Return to Oneness


Dear Soma,

The real antichrist is Uri Geller, so you have your ammunition directed at the wrong person. I know he is because an actual angel told me, saying "Do not follow after the beast and his image, neither receive his mark/powers in your right hand or forehead (mind)." And the angel explained that the number of this man was six hundred sixty six and that was how many other followers he would urge into having these abilities/powers also, and God would allow no more than that number of persons to be deceived. And that they could buy or sell these powers to others, but no more than six hundred and sixty six persons. (See Rev. 13:18). And the angel further explained to me that this man would have a picture/image in the newspaper with an article alongside of it (that the image should speak), and cause others to believe in him. The angel further explained that this man would not worship the God of His Fathers (being Israeli) but would instead worship a god of forces, using gold (watches), silver (silverware), precious stones (diamonds, etc.) and pleasant things (compasses, small appliances, etc.). And the angel said that this man could move the hands of the watches with his mind and hand, by concentrating, and bend silverware, etc., and the hands of compasses, but that Satan gave him these abilities and that's who was really doing the miracles, not actually this man. And his first name Uri means 'light', the same as Lucifer. This is the honest to God truth about what the angel said to me about this man and this man asked his teacher, "could Jesus do the miracles I can do." thus Antichrist. This is written in his book "Uri Geller." I could expound even more but this is getting lengthy enough. I can vouch for all that is written in this post that it was from the angel that visited me. I can lay my life down that everything I've said here is the absolute truth, but you can't know it, for the angel did not visit you, so you will have to wait and find out a little later.

Much Love In God's Name,



Eclectic Theosophist
Constructive dialogue.......

Constructive dialogue.......

Rather than respond here, I sent you a series of VMs (multiples because of word-count limitations, so read from bottom to top).

Hi Pneuma,

My post still stands. This space is meant for 'dialogue' on the subject at hand, not the visitor messages area. For more 'private' matters a PM is suitable, but this is 'open discussion'. You didn't really respond to all my points, or the points shared in the article linked in the OP, which is the center-piece of our discussion here, yet covering the principle of Oneness in its universal scope.

I absolutely, assuredly, adamantly, arduously, ardently, vehemently, vociferously, voraciously oppose everything you espouse; knowing it to be the very core of the spirit of antichrist in every respect.

Well, that's your apparently passionate 'opinion' with which you have issues, which could be misconceived.

Though I bear you no personal ill will, I must unveil the insidious untruth you represent. I call for it to come to naught; to be cast down; to be plucked up by the roots; to wither and die... in the strong and mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lets keep in mind before getting all 'pious' with the prayers, this is a discussion thread.

And I pray the deficieny and deceit be obvious to all who are being proselytized and inducted into this web of metaphysical and soulical lies masquerading as cosmic truth.

Truth or 'reality' is universal. It therefore includes all levels and dimensions of the cosmos. In God the Infinite there is no deficiency or deceit....although in the realm of perception, there may be varying degrees of 'light' and 'shadow'.

I further call for the disruption and disbanding of all attempts to attain unto any semblance of uniform and presumed ascendant consciousness as an erroneous perception of belief in evolution of the non-cororeal of man beyond the physical.


My further prayer is that the crooked be made straight, and the rough places plain. In the one and only name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you, Father, in advance for this onslaught of the enemy to be brought to nothing. Hindered. Confused. Disarranged. Exposed. Dissipated.


Thanking you in advance, precious Father, that all be done according to your Word; trusting that I have what I ask from you and that you will bless and keep me in all things.

So be it and Amen.

Feel better now? You've assumed an 'enemy' and used your ego's energy in service to your concept of 'God' to slay him, that should make you feel better.

If you'd like to actually engage the subject in its various dimensions concerning the Oneness of Consciousness,'re welcome, if you can do so respectfully. There are rules here.



Dear Soma,

I could use one after that. You ought to have more respect of other people's feelings and beliefs. You tend to voice more with the intellect sacrificing the heart. We love God here and Jesus also, and the Holy Spirit. There is very much happening in the world today giving us reason that the Lord Jesus is returning soon enough. Of course we don't know the day or hour, but Jesus did give us some clues as to when that time might be. Give us some space!

In His Love and Admiration,



TOL Subscriber
Per request to keep subject matter in this thread, I've cordially complied and copy/pasted the contents of our VM convo (below) here into the thread. *There's little need for much exchange. *I made it quite clear I bear you no ill will personally, as you're not the enemy even though deceived BY the enemy.

