Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

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Scriptures teaches that Christ died for all - Nang says 'not so' Nang a follower of scripture?

Nang has no knowledge of her own salvation. She has no testimony nor can even consider having one because it can't possibly matter and is afraid if she examined herself to see if she was "in the faith" she might not like what she finds..
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Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Sorry Bro., But I have to take issue with that insofar as innocence is not holiness/dvinity. Both Adam and Jesus, though coming on the scene by the direct hand of God, were both innocent to be made holy by a series of moral choices. Adam failed first time out. Jesus didn't and was transfigured and by coming back down from being on the mount and crossing over into glory to hang on a cross, enabled man to become as He presently is.

He redeemed man but not all mankind has/will not buy into it, preferring rather to continue in the path of Adam's failure. In other words man was created to be made as Jesus Christ and it is now possible by his own volition to choose it for himself. The final end will be that he is brought unto glory as an heir of God and joint heir with Christ Jesus.

Pretty neat plan God has engineered for Himself set in mankind, eh?

I appreciate your time in explaining this.

I agree with you.

I Love how you described the engineering aspect. I agree and love how you said it.

My fragmented words can be confusing.

I end up generating books, so I try to keep things as rapid as possible.

I also recognize that Adam was created without sin. There was no law, for man hadn't selected to know good from evil at Creation.

That came later, and those few steps could generate volumes of man spun theological exposition.

In short.... I genuinely agree with your well written expression of this.

Perhaps if I had said.... Adam was not God. He was elected dominion over earth, but He was to trust the dominion of God over him. In morally choosing to know as God, mankind rebelled against the authority of God. In quick words, we had the only King, worthy of being King, but we essentially tried our hand at the throne, by the suggestion of one who had desired to be in dominion over all creation and desired to have equal authority as God.

Jesus on the other hand was and is God, thus Jesus demonstrated how His dominion over all is Sovereign, because He alone is the Righteous Servant King that demonstrated that we as human beings should trust Him as He as God trusted God. (Sounds difficult when not referred to as Father and Son). He is the only one capable of sustaining all, has all and is genuinely unconditionally Loving and Self Sacrificing.

Please keep on me. I trust your sharpening.

If you still see error in my words, I want to know if it is the words I use, ore the idea behind the words.

Either way, please continue, if you see a way of sharpening my expression of these things.

I never reject sincere theological guidance.

All respect Cross Ref.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
You are right to correct me about being on this thread earlier. I had left off reading here because I gave up on Sonnet.

So I missed out on the arrival of NIG and now must play catchup.
I think the word you are looking for is ........ "Oops".



But this post has even grown to represent more than just Calvinist.

(Correct me if you disagree Sonnet)

It appears to have extended to all that trust the pulpit and human exposition of scripture by commentary or other past Jesus as the Theology and the Spirit as the Commentary.

Oh, and I love that graphic!!!

Pride and ego get in the way. Jn 3:16 isn't going anywhere.


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Sorry Bro., But I have to take issue with that insofar as innocence is not holiness/dvinity. Both Adam and Jesus, though coming on the scene by the direct hand of God, were both innocent to be made holy by a series of moral choices. Adam failed first time out. Jesus didn't and was transfigured and by coming back down from being on the mount and crossing over into glory to hang on a cross, enabled man to become as He presently is.

He redeemed man but not all mankind has/will not buy into it, preferring rather to continue in the path of Adam's failure. In other words man was created to be made as Jesus Christ and it is now possible by his own volition to choose it for himself. The final end will be that he is brought unto glory as an heir of God and joint heir with Christ Jesus.

Pretty neat plan God has engineered for Himself set in mankind, eh?


I do not count myself without error, and am always eager to grow.

I was expressing that the very Spirit of God that is called (Pneuma), is the very word that was used in Hebrew as (Breath) of God into Adam.

In other words, God is the infinite Spark of life that brought Life to the clay He lovingly formed Adam out of, and that was passed to Eve through Adams Rib.

The individuality of our Soul... Our living soul is not the Spirit of God. But the Spirit of God is the very mystery that gives all humanity life?

The combination of the Spirit of God and the Clay of the earth made us a living soul.

