Return to Oneness


Well-known member

Either the creator made every thing or not, the sovereign status that God consist of is certainly part of your doctrine is it not? everything came from the mind of God did it not? the narrow perspective and limited view of your dogma demands exclusion of most of the creators work.

Condemnation is your game and doesn't flow very well with love, grace and mercy, the gospel your offering has no real substance other than theological word games, and translations that just happen to support your view but have no historical validity. Hell of a deal I say and one I am glad I chucked alone with the hypocrisy that bred.


TOL Subscriber
Either the creator made every thing or not,

Yes, YHWH created ALL, including what you presume to BE "God". You "worship" a "god" that isn't. The very highest and greatest and mostest thing or realm or force or whatever you can name... YHWH created THAT. What you deign to be "divine"... isn't. And then you attempt to absorb the true esoteric Christian faith into your tiny and marginal concepts, perceptions, and universalized hybridization, etc.

It's this overt attack in the form of syncretism that I respond to so vehemently. You attempt to eradicate the preeminent absolute objective truth by integrating it; and that to which you attempt said integration is miniscule and pathetic in comparison to YHWH.

So it's THIS semi-passive syncretic attack that draws my RESPONSIVE ire, and rightly so for such pithy idolatry of Self as the alleged underlying divinity of a non-existent collective consciousness of the cosmos, etc.

the sovereign status that God consist of is certainly part of your doctrine is it not?

In a manner exponentially beyond anything you could postulate or comprehend. You haven't even touched it, and you can't understand that after having replaced it with something so small by comparison.

A half hour with a white board for illustration, and you'd be muttering "uh-oh" to yourself as you slinked away. What you consider "god" and "transcendence" and "divine" and the highest of metaphysical heights is nothing in comparison to the true esotericism of the Christian faith that is so misrepresented and malpracticed in the diluted sectarian Church of today. It's but a shadow of itself and what it's supposed to be.

everything came from the mind of God did it not?

No. Everything came from the Rhema of the Logos and from the Pneuma. You can't even begin to imagine what that means from your perspective. You think you're far above and beyond it because of your experiences with the exoteric of the Christian faith and all the syncretic psuedo-esotericism you've embraced out of your disillusionment or whatever. And you presume my earnest RESPONSIVE contention for the faith is somehow personal and judgmental and loveless and whatever else. It's not.

the narrow perspective and limited view of your dogma demands exclusion of most of the creators work.

LOL. Ummm.... nope. Not even close; AND it's the inverse. Everything you refer to as the "Creator" is merely creation. YHWH is infinitely beyond everything that's been posited in all these threads. You spent too much time in marginal indoctrinated sectarianism as an excuse for the Christian faith.

Condemnation is your game

No. Defending the faith from the bare assertions as integrational attacks of syncretism is my game. Everything in all these threads is merely adamantly declared bare assertion. Every last word. And they're all declared according to an epic double standard.

You erroneously presume I initiated any this exchange. I came to this thread to oppose the ridiculous attempted absorption of the Christian faith into the overarching nothingness of an asserted collective cosmic consciousness; and calling YHWH the god of your frail presumptions of pseudo-esotericism.

The one true God, YHWH, isn't the god-force of energy and light to which you refer.

and doesn't flow very well with love, grace and mercy,

I'm not the one purveying thread after thread full of attacking and absorbing the true Christian faith into nonsense in a futile attempt to disannul it.

You just piggy-back onto a misrepresentational framework of Christianity and declare it to just be another variant of your consumate and all-encompassing religion, sucking up all semantics of distinction by the same paltry unfounded declarations as your entire cult espouses.

YHWH isn't your pitiful and tiny little gawd-force of a cumulative cosmic consciousness. You don't get to nominalize YHWH by reallocating Him within your small and nebulous self-impugning cult of all occultism.

the gospel your offering has no real substance other than theological word games,

You don't even know what the Gospel is. You haven't even rejected it for what it actually is.

and translations that just happen to support your view

Ummm... nope. Guess again. The inspired text in its original languages (no translations) are only the written record. The true esoteric is revealed from within. That's what esoteric means. And that's what your infinitessimal little cult attempts to exude and emulate.

but have no historical validity.

I doubt you know much of textual traditions and criticism. And your assessment isn't valid or credible anyway. You're just another deluded semi-mystic, attempting to destroy the true faith you can't hope to reach up to even touch from "cosmic consciousness".

Hell of a deal I say and one I am glad I chucked alone with the hypocrisy that bred.