Your views are all an esoteric diminution and hybridization of the truth of the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Logos of the one true and living God (YHWH) made flesh.

I don't have to recognize or accept your false mystical occultism of a "Singularity", "Source", etc. as the Kabbalah god. *God is not a collective consciousness of all creation, etc. *It's the abomination of desolation. And to say so is not anything you and others will accuse it to be, based on the prevailing infiltration of demanded "tolerance" for untruth of any and all kinds.

I only came to the thread to respond to zeke's old posts, which is why I responded via VM. *I was simply letting my yea be yea and my nay be nay by communicating directly with you. *It wasn't personal or any of the things you always have to accuse others of if they refuse to agree with your delusion of devils. *My prayer was a appropriate for the sweeping deceit of all such views that you purport. They're insidiously infiltrating the compromised and vulnerable sectarian Churches, along with the Communitarian culture-sculpting of societies over the preceeding generations all the way back to Nimrod. And it's all escalating precipitously, unfortunately.

Hi, Freelight. *I bear you no personal ill will, for you personally are not the enemy; but I must fight the good fight of faith, and that includes exposing the deceit of the enemy in mystical esotericism and occultic belief systems.

I'm quite enlightened. *I understand the deep and intimate truths of cosmogony, cosmography, and cosmology. *That fundamental breadth of biblical truths is in direct contrast to your purported enlightenment.

Man does not attain, reclaim, retain, or maintain Divinity. *God is not a univeral "force" or spread of shattered pieces or sparks or cumulative consciousness or anything that you have personally expressed or copy/pasted from other authors/sources.

This is the falling away. *The apostasy. *Satan setting himself up in the temple to worshipped AS God. *It's very ancient taoist and alchemical occultic metaphysicism in a plethora of tentacled belief systems coallescing into an attempt to wrest the creation from the Creator, who is the one true and living God, YHWH (which is NOT the god make reference to and claim affiliation with).

Everything you espouse is the very epicenter of human soulical depravity to attain unto collective deity, etc. *This is ALL the parallel, duplicate, counterfeit attempting to usurp the authentic.

I have my senses exercised by reason of use to discern good and evil. *I'm not a dualist. *There is no "Singularity" besides the singular transcendent ousia and processed heavenly-immanent qualitatively two-fold hypostasis of God. *All things are upheld by the Rhema of His power.

I will continue to battle against principalities and powers; against rulers; against wickedness in high places. *That includes literally everything you have been deceived into believing, thinking it the true path to love and light and joy and peace, and all the rest as utopian nirvana of the central synergy you've failed to realize is the enemy of your soul in the guise of something that appeals to every vestige of your flesh and unrenewed mind.

It's sad that zeke has somehow left behind the truth he once espoused while fighting against the scourge of mankind in the form of Kabbalah and all the rest. *I can't bid you godspeed, lest I become partaker of your sins; so I will instead pray God's mercy upon you, and for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him to displace these most-insidious lies by His grace.

YOUR god is not THE God. *You've been tragically and completely duped by the most diabolical of all deceptions. *You ascribe to be god that which is no god. *God have mercy on you and your peers.

I've responded to your post in my 'Return to Oneness' thread, and prefer that dialogue/debate on the subject be entertained there, for that's the purpose of the thread. You did not respond to the points in my post, neither address the points shared in the article linked in the OP, which is the purpose of the thread, also relating the metaphysical principle of oneness on a universal scale as it pertains to our spiritual evolution and reunion with Source.

I disagree with many of your pre and mis-conceptions below and the general condescending tone and attitude with which it is presented, especially the self-righteous prayers and posturing. I'd familiarize yourself with my threads and posts first before judging (most of my classic threads were deleted in the last server-upgrade, see here). - so slowly working back into creating some new threads to replace those - if you'd like to engage in creative dialogue in the threads, you're welcome,...but from what I see so far, you're not engaging the subject or points really, but just judging, condemning and nay-saying, then capping it off with a prayer to 'god' which comes off as close-minded, preachy, judgmental and arrogant. I dont see that as helping your case at all.

There is no "metaphysical principle of oneness on a universal scale as it pertains to our spiritual evolution and reunion with Source". There's only the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the underlying foundational objective truth of reality and existence by the Rhema of YHWH, the one true and living God of ALL creation.

I needn't acquiesce to your Universalistic and/or Kabbalistic silliness of antichrist that God is what you and all the channelers portend.

