Report: Justice Antonin Scalia found dead


we don't want anymore liberal judges legislating from the bench
same sex marriage
religious freedom
health care
this will be the first presidential election
where this will be properly discussed
while watching a war in the senate over obama's appointment

Properly discussed by which candidate? Pleazeeee. Trump is incapable of discussing anything. Teddy and Rubio will not discuss, they will pontificate in favor of their religious position, Jeb is too boring to even listen to and Kasich may discuss the issue but the crazed Republican base will not bother to listen



Alex Jones is gonna have a field day with this (conspiracy! conspiracy!).

I mean what are the chances of a 79 year old man actually dying in his sleep? (Scalia was murdered I tell ya!).


But then B. Hussein Obama's grannie did die the night before the election...(and I hear tell there were pillow marks on her face).


Well-known member
Alex Jones is gonna have a field day with this (conspiracy! conspiracy!).

I mean what are the chances of a 79 year old man actually dying in his sleep? (Scalia was murdered I tell ya!).


But then B. Hussein Obama's grannie did die the night before the election...(and I hear tell there were pillow marks on her face).

It's already begun...


I hope for the sake of equal justice for all in this country (which few here seems to care about) that the next appointee is neither a liberal nor a conservative, but is simply a very knowledgable and capable unbiased jurist.

You mean someone that would abide by the Constitution of the United States and it's original intent? (psssst, that would make them a "conservative": conserving the Christian values of our Founding Fathers).

Justice Scalia, by the way, was an embarrassment to the court. So although his death is unfortunate for he and his family and friends, it is a fortuitous event for the nation as a whole.

(That's PureX's way of mildly spitting on Antonin Scalia's grave. He saves the big hawkers for websites like the HuffPo and Daily Kos).


Well, glad you acknowledge Ron never said that by providing that clip.:)

"Do I think that the President knew about it? ...No", was a nice attempt at a disclaimer.

Back to Justice Scalia's death. If he was murdered, the hit man was an amateur (leaving a pillow over his head).


[Note to self]You just can't speak nicely to really stupid people who insist on arguing for argument's sake[Note to self]

(Since when did someone so obsessed with me that he previously had me mentioned on his signature care about speaking nicely?).

Back to the topic of the thread: How do you Libertarians feel about Antonin Scalia's performance as a Supreme Court Justice? Being a conservative, he probably voted against everything that you Libertarians slither stand for.


New member
Obama is so moderate he's nearly a conservative, AND he's a constitutional scholar, so I actually think it's likely that he will NOT choose a hard liberal, and will instead choose a highly qualified non-partisan. Though I fully expect the republicans will label whomever he chooses a rabid liberal communist demon-spawn.

Are you talking about Obama being a moderate or conservative COMMUNIST? If not, you're out of your mind.


New member
Seems he died suddenly in his sleep at age 79. I can't think of a more peaceful way to go.

Why did you post Proverbs 8:36?

(( HE Wasn't Murdered????? ))?????????

He's The "(( Number ONE!! ))" Worst man F-O-R OBAMA!!!! -- N-o-t going to Check And SEE - WHY He Died???????? -- (( W-H-A-T!!!! ))???? -- O-F -- C-O-U-R-S-E -- N-O-T???!!!!!!

(((( Watch Your N-E-W-S!!!!!! ))))!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 021516


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
acw is just like all the other idiots who listen to talk radio
they will not vote
they don't get cruz
allow another democrat to appoint another liberal to the court
then wonder why we are going in the wrong direction
grow up
start thinking for yourself
stop being led by talk radio