Return to Oneness


Eclectic Theosophist
One Universe Family........

One Universe Family........

Dear freelight,

I don't believe in the Arcturians or any extraterrestrials. The only ETs are Our Angels, God, Jesus, etc.

Hi Michael,

I was just sharing from a collective of knowledge that exists about the Arcturians and the possibility of other extra-terrestrials that have been in contact with Earth. The Disclosure Project headed by Dr. Steven Greer is a good place to go for collaborating proof of a general cover-up by our government about UFO's and alien contact.

My thread 'ET Theology' covered a lot, but is no longer extant. My surviving thread 'Disclosure Project' is in the 'Politics' section, yet I usually prefer to expound upon subjects in the 'Religion' section, exploring the religious and philosophical aspects of various teachings and channels. UFO and ET contactees or those who channel ET entities mostly all agree on universal principles that govern the soul's evolution and progress.

I'm going to quit posting at your threads because I might be scaring prospective believers away.

Not sure how to take that, but all are free to examine and investigate any information or subject, weighing the evidence or value of what is being shared. This thread is on the Oneness of Life which pervades All That Is......because 'God' the prime Creator is One, hence all creation is one as is contained within God. To think that we are the only inhabited planet in the universe is also rather myopic considering the unending potential of space, life-probabilities and other indications of extra-terrestrial beings and civilizations.

Truth has nothing to fear, so the freedom to think for oneself and do your own research is a great blessing. Think of the vast cosmos and infinite possibilities in eternity, and thousands or perhaps millions of inhabited planets, universes, galaxies, stargates, etc. Remember, 'God' the source of life is infinite.



Dear freelight,

I would have to ponder your last post for awhile, but I am at least, willing. The Earth and this world's people are enough for me right now and I really don't believe in ETs. The only ETs I can believe in the heavens from God are the angels and prophets, and the saints, etc. That's about all I can deal with right now. I guess I might be a bit myopic. I've been that way all my life, and use glasses.

Much Love to You,



New member
The only "remote viewing" I do is with my telescope. I love looking at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.

But the context those two words are being used in in this thread, is completely foreign to the teaching of the Bible, and therefore I want NO PART of it!

It just occurred to me that Jesus may have done some remote viewing.

Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. John 1:48

Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an *** [donkey] tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. Matthew 22:2

There may be more... those are the only two verses that immediately came to mind.
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Eclectic Theosophist
ET visitations...............

ET visitations...............

Dear freelight,

I would have to ponder your last post for awhile, but I am at least, willing. The Earth and this world's people are enough for me right now and I really don't believe in ETs. The only ETs I can believe in the heavens from God are the angels and prophets, and the saints, etc. That's about all I can deal with right now. I guess I might be a bit myopic. I've been that way all my life, and use glasses.

Much Love to You,


Salutations from the Infinite One,

Let us recognize that ET's include more than just angels, messiahs, prophets of our traditional religious belief-systems, since we have evidences for ET contacts in our ancient historical archives and legends of this planet, references to UFO's in the Bible, and thousands of eye-witnesses of UFO's and physical ET contacts of more recent times ( from the 20th century until now particularly). This is worth investigating. Of course there are a host of modern day channelers or contactees who connect with ET group-minds or individual entities sharing higher spiritual teachings, the most positive of these are concerned with assisting mankind in his spiritual evolution....and diplomatic relations among earth-peoples and ETs, since all are part of one universal Family.

Again, many are encouraging a more full disclosure of things the government is keeping from the general public.

If you're happy in your own 'little bubble' world so to speak, then so be it,....but there is so much more out there to explore, research and discover. No one is pressuring you to investigate the evidence and possibilities here, but resources/records are available to seekers.




Eclectic Theosophist
It just occurred to me that Jesus may have done some remote viewing.

Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. John 1:48

Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an *** [donkey] tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me. Matthew 22:2

There may be more... those are the only two verses that immediately came to mind.