You speak adamantly and freely of the delusion your purport to be the truth. I speak against it in accordance with the foundation of true salvific faith in the one true and living God who is NOT the "Source", "Singularity", and all the rest of the mystical and Kabbalistic terminology you utilize.

You will mis-characterize anything that comes against your false belief system as some kind of hate-mongering and many other things. It's not. It's a stand for the spiritual and scriptural truth against the wiles of the enemy who has deluded many by such self-absorbed gnosticism of the depraved human mind.

We aren't part or an extension or a collective of a universal consciousness. There's isn't one thing you represent that's the truth, though it's all dressed in a "Christian" wrapper of semantics.

I don't do any despite to the one true Gospel of the one true and living God and His Son and Spirit by exposing and coming against all that you present as a counterfeit to every objective and substantial spiritual truth.

Your demanded tolerance is part of the overall plan, feigning peace and love. A calm soft-spoken tantric demeanor is not peace and love, though it presumes to be.

I don't think anything you say is inherently malicious by intent. I'm convinced you truly believe all this. All the more reason to decry it vociferously as the deception of silliness that it all is. I'm deeply grieved that you have been duped. And as I said, you are not the enemy, though utterly deceived BY the enemy.

Spin it as you will, but it's my stand for truth against mystical and occult hybridization of the Gospel at the very highest level of gnostic esotericism of man's own deluded mind, aspiring to be/become god, etc.

It's Kabbalah, and much more. Ancient Babylonian Mysticism cannot represent or encompass the true Christian faith of YHWH and Yeshua. It masquerades as the counterfeit within. I let the tares grow. I don't need to pluck them, just teach and stand for the truth.

Again, I can't wish you godspeed, so I'll just bid you adieux. :)


TOL Subscriber
Dear Soma,

The real antichrist is Uri Geller, so you have your ammunition directed at the wrong person. I know he is because an actual angel told me, saying "Do not follow after the beast and his image, neither receive his mark/powers in your right hand or forehead (mind)." And the angel explained that the number of this man was six hundred sixty six and that was how many other followers he would urge into having these abilities/powers also, and God would allow no more than that number of persons to be deceived. And that they could buy or sell these powers to others, but no more than six hundred and sixty six persons. (See Rev. 13:18). And the angel further explained to me that this man would have a picture/image in the newspaper with an article alongside of it (that the image should speak), and cause others to believe in him. The angel further explained that this man would not worship the God of His Fathers (being Israeli) but would instead worship a god of forces, using gold (watches), silver (silverware), precious stones (diamonds, etc.) and pleasant things (compasses, small appliances, etc.). And the angel said that this man could move the hands of the watches with his mind and hand, by concentrating, and bend silverware, etc., and the hands of compasses, but that Satan gave him these abilities and that's who was really doing the miracles, not actually this man. And his first name Uri means 'light', the same as Lucifer. This is the honest to God truth about what the angel said to me about this man and this man asked his teacher, "could Jesus do the miracles I can do." thus Antichrist. This is written in his book "Uri Geller." I could expound even more but this is getting lengthy enough. I can vouch for all that is written in this post that it was from the angel that visited me. I can lay my life down that everything I've said here is the absolute truth, but you can't know it, for the angel did not visit you, so you will have to wait and find out a little later.

Much Love In God's Name,


I believe an angel visited you. I believe you are convinced it was an angel of the Lord instead of what it actually was. And yes, all mystics and illusionists who practice sorcery and divination and channeling are of the spirit of antichrist, including Uri Geller.

You are not an oracle of God, nor have you heard from an oracle of God. It's one vestige of strong delusion among many.

Much love and truth. His Word is truth, and naught else.


TOL Subscriber
Hi Pneuma,

My post still stands. This space is meant for 'dialogue' on the subject at hand, not the visitor messages area. For more 'private' matters a PM is suitable, but this is 'open discussion'.

Fair enough. I've copied that VM discourse into the thread.

You didn't really respond to all my points, or the points shared in the article linked in the OP, which is the center-piece of our discussion here, yet covering the principle of Oneness in its universal scope.

I don't need to respond to individual points. The entire topic is delusion. I need not be considered arrogant, condescending, or obtuse to expose it as such.

Well, that's your apparently passionate 'opinion' with which you have issues, which could be misconceived.

