusion.


Eclectic Theosophist
Duality swallowed up in unity

Duality swallowed up in unity


Decided to switch gears to more a current message for 2014 from the One and Only -

Let us note this venture of commentary and creative dialogue is for those opening their consciousness to the Universal One, as it is represented by 'Israel' (at least in these particular messages), the original meaning and revelation of Truth rooted in the Unity of Life, in 'Jerusalem', the City of peace, the navel of the world, the heart-land where 'heaven' and 'earth' kiss (meet), where 'Messiah' springs forth to unify all peoples and bring all to the holy mount Zion. Here 'Messiah' can be represented as an 'individual' and/or as a community (a 'collective agency') - such are types, shadows, archetypes...reflecting 'heaven'(spirit-consciousness) and 'earth' (energy-matter) as all emenates from One Source.

Hear Oh Israel! You were my pride and I begot you.

I watched as you walked your path in so many Waters You followed your heart and often lost the reason for which I Created you.

You had to show my Way to all of my Creation. You were to reveal My Presence to all that I had Created!

Every possible way to achieve this was made available to you.

You chose instead to restrict my Light and Presence by distorting my only purpose which is to bring all that Is, my children, to the realization of what Is and can only Be.

So many lost dreams, restricted lives, and great distortions about who I Am! So many barriers; so much suffering in vain! The time had come for me to gather you back for a last attempt.

And so it was Created by Me, for Me.

So much hope was present when you were brought back to where you had been Created!

Great Heavenly Forces were brought to your point of gathering in order to protect, guide, and sustain you.

And so you were again established as the last attempt to unite all my children, on all planes.

So much Love poured towards you!

You were a wonder to all nations as you grew into a power to be respected.

The hope was and still is that you would let go of old distortions you had created around the Unity of my Loving Presence.

Thru-out the OT, the story of God's love and work of restoration for his people (universalized to include all people in the ultimate vision and divine will) continue to be played out in space-time, unfolding as a co-operation. The work of renewal engages cycles of dis-integration and re-integration.



Eclectic Theosophist
cont. ( also, reflections on 'omnipresence' )

cont. ( also, reflections on 'omnipresence' )


Meditations for reflection and dialogue continue, as the message from the Godliness thru this channel continues ( the 'preface' is important in understanding first the metaphysical terms and that 'Is-Ra-El' stands for the 'peoplehood of God' or the divine community of Man standing in his original calling and true purpose and intention in the divine will of Creation/Creator) here.

While the original message was given first to a specific nation or cult-ure of man (in this case 'Israel', the message is universally for all mankind, gathered together in the consciousness of unity, hence 'Jew' and 'Gentile' are made one in the 'Christ' (the 'light' revealing 'Sonship', the spiritual renewal of recognizing one's true nature, reflected in human brotherhood and Fatherhood of God)

The human channel here will naturally reflect the vision of the One God thru the limitation and duality of 'language', so that by such 'translation-process', the One Absolute Reality is being described imperfectly, as far as language goes, which is 'relative' as far as it can serve to describe, explain or expound that which is beyond words -

Many within your branch and most other nations had invented distorted beliefs about who I Am and my desires.

False beliefs had spread throughout my Creations and caused so much havoc and conflicts amongst my beings!

You, Oh Israel, could have brought this to a point where my real intent and full Presence would have been forever and ever established!

You were born, all of you, with this pure knowledge about my Being.

Nevertheless, you chose, most of your time, to keep it hidden.

You created walls and barriers, and cried as you faced them.

My Being knows no walls, no barriers, no separation!

My Being flows everywhere!

The Infinite One is the omnipresent reality, without time or space, and within all time and space.

There comes a time when the Godliness needs to restate Its Presence to all that Is.

There comes a moment when nothing nor anyone can, nor should, block that.

My Creation has turned into too much conflict and almost total chaos, and that cannot be allowed anymore!

My children need a strong reminder that I flow and Am everywhere, without boundaries, without end, without any restrictions!

My children need to understand why I created them.