It wouldn't be a stretch to see that Jesus had psychic/spiritual powers or abilities beyond the range of most humans, so that would naturally include psi abilities extending beyond the normal space-time barriers/limitations ;)

Adding - What is remote viewing?



New member
It wouldn't be a stretch to see that Jesus had psychic/spiritual powers or abilities beyond the range of most humans, so that would naturally include psi abilities extending beyond the normal space-time barriers/limitations ;)


“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12


Eclectic Theosophist
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12

Definitely,...I've always been one to support/encourage the use of our full psychic and spiritual powers :) - these are both innate within and bestowed by the Spirit as special anointings. Every good and perfect gift comes from above (or from Spirit-source). We are all extensions of 'God'.

Om shanti,



New member
Definitely,...I've always been one to support/encourage the use of our full psychic and spiritual powers :) - these are both innate within and bestowed by the Spirit as special anointings. Every good and perfect gift comes from above (or from Spirit-source). We are all extensions of 'God'.

Om shanti,


There is a danger with pursing them alone though, a person can become enchanted with those spiritual abilities and not progress, the psychic powers in particular.

It is best, imo, to rely on Matthew 6:33. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Yes, they shall be added to you. Of course, you are saying this also.

There's a line on one of the spiderman movies: with great power comes responsibility. I say: with great responsibility comes power.


Dear freelight,

You know me better than to think I live in a little bubble. It is just that I have my hands FULL of what's of this world and heaven, much less others right now. There is a Great Change coming to this world soon, and I want to keep Totally Attune to it. I hope you won't hold it against me. After Jesus' return, I will chat with Him about other beings. But for now, I am full of helping earth's beings and God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I can't spread myself that thin. You know I love you like a brother, so please understand. You can think about all the things you want to, but I don't have that luxury. I am committed to the work I have to do here on earth. Thanks!

God and Jesus Bless You Tons,



Hi freelight,

Hope all is doing well with you tonite. Just wondering if you checked out my latest info about Venus and the New Jerusalem. We're got one more resurrection on Earth and then it's off to Venus. Should be ready by then and it will swing into orbit right about where we are at hear on Earth, when the Lord shakes the heavens and earth. And the earth shall reel to and fro as a drunkard. The Earth waxeth old. Just like Mars did. We are Venus-bound. Right now though, it is poisonous and can't be lived upon, and is surrounded by clouds so that we can't see much about it.

Well, just thought I'd add my two cents in about our future.

In God's Love and Care,



Eclectic Theosophist
Universal Oneness

Universal Oneness

Dear freelight,

You know me better than to think I live in a little bubble. It is just that I have my hands FULL of what's of this world and heaven, much less others right now.

I threw in the 'living in a bubble' as a metaphor ;) - as usual, one can 'interpret' that as they may. One can however be living in a 'bubble' of sorts, without them knowing it, which is fine if it suits them, while a whole universe continues on about them. On that note, we can only 'be' in the present moment, at any point in time or eternity. 'Now' includes all that exists (here and everywhere, within dimension and beyond dimensions).

There is a Great Change coming to this world soon, and I want to keep Totally Attune to it. I hope you won't hold it against me. After Jesus' return, I will chat with Him about other beings. But for now, I am full of helping earth's beings and God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I can't spread myself that thin. You know I love you like a brother, so please understand. You can think about all the things you want to, but I don't have that luxury. I am committed to the work I have to do here on earth. Thanks!

Yes,...change is ever unfolding in a universe of conditional existence, where all things are relative and dependent on other things, within a context of creation adapting and evolving itself by those laws that govern all movements in the cosmos. If we have had ET contact and communications from ancient to modern times, as records show...then its logical to assume or allow the possibility of other planets and star-systems having life, there being varying levels of progress and adaptations on the many different worlds in space. The more highly advanced civilizations would be way ahead of us with technology and/or spirituality, depending on their evolution.



View attachment 18159

Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be in Joy!)