Amazing you always attribute opposing views to be merely "opinion", yet your lengthy occultic pontifications are utter fact of truth. You nor your peers are oracles of God. Your God is not the actual one true and living God of all creation. Your god IS creation, in many diverse manners.

Lets keep in mind before getting all 'pious' with the prayers, this is a discussion thread.

It wasn't pious. It was quite serious. All this nonsense is a legitimate and pervasive threat to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It needs to be clearly identified and exposed as the delusion that it actually is. It's the height of man's arrogancy, feigning love and peace and light. The ultimate sense of soulish self in man. Ascending to be as the Most High. You're not. We're not. God is not a collective consciousness of creation, or however you refer to the many facets of these layers of belief.

Truth or 'reality' is universal.

No. The hypostasis of God is reality, and His Logos is truth. Nothing else. There is ONE central foundational objective truth AND reality of existence. YHWH. And YHWH is NOT whom you're referring to in the least.

It therefore includes all levels and dimensions of the cosmos.

The cosmos is merely a disposable canvass for a portrait. Temporality.

In God the Infinite there is no deficiency or deceit....

In YHWH, that's exactly true. But in YOUR god of cumulative and collective consciousness, there is ONLY deficiency and deceit.

although in the realm of perception, there may be varying degrees of 'light' and 'shadow'.

Yes. The views you espouse are all shadow. Vapor. No substance.



Feel better now?

I "feel" no better or worse. Emotions are soul faculties. I'm not driven by soulishness. I've resisted untruth.

You've assumed an 'enemy'

Nope. I've identified the enemy.

and used your ego's energy

I don't have an "ego's energy". That's more of the esoteric drivel you've embraced.

in service to your concept of 'God' to slay him,....

Ummm... nope. I don't have a "concept of God". I intimately know the one true and living God, YHWH. There is no other, including a cumulative collective of created consciousness, etc.

And I'm not the one slaying anything. But your attempts will come to naught in the end.

so that should make you feel better.

You really shouldn't project your sorcery and divination upon others.

If you'd like to actually engage the subject in its various dimensions concerning the Oneness of Consciousness,...

It's a non-existent subject of a non-existent Oneness of Consciousness. A sham. Delusion of the highest level. Kabbalah drivel. Babylonian occultic mysticism of the highest order.

you're welcome, if you can do so respectfully. There are rules here.

I'm free to oppose the kingdoms of this world coming against the kingdom of God, even if the deluded proponents erroneously think their cosmic gnosticism is true enlightenment and display a tantric demeanor of alleged peace and love, while demanding tolerance and amidst accusations of hate-mongering and the like.

I don't disrespect other persons by exposing and decrying such egregiously humanistic esotericism of the depraved human mind attempting to ascend to divinity, or whatever.

I don't impugn you or others personally with any malice or hate. I stand against the false enlightenment you espouse, and the potential deception of others by all this silliness that denies the one true and living God, YHWH.

There is no Oneness. I'm discussing it. Your oracle "isn't". You aren't. You're just corruptible flesh in need of a Savior. Assent with misplaced belief is not true faith. Faith cometh by hearing the Rhema. This isn't the Rhema, so faith has not come. You've heard another truth instead of the Word. "A" Rhema is not "THE" Rhema.

I just speak the truth in love. True agape love.


TOL Subscriber
Dear Soma,

I could use one after that.

You could use one what? A soma?

You ought to have more respect of other people's feelings and beliefs.

Why? I needn't respect ancient esoteric occultic beliefs and practices to respect a person themselves. I don't share your entitlement of tolerance. I prefer to stand FOR truth and AGAINST untruth. It has nothing to do with the person/s espousing deception and the like.

You tend to voice more with the intellect sacrificing the heart.

You presume much, and it's the invese. All this esoteric nonsense is purely in the depraved minds of man attempting to ascend to divinity.

We love God here

It's not agape. It's not YHWH. It's soulish, not spiritual.

and Jesus also, and the Holy Spirit.

No. "A" god. "A" Jesus. "A" Holy Spirit. Not "THE".

There is very much happening in the world today giving us reason that the Lord Jesus is returning soon enough.

Indeed, including rampant mysticism with all the trappings of alleged extra-terrestrials, and endless layers of other depraved nonsense.

It's all delusion.

Of course we don't know the day or hour, but Jesus did give us some clues as to when that time might be. Give us some space!