From a human perspective, we see what appears as a battle between light and darkness, knowledge and ignorance, good and evil, etc. Yet thru-out all complication, conflict or confusion....there is ever still at the heart of reality, the omnipresence of 'God'.

As each soul awakens to its original purpose in creation, love and light, in truth....that is the dawning of the Christ in each one,....the light that enlightens all men. It is that holy generation of the original Light, where the true offspring of pure Spirit springs. Hence our return to 'God' is our 're-turning' to Source. There is only 'that' that is reality, and hence,...there is none besides 'that'.
Omnipresence, means just that......everywhere and all-ways present.



Eclectic Theosophist
Meditations on Unity

Meditations on Unity


Further broadening our vision of the cosmos, we reflect upon our unity with all life and consciousness, extending to extraterrestrial worlds and civilizations, promoting universal cooperations and diplomacy in the realm of 'exopolitics'. (extending explorations of consciousness into other dimensions and worlds, with all sentient life forms, terrestrial and extraterrestrial, one universe family)

See The Disclosure Project.

View attachment 19142

"One of the greatest tasks humanity has faced throughout history is the establishment of peace and unity among differing and diverse peoples. Superficial, external and cultural distinctions such as gender, race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion and so forth have long divided humanity and been the cause of much warfare and social turmoil. It is only in the last 100 or so years that humans have seriously begun to explore worldwide our points of unity and begun to overcome the barriers which have separated humanity. Central to this evolutionary process has been the dynamic of at once accepting and celebrating diversity while simultaneously seeing the fundamental oneness which all humans share. This dynamic of unity – seeing with the eye of oneness – is the essential foundation for lasting world peace and prosperity, and will be the motivating principle of the next millennium. The long and painful process of overcoming prejudice and embracing humanity’s essential oneness, while by no means yet complete, has brought us to the dawn of a true world-encircling community of one people. The recognition that mankind is one, that race, nationality, gender, religion and so on are secondary to our shared humanness, may well be the crowning achievement of the 20th century.

But what does it mean to be human, essentially human, apart from a purely biological definition? Our deepest point of unity transcends race, culture, gender, profession, life roles, even level of intelligence or emotional make- up, since all these attributes vary widely among people. Rather, the foundation of human oneness is consciousness itself, the ability to be conscious, self-aware, intelligent sentient beings. All other human qualities arise from this mother of all attributes. Conscious intelligence is the root essence from which all other human qualities emanate."

- Steven M. Greer, M.D.

- See more here

As we intuit in the depths of our being, in the holy silence...there, the one Life, that underlying, ever-present potentiality of infinity.

All is One...because the Creative Spirit, Energy and Consciousness in which and out of which all things appear and are formed, is ONE.


patrick jane


Decided to switch gears to more a current message for 2014 from the One and Only -

Let us note this venture of commentary and creative dialogue is for those opening their consciousness to the Universal One, as it is represented by 'Israel' (at least in these particular messages), the original meaning and revelation of Truth rooted in the Unity of Life, in 'Jerusalem', the City of peace, the navel of the world, the heart-land where 'heaven' and 'earth' kiss (meet), where 'Messiah' springs forth to unify all peoples and bring all to the holy mount Zion. Here 'Messiah' can be represented as an 'individual' and/or as a community (a 'collective agency') - such are types, shadows, archetypes...reflecting 'heaven'(spirit-consciousness) and 'earth' (energy-matter) as all emenates from One Source.

Thru-out the OT, the story of God's love and work of restoration for his people (universalized to include all people in the ultimate vision and divine will) continue to be played out in space-time, unfolding as a co-operation. The work of renewal engages cycles of dis-integration and re-integration.


do you believe in pre-Adamites ? or that Cain went to the land of Nod, where there were alien beings ? do you think there were human like creatures before Adam & Eve ? just curious - :patrol:


Eclectic Theosophist
Adam and Eve........