There is no greater hypocrisy than demeaning the Christian faith by attempting to absorb it into a soulish concocted fairy tale of nothingness posing as somethingness.

You don't have the hypostasis of faith in the one true hypostasis of YHWH. If you understood what that meant, you'd be on the way to undersanding all. But you're not even close.

Don't come at me in hypocrisy and condescension and judgment when you and your peers are the ones on a Christian website attempting to absorb the one true faith into menial fables and traditions of meaningless mythologies of sub-conscious less-than-nothingness.

You're the interloper with the passive-aggressive agenda, masquerading in your anger and bitterness with feigned love that's just a demand for tolerance of silly drivelous regurgitation of ancient metaphysical nonsense.

I'm not the one who launched the attack. I'm a true Christian on a Christian website defending the true esoteric and mystical faith of the Gospel of Jesus Christ against (mostly) soft-spoken wolves in sheep's clothing with massive double standards of total baseless assertion for subjective cultish beliefs.

I don't condemn you or anyone else. You're condemned already. I didn't do it. My purpose is to stand up to the passive bullies of feigned love with a false Christ fascade.

You metaphoricized the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. You don't get to criticize a faith you apostatized from because you were never really a part of it in the first place. Like most, you've never known the true revelation of the Christian faith. You just reject the apparent and demonstrated exoteric, and rightly so.

Now you're just another who's overwhelmed and overtaken by the Edenic lie, "god".


TOL Subscriber
You continually put down others and exalt yourself as being more superior, loving and wise, twice referring to our philosophy as 'fecal matter'.

No. I respond to the passive-aggressive attacks of syncretism relative to the Christian faith, as a Christian on a Christian website with interlopers who are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Such is not a sign of true humility, let alone respect or kindness.

Your incomparable double standards of pervasive bare assertions to hybridize the true unapproachable and unreproachable Christian faith are reprehensible and worthy of your own accusational semantics above.

You're the interloper on a Christain website espousing the diminution of the one true and living God YHWH as just another concept to be absorbed within your fallacious ideology of theosophical nonsense.

You play victim when someone dares stand up to your passive-aggressive bullying, followed up by accusations of every kind when your tactics and cultish silliness is exposed for the dumpster fodder it is.

You're the one invading a Christian website with the sole veiled intent of amalgamating Christianity and all else into the nominal vortex that you presume is some pinnacle and paragon of esoteric truth. All your adamant posturing has nothing for a foundation and doesn't even begin to address the scope of the essence and substance of YHWH.

You're just spitting in a hole and calling it an ocean, demanding everyone take heed to your expulsion of salivation. I'm not the one condescending and all the rest. You're the one pretending to be some iconic guru clearing house of sumpm-sumpm. I call it fecal material because it is. It's less than nothing. It's not even close to transcendence and/or divinity.

A 'religious ego' is often the most difficult to de-throne,

Yes, your every double-standardized word is evidence of this self-impugning assertion itself.

but with humility it can be demolished, so the pure light of 'God' can shine, and that 'light' is the 'I Am' itself, which is free of any sense of competition, aggression, pride or cruelty.

Humility doesn't feign this false love and insist on absorbing all else into itself AS Self of the alleged collective community consciousness.


You're welcome to start your own thread on the explanation of why differenatiating between 'soul' and 'spirit' is important, since your claim that it is does little to disprove or de-value the concept expounded upon here

Yep. This is just a concept. And your claims have never done anything to HAVE proof or value for that concept of your cult.

from the OP on....of the unity of consciousness and Spirit that all share in 'God', since 'Brahman' is the absolute, ultimate, universal source and root and of all that is, whose essence is all-pervading.

More of your incessant adamant bare assertion and unfounded declaration. Your "Brahman" is created BY the one true and living God, YHWH. You don't get to bloviate and pontificate endlessly and then disallow any challenge to your utter disrespect of all other faiths by your meager and futile attempts to absorb them all.

You can have your combo of Kaballah and Hinuistic Theosophistry yada-yada and the inclusion of all other world religions. But you don't get to make YHWH into your paltry little god of all underlying "Selves" as "Self", and all the rest by whatever slimy semantics and gibbershified jargon.

Otherwise your input is just a unnecessary distraction

No. Your every disrespectful and loveless passive-aggressive bullying thread is what's unnecessary on a Christain website. Since you're free to attack and absorb, I'm free to respond to that overt initiative and defend the true esoteric faith of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Logos of God made literal flesh. AND to decry the hellish notion that the Divinity of YHWH is ontologically shared with ANY of creation.

since your not here for 'dialogue' as your posts prove, but to discredit, malign and denigrate.

