Return to Oneness


New member
not 'that' ... as in not impersonal... not just happening. not random.

Yhwh is very personal, very compassionate. Yhwh has a great affection for His people. and provided through Y'shua, and ONLY through Y'shua, the only way to be in union with Him.

very rare... yes, very rare, because people will not give up their own life to receive HIS LIFE>

John Mortimer

New member
Ah,....many levels here :) - an 'action' is followed by a 're-action', in a cause/effect continuum along some time-line, so it would be how we assume such transpiring within an 'eternal' or 'infinite' context. Some karmas can be effected to their maximal effect within a certain time period as well as 'mitigated' or 'absolved' within such a 'time' as well. Even in an infinite-context....wouldn't there still be a consequential chain of effects variously conditioned as long as any conditioning takes place?


The intuition that I got at that moment, (it was a very special moment for me), was that; if an action was to continue on to infinity it would be a completely pure action devoid of conditions OR conditioning. At the time I couldn't conceive in "mindal" terms, (interesting that the UB should be useful to me there), what such an action would consist of. Now I am beginning to understand that completely spontaneous actions are pure and free of conditioning. Such actions are only seen through infants and the self-realized.


Eclectic Theosophist
transcending karma

transcending karma

The intuition that I got at that moment, (it was a very special moment for me), was that; if an action was to continue on to infinity it would be a completely pure action devoid of conditions OR conditioning. At the time I couldn't conceive in "mindal" terms, (interesting that the UB should be useful to me there), what such an action would consist of. Now I am beginning to understand that completely spontaneous actions are pure and free of conditioning. Such actions are only seen through infants and the self-realized.


I gather you speak of actions which arise out spontaneously of one's true nature, so they are true creations of the 'pure' and 'holy'. - these kinds of 'actions' if we call them 'actions' do not enter the conditional sphere of duality at all so must be of a different quality or nature. Of course all other ordinary or conditional 'actions' in the context of cause-effect relationships in the physical world of human experience, are subject to what appears as karmic law.

This gets into the concept of 'cause' and 'effect'. We would have to ask concerning the saying "an action that extends to infinity has no consequences", there an action that has no consequences? - back to the question of what quality or 'nature' of 'action' it is. Both the Urantia Book and ACIM (A Course in Miracles) have some interesting insights here.


John Mortimer

New member

I gather you speak of actions which arise out spontaneously of one's true nature, so they are true creations of the 'pure' and 'holy'. - these kinds of 'actions' if we call them 'actions' do not enter the conditional sphere of duality at all so must be of a different quality or nature. Of course all other ordinary or conditional 'actions' in the context of cause-effect relationships in the physical world of human experience, are subject to what appears as karmic law.
This gets into the concept of 'cause' and 'effect'. We would have to ask concerning the saying "an action that extends to infinity has no consequences", there an action that has no consequences? - back to the question of what quality or 'nature' of 'action' it is. Both the Urantia Book and ACIM (A Course in Miracles) have some interesting insights here.

OK - an action that has no consequences is independent of time as a concept. The "action" here is an inner action, not outer or overt.
What are we to say to any of this?! It is recorded in my memory as being significant and yet, is it significant at all??


Eclectic Theosophist
where the Spirit is, there is liberty.......

where the Spirit is, there is liberty.......

OK - an action that has no consequences is independent of time as a concept. The "action" here is an inner action, not outer or overt.
What are we to say to any of this?! It is recorded in my memory as being significant and yet, is it significant at all??

An action or 'activity' that is timeless.....this puts this kind of 'activity' in a class of its own, outside of space-time altogether. It would be 'timeless being' moving in some direction that is wholly pure and free of consequence,....a seeming paradox, but that which can be intuitively sensed. It it can be likened to the omni-action of Spirit, which is ever free and freeing in its dynamic.



Eclectic Theosophist
New Year 2013 message/commentary continued.....

New Year 2013 message/commentary continued.....


We continue the 2013 message from The One from our last segments.....

1st commentary here
2nd comentary here
John's critique here
My response here


There shall not remain pockets of uncontrolled greed and corruption; these shall all be made to implode and be totally erased from Creation.

Man will know its holy place and function within the Holy fabric of All-that-IS and the Eternal support of its Mother manifesting Nature for it.

