Report: Justice Antonin Scalia found dead


like marbles on glass
A couple of the crazier conspiracy comments out there:

This is where we know that accomplices were involved in the removal of the body from the murder scene. This is not a difficult case to close. Criminals always get caught because they are dumb, careless and greedy. How many do you suppose are guilty of this crime. Keeping in mind that once a secret is told, it is no longer a secret. My estimate is 8 -10 people took part in the overall murder....maybe twelve if we count the coroner and embalmer.


The main person who could have been behind Scalia’s death is President Obama, though Alex Jones and others have mentioned the Clinton family as well.

The theory is that Obama had Scalia killed so that he could fill his Supreme Court seat before he leaves office, though it appears it will not be easy for him to do that as the GOP-controlled House and Senate seem prepared to challenge any nomination. Another theory is that Obama’s administration was concerned about an upcoming ruling by the Supreme Court and wanted to take Scalia out of the picture.

The second source also wants to know why the family didn't want an autopsy. There are a lot of reasons why a family might not want an autopsy. Having a family member undergo an autopsy and having to read the report for his mother while screening the details because she couldn't bear to hear them is a difficult personal memory for me. I think it's tragic that the family would have to bear any flack for their decision.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Scalia obviously knew that our God-given rights were given to us in the Declaration of Independence and didn't feel it was the job of the federal government (which the last time I checked, you Libertarians hate) to write another document stating so.

One more thing: How can anyone vote Libertarian and say that they are pro life?

1.5 Abortion

Recognizing that abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, we believe that government should be kept out of the matter, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration.

Oh, and your conspiracy theory that Scalia was murdered:

He was most likely escorted out to Texas under the protection of the US Marshal Service. It was more than likely that background checks on all of the guests at the lodge were done as well.

But then, if it weren't for people like you, conspiracy nutcase Alex Jones would be out of job.

Alex Jones: Obama Murdered Justice Scalia And Donald Trump Is Next

How touching.....Is abortion murder AcW? Yes or No

Wow, a Libertarian lecturing me on the value of human life. You never cease to amaze me drbrumley.

.....Also note he said, ""I will strike down Roe v. Wade, but I will also strike down a law that is the opposite of Roe v. Wade."

It's really too bad that you have no clue as to the job duties of a Supreme Court Justice. Liberal SCOTUS Justices, because of their evil interpretation of the Constitution, are directly responsible for the death of 58 million unborn babies in the past 43 years. Had they understood their role as a SCOTUS Judge, they would have ruled (as Scalia pointed out in the Youtube interview) against Roe v Wade stating that the unborn aren't given due process (if you don't know what due process of the law is, look it up).

Obviously he didn't. So the federal government gave us our rights? So much for our God given rights.

Our Christian Founding Fathers wrote in a founding document (The Declaration of Independence) where our rights come from: God. It was judicial activist SCOTUS Judges that didn't acknowledge those rights when they ruled in favor of Roe v Wade.

Consider this history lesson on the house, as I feel it's my Christian duty to do my best to educate Libertarians such as yourself.


I just saw this, you can argue with Enyart about this.......

If you find an error, you can win 100 bucks

If Pastor Bob Enyart wants to fire the first shot and get his Christian theocracy underway , then so be it; but until then we have to abide by the Biblical based document that our great Christian Founding Fathers wrote: The Constitution of the United States.

Antonin Scalia was appointed as a Supreme Court Justice to uphold the Constitution, and as a conservative Judge, he did an excellent job.

If Pastor Enyart wants to go one on one with me over the supposed moral relativism of Antonin Scalia, I'm his huckleberry.


New member
You have to admit that it must be getting difficult to keep drinking that right-wing kool-aid these days when the republican party has sunk to levels of absurdity, stupidity, and pointless mean-spiritedness that no American alive has ever seen, before.

It's no party for moderates anymore. Some peel away, some double down. But the party moves as its base desires. The reason it's moved so far is that it has a core of voters who want it to do so. I don't think it's entirely unprecedented in American history though.


New member
The second source also wants to know why the family didn't want an autopsy. There are a lot of reasons why a family might not want an autopsy. Having a family member undergo an autopsy and having to read the report for his mother while screening the details because she couldn't bear to hear them is a difficult personal memory for me. I think it's tragic that the family would have to bear any flack for their decision.

In questionable deaths the family doesn't get to decide. The key procedure for finding evidence is the forensic autopsy, a procedure required in all cases of questionable cause of death.

That does make it quite fishy.


Well-known member
He should recognize he's a lame duck with low approval ratings and let the people decide who they would elect to do the appointing.

But it’s not true. Not only is he not a lame duck, his approval ratings are plain old average.

The President's job approval rate is currently about 46%



Source: Real Clear Politics

That's not low at all.