You're not here for dialogue. Only to declare the abysmal landfill of double talk that discredits, maligns, and denigrates the true Christian faith while on a Christian website that graciously allows you the freedom to integrationally eradicate the Christian faith in your nothingness.

If this is your m.o. we recommend leaving the thread.

Respect the Christian faith devoid of your syncretic agenda and I'll gladly desist. Renounce your inclusion of Christianity in your dysfunctional psychosis of a non-existent cumulative cosmic consciousness as "god". It's YOU with the m.o., and then you insist you're entitled to respect you don't exhibit yourself.

Such is not welcome here.

But the only thing you welcome is compliance with your syncretic agenda of hybridizing YHWH with your tiny little immanent Self-based divinity that isn't. Everything sentence you type should begin "Once upon a time...".

Your manner does little to draw anyone to your 'theology' or concept of 'God'

I'm not attempting to draw others to theology. I'm responding to a vicious yet clandestine semi-veiled attack of syncretism upon the true Christian faith. I'm exposing your monumental constant double standard of copious endless baseless assertions.

with its 'stringent definitions' but leaves a taste of bitterness within a bondage of 'terms'.

LOL. As you string together slews of slimy semantics with endless overlapping jargon like "compound unity of non-duality" or whatever. You have to juxtapose apophatics just to proclaim false cataphatics. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so dreadfully deceitful and demeaning.

I'm not the one who is on a fruit-loop mystical website attempting to engulf Kabbalah and Hinduism and all other faiths to the Christain faith. YOU're the one who is interloping and demanding tolerance from your total obscure passive intolerance; and then hurling epithets at me for daring to stand in defense of your agenda and tactics.

I. Am. Responding. You came HERE to abscond with the Christian faith in your little mystical knapsack of nothingness as "god".

Real love inspires, uplifts, empowers, edifies, envalues, liberates, and makes whole.

And you do none of that with your obfuscatory, obtuse, and obscure agenda of passively malicious absorption of YHWH as your pithy little idol of Self as Divinity.

Its that divine law and principle that serves all souls and awakens the Christ within,

You don't get to misrepresent the literal Logos made flesh as the Christ by your cleptomaniacal semantics shifting.

where the principle of the brotherhood of man(sonship) and Fatherhood of 'God' can be realized and lived.


More genericized attempts at homogenous integration of the Christian faith within your ridiculous and marginal comprehension of immanence as alleged transcendence. You're just playing Wizard of Oz, and I'm the curtain-yanker to reveal the frailty.

I'm not the one who crashed the party on a Christian website with ancient pagan and occultic idolatry all wrapped up in a religio-politically-correct bow to encapsulate and disolve the Christian faith and its immutable integrity of absolute truth.

I'm responding and defending the faith. You're the one on the offensive and BEING offensive. You don't get to stake out the position of default truth that's under attack when you came HERE with your barge-load of occultic excrement of feigned love and all the rest.

Your pious condescension has no validity when you're the usurper.


TOL Subscriber
I am part of the I am,

Nope. You're not Divine.

are you saying the Spirit we all move and have are being in isn't?

In HIM. The Lord. Jesus. The Christ. Without faith in THE Rhema, it's not applicable. It's not generically universal to mankind.

And you speciflcally deny the literal blood, and the crucifixion and resurrection, etc. You're not included in that, and you don't get to abuse scripture for your mutilated non-contextual syncretic purposes.

So... No. We don't ALL live and move and have our being in Christ. Only those who are IN Christ by grace through faith. It ain't a free-for-all, and you don't get to cherry-pick the Christian faith to put your occultic jigsaw puzzle of pseudo-faith together for the cult you've embraced in your apostasy of faithlessness.

You don't get to come here and accuse the home team of heinous things when they dare defend their turf against idolators with an egregious agenda and delusion and deception.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You're a sad individual whose created an 'enemy' in his own mind, and has set himself up as a 'defender' of something that needs no defense.

You can leave now. You've attempted to derail/hijack/disrupt this thread long enough :wave:


Nobody has derailed this thread, you just want to be able to post all this crap without being challenged...not going to happen. Freelight you proposed the idea in the OP, you further went on to post your intentions here:

Remember,...the main purpose is to share the New Year Message for 2010, (thats what the link is provided for) - I encourage all to read it, with a mind and heart open to intuit the Spirit's will for a 'return to Oneness'...which is that reality at the Heart of all creation.