From the perspective of space-time, we envision in our religious concept a 'Golden Age' or 'kingdom of heaven on earth', a 'state' of universal harmony.

Be strong, and remember that real strength is found in unconditional co-operation and love.

Be gentle, for that is a sign of real strength.

Be patient, for it will be your companion in this phase as we all shift.

Be kind, for you would then align with the One-and-Only and be counted amongst the ones who will travel the only path that can be allowed from now on.

These are all spiritual qualities and traits of those walking in the Spirit and essential to community. As far as what is 'allowed' such will be according to what what is yielded to and allowed to 'be', here considering the aspect of 'time' in an evolutional sense, as 'change' or 'transformation' includes the element of 'time'. While in the non-dual state, it is already timeless perfection,...the play of creation unfolds all possibilities in space-time, the zenith of time being eternity.

Be mindful of the power of your thoughts and the directions of your intentions.

Here, the mind and its 'thoughts' and 'intentions' still have some kind of effect within the matrix.

Do not rush to judge one another; that is not how The One operates.

Never rejoice in the suffering of the part whom you perceive as an opponent, for that part is but yourself showing you often a misguided choice.

Again, we keep coming back to the principle of Love.

- original message

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Well-known member
Yes,....when the mind is silent and one recedes back into the 'Heart',...there, is the kingdom of heaven.

The universal law of karma holds wherever thoughts, words and actions are 'conditional' and have their 'effects'.

In saying that "Love is indivisible", never violates its inherent unity or nature....or fragments itself into one 'part' against another (at least knowingly). While it honors and recognizes its diverse expressions and forms, it is 'integral' to all, the unifying principle, the sole value.


Strict silence is required when building the temple, 1 Kings 6:7-8, (Luke 22:10-12 the age of the water bearers house)

Blessings, Zeke.


Eclectic Theosophist
the house made without hands......

the house made without hands......

Strict silence is required when building the temple, 1 Kings 6:7-8, (Luke 22:10-12 the age of the water bearers house)

Blessings, Zeke.


"Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain." ( Psalm 127:1 )

'God' alone is the foundation and builder. Subtance and form; spirit and soul.



Well-known member
It was interesting that this was denied as existing in scripture earlier, for someone who claims to know the Bible. The 'Christ' unites all peoples, because when all see truth, there is no division anywhere as all enter into union with 'God' as sons and daughters. One Family...united in Spirit. The 'new man' is the Adam-Kadmon....wherein 'God' and 'Man' are unified, as the Son of Man/Son of God. This 'archetype' holds for both the first and last Adam, perfected in the person of Jesus, who is but the 'head' or 'firstborn' of all others entering the new birth of the Spirit, putting on the Christ.

And the scripture shows that all things are within Christs domain or mind, Colossians 1:16, and all things will be made one Ephesians 1:10, and according to the will of the Creator all will be saved Ephesians 1:11, 1Timothy 2:4 KJV, and one Source that all will come to the knowledge of in due time, and who gave himself for "all" 1 Timothy 2:5.

Truth has nothing at all to fear. Spirit is One. The One includes all its various forms, attributes and expressions. Truth needs no defense, but only re-cognition.

Yea when you get across the fear bridge the baggage of the past starts to floats away, the Mountains start to become hills and dry desert starts to bloom, no doctrinal words games or fire pits to hurdle over, you can wade across the raging river of condemnation like a calm puddle.

God is Light.

And is in and through all life Acts 17:28, and 29, I would add mans doctrine to that list as well.

Any thought, image, doctrine, theology, idea....can be an 'idol' worshipped instead of 'Real God'. There are no other 'gods' in reality besides the infinite 'I Am',....but various personifications and personalities of 'God' play out their roles in creation. - the whole cosmic drama of life evolves, playing out its potentials and possibilities to infinity.

Its all through the culture, little hints of the lessons of life from the Creator, from Nature, Fairytales, Novels, Movies, Mathematical and religious symbols, etc...The cosmic internet has been streaming all along the ability to receive it is something few have been taught about for control and greed , those types of mentality of control by fear and greed are going to fade now that the kingdom of heaven is upon us.

Our own 'being' in whatever body or form, right NOW is the temple of 'God'...since 'God' is omnipresent and is the 'life' and 'light' of our being. We are his tabernacles. Honoring that presesnce and co-operating with its divine principle is life's fulfillment.