I give no place to the devil. There isn't a cumulative collective as "Oneness of Consciousness" of creation. And my heart is grieved over this pervasive deception to supplant the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Desert Reign

I absolutely, assuredly, adamantly, arduously, ardently, vehemently, vociferously, voraciously oppose everything you espouse; knowing it to be the very core of the spirit of antichrist in every respect.

Your problem PSS is that for someone who does not believe in Christ the way you do, telling them that they have the spirit of the anti-christ is useless. If they do not believe in Christ, they do not believe in the anti-christ either. Whether you oppose it vociferously and vehemently or not is for others to judge. Surely, your only duty is to preach the Gospel in all humility and patience and (as I think St. Francis of Asissi said,) if necessary, use words. I think you went slightly overboard with the words.


Eclectic Theosophist
Returning to Source......

Returning to Source......


Your views are all an esoteric diminution and hybridization of the truth of the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Logos of the one true and living God (YHWH) made flesh.

My views are just that, views....looking out from The One that IS....which includes all, and is all. Consciousness itself is the context in which all arises, so encompasses itself as 'One' and 'All'. Reality is not a 'diminution' or 'hybridization' of anything, which are but your own 'definitions'.

I don't have to recognize or accept your false mystical occultism of a "Singularity", "Source", etc. as the Kabbalah god. *God is not a collective consciousness of all creation, etc.

No one is asking you to accept the oneness of God, and that oneness does include 'God' as a 'Monad' or 'Singular source' of existence, no matter how 'God' is individualized, personalized, divided or distributed in his personality-expression, attributes or qualities...wherein 'God' inter-relates with creation. We recognize that 'God' (Spirit, Infinite Intelligence) is One, an indivisible whole expressing within a manifold creation. 'God' is the First Source and Center of all, and from this foundation all else exists in their various relations.

I only came to the thread to respond to zeke's old posts, which is why I responded via VM. *I was simply letting my yea be yea and my nay be nay by communicating directly with you.

It looks like a whole lot more intellectualizing, denominating and 'judging' than heeding Jesus instructions to let your conversation just be 'yeah' or nay'. You may need to go back to the OP and see what the subject here is, since 'God' is One.....and all souls spring from that One and return to that One. Recognition of that unity of Life in which we inhere is the subject here, explored and described from various schools and points of view. The fundamental reality we call 'God' ever remains at the Heart. This reality is prior to and beyond words or concepts. It IS.

*It wasn't personal or any of the things you always have to accuse others of if they refuse to agree with your delusion of devils. *My prayer was a appropriate for the sweeping deceit of all such views that you purport. They're insidiously infiltrating the compromised and vulnerable sectarian Churches, along with the Communitarian culture-sculpting of societies over the preceeding generations all the way back to Nimrod. And it's all escalating precipitously, unfortunately.

The only one alluding to 'delusions' or 'devils' is you. Consciousness remains as the primary reality behind all existence, that universal Spirit-source that is our Father-Mother (in a relational-familial sense). Re-turning to 'God' is returning to the primordial oneness at the heart of all. LOVE.



Eclectic Theosophist
Perennial Wisdom......

Perennial Wisdom......


There is no "metaphysical principle of oneness on a universal scale as it pertains to our spiritual evolution and reunion with Source". There's only the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the underlying foundational objective truth of reality and existence by the Rhema of YHWH, the one true and living God of ALL creation.

'God' is One. God is Spirit, Life, Being, Consciousness, Truth, Love, Light. 'God' is fundamentally the source of every-thing, the 'no-thing' from which 'every-thing' springs.

I needn't acquiesce to your Universalistic and/or Kabbalistic silliness of antichrist that God is what you and all the channelers portend.

You speak adamantly and freely of the delusion your purport to be the truth. I speak against it in accordance with the foundation of true salvific faith in the one true and living God who is NOT the "Source", "Singularity", and all the rest of the mystical and Kabbalistic terminology you utilize.

We have a thread on Kabbalah here. 'God' is One.

We aren't part or an extension or a collective of a universal consciousness. There's isn't one thing you represent that's the truth, though it's all dressed in a "Christian" wrapper of semantics.

Again, Consciousness is all there is, is fundamental, eternal, unchanging in its essence (as 'awareness'). However sharing this truth is 'wrapped' is but cosmetics, lingual dressing. I stand with Jesus in recognizing that "I and the Father are One". Spirit is the primary reality, - recognizing that is a spirit-to spirit recognition (duality-perception), the inner witness. But all is still of the One Universal Spirit (non-duality).