You go on to attempt to include the Christian faith & Jesus Christ into this mish mash of collective nothingness here: (there are many more but, I picked from the beginning of the OP)


More great questions about Jesus Christ, and our own purpose of life continued Here. Remember, my focus is primarily the consistent methods of applied knowledge where spiritual realities and laws of consciousness are verified and confirmed in their dynamic applications in various dimensions of existence.

How remote viewing works - if this is a consistent science or art of retrieving information, it can be applied on all levels of life. What is shows as relating to psychic ability includes the discovery that all Life is really One, all things and beings are inter-connected within a universal Matrix of Mind or Energy, which intrinsically stores all memories of 'experience', in a collective library (aka 'akashic records'). We can liken the Mind of 'God' like a living library of spiritual knowledge containing all information, in time and eternity, actual and potential. This opens for us an exciting future of possibilities which are ever open to be reconfigured within the liberties of 'free choice' at every given moment. At this very moment,....the future is in our hands.

Did you really expect to propose such drivel on a Christian site completely unchallenged? PPS is completely on topic and you obviously have no apologetics to defend it other than semantical rants which have no basis of fact or historic precedent to back it up. Then you go and report it as if the staff on a "Christian" site would actually give you the latitude to continue this fallacy unchallenged...Bad Form. This is a "Christian" discussion forum, that does not mean you get to define the terms of the discussion and make it a "mutual admiration" thread with no dissenting opinions. So, instead of getting all butthurt make an argument for, or make the attempt to defend your false cultish belief system instead of whining to the Mods when you can't.
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TOL Subscriber
You're a sad individual

Your mystically self-deluded opinion is duly noted. On the contrary, I have great joy and peace. That's why I don't stand idly by like all other compromisers who don't know how to nail your Jell-O to the wall.

whose created an 'enemy' in his own mind,

I don't create anything, whether in my psuche or otherwise. I'm not God. No man is.

and has set himself up as a 'defender' of something that needs no defense.

You're actually quite correct here in one sense. It's earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. And it includes exposing the malicious attacks of interlopers who prey on the good nature and ignorance of Christians who don't know the esoteric mystical agendas of syncretization.

You illustratively represent the force for which the Silver Surfer was a minion in the comics. You encroach and infiltrate as a squatter on a Christian website and demand to have unabated freedom to disolve the true Christian faith with your tantric trash of attempting to blend man with God by elevated evolutionary nonsense.

You can leave now.

Why would I need to do that? I'm not the infiltrator, even if you've gained a foothold of tolerance from marginal believers. YOU can leave this Christian website and propagate your syncretism elsewhere. I'm not the prevaricating trespasser.

You think because you built a mystical treehouse here unhindered by others who are too nominal in their faith to contend for it, that you have some inherent entitlement to be here and insist I desist in RESPONDING to your attempted absorption of the truly transcendent YHWH into your meager "gawd of selves".

You've attempted to derail/hijack/disrupt this thread long enough :wave:


I'm not derailing or hijacking or disrupting anything. I'm discussing the OP in the intense apophatic of declaring absolutely what the alleged "Oneness" is NOT. That's discussion.

Just because you don't like being challenged, you want to spiritually criminalize anyone who dares expose your Oz-esque load of bunk for exactly what it is.

This entire manifestation of the human SUB-consciousness is a fallacious fantasy of the lowest order. Your concepts and perceptions and prevarications and machinations and skewed nothingness of occultic belief systems isn't "God" and can't even begin to represent an antrhopomorphical "toenail" of true transcendent Divinity.

You're not even in the same neighborhood as YHWH. You think the Creational IS the Creator. You think the cosmos is existence, undergirded in whatever metaphysical fashion by your own shards of shattered Divinity into humanity and whatever else.

Hinduism is fecal fodder. Kabbalah is excrement. Buddhism is drivel. And you've come HERE with all that and more in an attempt to fuse, blend, merge, and meld them and all else while incorporating and assimilating the God of the Christian faith in that process.

YHWH alone is UNcreated, and you nor anyone else is Him or has ever been Him or ever will be Him. YHWH is YHWH, and you are not.

You came HERE. This isn't a dedicated esotericist site. You don't have the preeminence you presume.

I can challenge every bare assertion you ever make, which is all you have. There isn't and can't be one shread of proof or evidence for anything you post or link. It's all just theosophical, ideological junkmail posing as self-professed truth within self-refuting hyper-semantics of double-speak.