To put it in context:

- Reagan's approval rate at about this same point (Dec) was about 49%

- Clinton's approval rate at about this same point(Dec) was about 55%

- GW's approval rate at about this same point (Dec) was about 30%

Source: Pew Research

"Obama’s job rating higher than Bush’s, below Clinton’s, on par with Reagan’s at similar points of presidency":


Source: Pew Research

(Except Nixon, the one term presidents were also pretty much around the same approval rating starting their final year: Johnson 45%, Nixon 28%, Carter 50%, HW Bush 40% - I might have those a bit off, I just eyeballed them, but if you want to see, they're in the link):

If the Pew polls aren't okay with you, here are the Gallup polls as well, they're pretty much the same: Presidential Approval Ratings -- Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends

So Obama is pretty much average compared to other modern presidents starting their final year. But he's also had average approval ratings through his entire presidency. If you look at the highs and lows of all of their approval rates, every president since Kennedy has had lower approval ratings than Obama's lowest, and every president has had higher approval ratings than Obama's highest. He's been right down the middle. In terms of approval, Obama has been the most consistently average rated president of any contemporary president for the past 50 years. He’s never been as unpopular as any president since Kennedy, and also he’s never been as popular as any president since Kennedy.

Highs and lows of presidential approval:


His approval is very average.

So why should he step aside for the next president to make the SC appointment?

He should recognize he's a lame duck with low approval ratings

No. He’s not a lame duck at all. His approval ratings aren't low.

He should let the people decide who they would elect to do the appointing.

The people decided. Twice. The people elected him as president, twice. He still has another year left to go.

Besides, given the current presidential candidates, does anyone actually believe that the initial approval rate for whoever is elected is going to be much more popular than 50%? Maybe if Sanders can make it that far, he could wind up with some numbers. But that's a big if. Besides him, personally, I don't see any other candidate starting out with a big approval rating, Republican or Democrat. Every poll for every heads-up match has things very close (besides Sanders who is actually pretty far ahead in a couple of head-to-head polls.)

It seems pretty ridiculous to say that Obama's approval ratings are so low that he shouldn't be making presidential decisions. Okay, you don't like him. But calling him a "lame duck" is just empty. He’s not a lame duck. GW was a lame duck.

On the other hand, speaking of lame ducks, the current congressional approval rate is 13%. That's how the country is feeling about republican leadership right now. Not only that, the congressional approval rate has stayed below 20% for over 3 straight years.

In the Senate, Sanders has the highest approval rating (over 80%).

Obviously we really don't know what's going to happen with a court appointee. The republicans are already going to block Obama and he's probably going to push for an appointment. I have no guess right now what will happen, besides that people will bicker and act like experts and be led by the media but believe we’re thinking on our own and whatever happens happens and then half of us will complain about it and a bunch of people will say it was New World Order conspiracy and fraud.

But like him or not, it’s a total sham for anyone to be shouting that the President shouldn't be doing his job.


Well-known member
Ugh... I can't believe someone's already described Scalia's death as "fishy". :plain: I have't even gotten the chance to predict fishiness in a post. I was just getting to it. I've got to move faster.



In questionable deaths the family doesn't get to decide. The key procedure for finding evidence is the forensic autopsy, a procedure required in all cases of questionable cause of death.

That does make it quite fishy.

What's so fishy about a 79 year old man dying in his sleep? Justice Scalia fell within the upper range of white male life expectancy here in the US.

It's too bad that the media included in the AP article about Scalia's death the part about the pillow ("We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bedclothes were unwrinkled,” Texas millionaire John Poindexter told the San Antonio Express-News Sunday, describing how he found the 79-year-old jurist in the “El Presidente” suite at Poindexter’s 30,000-acre luxury ranch on Saturday.") as it gives those who are looking for a conspiracy under ever rock a reason to keep looking.

The general public doesn't know what kind of sleeping habits Justice Scalia had. As seen in this photo it appears that he used two pillows, who knows if he used a 3rd one and it fell onto his head sometime during the night.


The local authorities investigating his death are competent, let the great man rest in peace and stop the stupid nonsense saying that he was murdered.


Well-known member
WaPo: Conspiracy Theories Swirl Around Death of Scalia

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

February 15, 2016

Former homicide specialist stunned there was no autopsy. (Thanks to Diogenes)

The smoking gun pillow!

Because any fool knows that it's... Well, it's possible that an assassin of this extreme level might forget to take the pillow that they just smothered Scalia to death with off of his head.

What...? It could happen. Anyone can make a simple mistake... It's easy to forget the simplest things sometimes. You might forget your keys for example. Or you might forget your wallet. Or you might forget to rearrange the pillow you just assassinated a Supreme Court Justice with. It might sound kind of unlikely, but seriously, anyone might make that mistake. Yes, even a New World Order government assassin. They might forget. It could happen.

Think. It was probably pretty dark, even really dark, and the assassin could very, very easily have gotten all discombobulated... When he tiptoed like a mouse into Scalia's bedroom to smother him with a pillow, for the President of the United States. Or was it for Hillary Clinton? ... The plot is so deep it's hard to fathom.