I don't do any despite to the one true Gospel of the one true and living God and His Son and Spirit by exposing and coming against all that you present as a counterfeit to every objective and substantial spiritual truth.

There is no 'enemy' but in your own mind.

Your demanded tolerance is part of the overall plan, feigning peace and love. A calm soft-spoken tantric demeanor is not peace and love, though it presumes to be.

Truth is not threatened by anything, neither does it need an apology or 'apologist' necessarily. Love is inherently tolerable because it sees thru all that is not like itself, and continues to remain true to itself.

I don't think anything you say is inherently malicious by intent. I'm convinced you truly believe all this. All the more reason to decry it vociferously as the deception of silliness that it all is. I'm deeply grieved that you have been duped. And as I said, you are not the enemy, though utterly deceived BY the enemy.

Again,...there is no 'enemy' in the universal oneness inherent in the divine nature, for such is only in the play of duality-perception wherein dual forces or multiple powers contend against each other in various tensions. See dialectical monism. In the play of 'yin' and 'yang', the one over-arching and pervading oneness ever holds...and so its integrity and totality remains all-supreme, indivisible, absolute, ultimate.

Spin it as you will, but it's my stand for truth against mystical and occult hybridization of the Gospel at the very highest level of gnostic esotericism of man's own deluded mind, aspiring to be/become god, etc.

Your mistake is assuming these universal truths and recognitions for being an 'enemy' to your narrow concept of the gospel, limited to your own intellectual constructs. Truth needs no apology, but only recognition. The Oneness of Life is a universal truth, since its source is ever One.

It's Kabbalah, and much more. Ancient Babylonian Mysticism cannot represent or encompass the true Christian faith of YHWH and Yeshua. It masquerades as the counterfeit within. I let the tares grow. I don't need to pluck them, just teach and stand for the truth.

Kaballah has many wonderful truths, but is of course limited to its own conceptual terms, language and context. The beauty of 'truth' is its availability. In this the Perennial Wisdom holds eternally.

Again, I can't wish you godspeed, so I'll just bid you adieux. :)

'Godspeed' is a concept of course, whether it can or cant be wished on anyone is relative to the wisher :)




Dear Soma,

I know a true angel of God visited me and nothing you say will change that truth. I've had a number of angels visit me, and a number of visits from the Holy Spirit, and a couple awesome visions, and even the Lord Himself visited me initially. You don't know me or what I've been through, so keep it to yourself unless you know the facts! I notice no angel has visited you or you would have said so. My angel was not an 'angel' of the devil, but three angels from God, whether you believe it or not. If you were so knowing, you'd know that I was truly visited by real angels. But since you think not, it is you who is being deceived by the devil and your word is not of God Himself. I'm not asking you to believe me or not, because I know that would be too difficult to do. But don't say they were not angels of God, when they were indeed!!

God Help You,



TOL Subscriber
My views are just that, views....looking out from The One that IS....which includes all, and is all. Consciousness itself is the context in which all arises, so encompasses itself as 'One' and 'All'. Reality is not a 'diminution' or 'hybridization' of anything, which are but your own 'definitions'.

No one is asking you to accept the oneness of God, and that oneness does include 'God' as a 'Monad' or 'Singular source' of existence, no matter how 'God' is individualized, personalized, divided or distributed in his personality-expression, attributes or qualities...wherein 'God' inter-relates with creation. We recognize that 'God' (Spirit, Infinite Intelligence) is One, an indivisible whole expressing within a manifold creation. 'God' is the First Source and Center of all, and from this foundation all else exists in their various relations.

It looks like a whole lot more intellectualizing, denominating and 'judging' than heeding Jesus instructions to let your conversation just be 'yeah' or nay'. You may need to go back to the OP and see what the subject here is, since 'God' is One.....and all souls spring from that One and return to that One. Recognition of that unity of Life in which we inhere is the subject here, explored and described from various schools and points of view. The fundamental reality we call 'God' ever remains at the Heart. This reality is prior to and beyond words or concepts. It IS.

The only one alluding to 'delusions' or 'devils' is you. Consciousness remains as the primary reality behind all existence, that universal Spirit-source that is our Father-Mother (in a relational-familial sense). Re-turning to 'God' is returning to the primordial oneness at the heart of all. LOVE.


'God' is One. God is Spirit, Life, Being, Consciousness, Truth, Love, Light. 'God' is fundamentally the source of every-thing, the 'no-thing' from which 'every-thing' springs.