You're not enlightened. You're endarkened. There is nothing so black and depraved as syncretism.

I will continue to nail your Jell-O to the wall. It ain't all that. If Admin doesn't approve of my posts, he's the one in authority to instruct me otherwise or impose sanctions. You're not.

I don't and can't respect those who demand tolerance they don't reciprocate. But your very cult of beliefs can't do that. You depend upon the life in the Christian faith because you have none.

Leeching onto the Gospel of Jesus Christ to bleed it dry is just you attempting to access that shed blood on your own terms. You're free to enter the door rather than climbing up the wall. But unless and until you do, do expect those of us who DO know the extreme esoteric truths of the Christian faith to allow your wall-climbing to BE the door by compromising the pinultimate transcendent truth of the one true and living God, YHWH.

You're not Him. You don't represent Him. And you don't get to minimize and absorb Him into your "Self of Selves".

Feel free to find another place to spread your fertilizer. The one true seed is the Logos of YHWH, and it was made literal flesh as the one Savior of mankind FROM all this soulish dumpster diving you've wasted your life on, both bios and psuche. It ain't zoe.

I'll loan you money to go to the clue store for a significant purchase. No interest. But I'm not the intruder. You come here to rape the truth and insist it's some kind of consensual intercourse. I call it what it is, wolf. And I do it to spare the sheep, even if it's only one.

I'd say some others are being equipped to go "Jell-O nailing" by my posts. You've been given free reign long enough without any true opposition.

So don't attempt to be a Mod/Admin and usurp the authority of this site along with its content and intent. Admin is more than capable of doing what he does. I will yield to him but not you. I'm a man IN authority and UNDER authority.

You have none except what you have usurped. Cry me a river, but this crap is sweeping through the undercurrents of the Christian faith pretending to be the truth. It's souishness at the greatest depth of human depravity.

It's Babel all over again. You think your miasmic syncretism is the schizzle. Somebody needs to open the locker door in the bus terminal for you, just like in "Men in Black". Your cult can't compare to the true transcendence of YHWH and His Logos. Nor can you absorb it. Your spit ain't no ocean, entitled pretender and trespasser and interloper.


TOL Subscriber
Amongst all the adamant and unfounded declarative assertions in this, let me briefly highlight the real foundation in bold..

Yes, and 'jest' above asides..... as shared before, the premise that all is consciousness assumes that all exists within consciousness as it arises concurrently with-in the genesis and continuum of material creation, yet in its spiritual-dimension and invisible nature it is prior to the appearing of the world and also transcends there is that primordial awareness which observes all rising phenomena as it comes and goes (it being 'unchanging' observing change). In this context consciousness emerges out of this primal awareness and includes the contents and movements of space-time, the play of relativity.

We conjecture that 'Para Brahman' is that reality prior to consciousness relating to the world (senses, effects, phenomena, space-time). This consciousness serving as a doorway or 'gate' wherein we intuit the original reality, because it is the 'source' of all. Still, 'consciousness' remains fundamental to existence, no matter what 'concept' of 'God' one 'assumes' in their own religious tradition or chosen mythology.


Consciousness is all (Peter Francis Dziuban has some cutting edge teaching on 'consciousness' following the stream of an earlier pioneer on 'absolute reality', Alfred Aiken).



In addition to all the sub-conscious meanderings and mindless musing, the true foundation is utter speculative conjecture with subsequent bloviatory obfuscation and epic equivocation of endless contrived semantics.

Assert. Assert. Assert. Assert. Ad Infinitum.
Declare. Declare. Declare. Declare. Ad Infinitum.
Absorb. Abscond. Engulf. Encompass. Ad Nauseum.

It's an endless nothingness that feeds on that which it attempts to derive its very existenceless existence from. The joke of all pseudo-religious cultic hoaxes.

Syncretism is NOT reconciliation. It's abrogation, and it's malicious with a false fascade of well-meaning softness parading as love. It's not.


New member
Personally I can't see how one faith belief is any more plausible than another? How exactly does the Bible have any more Truth than the bhagda vita or the quran, or any other book from antiquity.

It's always just a faith belief regardless what you believe, right? Or is the Bible magic better than the bhagda vita magic?


Well-known member
Yes, YHWH created ALL, including what you presume to BE "God". You "worship" a "god" that isn't. The very highest and greatest and mostest thing or realm or force or whatever you can name... YHWH created THAT. What you deign to be "divine"... isn't. And then you attempt to absorb the true esoteric Christian faith into your tiny and marginal concepts, perceptions, and universalized hybridization, etc.

