Return to Oneness


Eclectic Theosophist
Divine creation

Divine creation


At this time of meta-tation, we reflect on a lesson in A Course in Miracles on the subject of 'creation' (my own commentary is in 'blue' below the text) -

Section 11. What is Creation?

Creation is the sum of all God's Thoughts, in number infinite, and everywhere without all limit. Only love creates, and only like itself. There was no time when all that it created was not there. Nor will there be a time when anything that it created suffers any loss. Forever and forever are God's Thoughts exactly as they were and as they are, unchanged through time and after time is done.

God's Thoughts are given all the power that their own Creator has. For He would add to love by its extension. Thus His Son shares in creation, and must therefore share in power to create. What God has willed to be forever One will still be One when time is over; and will not be changed throughout the course of time, remaining as it was before the thought of time began.

The One Creation of 'God' is timeless in its original nature, no matter what arises in the play of 'space-time', being a journey of 'learning' to rejoin with Spirit, one's original innocence.

Creation is the opposite of all illusions, for creation is the truth. Creation is the holy Son of God, for in creation is His Will complete in every aspect, making every part container of the whole. Its oneness is forever guaranteed inviolate; forever held within His holy Will, beyond all possibility of harm, of separation, imperfection and of any spot upon its sinlessness.

The original perfection of 'God' and His creation remain forever one. The Father and Son are one in the context of holy creation. We who share this 'sonship' forever inhere in 'God' whose perfect will is our own, because this love is indivisible.

We are creation; we the Sons of God. We seem to be discrete, and unaware of our eternal unity with Him. Yet back of all our doubts, past all our fears, there still is certainty. For love remains with all its Thoughts, its sureness being theirs. God's memory is in our holy minds, which know their oneness and their unity with their Creator. Let our function be only to let this memory return, only to let God's Will be done on earth, only to be restored to sanity, and to be but as God created us.

Our Father calls to us. We hear His Voice, and we forgive creation in the Name of its Creator, Holiness Itself, Whose Holiness His Own creation shares; Whose Holiness is still a part of us.

Here we see 'holiness' as that divine nature of inherent 'wholeness' and 'beauty', our true nature from 'God', whose nature is One. The pure creation of holy spirit, is like unto itself, and could not be different, since 'God' can only create according to his will and nature. Therefore His eternal Son is eternally begotten out of the divine nature, expressing the will innate in 'God'. As we recognize our oneness with God as His Son...we embrace the beauty of holiness. We are that creation.

- Lesson 321

A familiarity with the Course's teaching will help the reader here, yet these essential points hold. We ever begin with Oneness itself, since that eternal condition is prior to all other conditions that arise in the play of creation (the inter-activity of space-time). All relations and movements inhere in The One.


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Eclectic Theosophist
God's song of creation......

God's song of creation......

Humble beginnings is good, for this is the way Jesus taught us. Only the humblest can learn this lesson and follow Jesus to be one with the Father even as he is.

Greetings all,

I revive this dialogue to add more reflections and inspirations to the Unity of All. To the above I would add that Jesus calls us to be one with him and the Father, an indwelling unity. As he calls us to be "perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect", he speaks of our quality and expression of love. This is a love far greater than certain religious interpretations that distort such and so misrepresent the Holy Spirit.

Now we re-turn our conscious love and intimate focus towards The Creator or divine Creation that IS.....and hear from its Heart....a song which permeates the cosmos, ever unfolding His majesty.

The Song of all songs: The Song of Love has begun. (video and text)

View attachment 18104

In the light of each renaissance, new songs and melodies arise from the central core, where each messenger becomes a harp of 'God', beautifully weaving different harmonies to the glory of The One. Those united to David share in this beloved concert of the purest worship, because it springs from the eternal value of God himself, the source of all harmony.

More insights on 'creation' and 'evolution' here.




New member
Greetings all,

I revive this dialogue to add more reflections and inspirations to the Unity of All. To the above I would add that Jesus calls us to be one with him and the Father, an indwelling unity. As he calls us to be "perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect", he speaks of our quality and expression of love. This is a love far greater than certain religious interpretations that distort such and so misrepresent the Holy Spirit.

Now we re-turn our conscious love and intimate focus towards The Creator or divine Creation that IS.....and hear from its Heart....a song which permeates the cosmos, ever unfolding His majesty.