Yes the message at the end is you could have gone home at anytime Dorthy, the golden road leads us to see that scary wizard is a kind old man who we have met some where before the journey started.

'God' envisioned us and mirrors us in His own consciousness, ever sustaining, empowering and evolving us, as far as our inner potential goes, and what can be our maximal experience of his creation. From the inside view looking out, it is 'God' himself orchestrating and emenating the creative play, our body-mind being a temporal reflection-medium where individual experience of Himself as consciousness is being engaged. All comes back to consciousness. 'Personality' and 'individuality' have their place here of course :)

The below as above mirror, the allegory of Moses knew this and built the temple in the wilderness according to the one he was shown by the creator, need to clean the pine cone to see these things.

Blessings, Zeke.


TOL Subscriber

Ummm... That's not what agape/agapao means at all. You have to manipulate the semantics and manufacture a hybridized defintion for each one just to pontificate your occultic mysticism of sycretism.

Your alleged love isn't agape. It more closely resembles phileo, but falls short of that or is apart from it as well. That's one of the other core issues with your particular and subjective and structured beliefs as a religion with fudged dualism that you deny and attempt to absorb but cannot.


TOL Subscriber

"Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain." ( Psalm 127:1 )

'God' alone is the foundation and builder. Subtance and form; spirit and soul.


There isn't one ounce of Spirit represented by your syncretic perversion. Every last bit of it is Soul only; and it's not God's Soul, it's merely yours and others'. No Divinity of any kind is represented by anything you and your peers have said.

And it's laughable how much venom and vitriol you have toward the non-syncretic while proclaiming alleged non-condemnation and lack of judgment.

The alleged "love" you espouse isn't agape at all. It's your own manufactured concept, just like all the rest of this soulish nonsense of you and all the other nutjobs trying to be Divine.

I don't have to manufacture a god of my own making in my mind as you have in your stupor of delusion.

You quoting scripture is... odd. And funny in a sad way. Why bother? Why not just say, "I am antichrist; hear me roar.":guitar:

Oh, I forgot. Everything is allegory for YOUR alleged syncretic mystical nonsense. The literally non-literal.:bang:

Maybe you could have Xenu corroborate your view. That would be very credible.:patrol:

A syncretist, a mental patient, and an idiot walked into a bar. He ordered a drink.:cheers:


Well-known member
Freelight Marty leeds has some interesting videos on the connection between math and religious symbols & numbers that show their connection to each other. The Astrological Story of Creation-Pi & The English Alphabet.

Blessings, Zeke.


Eclectic Theosophist
Truth is universal..............

Truth is universal..............

And the scripture shows that all things are within Christs domain or mind, Colossians 1:16, and all things will be made one Ephesians 1:10, and according to the will of the Creator all will be saved Ephesians 1:11, 1Timothy 2:4 KJV, and one Source that all will come to the knowledge of in due time, and who gave himself for "all" 1 Timothy 2:5.

Yes, ultimately 'God' will be all in all, in the universal Restoration (Apocatastasis). "The knowledge of the glory of the Lord will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea". Paul chose to quote pagan poets and philosophers since they were already attuned to universal truths, besides his audience maybe being more familiar with such verses, but his gnostic and allegorical teachings are self-evident, covering the importance of 'gnosis', the 'new man', spiritual resurrection, universal reconciliation, the inner 'Christ', etc.

Yea when you get across the fear bridge the baggage of the past starts to floats away, the Mountains start to become hills and dry desert starts to bloom, no doctrinal words games or fire pits to hurdle over, you can wade across the raging river of condemnation like a calm puddle.

The Spirit is always already free :) The pure in heart see. Hence Paul knew that being 'spiritually minded' was life and peace. And that divine sonship was by 'spiritual witness'. "For the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are sons of God".

Its all through the culture, little hints of the lessons of life from the Creator, from Nature, Fairytales, Novels, Movies, Mathematical and religious symbols, etc...The cosmic internet has been streaming all along the ability to receive it is something few have been taught about for control and greed , those types of mentality of control by fear and greed are going to fade now that the kingdom of heaven is upon us.

Such is the universal science. The truth inheres in all true forms, principles, symbols and archetypes. These precepts are part of the fabric of the created order, the laws within creation reflected in the soul-body of man.