Eclectic Theosophist


Hi freelight,

Hope all is doing well with you tonite. Just wondering if you checked out my latest info about Venus and the New Jerusalem. We're got one more resurrection on Earth and then it's off to Venus. Should be ready by then and it will swing into orbit right about where we are at hear on Earth, when the Lord shakes the heavens and earth. And the earth shall reel to and fro as a drunkard. The Earth waxeth old. Just like Mars did. We are Venus-bound. Right now though, it is poisonous and can't be lived upon, and is surrounded by clouds so that we can't see much about it.

Well, just thought I'd add my two cents in about our future.

In God's Love and Care,


We note that Venus is the planet of love, and the beings there are of a higher etheric vibration, there being healing schools there as well. We've had some visitation-reports of Venusians, and other contacts etherically with our sister planet. The planetary Lord Sanat Kumara is believed to be from Venus. 'Venus' also has parallels with 'Lucifer' as the 'son of the morning, bright morning or evening star, yet in this case, it refers to being a 'light-bearer', and not necessarily any connotation with a satanic being or devil. Usually the blond fair-featured Nordic type humanoids are associated with Venusian culture.

"A return to Venus" would be figurative of returning to our etheric home-world or that realm of love-light that is consonant to the 4th or 5th density (dimensional-vibration). Dr. Suzan Caroll shares a message to all Venusians (many of us would be 'Venusians' if we've spent time in that realm between incarnations, etc.) here (for a background multi-dimensional perspective. A return to Oneness is a re-turning to Source, remembering our origin and destiny...for in Oneness (the timeless One) both are simultaneously co-existing. - the differentials of space-time are but the perception of movements within the play of creation.

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Dear freelight,

See Rev. 2:28, Jesus saying, "And I will give him the morning star (Venus)," to him that overcomes fornication. See Rev. 22:16, Jesus saying He is the bright and morning star (Venus). Just wanted to point these out to you. In the words of Cat Stevens, "He said, we're Venus-bound." (song, "House of Freezing Steel").

And I will give Him the morning star, even as I have received it from My Father. Oh, the things I could tell you about our future, but I must keep it to myself.




Eclectic Theosophist
crowned in majesty......

crowned in majesty......

Dear freelight,

See Rev. 2:28, Jesus saying, "And I will give him the morning star (Venus)," to him that overcomes fornication. See Rev. 22:16, Jesus saying He is the bright and morning star (Venus). Just wanted to point these out to you. In the words of Cat Stevens, "He said, we're Venus-bound." (song, "House of Freezing Steel").

And I will give Him the morning star, even as I have received it from My Father. Oh, the things I could tell you about our future, but I must keep it to myself.



Hello Michael and all,

See what I've shared about Venus in previous post,...on Venus and its culture, the etheric realms on that sphere and Venus relationship to our own spiritual evolution. I'm continuing some research on our galactic history, and may re-create a thread on 'ET Theology' (and exopolitics) again, since my former classic thread on that is now in cyber-space.

Thank goodness however that all things (informational sharings) are recorded in the aether (akashic records)...and those dialogues have their place in the unfolding of our own ascension in the Light, as all are expanding consciousness. It is in that light that I share from an ET perspective, our 're-turning to oneness' that is our true home and destiny, since the universal unity of Spirit remains forever present.

It is the 'I Am' Presence, that is our true higher Self, that remains central to all experience and learning. Therefore we give glory and recognition to that divinity, its innate value and culminating beauty expressing as creation. In that cosmic-continuum we look forward in towards the infinite as it unfolds its nature and will in eternity.

Considering again the terms of 'Venus', beyond it being the planet itself and its etheric regions, it continues to represent 'love' and 'light', a Goddess archetype of feminine attributes, in all its reflections as a 'morning' or 'evening' star. Souls may migrate to and from those etheric regions of Venus in their spiritual evolution or transits. Jesus himself however is not a 'planet' so the term 'morning star' is not exclusive to his personality, depicting more a spiritual quality of his nature, in its angelic form or ministry. Jesus is Light inasmuch as he shines as the light of 'God' any Son of God is. Hence even Lucifer before his so called 'fall', retained his status as a 'light-bearer'.

