Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

I couldn't care less what you think of me.

Debate the scriptures and stop attacking me personally.


Sister, I know this is all frustrating to you.

Could it be that the Spirt of Our Living God and the words we speak about Him are personal.

Is it possible that a statement like False Teacher, Pharasee, Accuser or any of the like may be a bad way of dealing with disagreement?

Maybe, just maybe it's Kosher to agree to disagree patiently, believe that Jesus is a safe place to declare peace and treat dialogue as a matter of mutual growth.

Once Someone professes Jesus as from the Father and therefore God, it's safe to not be afraid of hellfire for sharing ideas.

After all, isn't that what we are all here to do.

Share ideas and grow.

Surely you admit growth each day in your walk with Jesus?

God's Truth

New member

Sister, I know this is all frustrating to you.

Could it be that the Spirt of Our Living God and the words we speak about Him are personal.

Is it possible that a statement like False Teacher, Pharasee, Accuser or any of the like may be a bad way of dealing with disagreement?

Maybe, just maybe it's Kosher to agree to disagree patiently, believe that Jesus is a safe place to declare peace and treat dialogue as a matter of mutual growth.

Once Someone professes Jesus as from the Father and therefore God, it's safe to not be afraid of hellfire for sharing ideas.

After all, isn't that what we are all here to do.

Share ideas and grow.

Surely you admit growth each day in your walk with Jesus?

I am not even going to read any of this. Please stop talking about what you think of me. Let's talk about the scriptures, God's Word.

God's Truth

New member
God's Truth: Obey Jesus' teachings (scriptures given).

You and others: Do you ever sin?

God's Truth: I stopped sinning, if I do sin I would repent of it.

You and others: You are boastful.

...and they do not see the ignorance in their accusation.

God's Truth

New member
Sonnet, are you a Christian? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Are you confused as to the many different denominations and teachings?

If you want understanding, there is ONLY ONE WAY TO GET IT.

Would you like to know how?


New member
Sonnet, are you a Christian? Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Are you confused as to the many different denominations and teachings?

If you want understanding, there is ONLY ONE WAY TO GET IT.

Would you like to know how?

PM me if you would like to.


Just asking to get back to the OP.


So I believe man likes to hijack God to instill fear, and possibly even govern with claim that they are ruling by the authority of God, and thus speaking as God.

This makes the teaching of Eternal Torment a perfect place to start.

No, no. It's ok, you can question me, but have fun in Hell buddy.

Or maybe it helps men teach as if they were God teaching.

As in, no worries, you can ignore me, but have fun roasting buddy.

But the worst thing this teaching does is undermine the perfectly just character of God who paid for ALL sin!

Why does someone who disagreed have to pay for their sins, even if they are bound for destruction.

Losing loved ones and living life provides enough punishment, and just because someone transgresses God, why would God roast them in a way that says....

Yes, Yes... I still Love you, Im just not "in" love with you any more. Followed by a wink and a push into the eternal flames of torture.

It doesn't add up, or run congruent with Gods love.

In addition, Jude lists Sodom and Gomorrah as an example of handling of the Wicked.

They and the city are consumed.

Nowhere does it place them in an eternal pit.

Plus if Jesus says that we should fear the One Who can destroy the body and soul, how does that imply eternal hell fire?

Seriously, it implies a finality.


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Best to post elsewhere then.

Also, I would like to add... God can do what He wants!

Yup, if He wants to fire up the grill and spitfire He's God after all.

But the Law taught Stoning, and it was followed to the letter, then Jesus shows up and says: He without sin cast the......

Well, you know.

My point is, it almost seems as if that Love thing and common sense is an expectation of God.

Wait, no way! God wouldn't want us to use Love and Common sense.

I'm sure He's happy at the turmoil of the world!

Nope! Just kidding.

He's probably placing His palm to His forehead saying: what part of love, forgive and Me demonstrating that I would rather suffer than loose any of you, did you not understand?


Rebuttal of the dreadful doctrine of reprobation

Oh yeh, or the picture of God scratching His head.

Um, I made this soul thing eternal, I can't destroy it.

Hmmmm, I guess I'll just throw it away into a nice flamey dominion of eternal pain.

Yup, problem solved.


God called Jerusulem,

"the city which I have chosen" (1 Kings 11:32)

but Christ says:

Luke 13:34
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing."

Israel was God's elect but they were enemies of the gospel. Enemies of the gospel are not saved.

Romans 11:28
"Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers."

Isaiah 45:4
For Jacob My servant’s sake,
And Israel My elect,
I have even called you by your name;
I have named you, though you have not known Me.

God's elect went to hell.
None answered