It's this overt attack in the form of syncretism that I respond to so vehemently. You attempt to eradicate the preeminent absolute objective truth by integrating it; and that to which you attempt said integration is miniscule and pathetic in comparison to YHWH.

So it's THIS semi-passive syncretic attack that draws my RESPONSIVE ire, and rightly so for such pithy idolatry of Self as the alleged underlying divinity of a non-existent collective consciousness of the cosmos, etc.

In a manner exponentially beyond anything you could postulate or comprehend. You haven't even touched it, and you can't understand that after having replaced it with something so small by comparison.

A half hour with a white board for illustration, and you'd be muttering "uh-oh" to yourself as you slinked away. What you consider "god" and "transcendence" and "divine" and the highest of metaphysical heights is nothing in comparison to the true esotericism of the Christian faith that is so misrepresented and malpracticed in the diluted sectarian Church of today. It's but a shadow of itself and what it's supposed to be.

No. Everything came from the Rhema of the Logos and from the Pneuma. You can't even begin to imagine what that means from your perspective. You think you're far above and beyond it because of your experiences with the exoteric of the Christian faith and all the syncretic psuedo-esotericism you've embraced out of your disillusionment or whatever. And you presume my earnest RESPONSIVE contention for the faith is somehow personal and judgmental and loveless and whatever else. It's not.

LOL. Ummm.... nope. Not even close; AND it's the inverse. Everything you refer to as the "Creator" is merely creation. YHWH is infinitely beyond everything that's been posited in all these threads. You spent too much time in marginal indoctrinated sectarianism as an excuse for the Christian faith.

No. Defending the faith from the bare assertions as integrational attacks of syncretism is my game. Everything in all these threads is merely adamantly declared bare assertion. Every last word. And they're all declared according to an epic double standard.

You erroneously presume I initiated any this exchange. I came to this thread to oppose the ridiculous attempted absorption of the Christian faith into the overarching nothingness of an asserted collective cosmic consciousness; and calling YHWH the god of your frail presumptions of pseudo-esotericism.

The one true God, YHWH, isn't the god-force of energy and light to which you refer.

I'm not the one purveying thread after thread full of attacking and absorbing the true Christian faith into nonsense in a futile attempt to disannul it.

You just piggy-back onto a misrepresentational framework of Christianity and declare it to just be another variant of your consumate and all-encompassing religion, sucking up all semantics of distinction by the same paltry unfounded declarations as your entire cult espouses.

YHWH isn't your pitiful and tiny little gawd-force of a cumulative cosmic consciousness. You don't get to nominalize YHWH by reallocating Him within your small and nebulous self-impugning cult of all occultism.

You don't even know what the Gospel is. You haven't even rejected it for what it actually is.

Ummm... nope. Guess again. The inspired text in its original languages (no translations) are only the written record. The true esoteric is revealed from within. That's what esoteric means. And that's what your infinitessimal little cult attempts to exude and emulate.

I doubt you know much of textual traditions and criticism. And your assessment isn't valid or credible anyway. You're just another deluded semi-mystic, attempting to destroy the true faith you can't hope to reach up to even touch from "cosmic consciousness".

There is no greater hypocrisy than demeaning the Christian faith by attempting to absorb it into a soulish concocted fairy tale of nothingness posing as somethingness.

You don't have the hypostasis of faith in the one true hypostasis of YHWH. If you understood what that meant, you'd be on the way to undersanding all. But you're not even close.

Don't come at me in hypocrisy and condescension and judgment when you and your peers are the ones on a Christian website attempting to absorb the one true faith into menial fables and traditions of meaningless mythologies of sub-conscious less-than-nothingness.

You're the interloper with the passive-aggressive agenda, masquerading in your anger and bitterness with feigned love that's just a demand for tolerance of silly drivelous regurgitation of ancient metaphysical nonsense.

I'm not the one who launched the attack. I'm a true Christian on a Christian website defending the true esoteric and mystical faith of the Gospel of Jesus Christ against (mostly) soft-spoken wolves in sheep's clothing with massive double standards of total baseless assertion for subjective cultish beliefs.

I don't condemn you or anyone else. You're condemned already. I didn't do it. My purpose is to stand up to the passive bullies of feigned love with a false Christ fascade.