When Jesus says overcomers will receive the 'morning star',....what does that symbolize? To me it is a deep impression on many levels, but most primarily the light of divinity, the wedding garment of immortality, the incorruptible nature! It is that pure essence of life itself that triumphs over every adversity. Hence, he giving us the morning star is as a Venusian crown....where we become victors of the Spirit.

To the One Light,

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Hi freelight,

Very insightful pj! I feel I am jumping ahead too far for others when talking about Venus, for we have so much going on in the here and now. But, yes, some day Venus will have people on it like Earth does, and Earth shall be like Mars, a spent planet in a different orbit. 'The earth waxeth old like a garment...', so we shall have a new earth and a New Jerusalem in the distant future.

Jesus Bless You Tons, freelight,



Eclectic Theosophist
planetary transformation......

planetary transformation......

Hi freelight,

Very insightful pj! I feel I am jumping ahead too far for others when talking about Venus, for we have so much going on in the here and now. But, yes, some day Venus will have people on it like Earth does, and Earth shall be like Mars, a spent planet in a different orbit. 'The earth waxeth old like a garment...', so we shall have a new earth and a New Jerusalem in the distant future.

Jesus Bless You Tons, freelight,


U bet :)

Let us note however, that the scriptures do speak of this planet (earth) as being 'renewed' and to endure forever more or less being 'indestructible'. The new heavens and new earth are 'anchored' to this planet, and not necessarily indicating another planet. Elsewhere, the earth will be renewed in fire, its core-creation being preserved, further renovated to a 'renewed' state. As far as I know,...the scriptures, ET information and channeled teachings do not prophesy the total destruction of this planet, although the free will choices of its inhabitants do affect conditions on a relative scale, however it appears divine providence and the higher powers that be are holding in place our assured victory. The heart and soul of Earth (Gaia) holds its essence, while undergoing various 'transformations'.

Unless there are major changes in our current solar system, Venus will remain as it is unless modified to accommodate physical life forms or communities, otherwise its etheric cities and underground regions will continue in their course of both natural and spiritual evolution.



TOL Subscriber
One possibility of all this could be the same goal spoke of in Genesis 11:1-9. Which speaks of man being one. Babylon the birth place of secret mysteries of inlightenment presented as a way of light, To illuminate mans path to inlightement. This old way is now being brought out of the dark that was cloaked in secret societies, with various symbols, and rituals which speak to the brotherhood. Who are guiding the scattered pieces of humanity back toward their original foundation to rebuild what God tore down, the mystery babylon foretold and warned about. Its goal a one world religion that will denign the biblical model of salvation, the one thing that stands in its way.

logical as a one world may seem to well intentioned people, they also could be takin advantage of through their own benevolence, ignorant of the hidden purpose they have been slowley led to imbrace.

Just one more thing before I leave you to your new age evangelism, to say that your gospel (same as this remote message) isn't connected to Alice Bailey, Manly P Hall, Madam Blavatky, or the other myriads of sources that speak of this Esoteric Masonic Plan is rediculous.
Plus I have listen to remote viewers, and channelers, read alot about your type of spiritism in the past, I may not be able express it as well and polished as you do yours, but I stand behind this so called hype about the intent of your message, you maybe so caught up in your esoteric allegories that you have lost the ability to come back to reality.
You don't get a free pass because you use some biblical lingo, Mason use it for propaganda to push their Kabbalism.

You have a message of ONE, and I have my message of One and they come from oposite sources.

Wow, Zeke. I just had to bump this old thread after reading your slam-dunk assessment from a true awareness of the spirit of antichrist and his ancient plan coming to fruition in utter deception.

Reps coming. Keep exposing the lies of the enemy. Some of us are fighting the good fight with you to expose every vestige of Kabbalah, Kundalini, Tikkun, and all the rest.

