Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Cross Reference

New member
Reformed Theology is the study of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, of which you are a part if you are not Roman Catholic.

The Reformation's great cry and commitment is Sola Scriptura, which stresses the Bible's inspiration, authority and sufficiency.

Then why not adhere to it as being such without attempting to make it fit what is read from you that doesn't add up to its sound doctrine? You don't make sense. Throw away your commentators, read your Bible and write your own.

God's Truth

New member
I'm sure there are a number of words mentioned quite a few times in Romans. Not sure this is relevant.

Indeed - but the law will only be fulfilled through faith in Christ. I'm not an antinomialist.

You say you are not a Christian either.

The no works ARE CIRCUMCISION. The no works is about CIRCUMCISION/Ceremonial works. It is PLAIN that circumcision is the works spoken of. Circumcision is the SEAL and PROOF of the ceremonial works.

God's Truth

New member


No sin is good. None is edifying.

But I'm pointing out that we all have fallen short and are condemned.

In finding Jesus who Loves us and had already found us, He is our propitiation and LIGHT.

I'm asking you, do we demand Fleshly absence of sin as part of our witness.

In other words, do you teach that the righteous that are saved are void of physical, fleshly sin in simple reference to the Law of Moses that you still recognize as being Gods law.

Most specifically, Moses in light of commandments of flesh.

Again, do you demand that they who are saved are free of sin in the flesh by humanly judgeable standards?

We are to WORK OUT our salvation with trembling and fear. If you are not trembling with fear at the thought of sinning, are you acting out of line with the gospel?

2 Corinthians 7:15 And his affection for you is all the greater when he remembers that you were all obedient, receiving him with fear and trembling.

God's Truth

New member
NO! What part of God's Truth (not gt's) gt does not understand?


James 2:10 - For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

I am speaking about the ONE LAW OF LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. You cannot love our neighbor unless you obey the whole law.

patrick jane

Reformed Theology is the study of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, of which you are a part if you are not Roman Catholic.

The Reformation's great cry and commitment is Sola Scriptura, which stresses the Bible's inspiration, authority and sufficiency.
Calvinists create a god that's evil

Eagles Wings

New member
There is a big difference from Luther to Calvin.

Would you not agree?
Yes, however, they were both great men of the Reformation era and have wisdom and theology that benefit all believers.

There are two movies available about Luther, one in black and white and the other more recent. If you like history, you will enjoy these.

Eagles Wings

New member
No disrespect meant here, but why do I need to reform theology?

I thought the Holy Spirit and the Bible were good for that.

On the flip side... Could you please use quotes from Calvin and the studies you deem valuable in the ism to refute any or all of my points?
I'd rather not spend time refuting your points unless you are sincere in learning more about Reformed Theology. We can talk by PM if you want further resources.
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Elect, in adjective form, means to 'be chosen'.

Therefore, anyone who says they 'chose God' is categorically wrong.

That is why this conversation is pointless- if people can't come to terms with what scripture outright defines God's people as being, then they really are at odds with their alleged worldview, not Calvinism- Calvinism is what they have taken to project their theological insecurities on.

No worries Crucible.

Could you please explain who is Chosen by God and how He made His election, so I may further understand you?


I'd rather not spend time refuting your points unless you are sincere in learning more about Reformed Theology. We can talk by PM if you want further resources.

I read this, and I appreciate your response.

I believe you are suggesting I may have an answer to my request that you refute my statements with more than your own words, only if I bathe in the words of men who enjoy pre chewed food.

Did I understand correctly?


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

See exposition of the WCF here.


So, I linked to the link and recoiled in fear.

I read such things for years, and one day I read a bible verse that kicked my ear.

1 John 2:27

27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

........... I suddenly found that asking a homeless persons views on God taught me 10000 times more that people who defended the teachings of men.

I am edified from dialogue, challenge, debate, rebuke and even condemnation.

However, where one man defends another mans doctrine, I find that their stance ceases to come from the heart, and instead comes from defending their theological idles.

There are plenty of fallible men speaking in scripture for me to hear the Spirit through.

I'm done adding to that list beyond the bible.

Now, when one desires to share from their personal revelation from walk and reading....

I genuinely have difficulty turning away.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."