Return to Oneness


Dear Zeke,

I also agree with every thing you've said and also pj, but we are told by the Scriptures to fear God enough to the point that we obey Him. Thus it is written, "Fear God and give glory to Him..." Also, God saying to Abraham, 'Now I know that your fear God because you were willing to sacrifice your own son...etc.' Fear God meaning you are not More than Him. Loving Him is the best part!! See PPS, we are on a similar page.

Much Love Always,



TOL Subscriber
Dear Zeke,

I also agree with every thing you've said and also pj, but we are told by the Scriptures to fear God enough to the point that we obey Him. Thus it is written, "Fear God and give glory to Him..." Also, God saying to Abraham, 'Now I know that your fear God because you were willing to sacrifice your own son...etc.' Fear God meaning you are not More than Him. Loving Him is the best part!! See PPS, we are on a similar page.

Much Love Always,


Similar? The Nag Hammadi library is similar to the Library of Congress. Similar is not "same".

A counterfeit is similar to the authentic. A clone would be similar to the biological host.

Tolerance is a sham of Kabbalah-influenced culture-sculpting to allow and absorb all views. Community over communion. Collectivism over individuality. Dialectic over didactic.

Sin and repentance don't really factor in. They'll be called concepts and other esoteric double-speak.

Similar only counts in horseshoes (and hand grenades).


Eclectic Theosophist


freelight is the most thoroughly decieved person I've ever encountered. A perfect indoctrinate into the esoteric disciplines of untruth masquerading as total truth. Slimiest semantics ever. An all-encompassing fascade of complete delusion and perceptionless perception.

Yes, it's Hinduism, Kabbalah, and much more amalgamated into "A" ONE that isn't "THE" ONE. Absolutely the spirit of antichrist. "White magic". Divination. Sorcery.

It's not even a "near" miss. It's the antithesis of all truth. An accumulation of all the schools of human depravity projected as divinity and universality of the metaphysical.

Expounding on various concepts, themes, principles or points of view does not have to have anything to do with 'deception', that being your own 'belief'.

Metaphysics, spiritual science, mysticism, occult-esoteric teachings stand on their own, with their own terms or meaning-value within a given context.



Eclectic Theosophist


Ummm... nope. PPS continues to critique 'soulish teachings'. Big diff.

If might be helpful if you qualify and define 'soulish' from 'spiritual' teachings and then show how this has any significance to the concept of oneness (or anything at all), since the oneness of Spirit ever remains as the primary condition behind all forms. As far as 'soul' (psyche) goes...there is nothing wrong or deceptive about anything 'psychic'..... but a 'spiritual' teaching is something spiritually discerned, of the Spirit. Intellectual/soulish concepts have their place within their own context, applications and limitations. Can you explain what the 'big difference' is and why its important?



Well-known member
Dear Zeke,

I also agree with every thing you've said and also pj, but we are told by the Scriptures to fear God enough to the point that we obey Him. Thus it is written, "Fear God and give glory to Him..." Also, God saying to Abraham, 'Now I know that your fear God because you were willing to sacrifice your own son...etc.' Fear God meaning you are not More than Him. Loving Him is the best part!! See PPS, we are on a similar page.

Much Love Always,


Hi Michael, I think there is some value to scripture, but I question the fear factor as being a proper conduit for a relationship for any age, it does more damage than good and takes years to break free from its spell.

I would see Abraham and Sarah and their off spring as an allegory of the human brain and body, (Jesus hinted at this as well) which I see in all scripture as being an internal guide, a fable written in a literal style that teaches inner science, the key that starts to unlock its mysteries is love, and acceptance of self, an oxymoron in most dogmas, most teach to think of your self as a helpless dependent with no worth outside of said dogma.

Blessings, Zeke.

John Mortimer

New member
I was struck by the following quotes of Nisargadatta Maharaj today - and these most definitely are relevant to the thread.

"Mind is a universal dynamic principle, but we restrict it to the limits of the body and then depend on it - hence all the trouble. Consider the water in lake Tansa. That water belongs to the whole of Bombay. Out of that water, can we claim some as yours or mine? In a similar vein, understand that the self is universal. But you have conditioned it by confining it to the body; therefore you face problems.

The water is universal, use it when you possess it. Similarly, use the mind to meet your needs and then let it flow by itself without your interference or involvement, like the flow of a river from which you take water only when needed."

Nisargadatta from "The Nectar Of Immortality"


Eclectic Theosophist


It's not sophia at all, though presumed to be.

