Return to Oneness


Dear chrysostom,

Looks like you know what's going on. You are right. We are here to be tested, be refined like silver and polished as well, and be made ready for a heavenly body to live in to replace our spirit's earthly body. We must be tested by whatever the devil might say to us or entice us with, until we can overcome, and be found true, even if it takes a bit of time. None of us can be ready overnight, so it takes some years, for some less than others. I'll be 58 in Oct., chyrs, so it'll be 40 years since the Lord first visited me Himself. It makes me truly realize how long 40 years is and what the Israelis went through in the wilderness of Sinai, and what Jesus did for 40 days without food. I can't go more than 3 days without food. God loves you so dearly and you are on your way to much better things. You will not be sorry for the path you've chosen, chrysostom. Selah!!

God Watch Over You Always,



Dear freelight,

I asked you where you got that pic of Spirallight. I suppose an artist drew it somehow. It's gorgeous!! Intriguing and beautiful! Been a while since we've heard from you. What's up doc? Well, it's almost 3am, so I've got to hit the hay. God Bless!

May God Use His Great Imagination To Gift You!!



Eclectic Theosophist
creative evolution......

creative evolution......

Dear freelight,

Where did you get the pic? Wonderful for the guy/gal who painted it!! Just exquisite!!!

One can access Google Images for milllions of pictures to use, most are available in the public domain unless strictly copyrighted.

Jerusalem is facing enemies from all sides. Things for the navel are not looking good but I know God is with her regardless and that it truly will be okay. I already know what's going to happen. And it fulfills scripture. But I can't say, lest it influence the pre-outcome.

Blessings be to Israel always, for that City of Light, is the anchoring fortress and segway to the Heavenly Jerusalem, the citadel where earth and heaven meet. - from that point the Christ reigns, where the anointing touches man. There in that holiness of being, man knows his Oneness with 'God', in his own individuality. All individual souls inhere in the greater Indivisiblity of 'God', whence there is no separation, and only distinction in form and potentiality. 'God' remains the formless Whole from which all things spring.

4:4.1 God is the only stationary, self-contained, and changeless being in the whole universe of universes, having no outside, no beyond, no past, and no future. God is purposive energy (creative spirit) and absolute will, and these are self-existent and universal.

102:7.2 God is the one and only self-caused fact in the universe. He is the secret of the order, plan, and purpose of the whole creation of things and beings. The everywhere-changing universe is regulated and stabilized by absolutely unchanging laws, the habits of an unchanging God. The fact of God, the divine law, is changeless; the truth of God, his relation to the universe, is a relative revelation which is ever adaptable to the constantly evolving universe.

32:5.1 There is a great and glorious purpose in the march of the universes through space. All of your mortal struggling is not in vain. We are all part of an immense plan, a gigantic enterprise, and it is the vastness of the undertaking that renders it impossible to see very much of it at any one time and during any one life. We are all a part of an eternal project which the Gods are supervising and outworking. The whole marvelous and universal mechanism moves on majestically through space to the music of the meter of the infinite thought and the eternal purpose of the First Great Source and Center.

- Urantia Papers



Eclectic Theosophist



Hello all,

The following are excerpts from the 2013 New Year message from Jerusalem, followed by my comments.

This is the Godliness.

Man thinks that God is far away, when in fact He is closer than one’s breath.

That negation of Self is what caused man to fall so far from its original purpose.

One must realize that 'God' is the all-pervading, originating and sustaining reality. The 'Self' is that 'original spirit-essence' that is of 'God'....since there is only that one eternal, infinite Being. - all else is temporal, conditional and relative. 'God' remains Absolute.

Many have tried to interpret the Mind of the Godliness, and until now most have failed in their perceptions of the Ultimate Reality. There needs to be absolutely no divide between Creator and creatures.

Nevertheless, the Creator has allowed Himself, until now, to be subject to the mind of the creature in order to experiment with the ultimate free-will.

While freedom of choice conditions the circumstances and outcomes in space-time, the providential will of the Supreme ultimately reigns. The paradox of 'free will' is wholly subsumed and resolved in the final culmination and perfection of divinity.

This is not to be anymore, for the One-and-Only will regain His Throne and engage in guiding His creatures in order to allow for the continuation of the experiment of this and many other Creations.

You all will perceive this fact soon and, as The One becomes an Eternal Permanent reality in your consciousnesses, you will love your selves in Oneness as parts of the One-and-Only and you will love The One for He is constantly Creating you in thoughts in His gigantic Imagination.

And in turn, you will be bathed in Eternal Love and concern for your well-being.

Herein is true creation, from the Heart of 'God', where Love is the ruling principle, the guiding star. In the realization of love, there is no separation, hence love is all-inclusive, wholly one.