The Song of all songs: The Song of Love has begun. (video and text)

View attachment 18104

In the light of each renaissance, new songs and melodies arise from the central core, where each messenger becomes a harp of 'God', beautifully weaving different harmonies to the glory of The One. Those united to David share in this beloved concert of the purest worship, because it springs from the eternal value of God himself, the source of all harmony.

More insights on 'creation' and 'evolution' here.



While I can sort of see the whole oneness with the universe as in we are all made of stardust (exploding supernova) and we are all made of atoms and when we die we will be recycled. I still don't get the creator part and why you pay lip services to religions that were written by people who had so little understanding of the planet we occupied let alone the universe.


Dear freelight,

From what I've read so far, seems good. You know me, I'll say when something's wrong. I've only read page 6, this page, through post 79. I guess you can tell I am not much of a reader. After reading the Bible over and over and my book over and over, I'm not much into reading or writing anything. But I do what is necessary, regardless.

God Bless You In Your Endeavors!!



Dear freelight,

I've read more and especially like Post 81.!!! I would have to read through the whole Course (and whole thread) to know for sure about the entire thread. You hold your own. I've always noticed that about you. You speak of the intricacies of all of the Oneness of God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Whereas others call them the Trinity. Very interesting. It's about time to see you in your own thread!!

God and Jesus Bless You Tons,



Dear All,

You might also find it interesting how many names have 'el' in them (God). It's mind-blowing!! Jesus did say I and the Father are One, not two or three, but One, so kudos to you, freelight!

Will keep up reading more. Ciao!!

In Christ's Love,

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Eclectic Theosophist
Life is One

Life is One

While I can sort of see the whole oneness with the universe as in we are all made of stardust (exploding supernova) and we are all made of atoms and when we die we will be recycled. I still don't get the creator part and why you pay lip services to religions that were written by people who had so little understanding of the planet we occupied let alone the universe.

Hello Dave,

The concept of 'Creator' originates in consciousness itself, since the mind conceives of an infinite intelligence behind creation, whether man envisions this creative intelligence as being 'personal' or more or less 'non-personal', which gives rise to the whole plethora of gods, goddesses, devas and other super-natural beings in the mythology of man, yet such images derive from true archetypes and forms which that same Mind conceives, since it is all One Universal Mind anyways :)

The key is in the unity of Life itself, the whole cosmic continuum of energy, light, spirit...which is all inner-merging and inter-relating within Consciousness. A re-turn to Oneness is a return to the natural state, our original being in the Supreme Being. It is the essence of what we are.



Eclectic Theosophist
re-turning to our being

re-turning to our being

Dear freelight,

I've read more and especially like Post 81.!!! I would have to read through the whole Course (and whole thread) to know for sure about the entire thread. You hold your own. I've always noticed that about you. You speak of the intricacies of all of the Oneness of God, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Whereas others call them the Trinity. Very interesting. It's about time to see you in your own thread!!

God and Jesus Bless You Tons,


Hi Michael,

Its a slow rebuilding of my own threads, since my older ones were deleted in the last server upgrade - a list of those threads is here. New streams will continue to flow, since out of One cosmic Ocean all things derive. The concept of 'oneness' is intrinsic to Being. - even within a polytheistic context, there is a universal unity at the heart of all. 'God' is One, two, three, seven, etc.....unto infinity....since 'God' is the primary unit of all multiples. No matter how you slice 'God',....or divide, multiple or personify 'God'....the essence remains simple, the forms complex.



Eclectic Theosophist


Dear All,

You might also find it interesting how many names have 'el' in them (God). It's mind-blowing!! Jesus did say I and the Father are One, not two or three, but One, so kudos to you, freelight!

Will keep up reading more. Ciao!!

In Christ's Love,


All comes from The One, and returns to The One. There is no other but The One. All is an expression or manifestation of an original source-value, however multiplied.



New member

Greetings all,

Sharing a New Year message from Gerald O'Donnell from the Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (ARVARI). Its an important survey of where we are at in this stage of consciousness for our planet and the greater quantum field of reality. Its all about returning to Oneness, pj[/COLOR]

i like what Jesus had to say about one-ness

He wanted all his believers to be ONE (in mind and heart)

John 17:20-23

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Prays for All Believers
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

well, the RCC is one in mind and heart except for afew malcontents like Pelosi who is not Catholic anyhow..

the Mass readings read in your local Church are the same read throughout the world

nice way to be connected.... :cool:


Eclectic Theosophist
Honoring Father-Mother.......