Wisdom is the principle thing, being 'universal'. We can dive deeply into 'Sophia' from a universal and Gnostic perspective, since She plays an essential part in the creation and redemption myth. Mother Sophia is our tree of life, and in consort with the 'Christ' is as a co-redeemer from a gnostic perspective. From this context,...'wisdom', 'understanding' and 'knowledge' are the 3 essentials (a trinity). These are aspects within the 7-fold Spirit of the Lord, whose crown-anointing is Man (the Adam-Kadmon). This subject is best for another thread, which I have ideas for, since my older vintage threads are no longer extant. Wisdom and the divine feminine must take up her true place with the masculine principle in true balance (as Father-Mother).

View attachment 18186



Eclectic Theosophist


Tolerance is a sham of Kabbalah-influenced culture-sculpting to allow and absorb all views.

Consciousness includes all views, everything.

Shams are for waxing cars.

Community over communion.

True meditation includes both, naturally.

Collectivism over individuality.

Individuals make up a community. Individuality is never lost, but more fully integrated, empowered, enjoyed...enhancing the community.

Dialectic over didactic.

Most of the readers would need to know what you mean by the terms, and how you define such, perhaps by way of conflating? ;)

Sin and repentance don't really factor in. They'll be called concepts and other esoteric double-speak.

'Sin' and 'repentance' is a matter of defining, appropriating their meaning in a given context. While they may be conceptual, that doesn't discount them in human experience, but back to terms and meanings.

Similar only counts in horseshoes (and hand grenades).

I'm sure you enjoy con-fusing terms to make a point which fortifies your preconceptions and conclusions,....naturally. Points of view are subject to change.



Hey PPS,

Don't get such a big head because I said to Fear God and give to Him glory!! All must do so in the end, including yourself. We choose to LOVE HIM and HOLD HIM as our Creator, of ourselves and of Jesus, and much more. And we KNOW we are not MORE than HIM. Be wary and don't MESS with my FRIENDS! You should KNOW better!!!



TOL Subscriber
Consciousness includes all views, everything.

Shams are for waxing cars.

True meditation includes both, naturally.

Individuals make up a community. Individuality is never lost, but more fully integrated, empowered, enjoyed...enhancing the community.

Most of the readers would need to know what you mean by the terms, and how you define such, perhaps by way of conflating? ;)

'Sin' and 'repentance' is a matter of defining, appropriating their meaning in a given context. While they may be conceptual, that doesn't discount them in human experience, but back to terms and meanings.

I'm sure you enjoy con-fusing terms to make a point which fortifies your preconceptions and conclusions,....naturally. Points of view are subject to change.


LOL. More soulish pseudo-spiritual universalist crap. Everything you post is conflation, obfuscation, bloviation, and pontification from your utter deception.

I'm quite intimately familiar with everything you post about. It's nothing new to me. It's all bogus artificial smoke and mirrors masquerading as enlightenment.

There's likely no way out of the rabbit hole for you at this point.


TOL Subscriber
Hey PPS,

Don't get such a big head because I said to Fear God and give to Him glory!! All must do so in the end, including yourself. We choose to LOVE HIM and HOLD HIM as our Creator, of ourselves and of Jesus, and much more. And we KNOW we are not MORE than HIM. Be wary and don't MESS with my FRIENDS! You should KNOW better!!!


Blah to the blah of the blah in the blah for the blah.

Or what? You'll use your majik and try to hex me? All this is a giant variant of Dungeons and Dragons. Your god... isn't. You'll likely find that out too late. Keep channeling all those spirits. You WANT the delusion. It's yours.


Dear Pneuma,

Answering blah blah blah means nothing. I'm not trying to use my magic to hex you. I don't believe in magic. I believe in miracles. Loving God is not channeling spirits. Maybe that's your take of it. If you ever channel anyone, channel God!! Otherwise, that's really too bad!!



Eclectic Theosophist
Tasting the nectar of one's own Self......

Tasting the nectar of one's own Self......

I was struck by the following quotes of Nisargadatta Maharaj today - and these most definitely are relevant to the thread.

"Mind is a universal dynamic principle, but we restrict it to the limits of the body and then depend on it - hence all the trouble. Consider the water in lake Tansa. That water belongs to the whole of Bombay. Out of that water, can we claim some as yours or mine? In a similar vein, understand that the self is universal. But you have conditioned it by confining it to the body; therefore you face problems.

The water is universal, use it when you possess it. Similarly, use the mind to meet your needs and then let it flow by itself without your interference or involvement, like the flow of a river from which you take water only when needed."

Nisargadatta from "The Nectar Of Immortality"

Hi John,

Yes,....the 'Self' which is pure the source or screen upon which consciousness and its contents appear. All is known or perceived within the light of 'I Am', the conscious being. That which is prior to consciousness is like the infinite Ocean within which consciousness arises, the sense of 'I Am' which includes the world with all its forms, objects and sensations.

The timeless reality however never comes or goes, but is always already being, and it is that, that is our true nature. - all 'else' is but what the mind assumes and misidentifies with,...all that is temporal, subject to change. The real 'Self' however is unborn, undying, unchanging in essence. I am that.

