Report: Justice Antonin Scalia found dead


like marbles on glass
listening to like minded people
know how to state an argument
confirming your less than honorable beliefs

like you
I am not happy with them
let's talk about it
then vote

I remember when I became disillusioned, it was when Hugh Hewitt pushed Schwarzenegger over McClintock, and all the talking heads pushed Romney or McCain over Duncan Hunter. I remember clearly the day I stopped listening altogether, and it was when a certain talk show host out-and-out lied, and I knew he was lying. I was driving at the time and I remember smacking the steering wheel and saying "that's a lie, that's completely untrue..." and I turned talk radio off that day and never went back. They're hucksters and puffed egos who love to hear themselves talk.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I remember when I became disillusioned, it was when Hugh Hewitt pushed Schwarzenegger over McClintock, and all the talking heads pushing Romney or McCain over Duncan Hunter. I remember clearly the day I stopped listening altogether, and it was when a certain talk show host out-and-out lied, and I knew he was lying. I was driving at the time and I remember smacking the steering wheel and saying "that's a lie, that's completely untrue..." and I turned talk radio off that day and never went back. They're hucksters and and puffed egos who love to hear themselves talk.

so don't listen to them
you don't have to
focus on what is important
the democrats support abortion
that is all you need to know
we can't live with that
we must do something about it


Well-known member
I remember when I became disillusioned, it was when Hugh Hewitt pushed Schwarzenegger over McClintock, and all the talking heads pushed Romney or McCain over Duncan Hunter. I remember clearly the day I stopped listening altogether, and it was when a certain talk show host out-and-out lied, and I knew he was lying. I was driving at the time and I remember smacking the steering wheel and saying "that's a lie, that's completely untrue..." and I turned talk radio off that day and never went back. They're hucksters and puffed egos who love to hear themselves talk.
Chrys doesn't care that they lie. As long as their lies serve his agenda, he calls it 'entertainment'.


New member
listening to like minded people
know how to state an argument
confirming your less than honorable beliefs

like you
I am not happy with them
let's talk about it
then vote
You are, what is commonly known as a rightwing hack.


New member
I remember when I became disillusioned, it was when Hugh Hewitt pushed Schwarzenegger over McClintock, and all the talking heads pushed Romney or McCain over Duncan Hunter. I remember clearly the day I stopped listening altogether, and it was when a certain talk show host out-and-out lied, and I knew he was lying. I was driving at the time and I remember smacking the steering wheel and saying "that's a lie, that's completely untrue..." and I turned talk radio off that day and never went back. They're hucksters and puffed egos who love to hear themselves talk.
Name names. Who was the talking head? WHO?


acw is just like all the other idiots who listen to talk radio
they will not vote
they don't get cruz
allow another democrat to appoint another liberal to the court
then wonder why we are going in the wrong direction
grow up
start thinking for yourself
stop being led by talk radio

Good points.

This is why I won't sell out God and vote for Jeb Bush (and this is why liberals like chrysostom and bybee will) :

Jeb Bush has already ‘evolved’ on marriage, and his advisers are at war with social conservatives: analysts

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 3, 2015 ( – The fact that Jeb Bush has surrounded himself with campaign advisers who have been hostile to social conservatives is just one sign that the former Florida governor has secretly “evolved” in his views of gay “marriage,” according to several figures who have spoken with him privately.

Bush, a leading candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, has been hiring national staffers who have actively campaigned for the GOP to capitulate and embrace the redefinition of marriage or at least capitulate to judicial rulings that overturn the will of voters.

“When Bush officially launches his presidential bid later this year, he will likely do so with a campaign manager who has urged the Republican Party to adopt a pro-gay agenda; a chief strategist who signed a Supreme Court amicus brief arguing for marriage equality in California; a longtime adviser who once encouraged her minister to stick to his guns in preaching [marriage redefinition] for same-sex couples; and a communications director who is openly gay,” writes McKay Coppins in BuzzFeed.