Jesus on the other hand is the lineage of humanity, guided by Jesus/YHWH to express Himself as the Union of Humanity/Creation and The Full identity Of God/Spirit/Father..... Struggling to express Fully God, Son of God, Son of Man, Son of the Father, yet Father and Son One.

And yes... Engineered seat of God, Temple of God, Fully God, (Not created, but in place as YHWH with us) before the foundation of all things.... All things to and through Him.... before Creation as The manifestation Of Elohim as seen in the Protoevangelium.
In other words. ...... In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was With God and the Word Was God........... And the Word Became Flesh.

Is that better, or still theologically off to you?

Your opinion matters.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


No gifted faith anywhere in the scriptures, N,I.G. unless you are thinking of the Pentecostal gifts of the Spirit that includes one.

Which post number?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

No gifted faith anywhere in the scriptures, N,I.G. unless you are thinking of the Pentecostal gifts of the Spirit that includes one.


Lol... That one is easy to explain.

I was quoting a Forum OP Nang referred to that she had wrote.

In context of 1815, and quoting towards Nang....

This is a copy of your thread, which I respectfully read.

""""""""""""". Nangs quoted words below.......
The forgiving and saving grace of God comes to sinners unconditionally through faith; not by works.

Repentance is not required to be forgiven (justified) by God; rather repentance is evidence the sinner has been saved by God's power and grace, through gifted faith, alone.

All empirical and scriptural knowledge, denies any hope of universal forgiveness (atonement). Such is simply wishful thinking, that only perverts the Truth.

Nick's earlier thread OP includes the quote of Romans 5:18 to suggest that the death of Jesus Christ universally paid for "all" sins, but Romans 5:19 quantifies Paul's gospel message as pertaining only to "many."

Fixed it and added quotes from Nang

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


...[F]ar be it that he is open to instruction in the Truth of God at all.
Except that you're not teaching the truth (2 Pe 2:1). Greek paganism has no place in theology. God does not see a future that doesn't exist. :dizzy:

You have sided with an avowed enemy of Jesus Christ...
With your Jesus? Who wouldn't be his enemy? Sonnet has more hope than you (Re 3:16).
...and have chosen to keep score against me? You have insulted and disappointed me beyond words.
Not as disappointed as I am each time I meet a Calvinist. I bet your prayers don't go beyond the ceiling--ask God. If you don't believe you can change his heart and mind, then make better use of your time (and no--he's not outside of time either :hammer:). Calvinist pious platitudes: :eek: When I pray I am changed, God isn't. Know what? You're right. :freak:

I wouldn't spend 12 seconds with your Jesus. :granite: A walk on the lakeshore in the cool of the day? I've got loved ones down there burning in hell, God. Really not in the mood. Eat a meal at the marriage supper? My loved ones are in torment right now. Not too hungry, Lord.

Thank goodness your Jesus doesn't exist.


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

No gifted faith anywhere in the scriptures, N,I.G. unless you are thinking of the Pentecostal gifts of the Spirit that includes one.

Cross Reference......

Wrote you a book at 1822 and 1827

Also, the words you were calling me on in 1815 were sloppily copied from Nang in my attempt to show her that I read the words she cited for others to read.

I fixed it and added quotes.

As far as 1822 and 1827,

Please check me and see if that clarifies the divinity post thing.

If it doesn't, please consider how I incorporated your good response and tried to clarify what I meant.

It was in light of someone on my back and responding a little too quickly.

I would like your evaluation of the two books.... Lol and if you might, better words in light of the 2 phrases you selected about divinity that hold context in the debate, but don't lead to confuse the intended message....

I'll go back and edit if we can figure something out.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Except that you're not teaching the truth (2 Pe 2:1). Greek paganism has no place in theology. God does not see a future that doesn't exist. :dizzy:

With your Jesus? Who wouldn't be his enemy? Sonnet has more hope than you (Re 3:16).
Not as disappointed as I am each time I meet a Calvinist. I bet your prayers don't go beyond the ceiling--ask God. If you don't believe you can change his heart and mind, then make better use of your time (and no--he's not outside of time either :hammer:). Calvinist pious platitudes: :eek: When I pray I am changed, God isn't. Know what? You're right. :freak:

I wouldn't spend 12 seconds with your Jesus. :granite: A walk on the lakeshore in the cool of the day? I've got loved ones down there burning in hell, God. Really not in the mood. Eat a meal at the marriage supper? My loved ones are in torment right now. Not too hungry, Lord.