Adam and Eve........

do you believe in pre-Adamites ? or that Cain went to the land of Nod, where there were alien beings ? do you think there were human like creatures before Adam & Eve ? just curious - :patrol:

Hello and thanks for resurrecting my thread :) more insights on the oneness of Life will be shared from resources already shared and other schools all recognizing the infinite One in whom we originate and inhere. Hence Gerald O'Donnell in his messages refers to 'God' as the One and Only. 'God' is both because God is All There Is.....there is no other. 'Otherness' only arises in the world of duality, relationships, relativity, difference,...with-in the play of consciousness as minds inter-act and relate in the illusion of seperatness. Otherwise even with creative play of life evolving(creation) is all an interacting manifold One...we being individual expressions of the One.


Now as to your inquiry above,......I would suggest asking that question on the UB thread, since it reveals much information on Adam & Eve which could serve as a springboard for further discussion. I personally dont have a definitive opinion or belief on the matter at this time. The UB teaches that primitive man was already existing in various tribes on earth before Adam & Eve were sent down to serve as 'biologic uplifters' to the races to 'upgrade' the dna as it were to help enhance and speed along our evolution. Therefore Adam & Eve were not the first humans, but are of a higher order of beings called Material sons and daughters of God. There is an Adam and Eve sent to every evolving inhabited planet who are instrumental in uplifting the culture.

There are other theories too of course.
We can continue this dicussion in the UB thread if you dont mind.....or perhaps a new thread on the subject?


Literal lunatic
Hello and thanks for resurrecting my thread :) more insights on the oneness of Life will be shared from resources already shared and other schools all recognizing the infinite One in whom we originate and inhere. Hence Gerald O'Donnell in his messages refers to 'God' as the One and Only. 'God' is both because God is All There Is.....there is no other. 'Otherness' only arises in the world of duality, relationships, relativity, difference,...with-in the play of consciousness as minds inter-act and relate in the illusion of seperatness. Otherwise even with creative play of life evolving(creation) is all an interacting manifold One...we being individual expressions of the One.


Now as to your inquiry above,......I would suggest asking that question on the UB thread, since it reveals much information on Adam & Eve which could serve as a springboard for further discussion. I personally dont have a definitive opinion or belief on the matter at this time. The UB teaches that primitive man was already existing in various tribes on earth before Adam & Eve were sent down to serve as 'biologic uplifters' to the races to 'upgrade' the dna as it were to help enhance and speed along our evolution. Therefore Adam & Eve were not the first humans, but are of a higher order of beings called Material sons and daughters of God. There is an Adam and Eve sent to every evolving inhabited planet who are instrumental in uplifting the culture.

There are other theories too of course.
We can continue this dicussion in the UB thread if you dont mind.....or perhaps a new thread on the subject?

Just come clean.

Tell him you think Genesis is just one more stab by man to grab God.

And that you're an unstable soul carried away by every wind of change.


Eclectic Theosophist
fairness in discussion......

fairness in discussion......

Thank you.

I was bein' as truthful as possible not hateful. :)

You're welcome :), as Gods blessing is abundant to all receptive, but you might want to change the condescending and judgmental tone of your posts if you want a response towards a more cordial dialogue. Also respect the thread subject, - its purely based upon the essential unity of life, the metaphysical nature of being, the universal oneness of Spirit. I glossed over your post because of its tone and a time constraint at the moment. Now if I would address your post charitably -

Just come clean.

No need to, since my posts are sufficient in themselves, nothing is being hidden or disguised. My response to pj was adequate for the time being, with allowance for more discussion and other theories to explore.

Tell him you think Genesis is just one more stab by man to grab God.

You are assuming things. I shared my opinion of not knowing or having a conclusive belief about a pre-adamic race at this time but am aware of various theories about it. Genesis like other religious books were written by men, with concepts and ideas often borrowed by preexisting legends and traditions, - such religious 'stories' are to be weighed accordingly, among both ancient records and more recent material claiming to be revealed or inspired. There are other records/teachings about Adam & Eve different from or adding more to the Genesis account, and some who deem it pure mythology.