Okay. A pillow. Do people think that they use Maxwell Smart style assassins or something? A pillow. And then they'd just leave the pillow there on his head. Someone actually thinks that? Someone thinks it's fishy that there was a pillow over his head? In his bed? A pillow on his head in bed. That's fishy? Like it's some halfwit assassin from a Pink Panther movie? Was the assassin distracted by a plate of bedside cookies or maybe spotted a sexy maid in the window across the way or something and they just forgot to rearrange the pillow?

Well, anyway... Fortunately, THall! figured it out.

Scalia was murdered.

Nothing gets by that steel crap I mean trap of a mind!

I only wish Donald Trump could have gotten there in time to save Scalia from the liberal assassin. Sigh. Stupid freedom-restricting speed limits.
Last edited:


Well-known member
It's no party for moderates anymore. Some peel away, some double down. But the party moves as its base desires.
These extremists are not the party's base. They never were. But the republican party cannot win elections through its base, alone. There simply aren't enough people willing to vote for a party that only serves the wealthy. So the religious extremists have become the party's go-to 'swing voters'. They use them to fill in the gap between their base voters and the votes they need to win elections. And it's worked for them in the past. Unfortunately, these extremists are nuts. They are so extreme that they make the party look like lunatics to moderates, and now days even to their own base. Yet the republican party has become "addicted" to using these extremists to win elections, and so they just can't seem to stop pandering to them. And the result is a party that looks to most of America like incompetent obstructionists who's electoral candidates all appear to have just fallen out of a clown car.

The republican party needs to jettison these extremists, and do it soon. But they believe they still need these extremist 'swing voters' to win elections. So they're trapped by their own deceits. And as a result they just keep getting more absurd, and more extreme.

At the rate they're currently proceeding, I expect they are not only going to continue losing the presidential elections, but they're going to lose their majorities in the house and senate, too. Because the American people are getting sick and tired of the insane partisan nonsense.
The reason it's moved so far is that it has a core of voters who want it to do so. I don't think it's entirely unprecedented in American history though.
They are NOT the core republican voters. They are an extremist 'swing' voting block that the republican party generated, by deceit, to win elections. They were just marginalized fringe extremists until Carl Rove "discovered" them and used them to get "W" elected. (Well, not elected, really, but close enough to steal an election.)


Don't cha just hate it when a perfectly good conspiracy theory goes sour?

Judge reveals Scalia's serious health problems

Fed. 15, 2016

A Texas county judge said on Monday that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had been suffering from serious health problems in the days leading up to his death, contradicting claims that Scalia had been in good health before passing away in his sleep on Saturday.

Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara, who declined to request an autopsy on Scalia, told The Associated Press that she spoke with Scalia's personal physician, who said that he had been dealing with heart conditions, high blood pressure and a torn rotator cuff that he was too weak to have surgically repaired. Guevara also said she had spoken with Rear Adm. Brian P. Monahan, the attending physician for the Supreme Court and Congress, who told her that Scalia had undergone MRIs for the shoulder injury this past Wednesday and Thursday..

Read more:|maing9|dl1|sec1_lnk2&pLid=-231633308

Not that the above information will stop nutcases like Alex Jones from continuing his "Scalia was murdered!" rants.


like marbles on glass
The smoking gun pillow!

Because any fool knows that it's... Well, it's possible that an assassin of this extreme level might forget to take the pillow that they just smothered Scalia to death with off of his head.

What...? It could happen. Anyone can make a simple mistake... It's easy to forget the simplest things sometimes. You might forget your keys for example. Or you might forget your wallet. Or you might forget to rearrange the pillow you just assassinated a Supreme Court Justice with. It might sound kind of unlikely, but seriously, anyone might make that mistake. Yes, even a New World Order government assassin. They might forget. It could happen.

Think. It was probably pretty dark, even really dark, and the assassin could very, very easily have gotten all discombobulated... When he tiptoed like a mouse into Scalia's bedroom to smother him with a pillow, for the President of the United States. Or was it for Hillary Clinton? ... The plot is so deep it's hard to fathom.

Okay. A pillow. Do people think that they use Maxwell Smart style assassins or something? A pillow. And then they'd just leave the pillow there on his head. Someone actually thinks that? Someone thinks it's fishy that there was a pillow over his head? In his bed? A pillow on his head in bed. That's fishy? Like it's some halfwit assassin from a Pink Panther movie? Was the assassin distracted by a plate of bedside cookies or maybe spotted a sexy maid in the window across the way or something and they just forgot to rearrange the pillow?

Well, anyway... Fortunately, THall! figured it out.

Nothing gets by that steel crap I mean trap of a mind!

I only wish Donald Trump could have gotten there in time to save Scalia from the liberal assassin. Sigh. Stupid freedom-restricting speed limits.



Well-known member
There wasn't an autopsy because there is no question of the circumstances of his death … except in the minds of people who have no idea what actually happened.

And they don't matter to the people who actually do know what happened.