We are not more than One Mind separating Itself in concepts and facets. We are all to be united soon into this Holy perception. We shall all be completed and perfected. All will heal. Everything will be corrected. Nothing will remain isolated in thought and perception, for all will be aware of being important levels and parts of the Totality.

One Universal Mind Is. - all else are modifications, aspects, facets, expressions, individuations of this One Mind, the Universal Consciousness. Religious traditions inspired from Original Spirit all intuit a divine perfection and ultimate destiny at the core of existence, from which creation sprung and into which all shall return as the home of all, and the ultimate destiny into which all space-time creation integrates back into. Such is the nature of evolution, as an exercise of creation.

We need not fear, and trust in the process which has just occurred as the Totality of Creation has just turned around from an expression of The One focusing on and manifesting the many, onto a phase of reuniting with the perception of Himself, as The One-as-the many focus from now onward on being The One-and-Only separating Itself so that It can imagine Himself into different parts, perceptions, and operations.

Love always is innovating and reintegrating itself within the collectivity of the whole. Love is the glue of communion. Such is an eternal romance as long as God engages in loving relationships and ongoing creation. All is really The One engaging itself, since nothing but itself was in the beginning, and that One is prior to all beginnings and endings, the context in which all exists. Re-cognition of what is, is the re-turn to 'God'.



Dear freelight,

Re: Urantia Pages 4:4.1, I do believe that God has a past and a future. Don't know what's being said there.

I do love and agree with what is being said, that God is not far away, but as close as our breath. That does God justice!!

I did check out the music and it's fantastic. I do not know where to go and get these fantastic pictures on the Internet. I'll have to try accessing Google Images and see what can be the cover of my next book, if it be so.

Many Blessings And May The Kind Spirit Of God Be With You,



Eclectic Theosophist


Dear freelight,

Re: Urantia Pages 4:4.1, I do believe that God has a past and a future. Don't know what's being said there.

Read it in 'context'. The essence of 'God' is timeless, hence 'Pure God' has no past or future. Definitions of time are only relative to things that come into existence or take on a form in which other forms can relate to in continuum of creation. We could say that 'God' has a 'past' and 'future' only relative to His involvement with-in space-time creation, but God is not dependent on the phenomenal movements or events in space-time for his existence. 'God' all by himself is independent of space and time, such only coming into being within the context of creation. Divine essence is timeless, yet engages all potentials and possibilities in the arena of space, which brings in the perception of 'time'.

More on space and time in my blog-portal here.

I do love and agree with what is being said, that God is not far away, but as close as our breath. That does God justice!!

Closer than hands and feet.

I did check out the music and it's fantastic.

Michael refers to the 'Liquid Mind' video I posted in my 'visitor message' section in my profile.



Dear freelight,

In other words, God is the beginning and ending. Now that I can understand. Now Jesus and God being the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ending, right? That would mean there was no beginning or ending?? In the beginning was God and there was nothing except Him?




New member
A Bunch of Gobble-de-gook!"

A Bunch of Gobble-de-gook!"

The only "remote viewing" I do is with my telescope. I love looking at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.

But the context those two words are being used in in this thread, is completely foreign to the teaching of the Bible, and therefore I want NO PART of it!


Well-known member
The only "remote viewing" I do is with my telescope. I love looking at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.

But the context those two words are being used in in this thread, is completely foreign to the teaching of the Bible, and therefore I want NO PART of it!

It is only foreign, or fearful to the closed religious mind, You are (holy land temple, heavens, etc..) a micro version of the macro kingdom of God which is why the planets and seasons effect you in so many ways.

Anything religion makes a taboo is something you need to explore for your self, your the captain of your ship so stop being the slave below deck. The letter kills and in-slaves the mind with fear and division, the spirit sets you free.


Dear Zeke,

I do know what you mean. BTW, it's enslaves. Just trying to help you for next time. Yes, I've learned a larger vocabulary from this thread which has been helpful. I just don't like it when it gets too deep and hard to understand. That shouldn't be.

God Be With You Zeke,



Dear freelight,

Could you shed some light on my Post No. 106? Thank you, dude!!

In God's Loving Arms,



Dear freelight,

I can't say I know either way. I will have to play wait-and-see what the near future brings. It seems true. I'm talking about the Urantia Papers I read about Jesus' words. Need more time to read more. Saturday, I can read a lot more 'cause I will have a bit more time.

Much Love and God's Best!!



Eclectic Theosophist
defog your lens.......

defog your lens.......

The only "remote viewing" I do is with my telescope. I love looking at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.

Here a proper understanding and description of what 'remote viewing' is and the metaphysics behind it are provided. That would be the proper platform to begin with, to understand it in context, especially as it relates to the OP and articles on the nature of consciousness as it involves the principle of Oneness, the unity of life. 'God' is One. Nothing exists outside of the universal unity of Spirit. Nothing exists outside of the Infinite Mind or Consciousness of 'God'....therefore the nature of 'being' and 'consciousness' are fundamental.