More quotes from the Nectar of Immortality -

But how can such a state be attained? Only if one totally accepts the knowledge ‘I am’ as oneself with full conviction and faith and firmly believes in the dictum ‘I am that by which I know I am’. This knowledge ‘I am’ is the ‘charan-amrita’. Why is it called ‘amrita’ – the nectar? Because it is said, by drinking nectar one becomes immortal. Thus a true devotee, by abiding in the knowledge ‘I am’ transcends the experience of death and attains immortality.

Once you subside into the consciousness, the factual state of Reality shall be revealed to you with the knowledge that will emanate out of you intuitively, like spring water. This will enable you to discern not what is real and unreal, but, most importantly, to realize what ‘I am’. And who could be that one? Surely not an individual who is trapped in the mind-shell, but that one is the knowledge ‘I am’ – the consciousness.

All comes back to the purity of heart, for to have a pure heart is to see 'God'. Jesus further taught that having an 'eye' that is 'single' or 'simple' allows for the whole being to be filled with light. Purity of heart and singleness of nature is the key,...recognizing the essence of divinity.



Eclectic Theosophist


LOL. More soulish pseudo-spiritual universalist crap.

See here. The question stands, if you would clarify your position for readers regarding your use of terms and why they are valid or tenable. Also note you've added little to the discussion on the subject of Oneness, which is the point of the thread.

So far all you've done is criticize, judge, demean and belittle, offering very little as far as what is truth beyond some preconceived idea of it in your own mind which you are defending as a self-appointed apologist. You're pontificating is getting old. You might want to familiarize yourself with the rules here, or you will be reported. If you're not interested in real dialogue, move along, trolling, being a thread-pest, marginalizing the subject, hijacking the thread, ad hominening... will not be tolerated here.



Eclectic Theosophist
Oneness includes plurality.............

Oneness includes plurality.............

Dear Pneuma,

freelight is not taking away from the Oneness of God and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Read a bit more carefully. Also he does lean towards belief in Hindu, but we all have our own religious beliefs. He's certainly not the antichrist. We'll take that up at another time and place.


The Oneness of 'God' is evident in the Oneness of consciousness. All that is....only is because of consciousness, or it could not be to know of it. There is one universal Spirit-source and energy from which the universe arises and in which the universes inheres, because that Infinite Spirit is the ocean in which all appears.


Other post-articles -

God is 'One' no matter the multiples

Trinity concepts

Manifold Oneness

1, 3 or 7 are multiples of "1"

Brahman, One University


John Mortimer

New member
The Oneness of 'God' is evident in the Oneness of consciousness. All that is....only is because of consciousness, or it could not be to know of it. There is one universal Spirit-source and energy from which the universe arises and in which the universes inheres, because that Infinite Spirit is the ocean in which all appears.

"For in Him we live and move and have our being" Paul


Dear freelight,

You'd come in handy having you at my thread Creation vs. Evolution. You might want to drop in sometime, but it hard to leave. It keeps you busy, that's for sure. Hope to hear from you soon!!

God Be With You Always,



Eclectic Theosophist
The Law of One

The Law of One

One spectrum of spacetime, many points of reference.

Yes,....One continuum of 'Creation',....yet many dimensions unfolding within space.

Space and time portal here.

As shared earlier here, the Law of One material from Ra is one of the most unified comprehensive presentations on the concept of oneness (channeled thru Q&A dialogues) - We again share below -

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, that the universe is infinite. This has yet to be proven or disproven, but we can assure you that there is no end to your selves, your understanding, what you would call your journey of seeking, or your perceptions of the creation.

That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One

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Eclectic Theosophist
Centering consciousness.......

Centering consciousness.......

Dear freelight,

You'd come in handy having you at my thread Creation vs. Evolution. You might want to drop in sometime, but it hard to leave. It keeps you busy, that's for sure. Hope to hear from you soon!!

God Be With You Always,


No worries Michael,

Life flows of its own accord within the natural tendencies within its nature in whatever direction by principle and propensity.

The One Creation ever IS. This 'Is-ness' we traditionally call 'God' or many other names that suit our affections or preference. It is the one omnipresent original reality, while all 'else' exists dependent upon this core-reality, and stands in relation to IT.

Since space & time arises in relation to the First Source and Center, it is 'relative', 'temporal' and subject to conditioning and change,...hence what we 'experience' in space-time as an unfolding of relativity. Most everything in this space-time dimension is naturally 'relative', just as our perception of 'reality' is, and our concepts of 'God'. They suffer the distortion of space-time perception by reference of conditional points of view :)

Just a tid-bit for now, but will join in on the other thread to engage there, and elsewhere.

In the One and Only Reality (which is central),