And that you're an unstable soul carried away by every wind of change

This is just a subtle ad hominem,....which doesnt merit a response really since my commentary is sufficient, well described and often well resourced for those interested to follow. I'll oblige anyone who engages me respectfully, but that is something that grows and is also 'earned'. Pj knows enough of me by our correspondence without your suggestions of me being an 'unstable soul', which is a tad bit comical, since my religious liberties transcend your concept of 'stability' rooted in some preconceived concept or dogma.

I've always been a liberal and free spirit, and dont plan on changing that any time soon.


Well-known member
This is not really accurate. The foundations are overwhelmingly the same. Schizm can always be traced to a source, like a fractured bone in the overall body.

Such is the nature of exoteric pursuits of men.

I don't have a "version". I pursue the TRUE esotericism, which is the height, depth, breadth, and glory of the Christian faith alone with belief in the one true and living God YHVH alone, and without any degree of syncretism or compromise.

You don't know the difference between exoteric and esoteric. And the drivel that attempts to pass itself of as Esotericism... isn't.

You don't realize it's about ontological reality of existence in Christ, not a belief system or schizms of division in that belief system. And all the pseudo-Esoteric stuff you're pursuing are merely belief systems ABOUT ontological reality of existence.

Smoke and mirrors. You shouldn't have let the rampant exoteric junk in the Christian faith deter you from the true esotericism of the Christian faith.

That's not my fault. It's not even other nominal Christians' fault. It's your own fault for being gullible and deceived by all this excrement from Toucan Sam and his compadres.

Now you're in the bowl as just one of many Fruit Loops, asserting God can be found in many ways while allegorizing everything into a nothingness that suits your own vanity and delusion.

You still want to push the historic sacrifice of a god/human for you're short comings. Fruit loops are GMO like the religious garbling you have learned and is a system of belief you were channeled as well, so go study that mirror after you had a good anti egocentric smoke.


Well-known member
Just come clean.

Tell him you think Genesis is just one more stab by man to grab God.

And that you're an unstable soul carried away by every wind of change.

Yea good Idea, come clean, cut up all that Babylonian ID that allows you to exist as long as you bow physically and mentally to it like 99% here do, yet claim to have faith in God yet patronize another created by letters.


Eclectic Theosophist
One Love

One Love

Yea good Idea, come clean, cut up all that Babylonian ID that allows you to exist as long as you bow physically and mentally to it like 99% here do, yet claim to have faith in God yet patronize another created by letters.

'Coming clean' is a suggestion for any religionist to research his theology ever testing it in light of reality, then being able to change or modify perspectives as better knowledge appears as progressive revelation. Consciousness itself is the matrix where all realities are born or recognized, so our study of consciousness is essential especially as it pertains to the unity of life and our relationships within The One. Re-turning to unity-consciousness is recognizing the primal non-duality at the heart of things, upon which the play of duality is an illusion. But thats another chapter ;)

Will dive into another message for this year here if any would like to follow and share insights gleaned from meditating upon it as it relates to unity-consciousness. Nothing is more wonderful than this, since it is life and the interplay of all potentials. This thread is all about the return to oneness or recognition of primal unity. Blessings Be :)


Eclectic Theosophist
You still want to push the historic sacrifice of a god/human for you're short comings. Fruit loops are GMO like the religious garbling you have learned and is a system of belief you were channeled as well, so go study that mirror after you had a good anti egocentric smoke.

The way I see it is subject to whatever conditions my view, unless I transcend all conditioning and see from the primal reality itself.


TOL Subscriber
You still want to push the historic sacrifice of a god/human for you're short comings.

No. I don't. The atoning work of Theanthropos was not as you depict at all. It was love and reconciliation for partaking of the divine nature, not to defer punitive judgment.

In Christ, God laid down His psuche (soul-life) for those who believe so. Greater love hath no man than this. It wasn't about physical death, though that was included.

You're only familiar with the modern conceptual bastardization of the Christian faith, not the actual ontological Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That's why you're so deluded by exotericism, oblivious to the esoteric truth of the vaild Christian faith.

Fruit loops are GMO

Yes... You as a fruit loop are definitely GMO.

like the religious garbling you have learned and is a system of belief you were channeled as well,

No, I put off the false modern faux-Christianity years ago. I just didn't embrace all the exoteric drivel you've swallowed.

so go study that mirror after you had a good anti egocentric smoke.