Honoring Father-Mother.......

i like what Jesus had to say about one-ness

He wanted all his believers to be ONE (in mind and heart)

John 17:20-23

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Prays for All Believers
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

well, the RCC is one in mind and heart except for afew malcontents like Pelosi who is not Catholic anyhow..

the Mass readings read in your local Church are the same read throughout the world

nice way to be connected.... :cool:


yes,....Jesus was in tune with his heavenly Father and calls us to abide in that same communion in the Spirit. One Spirit. One Love. One Power. One Presence.

The OP article articulates more about this unity with God using the city of Jerusalem as a focal point, along with the other articles. We are all offspring of one universal source, who is to us in a parental sense, our Father-Mother God.




Dear freelight,

I lilke your attachments. That one is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The purple one. Spiralight!

Will chat with you again soon.

In Jesus' Thoughts,



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Return to Oneness

I like the idea of returning
being part of the whole
I don't believe we will ever lose our individuality


Eclectic Theosophist
Individual journeys.............

Individual journeys.............

Return to Oneness

I like the idea of returning
being part of the whole
I don't believe we will ever lose our individuality

Greetings in Life,

Indeed, Oneness already pervades the whole of existence, from which we inhere in our deepest being and nature. All division, separation, relativity is more or less an illusion cast upon the senses in the play of light as it reflects back to us as many appearances. Hence perception is the infusion of differential light making things appear in their various forms, which our pure awareness observes in the unfolding of creation.

'Individuality' is a wonderful word, indicating a peculiar or special aggregate of qualities which make up a 'person' or constitutes a distinct 'personality', operating as a single conscious entity. Interestingly in the context of 'The One' or 'The All', the Great Over-Soul of creation....we are individual expressions or individing reflections of 'The One', so retain our unique individuality in the sense that we are singular in essence as to God's essence, yet have a unique personality-complex in which that light and essence of 'God' manifests. As long as 'God' is interfacing and looking out thru the mind-body-spirit complex that we are composed of, there is at that point a unique individuality thru which God sees, so it is maintained as long as that soul-complex exists as an experiential component within the whole. We could go on in the metaphysics involved, but the intuitive sense of unity and the individual integrity of one's own being is a starting point of the journey.

Enjoy the surf :surf:



Eclectic Theosophist
earning and learning..............

earning and learning..............

this is where we get tested

Yes, in a sense. Creation itself is the play of 'God' in space-time, exploring and venturing all potentials and possibilities unto infinity. All challenges or trials are native to 'experience', as long as there is any learning or evolution of consciousness involved.



Eclectic Theosophist
Spirals of light...............

Spirals of light...............

Dear freelight,

I lilke your attachments. That one is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The purple one. Spiralight!

Will chat with you again soon.

In Jesus' Thoughts,


Creation consists of both waves and spirals of conscious light :)

Let us meditate upon a recent article "At the end of the Pendulum's swing, Essence Merges with God and all Its Creatures, forming One".

Here we consider returning to Essence, the essence of our own being, whose source is 'God'. We can call 'God' the Sourcing Presence. As we remain true to our essence, from that springs true creation, eternal progress, infinite joy.

View attachment 18112



Dear freelight,

Where did you get the pic? Wonderful for the guy/gal who painted it!! Just exquisite!!!

Jerusalem is facing enemies from all sides. Things for the navel are not looking good but I know God is with her regardless and that it truly will be okay. I already know what's going to happen. And it fulfills scripture. But I can't say, lest it influence the pre-outcome.

Much Love and God's Best,


P.S. There is another Mike Cadry on this site. I cannot believe it. For years, there weren't many other Cadry's around. Cool!!


Dear freelight,

Yes, He is the source of our exuberance, understanding and mysteries, and our ecstatic happiness, and contentment. There are not yet English words to quite explain how great He is. It just boggles my mind. Oh, how blessed we are to actually have a real God and that it's not all for naught, and that He is really there!!! I already know for a fact because of what He's been in my life, and I used to be like you, believing that He's really there, but not quite knowing positively. Still, before I KNEW He was there, I already believed wholeheartedly that He was. It never crossed my mind that He wasn't at all. Same with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He's spoken to me. How blessed am I that such would happen. You will all be blessed with the same thing soon. More power to you and thanks for believing!!

Praise Him Forever and Ever,