We have a thread on Kabbalah here. 'God' is One.

Again, Consciousness is all there is, is fundamental, eternal, unchanging in its essence (as 'awareness'). However sharing this truth is 'wrapped' is but cosmetics, lingual dressing. I stand with Jesus in recognizing that "I and the Father are One". Spirit is the primary reality, - recognizing that is a spirit-to spirit recognition (duality-perception), the inner witness. But all is still of the One Universal Spirit (non-duality).

There is no 'enemy' but in your own mind.

Truth is not threatened by anything, neither does it need an apology or 'apologist' necessarily. Love is inherently tolerable because it sees thru all that is not like itself, and continues to remain true to itself.

Again,...there is no 'enemy' in the universal oneness inherent in the divine nature, for such is only in the play of duality-perception wherein dual forces or multiple powers contend against each other in various tensions. See dialectical monism. In the play of 'yin' and 'yang', the one over-arching and pervading oneness ever holds...and so its integrity and totality remains all-supreme, indivisible, absolute, ultimate.

Your mistake is assuming these universal truths and recognitions for being an 'enemy' to your narrow concept of the gospel, limited to your own intellectual constructs. Truth needs no apology, but only recognition. The Oneness of Life is a universal truth, since its source is ever One.

Kaballah has many wonderful truths, but is of course limited to its own conceptual terms, language and context. The beauty of 'truth' is its availability. In this the Perennial Wisdom holds eternally.

'Godspeed' is a concept of course, whether it can or cant be wished on anyone is relative to the wisher :)



There isn't one ounce of truth in anything you have said. You have exchanged a lie for the truth, and worship the creation rather than the Creator.

What you hold to be the truth is a lie. It's that simple.


Eclectic Theosophist
Truth is all-encompassing......

Truth is all-encompassing......

There isn't one ounce of truth in anything you have said. You have exchanged a lie for the truth, and worship the creation rather than the Creator.

Truth includes the reality of both 'Creator' (or 'Creative Intelligence') and 'Creation'. There is consciousness and all that consciousness imagines, visualizes, and observes in the play of creation. Such is the dual play of synergy within The One (dialectical monism).

For more on the inter-play of 'creation' and 'evolution', go here.

What you hold to be the truth is a lie. It's that simple.

'Truth' is what actually exists as fundamental, and awareness itself is what is fundamental, unchanging and always already present, and includes all that it perceives and knows (within 'consciousness'). Awareness is absolute, what it perceives is relative as modified/translated/interpreted by 'mind'. Awareness itself is always primal.


Other insights on 'God' -

4:4.1 God is the only stationary, self-contained, and changeless being in the whole universe of universes, having no outside, no beyond, no past, and no future. God is purposive energy (creative spirit) and absolute will, and these are self-existent and universal.

4:4.2 Since God is self-existent, he is absolutely independent. The very identity of God is inimical to change. “I, the Lord, change not.” God is immutable; but not until you achieve Paradise status can you even begin to understand how God can pass from simplicity to complexity, from identity to variation, from quiescence to motion, from infinity to finitude, from the divine to the human, and from unity to duality and triunity. And God can thus modify the manifestations of his absoluteness because divine immutability does not imply immobility; God has will — he is will.

4:4.3 God is the being of absolute self-determination; there are no limits to his universe reactions save those which are self-imposed, and his freewill acts are conditioned only by those divine qualities and perfect attributes which inherently characterize his eternal nature. Therefore is God related to the universe as the being of final goodness plus a free will of creative infinity.



Dear freelight,

Very great job, dude! God be with you. I gave your thread a better star rating.

In Christ's Love,



TOL Subscriber
Truth includes the reality of both 'Creator' (or 'Creative Intelligence') and 'Creation'. There is consciousness and all that consciousness imagines, visualizes, and observes in the play of creation. Such is the dual play of synergy within The One (dialectical monism).

For more on the inter-play of 'creation' and 'evolution', go here.

'Truth' is what actually exists as fundamental, and awareness itself is what is fundamental, unchanging and always already present, and includes all that it perceives and knows (within 'consciousness'). Awareness is absolute, what it perceives is relative as modified/translated/interpreted by 'mind'. Awareness itself is always primal.


Other insights on 'God' -

4:4.1 God is the only stationary, self-contained, and changeless being in the whole universe of universes, having no outside, no beyond, no past, and no future. God is purposive energy (creative spirit) and absolute will, and these are self-existent and universal.