You metaphoricized the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. You don't get to criticize a faith you apostatized from because you were never really a part of it in the first place. Like most, you've never known the true revelation of the Christian faith. You just reject the apparent and demonstrated exoteric, and rightly so.

Now you're just another who's overwhelmed and overtaken by the Edenic lie, "god".

Hear that rumble? that is the wheel of karma.


Well-known member
Personally I can't see how one faith belief is any more plausible than another? How exactly does the Bible have any more Truth than the bhagda vita or the quran, or any other book from antiquity.

It's always just a faith belief regardless what you believe, right? Or is the Bible magic better than the bhagda vita magic?

None where meant to be taken literally, the bible is inner science told through allegory and metaphor, when taken literal it breeds hate, elitist mentality and arrogance.


Well-known member
Personally I can't see how one faith belief is any more plausible than another? How exactly does the Bible have any more Truth than the bhagda vita or the quran, or any other book from antiquity.

It's always just a faith belief regardless what you believe, right? Or is the Bible magic better than the bhagda vita magic?
There is a great difference among religions in how they relate their concept of God to everyday life. Which in turn effects the way they 'work' for people. You can dismiss religion all you want, but the fact is that they work for a vast majority of human beings, in some way that those human beings find valuable. You are intent on focusing only on the myths, and on those theist who aren't sophisticated enough to understand that the myths are metaphors for ideals that we use and encounter in our everyday lives. And you thereby ignore the real value of these religions for the vast majority of their adherents, and how religion really does serve humanity. And all for what? So you can point and giggle and feel more clever that they? What's that say about you?


New member
There is a great difference among religions in how they relate their concept of God to everyday life. Which in turn effects the way they 'work' for people. You can dismiss religion all you want, but the fact is that they work for a vast majority of human beings, in some way that those human beings find valuable. You are intent on focusing only on the myths, and on those theist who aren't sophisticated enough to understand that the myths are metaphors for ideals that we use and encounter in our everyday lives. And you thereby ignore the real value of these religions for the vast majority of their adherents, and how religion really does serve humanity. And all for what? So you can point and giggle and feel more clever that they? What's that say about you?

But those theists think you are the one who isn't sophisticated enough to understand. They call you Christian Other in a derogatory way because you do not see the Truth tm as they do. So why is your Truth superior to theirs? How do you know the fundagelicals and YEC's don't have the real Truth while your Truth is false?

Why is one faith superior to another? I personally think freelight has every right to stake his claim as he sees fit among the sea of differing views on this board. I think all of you are away with the fairies and my view is as good as any.


New member
None where meant to be taken literally, the bible is inner science told through allegory and metaphor, when taken literal it breeds hate, elitist mentality and arrogance.

How do you know it wasn't just a bunch of stuff half made up and half plagiarised from earlier myths. Science hadn't been invented yet when the Bible books were authored, inner or otherwise.

To this day people make stuff up. Just read a paper or magazine.


Eclectic Theosophist
beyond karma.......

beyond karma.......

Hear that rumble? that is the wheel of karma.

Yes,....'karmic' in that it reflects an exclusive preconceived point of view contending or opposed to other points of view, heralding itself as 'true' and all others as 'false', which suffers from its own claims and contentions (in dualistic conflict), which perpetually needs to defend itself (fear based really),...instead of seeing the universal light and wisdom at the heart of all. In Love there is no division.



New member
Yes,....'karmic' in that it reflects an exclusive preconceived point of view contending or opposed to other points of view, heralding itself as 'true' and all others as 'false', which suffers from its own claims and contentions (in dualistic conflict), which perpetually needs to defend itself (fear based really),...instead of seeing the universal light and wisdom at the heart of all. In Love there is no division.

Exactly. I think :confused:


Eclectic Theosophist
Truth Universal........

Truth Universal........

Nobody has derailed this thread, you just want to be able to post all this crap without being challenged...not going to happen. Freelight you proposed the idea in the OP, you further went on to post your intentions here:

You go on to attempt to include the Christian faith & Jesus Christ into this mish mash of collective nothingness here: (there are many more but, I picked from the beginning of the OP)

Did you really expect to propose such drivel on a Christian site completely unchallenged? PPS is completely on topic and you obviously have no apologetics to defend it other than semantical rants which have no basis of fact or historic precedent to back it up. Then you go and report it as if the staff on a "Christian" site would actually give you the latitude to continue this fallacy unchallenged...Bad Form. This is a "Christian" discussion forum, that does not mean you get to define the terms of the discussion and make it a "mutual admiration" thread with no dissenting opinions. So, instead of getting all butthurt make an argument for, or make the attempt to defend your false cultish belief system instead of whining to the Mods when you can't.