Be encouraged. You are appreciated, and you're not alone amidst the vortex of mystical drivel overtaking man's vulnerable arrogance of ignorance.


Eclectic Theosophist
the theme at hand..............

the theme at hand..............

Wow, Zeke. I just had to bump this old thread after reading your slam-dunk assessment from a true awareness of the spirit of antichrist and his ancient plan coming to fruition in utter deception.

Reps coming. Keep exposing the lies of the enemy. Some of us are fighting the good fight with you to expose every vestige of Kabbalah, Kundalini, Tikkun, and all the rest.

Be encouraged. You are appreciated, and you're not alone amidst the vortex of mystical drivel overtaking man's vulnerable arrogance of ignorance.

Hello spirit-soul-body,

If you follow Zeke's posts (this is an older thread, so some have changed their point of view), you'll see hes changed his opinion and actually agrees more with my own spiritualist allegorical esoteric view of philosophy and religion. Universal truths and esoteric teachings which recognize true principles, symbols and archetypes within the various religions are valid (according to their own terms, meanings and context - thats key), - such precepts being consonant with universal knowledge are not 'drivel', being 'accessible' to those who apply themselves to learning. 'Ignorance' would be the lack of knowledge or enlightenment.

If you're interested in what the thread is really about regarding the Oneness of 'God' and world-events within the past few years, you'll read the opening post and its linked article which expands and elaborates amply on the subject, - especially concerning Jerusalem, the City of Peace...which serves as a 'bridge' between heaven and earth. The Oneness of Spirit is the primary theme here, towards which all life and consciousness is converging, since 'God' is the 'source' and 'center' of All That Is.

Life itself is One, for the universal unity of Spirit pervades and holds all things together.

Namaste :)



Dear freelight,

Yes, what you just said about Oneness!! God and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are One.

In God's Love,



TOL Subscriber
Hello spirit-soul-body,

If you follow Zeke's posts (this is an older thread, so some have changed their point of view), you'll see hes changed his opinion and actually agrees more with my own spiritualist allegorical esoteric view of philosophy and religion. Universal truths and esoteric teachings which recognize true principles, symbols and archetypes within the various religions are valid (according to their own terms, meanings and context - thats key), - such precepts being consonant with universal knowledge are not 'drivel', being 'accessible' to those who apply themselves to learning. 'Ignorance' would be the lack of knowledge or enlightenment.

If you're interested in what the thread is really about regarding the Oneness of 'God' and world-events within the past few years, you'll read the opening post and its linked article which expands and elaborates amply on the subject, - especially concerning Jerusalem, the City of Peace...which serves as a 'bridge' between heaven and earth. The Oneness of Spirit is the primary theme here, towards which all life and consciousness is converging, since 'God' is the 'source' and 'center' of All That Is.

Life itself is One, for the universal unity of Spirit pervades and holds all things together.

Namaste :)


Rather than respond here, I sent you a series of VMs (multiples because of word-count limitations, so read from bottom to top).

I absolutely, assuredly, adamantly, arduously, ardently, vehemently, vociferously, voraciously oppose everything you espouse; knowing it to be the very core of the spirit of antichrist in every respect.

Though I bear you no personal ill will, I must unveil the insidious untruth you represent. I call for it to come to naught; to be cast down; to be plucked up by the roots; to wither and die... in the strong and mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And I pray the deficieny and deceit be obvious to all who are being proselytized and inducted into this web of metaphysical and soulical lies masquerading as cosmic truth.

I further call for the disruption and disbanding of all attempts to attain unto any semblance of uniform and presumed ascendant consciousness as an erroneous perception of belief in evolution of the non-cororeal of man beyond the physical.

My further prayer is that the crooked be made straight, and the rough places plain. In the one and only name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you, Father, in advance for this onslaught of the enemy to be brought to nothing. Hindered. Confused. Disarranged. Exposed. Dissipated.

Thanking you in advance, precious Father, that all be done according to your Word; trusting that I have what I ask from you and that you will bless and keep me in all things.

So be it and Amen.