Thank goodness your Jesus doesn't exist.

I don't have the stones to hit the thank button on this one but, I was laughing at the dialogue with God and was smiling at the context.


Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."

Cross Reference

New member
I appreciate your time in explaining this.

I agree with you.

I Love how you described the engineering aspect. I agree and love how you said it.

My fragmented words can be confusing.

I end up generating books, so I try to keep things as rapid as possible.
I would buy one if you did.

I also recognize that Adam was created without sin. There was no law, for man hadn't selected to know good from evil at Creation.

Again and briefly, we must keep in mind that adam did have a relationship with God. Ergo, he knew what good was. What he didn't know was temptation and its effects on his human frame and because he didn't God had to subject him to Romans 8:20 KJV in order for him to have to deal with it from only his own innocent flesh. Four thousand years later the scene would be repeated but with further clarity with Jesus in the wilderness, per Matt and Luke 4:1

Perhaps if I had said.... Adam was not God. He was elected dominion over earth ,

That was in the form of a "promise".

but He was to trust the dominion of God over him. In morally choosing to know as God, mankind rebelled against the authority of God.

I personally believe we make to much of that reasoning as being the only reason by NOt keeping in mind Rom 8:18-20 KJV

That was the "problem" by which the solving of it could only bring the "promise" to fruitition.

This scene was again played out between God and the children of Israel, i.e., Promise, Problem, Provision. Spelled out as being the 'Promise' of deliverance from Egypt. The 'problem journey' in the wilderness for the proving of God's people, and then the entering into the Promised Land" [provision] by those who were found faithful. We know how that all played out before they entered in. In the Christian life Rom 8 is the "promised Land".

In quick words, we had the only King, worthy of being King, but we essentially tried our hand at the throne, by the suggestion of one who had desired to be in dominion over all creation and desired to have equal authority as God.

Given the inclusion of Eve into the mix to make complete the issue of Romans 8:20, I gotta believe Adam's human nature was all that was needed for him to reject God and all his promises that came with being faithful to Him. I believe under the right 'vain' thinking, the law of our flesh can easily overrule our allegiance to God, don't you think? It is sort of like saying, culture/law of the flesh is stronger than doctrine, especially dead doctrine. All of this merely points up the professing Christians need to have the life of God indwelling him as Jesus, the man, certainly exemplified as one "filled with Grace and Truth".

Jesus on the other hand was and is God, thus Jesus demonstrated how His dominion over all is Sovereign, because He alone is the Righteous Servant King that demonstrated that we as human beings should trust Him as He as God trusted God. (Sounds difficult when not referred to as Father and Son). He is the only one capable of sustaining all, has all and is genuinely unconditionally Loving and Self Sacrificing.

Can God be our example for living our life unto Him or is this not the reason why Jesus was human flesh as we are, subjected to the same things we are. Was He not given the "promise" foretold in Isaish 9:6, the "problem" to overcome to become, and finally, given the 'Provision' [glorification] for His faithfulness? per Heb 2:10,11 KJV; Php 2:9 KJV

Please keep on me. I trust your sharpening.

I wish you could bottle your disposition and give me to drink. . . ;)
If you still see error in my words, I want to know if it is the words I use, ore the idea behind the words.

Likewise. Brother. Please be patient with me as well.

Either way, please continue, if you see a way of sharpening my expression of these things.

I never reject sincere theological guidance.

Nor I, irrespective of how I might come across sometime. I cherish sincerity from others. I am however, no theologian.
All respect Cross Ref.

Again, likewise and more.

Cross Reference

New member
I read it...

We are closer than you wish to believe, but I add...

Romans 14:11Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

11 For it is written:

As I live, says the Lord,
every knee will bow to Me,
and every tongue will praise God.
Again, people will indeed reject God to His known face, but that hasn't happened yet in the Spiritual kingdom revelation
In this age, all are given Commandments of Love that bind them to universally love. In this, Love is the supreme trait of Gods people!