The below as above mirror, the allegory of Moses knew this and built the temple in the wilderness according to the one he was shown by the creator, need to clean the pine cone to see these things.

"As above, so below" - the great axiom. Theosophical perspective here. - I might add the Hermetic Teachings are wonderful as you may remember I had a thread on the Kybalion covering the 7 cosmic principles. Our OP article touches on this 'reflectivity' about the City of Jerusalem being that 'portal' where 'heaven' and 'earth' converge, as well as 'Man' being that 'temple' where the individual soul reflects the Universal Soul of 'God', and naturally so.



Eclectic Theosophist
Its in the stars.........

Its in the stars.........

Freelight Marty leeds has some interesting videos on the connection between math and religious symbols & numbers that show their connection to each other. The Astrological Story of Creation-Pi & The English Alphabet.

Blessings, Zeke.

Excellent. Numerology in all its permutations is wonderful, since a mathematical symmetry or organization underlies all things (sacred geometry, golden mean, fractals, fibonacci series, etc.), since 'form' has its various 'definitions'. All things spring from a primary 'unit' and are multiples of "1" :) - these extend further into myriad patterns unto infinity. Since you enjoy studies in astro-theology and universal science, perhaps that could be a thread idea for you ;)

So much more to research and discover.

All is substance and form mirrored in consciousness.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Maybe you could have Xenu corroborate your view. That would be very credible.:patrol:

When Xenu arrives in his cosmic DC 8 he will give us all the answers to consciousness & self...what a crock! :rotfl:


Maybe Tom Cruise will be there? :think:
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Well-known member
Excellent. Numerology in all its permutations is wonderful, since a mathematical symmetry or organization underlies all things (sacred geometry, golden mean, fractals, fibonacci series, etc.), since 'form' has its various 'definitions'. All things spring from a primary 'unit' and are multiples of "1" :) - these extend further into myriad patterns unto infinity. Since you enjoy studies in astro-theology and universal science, perhaps that could be a thread idea for you ;)

So much more to research and discover.

All is substance and form mirrored in consciousness.


Yea we both know that the native people of this land had their medicine wheel and council circle, which played a major role in their spiritual foundation, we see the vision quest and Christs 40 days in the wilderness as being within the same spiritual teaching, showing the foundations are all the same within the circle of life.

Blessings, Zeke.


Eclectic Theosophist
karma free?

karma free?

OK - an action that has no consequences is independent of time as a concept. The "action" here is an inner action, not outer or overt.
What are we to say to any of this?! It is recorded in my memory as being significant and yet, is it significant at all??

Yet an 'action' or 'movement' of consciousness within, is still an action that can have consequences....if 'mind' in any sense has power to effect, change or determine anything. Thoughts or emotions of anger for instance may bring about negative or harmful effects (reactions producing more of the same kind of reactions/responses). Anything having the power to effect or condition space within consciousness may be significant to the 'observer'.

The saying "an action that extends to infinity has no consequences" needs to be qualified....since ordinarily all action is subject to karma, for karma itself is action and its consequences. We can speculate that a pure contemplative 'act' of love born of the infinite Spirit is free of karma, and enjoys the fullness of joy and perfection that it already is....but can still appear to reap a positive harvest in reciprocal sharing.

Considering that which is subject to karma and that which isnt, however you distinguish or assume such,....anything is 'significant' according to the mind that assumes it, and within whatever context.



Well-known member
Yet an 'action' or 'movement' of consciousness within, is still an action that can have consequences....if 'mind' in any sense has power to effect, change or determine anything. Thoughts or emotions of anger for instance may bring about negative or harmful effects (reactions producing more of the same kind of reactions/responses). Anything having the power to effect or condition space within consciousness may be significant to the 'observer'.

The saying "an action that extends to infinity has no consequences" needs to be qualified....since ordinarily all action is subject to karma, for karma itself is action and its consequences. We can speculate that a pure contemplative 'act' of love born of the infinite Spirit is free of karma, and enjoys the fullness of joy and perfection that it already is....but can still appear to reap a positive harvest in reciprocal sharing.

Considering that which is subject to karma and that which isnt, however you distinguish or assume such,....anything is 'significant' according to the mind that assumes it, and within whatever context.



Blessings, Zeke.