I've been posting here for over 10 years, and this is the 'Religion' section and is NOT the 'exclusive Christian theology' forum, so I have full liberties as I've always had to create threads (related to 'religion' or on comparitive or eclectic-religious subjects) and contribute to threads as I always have. Actually most of my older threads listed here were deleted in the last server upgrade (being very old), and I have less current threads compared to many here who make threads who are not even subscsribers, but may revive some of those subject-topics again :)

The OP article still holds and is of significance to both Jews and Christians since Jerusalem is recognized as the City of One, being a special 'segway' or 'medium' thru which heaven and earth merge and harmonize, - this relates the truth of God the One for all peoples since all have their being in that One, the Universal ONE. Gerald having a long background in consciousness studies and remote viewing happens to have in-depth insights into the nature of reality, which is sourced in the One, who is 'God', the only source of all that exists, the very womb and creative intelligence at the heart of creation. Thats what this thread is about, our re-turning to Source, which is recognizing our own true nature, our relation to the cosmos and our human and divine potential revealed in both time and eternity. - it has individual and collective significance since all things are inter-dependent within the One.

Oneness is at the very heart of all that is, since nothing exists outside of the One Infinite. 'God' is essentially the One and Only. As one continues their research they learn to understand the various terms and meanings from various teachers and systems, whereby they can inter-relate, correlate and comprehend the Greater whole and its creative potential (however individualized).

Thats what its all about. No religious tradition or cult is being attacked or challenged at all here, so those seeing the recognition of universal truth as 'threatening' is telling in itself.

'God' is One, and so Creation inheres in and reflects that inherent UNITY.



Eclectic Theosophist


Personally I can't see how one faith belief is any more plausible than another? How exactly does the Bible have any more Truth than the bhagda vita or the quran, or any other book from antiquity.

It's always just a faith belief regardless what you believe, right? Or is the Bible magic better than the bhagda vita magic?

All comes from one source from a theistic perspective, call that source 'God', 'Spirit', 'Brahman', 'The One', 'The All', 'YHWH', 'Allah', 'Tao', 'The Absolute', etc. Evidently diversity, multiple interpretations, differing perspectives, symbology and archetypes spring from the womb of consciousness reflecting various properties, qualities and attributes of a foundational primordial essence.

Like Light manifests itself thru a rainbow of different colours, so the essence behind all appearances and forms appears as the whole of creation, the entire manifest existence which includes all ideas, images, potentials and possibilities. No one says one colour is more correct or 'right' than another vibrational reflection in the colour spectrum. There is difference in manifestation/expression, but it is all sourced and reflected in the context of one core energy, being light itself.



TOL Subscriber
Personally I can't see how one faith belief is any more plausible than another? How exactly does the Bible have any more Truth than the bhagda vita or the quran, or any other book from antiquity.

It's always just a faith belief regardless what you believe, right? Or is the Bible magic better than the bhagda vita magic?

That's all well and good for you. I don't take issue necessarily with other views. I take issue with those attempting to syncretize all views into their own to abrogate them.

It's sorta like Henotheism. Someone acknowledging that there are other gods, but insisting on worshipping theirs AS the only one.

I don't assign or reassign others' faith. I despise any who attempt to demand belief/worship for THEIR "god" by declaring theirs to be THE one of all other belief/worship.

I don't take issue with other specific belief systems. I leave them to their lives. When someone attempts to syncretize my belief system into an insisted absolute aggregate that ALL gods are THEIR god of Self, then I take issue if they're within the perview of whatever venue I'm frequenting for my faith.

It actually violates your mantra in a way no other singular belief system does, demanding all are THEIRS. Syncretism is the most egomaniacal of all belief types.

I generally live and let live. But I've decided to demonstrate to other Christians that this ridiculous Jell-O CAN be nailed to the wall for what it is.

I'm not even promoting the Christian faith. I'm contending that it can't be absorbed without distinction into the narcissistic nebulous vortex of an everything that disannuls all somethings while really being nothing.

It's like Wal-Mart getting market share by horizontally integrating all its local competition in small towns while vertically integrating all of its contributing vendors. It's a faith that feeds on all other faiths just to BE a faith.

It's community over individuality, and is at odds with your extreme opposite mentality. You should despise it for that very reason. (And that wasn't a demand or instruction. Just clarification.)

Thanks for your input. :)