He says in a stuporous daze of narcissistic billowing smoke.

You're a nut job.


Literal lunatic
You're welcome :), as Gods blessing is abundant to all receptive, but you might want to change the condescending and judgmental tone of your posts if you want a response towards a more cordial dialogue. Also respect the thread subject, - its purely based upon the essential unity of life, the metaphysical nature of being, the universal oneness of Spirit. I glossed over your post because of its tone and a time constraint at the moment. Now if I would address your post charitably -

I can understand yer reluctance and a misunderstanding of my tone.

I shook the dust off on the urantia thread several months ago and have not been back.

I only bring this up to remind you of my resolve on certain issues.

My post here came after reading the opening post of this thread, so please keep that in mind.

No need to, since my posts are sufficient in themselves, nothing is being hidden or disguised. My response to pj was adequate for the time being, with allowance for more discussion and other theories to explore.

Now this answer is a little closer to coming clean but is still lacking.

I know you believe in a higher power.

And that you toy with the idea of Jesus.

The reason I say toy with, is because you refuse to stay with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

You are assuming things. I shared my opinion of not knowing or having a conclusive belief about a pre-adamic race at this time but am aware of various theories about it. Genesis like other religious books were written by men, with concepts and ideas often borrowed by preexisting legends and traditions, - such religious 'stories' are to be weighed accordingly, among both ancient records and more recent material claiming to be revealed or inspired. There are other records/teachings about Adam & Eve different from or adding more to the Genesis account, and some who deem it pure mythology.

This is just a subtle ad hominem,....which doesnt merit a response really since my commentary is sufficient, well described and often well resourced for those interested to follow. I'll oblige anyone who engages me respectfully, but that is something that grows and is also 'earned'. Pj knows enough of me by our correspondence without your suggestions of me being an 'unstable soul', which is a tad bit comical, since my religious liberties transcend your concept of 'stability' rooted in some preconceived concept or dogma.

My only preconceived dogma is that Jesus is the one and only begotten son of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I've always been a liberal and free spirit, and dont plan on changing that any time soon.

Now this is coming clean. LOL.

As far as this oneness thread goes, I'll throw out my 2 cents worth.

We become one with Christ as we grow in grace calling upon him.

This happens as he quickens us.

However it does not come without chastisement.

At the end of this world, Christ will give the kingdom back to God.

That is when God gives each of us a new name and we will know as we are known.

That's when we reach complete oneness according to his will and time, not ours.


Sons of God, no longer just offspring. :)


Literal lunatic
Yea good Idea, come clean, cut up all that Babylonian ID that allows you to exist as long as you bow physically and mentally to it like 99% here do, yet claim to have faith in God yet patronize another created by letters.

I'll just keep on using this world, not abusing it.

Wise as the serpent, harmless as a dove:)

patrick jane

I can understand yer reluctance and a misunderstanding of my tone.

I shook the dust off on the urantia thread several months ago and have not been back.

I only bring this up to remind you of my resolve on certain issues.

My post here came after reading the opening post of this thread, so please keep that in mind.

Now this answer is a little closer to coming clean but is still lacking.

I know you believe in a higher power.

And that you toy with the idea of Jesus.

The reason I say toy with, is because you refuse to stay with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

My only preconceived dogma is that Jesus is the one and only begotten son of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Now this is coming clean. LOL.

As far as this oneness thread goes, I'll throw out my 2 cents worth.

We become one with Christ as we grow in grace calling upon him.

This happens as he quickens us.

However it does not come without chastisement.

At the end of this world, Christ will give the kingdom back to God.

That is when God gives each of us a new name and we will know as we are known.

That's when we reach the oneness according to his will and time, not ours.


Sons of God, no longer just offspring. :)

good post. i'm outta rep, i'll rep it 2moro -

1 John 3:2 KJV - John 1:12-13 KJV - Luke 6:35 KJV -

Luke 20:34-36 KJV - Hosea 1:10 KJV -