4:4.2 Since God is self-existent, he is absolutely independent. The very identity of God is inimical to change. “I, the Lord, change not.” God is immutable; but not until you achieve Paradise status can you even begin to understand how God can pass from simplicity to complexity, from identity to variation, from quiescence to motion, from infinity to finitude, from the divine to the human, and from unity to duality and triunity. And God can thus modify the manifestations of his absoluteness because divine immutability does not imply immobility; God has will — he is will.

4:4.3 God is the being of absolute self-determination; there are no limits to his universe reactions save those which are self-imposed, and his freewill acts are conditioned only by those divine qualities and perfect attributes which inherently characterize his eternal nature. Therefore is God related to the universe as the being of final goodness plus a free will of creative infinity.


What you don't realize is that I recognize, comprehend, and understand everything you write, quote, or link. It's not a deficiency of information or insight that causes me to expose your false mystical occultism. It's not fear or ignorance or another delusion that provokes a response from me.

I know all of this, and I know the truth. They aren't the same, and they aren't even compatible.

It's the abomination of desolation... IN YOU. Your heart is the problem. That which is in your heart as God is NOT God, yet you're worshipping it as God.

There is no dualism. There is only truth. All of this is YOUR false perception, and all the other deluded minions of your NON-faith. If only your heart would have heard the Rhema.


TOL Subscriber

I'll add this, as well... Your distillation of various/many schools regarding all this DOES give a very clear view of the counterfeit; possibly the clearest I've encountered.

It's actually very helpful because it's so integrated. I've been able to glean several nuggets to focus upon in the coallescence of it all, as it shows me more clearly where the spirit of antichrist is "herding" all this.

I'm pleasantly surprised. You're one of the best sources for info to teach and preach against all this drivel by contrast to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You provide a concise apophatic to warn others against while teaching the cataphatic truth of scripture.

In other words, "don't step HERE in this pile" while pursuing truth. What an invaluable resource you are for exposing the lie while proclaiming the truth.

If only you'd heard THE Rhema instead of other rhemas.


TOL Subscriber
Like this excerpt...

11. The human can create wondrous worlds in a dream in the same way that Creation consciously creates the worlds.

12. To the human, this capability arises from his consciousness, which is available in existence within himself in the same way that all wonders are available within himself.

13. He himself is the realm of heaven, the realm of the Creational.

LOL. No Creator. Only "Creation" and "the Creational", all with and as man's consciousness.

Man as god. Man as the realm of heaven. Man, man, man. All man.

I'm reading through all your sources. They're a gold mine for contrasting all those lies to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


TOL Subscriber
And this...

49. It is a sign of human weakness when religions and their false teachings are presented as an instrument of the Creational and wisdom thereby becomes unreal.

...conveniently impugning ALL religions, while avoiding the fact that this amalgamation of silly beliefs IS a religion, and it/they make/s itself/themselves AND its/their alleged wisdom unreal by presenting an instrument of the Creational.

It's all self-refuting nonsense. Hilarious, but serious. It's where all the delusion is going, for sure.

These are an organized system of beliefs relative to the metaphysical and that are important to a person or group, etc.. Such an organized system of beliefs is a religion. You've joined, founded, expounded, delineated, etc. a religion.

The Dialectic. A consensus of men as designated absolute authority.

John Mortimer

New member
Great statement, freelight...

'Truth' is what actually exists as fundamental, and awareness itself is what is fundamental, unchanging and always already present, and includes all that it perceives and knows (within 'consciousness'). Awareness is absolute, what it perceives is relative as modified/translated/interpreted by 'mind'. Awareness itself is always primal.

This is what the Christian theologian Paul Tillich was indicating in the book "The Courage To Be" by the expression, "God behind God". THAT which is prior to consciousness and the manifestations of consciousness. Although words and therefore concepts can only point to the Absolute, (The Parabrahman, the Supreme State...all titles are inadequate), there is perhaps a parallel in the experience of the body-mind. The one and only constant fundamental in the experience of the body-mind is the sense of presence, the wordless "I am". Without consciousness and the forms that manifest therein the Awareness prevails and yet is not aware of itself. The unborn, undying, supreme awareness is the immutable eternal. Concepts such as "truth" arise only when consciousness arises within Awareness and vanish when consciousness subsides. Yet if anything is indicated by the concept of "absolute truth" it must be that primal fundamental awareness without which there could be no consciousness and therefore no, "I am" God, no creation.