But the context those two words are being used in in this thread, is completely foreign to the teaching of the Bible, and therefore I want NO PART of it!

Again, understanding it, but more importantly the subject of Oneness and how our use of consciousness inter-faces with-in that oneness, and influences and affects our experience and those around us is the key study here. Many things are not in the Bible, but that doesn't mean we demonize it and get all 'buggy' over it, because we are ignorant of the subject matter or have false preconceptions about it.

Better yet, you can read the OP (opening post) and the article (and all ensuing posts) with an open mind and spirit...and see what its all about really. There is nothing to fear in Love, and the beginning and end to all creation is sourced in truth, goodness and adventure of infinite joy and boundless creativity.



Eclectic Theosophist
prior to relations.................

prior to relations.................

Dear freelight,

In other words, God is the beginning and ending. Now that I can understand. Now Jesus and God being the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ending, right?

Remember, 'God' refers to himself as the beginning and end, first and last....only within respect to time, or the context of 'creation'. Apart from time, the terms 'beginning' or 'end' have no meaning or relation. The timeless aspect of 'God' is therefore unrelatable in terms of 'time'.

That would mean there was no beginning or ending?? In the beginning was God and there was nothing except Him?

In reference to the timeless aspect of 'God', yes.....for 'God' there is no beginning or end to his own Being. 'Beginnings' and 'endings' only refer to movements of space or relationships within 'time'.


Adventures in space-time (blog portal)


The One contains all, time....and all time.



Dear Freelight,

I understand you!! Scary, eh? You see, I have to take these baby steps. Yes, God has no beginning or ending.

Good for me.

God Be With You,



Dear freelight,

Where are you at? I believe that God has no beginning or ending. Time will tell. I don't foresee an ending, and we'll just have to ask Him about His beginning when we stand before Him. He's billions of years old!! Isn't it nice to have an Eternal Life?

Much Love and Faith in Christ,



Eclectic Theosophist


Dear freelight,

I believe that God has no beginning or ending. Time will tell. I don't foresee an ending, and we'll just have to ask Him about His beginning when we stand before Him. He's billions of years old!! Isn't it nice to have an Eternal Life?

Much Love and Faith in Christ,


As shared before,....consider 'God' beyond time, where there is no 'beginning' or 'end'. 'Beginnings' or 'endings' only occur in time. In the timeless One, space and time appear within creation as space and energy engage in various movements affecting perception. In timeless Being....there is only that being, independent of anything. 'God' does not need time to be.

I would say "yes", is wonderful to have eternal life, since the life of 'God' in me, living as 'me',.....has all the qualities and attributes of its originator, having immortality, or at least immortality-potential. I am that I am, so that any essence of 'being' or 'consciousness' existing... is of the 'Being' and 'Consciousness' of 'God' since nothing can be separate from The Source.



Dear freelight,

I agree wholeheartedly with that post and do believe the same thing. God never cares about time as much as we do. He's been around a zillion years ago. God doesn't need time to be, as you've said. Now what about Jesus saying I am the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega. He must mean that He's always been, because who can say when Alpha was and when Omega shall be, since it's Eternity. Your new Avatar is the bomb!! Take good care and will post again soon.

In Jesus' Loving Kindness,



Eclectic Theosophist
time portals in eternity............

time portals in eternity............

Dear freelight,

I agree wholeheartedly with that post and do believe the same thing. God never cares about time as much as we do. He's been around a zillion years ago. God doesn't need time to be, as you've said.

Time is relative. What is absolute in the purest sense as we define 'God', is 'eternal', yet includes all time.

Now what about Jesus saying I am the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega. He must mean that He's always been, because who can say when Alpha was and when Omega shall be, since it's Eternity.

Again,...'God' or a representative of 'God' is using terms within the context of 'time', hence that one is the 'beginning' and 'end' of God's works within any given dispensation. A creative Agent or 'Creator-Son' thru whom 'God' works...begins and completes a particular creation. Hence that one is the "A" and "Z" of a particular generation. The Infinite ONE however, is the origin and inspiration of endless generations.

Your new Avatar is the bomb!!

Thank you,

It is a sacred symbol of Arcturian art depicting the concept of 'integration', and bringing forth the soul's true desire. The Arcturians are a very advanced extra-terrestrial race assisting us, among other communities at this time of our planet's ascension, also protecting her from wayward or hostile forces. I'm glad to share some positive Arcturian energy here :)

All beings close to the Creator-Source and loyal to the divine will of Creation are serving the higher good.

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Dear freelight,

I don't believe in the Arcturians or any extraterrestrials. The only ETs are Our Angels, God, Jesus, etc. I'm going to quit posting at your threads because I might be scaring prospective believers away.

Good Bye,