Ps, I'm not talking about the Decalogue or Mosaic law that it represents.
Consider how Paul suggest an unbeliever Married to a believer might be saved by union with the believer. Are we not Spiritually bound by Jesus to Jew and Gentile alike. There is no favoritism in the eyes of God. Jesus set out for the hearts of all.

We must exalt faith in the idea that Jesus accomplished much more on the cross than is said by today's logic.

God never said bury my inheritance, He said to multiply His inheritance.

We must have faith God saved ALL. This way all pride is removed! This way God alone will judge.

This way the places of worship, all who gather there, and all who share this understanding would propagate unconditional Love as the mark of God. This way the true measure of God may be genuinely expressed.

This way people will stop rejecting the idea of God because they don't want others judgment Lording over their lives and propagating the idea that we are created by a lazy Father that is devoid of Love to some of His children.

Verbatim, I have problem with it because I see the Calvinist religious agenda written into the Holman commentary.

We might want to discuss more on this.

Cross Reference

New member
I do not count myself without error, and am always eager to grow.

I was expressing that the very Spirit of God that is called (Pneuma), is the very word that was used in Hebrew as (Breath) of God into Adam.

. . .that gave Adam his own spirit and Adam for which he became a unique living soul. [God had a soul, you know] Hence we are made in His image. However, it was the image of the Word who was, I believe originally purposed to indwell Adam. . . :) But He had to put off 4k years to indwell Jesus, the second Adam.

In other words, God is the infinite Spark of life that brought Life to the clay He lovingly formed Adam out of, and that was passed to Eve through Adams Rib
Sure. And we know that when a person dies, his spirit returns to God, who gave it.
The individuality of our Soul... Our living soul is not the Spirit of God. But the Spirit of God is the very mystery that gives all humanity life?
Mystery or miracle. I'll take it either way.

The combination of the Spirit of God and the Clay of the earth made us a living soul.
Be careful here because it was mans own spirit united with his 'clay' that made him the living soul he was. Mans spirit is uniquely his as God's is uniquely His: "My Spirit will not always strive with man" At this point in time was mans spirit a barrier to his soul receiving the Spirit of God. Fallen man's independance and freewill all factor into this. And yet we find this: Gen.4:26 which says fallen man was not left alone by God that He could not teach man His ways. Why? God had a creation to keep alive for His purposes set in their lives being conformed to His image.

Jesus on the other hand is the lineage of humanity, guided by Jesus/YHWH to express Himself as the Union of Humanity/Creation and The Full identity Of God/Spirit/Father..... Struggling to express Fully God, Son of God, Son of Man, Son of the Father, yet Father and Son One.

That is over my head brother. Too much to sort out for believing as written without another mountain words to take in and the beat goes on much to the delight of religionists...

Try this: The Word entered a body prepared for Him. That would be the new birth from above for us confessing Christians. Same, same. ". . . if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." Romans 8:11 (KJV) We can open this up later for more clarification.

And yes... Engineered seat of God, Temple of God, Fully God, (Not created, but in place as YHWH with us) before the foundation of all things.... All things to and through Him.... before Creation as The manifestation Of Elohim as seen in the Protoevangelium.
In other words. ...... In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was With God and the Word Was God........... And the Word Became Flesh.
That is YOU N.I.G.! Is that not what God has in mind if we consider ourselves as heirs of God? Who is this "promise" held out to if not?
Is that better, or still theologically off to you?

Your opinionmatters.

You are too kind, Bro. I am no theologian but I believe God for His Holy Spirit insight while purposing myself remain it open for correction.

Thank you for your lov'in Jesus as I do. .. .:)


TOL Subscriber
Meaning all spiritual knowledge is transcendant . . . even your brand, whatever it is. Buyer beware!

Knowledge has a source. For spiritual knowledge, it is the transcendant God of the Christ Faith.

I know you don't have the knowledge (epignosis) that love abounds in (Phi 1:9) as faith works through love. I well understand your plight.

When one doesn't have knowledge (oida) or knowledge (epignosis), one thinks it's all knowledge (gnosis).

In John 17, we're to know (gnosis) Him the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent. I guess scripture promotes Gnosticism, according to you.

You diapered novices really need to stop speaking.
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