The Bush 2016 campaign staffers include:

Read more:

Don't take the social conservatives at LifesiteNews's word for it, see what the most popular homosexual magazine in the US (if not the world) has to say about Jebbie:

Jeb Bush Announces Support for LGBT Rights (Sorta)

The former Florida Governor just became the most pro-LGBT Republican presidential candidate.

By Bil Browning

July 17 2015

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush announced his support for state-level LGBT nondiscrimination laws on Thursday. He also suggested that he opposed "religious freedom" laws meant to allow discrimination against LGBT customers.

Read more:

What's so disgusting about you chrys is that many people here on TOL actually think that you're a conservative. As far as bybee goes: Care to tell us how along with Town Heretic you defended 'gay' marriage?


Oh and chrys, one more thing:

If mommy and daddy are successful in getting little Jebbie the Republican Presidential nomination, I will only not vote for little Jebbie, I'll expose him for what he is a dozen times a day in this and other forums.



Well-known member
Did you even read his posts? He says he doesn't like talk radio.
He also said it's purpose is to make money by "entertaining people". When that's not what it's doing. It's purpose is to make as much money as possible for its capital investors, and it does that by selling advertisement time to whomever will pay them for it. The more people they can get to tune in, the more money they can demand for their ad-time.

But the right wing-nut media has learned that it can attract more viewers by telling them whatever lies they want to hear, and want to believe, and by generating lots of fear, then creating scapegoats for people to hate and blame it all on, than it can by just "entertaining" them with unbelievable stories. It's not "entertainment", anymore, it's propaganda. It's lying, fear-mongering, and scape-goating, for the purpose of selling ad time to whomever will pay them as much as they can get. People like Rupert Murdock used to sell "entertainment" in the form of bizarre phony news stories about Elvis being abducted by space aliens. But he eventually figured out that he could make even more money peddling lies that pretend to be the truth, and stir up people's fear, and bigotry, and blame, and loathing.

The republican party has learned that it can use these same rightwing audiences to win elections by doing the exact same things: telling them the lies that validate their ignorance and bigotry, by stirring up their fears, and by providing them scapegoats to hate and blame everything on. And of course those scapegoats are the republican's opponents: the democrats. So the republicans and the right wing-nut media have created a kind of "unholy alliance" in which they, together, promote the same lies, fears, and scape-goats to the same eager audience, each for their own ends.


New member
Conservative talk radio isn't about conservatism, it's about money.


Michael Smirconish is very interesting to listen to on this topic. He was a talk show host back in the day (still is), and he sometimes talks about how he was pressured to essentially go the same direction as Rush in bombastically stirring up the Right-wing, which apparently had an infinite pool of rage waiting to be tapped.

He wrote a novel, which is a fictionalize account of his experience (which I haven't read, I've just heard him talk about it).


like marbles on glass

Michael Smirconish is very interesting to listen to on this topic. He was a talk show host back in the day (still is), and he sometimes talks about how he was pressured to essentially go the same direction as Rush in bombastically stirring up the Right-wing, which apparently had an infinite pool of rage waiting to be tapped.

He wrote a novel, which is a fictionalize account of his experience (which I haven't read, I've just heard him talk about it).

Thanks, I took a look at your link. I don't know much about Smirconish beyond name recognition, never listened to him, but I see from the reviews that he's a former conservative, now moderate? Is that still accurate? It makes me wonder how many people have swung moderate or changed affiliation from Republican to Independent in recent years. I'm not the only person I know who's traveled a similar road.


New member
Nope, he was not. The Bible is quite silent on abortion for the simple reason that a foetus is not considered a child until one month post birth (for boy children, longer for girls.) Only then were they numbered among the "children of Israel. "

And that verse is found where in the Bible?


New member
He also said it's purpose is to make money by "entertaining people". When that's not what it's doing. It's purpose is to make as much money as possible for its capital investors, and it does that by selling advertisement time to whomever will pay them for it. The more people they can get to tune in, the more money they can demand for their ad-time.

But the right wing-nut media has learned that it can attract more viewers by telling them whatever lies they want to hear, and want to believe, and by generating lots of fear, then creating scapegoats for people to hate and blame it all on, than it can by just "entertaining" them with unbelievable stories. It's not "entertainment", anymore, it's propaganda. It's lying, fear-mongering, and scape-goating, for the purpose of selling ad time to whomever will pay them as much as they can get. People like Rupert Murdock used to sell "entertainment" in the form of bizarre phony news stories about Elvis being abducted by space aliens. But he eventually figured out that he could make even more money peddling lies that pretend to be the truth, and stir up people's fear, and bigotry, and blame, and loathing.

The republican party has learned that it can use these same rightwing audiences to win elections by doing the exact same things: telling them the lies that validate their ignorance and bigotry, by stirring up their fears, and by providing them scapegoats to hate and blame everything on. And of course those scapegoats are the republican's opponents: the democrats. So the republicans and the right wing-nut media have created a kind of "unholy alliance" in which they, together, promote the same lies, fears, and scape-goats to the same eager audience, each for their own ends.

You really have NO clue, do you.


New member
Hall of Fame
He also said it's purpose is to make money by "entertaining people".
And that makes you think he doesn't care about lies if it serves his agenda. Gotcha. :plain:

When that's not what it's doing. It's purpose is to make as much money as possible for its capital investors, and it does that by selling advertisement time to whomever will pay them for it. The more people they can get to tune in, the more money they can demand for their ad-time.

But the right wing-nut media has learned that it can attract more viewers by telling them whatever lies they want to hear, and want to believe, and by generating lots of fear, then creating scapegoats for people to hate and blame it all on, than it can by just "entertaining" them with unbelievable stories. It's not "entertainment", anymore, it's propaganda. It's lying, fear-mongering, and scape-goating, for the purpose of selling ad time to whomever will pay them as much as they can get. People like Rupert Murdock used to sell "entertainment" in the form of bizarre phony news stories about Elvis being abducted by space aliens. But he eventually figured out that he could make even more money peddling lies that pretend to be the truth, and stir up people's fear, and bigotry, and blame, and loathing.

The republican party has learned that it can use these same rightwing audiences to win elections by doing the exact same things: telling them the lies that validate their ignorance and bigotry, by stirring up their fears, and by providing them scapegoats to hate and blame everything on. And of course those scapegoats are the republican's opponents: the democrats. So the republicans and the right wing-nut media have created a kind of "unholy alliance" in which they, together, promote the same lies, fears, and scape-goats to the same eager audience, each for their own ends.
Yes it's an unfortunate thing.


New member
Thanks, I took a look at your link. I don't know much about Smirconish beyond name recognition, never listened to him, but I see from the reviews that he's a former conservative, now moderate? Is that still accurate?

I'd say so. I used to (recently) listen to his show on SiriusXM on a regular basis. It's political talk radio without the vitriol. He also got a regular show on CNN on Saturdays.

It makes me wonder how many people have swung moderate or changed affiliation from Republican to Independent in recent years. I'm not the only person I know who's traveled a similar road.

Both parties are shrinking, and that's actually a much longer-term trend. But I suspect his journey may have been similar to yours (and mine, for that matter), although he got a very direct, relatively early peek behind the curtain, which seemed like it kinda soured him on the whole thing.


Well-known member
I suspect his journey may have been similar to yours (and mine, for that matter), although he got a very direct, relatively early peek behind the curtain, which seemed like it kinda soured him on the whole thing.
You have to admit that it must be getting difficult to keep drinking that right-wing kool-aid these days when the republican party has sunk to levels of absurdity, stupidity, and pointless mean-spiritedness that no American alive has ever seen, before. A few days on TOL is proof enough that people can and do convince themselves of ANYTHING, no matter how absurd and idiotic, but when they have to keep doing it over and over and over, I think it wears down even the chronic self-decievers.


Well-known member
Hmmmmmmmmm. You Can’t Make This Stuff Up
Thomas DiLorenzo

Drudge headline: “Scalia Found Dead ‘With Pillow Over Head.'”

I would venture to say that Judge Scalia (R.I.P.) is not the first Italian to be found dead in such a way.