Who appreciates macho?
In fact, who even says that?
Men and women with low self esteem.
Who appreciates macho?
In fact, who even says that?
Men and women with low self esteem.
I don't see macho as a positive quality. IMO It has nothing to do with manliness and everything to do with overcompensatory swagger.
4. You can make her lamb shanks and risotto for dinner and Eggs Benedict for breakfast... all from scratch.
The Village PeopleWho appreciates macho?
In fact, who even says that?
Who appreciates macho?
In fact, who even says that?
your favorite band!
warning: inappropriate for small childrenSpoiler![]()
The people who say it generally don't appreciate it. I would say that 90% of trump male voters are macho whether they know it or not. It used to be the typical behavior of men everywhere. I would say all trump voters appreciate macho even if they are not consciously aware of it. It's those males who never behave macho or display feminine traits that get noticed by the trump voter. Macho has largely disappeared from public discourse thanks to feminist shaming, but the mindset is still alive and well in the persona of the average male trump voter.
Not a single one of those criteria apply to me, yet I detest everything Donald Trump stands for.
I don't believe I have ever met anyone who fits this elaborate description of a "metrosexual". And I have spent a lot of time in major cities (30 years of my life) where I assume such creatures would be most likely to exist. In fact, I think they are mostly a mythical stereotype created by homosexual men who write and produce TV shows, and who think there are lots of heterosexual men who live like they do (when there aren't). But the angry ignoramuses among us eat this kind of nonsense up like candy because they can use these imaginary "metrosexuals" as scapegoats to make fun of. That's what ignoramuses do, after all, instead of doing anything of any actual positive social value.
If 90% of Trump voters are men who feel a need to prove how macho they are, and worse- that they "appreciate macho," that explains a lot...
Really... what guy says "I appreciate macho!"
Feel free to quote me as saying what you said. I never said anyone says verbally " I would appreciate macho". I never said trump voters need to prove they are macho. That is your projection. Take the graduate record exam and you will fail those sections of the verbal test that measure your ability to accurately understand the authors meaning in a passage.
Feel free to quote me as saying what you said. I never said anyone says verbally " I would appreciate macho". I never said trump voters need to prove they are macho. That is your projection. Take the graduate record exam and you will fail those sections of the verbal test that measure your ability to accurately understand the authors meaning in a passage. The trump voter appreciates macho because that way of thinking has come standard with being male for millennia. It is only when a man becomes indoctrinated in college or some special training about feminism that they start to lose their inborn macho.
Feel free to quote me as saying what you said. I never said anyone says verbally " I would appreciate macho". I never said trump voters need to prove they are macho. That is your projection. Take the graduate record exam and you will fail those sections of the verbal test that measure your ability to accurately understand the authors meaning in a passage.
Yes or no: Do you appreciate macho?
Yes....it's normal humanity. I don't think about it however or go out of my way to see if I'm macho. It only becomes an issue when men who lack it start attacking men who have it in spades as in the trump campaign. It's at that point it reenters conscious thought.
Who appreciates macho?
In fact, who even says that?
It's funny how women, who consistently chore over their hair, make up, nails, clothes, shoes, and basically every vanity relevant to a person's body have an opinion on how men portray themselves.
And then feel persecuted when men do it to them. Hypocrisy laced in hypocrisy- the flattery of emancipated women![]()
Yes....it's normal humanity. I don't think about it however or go out of my way to see if I'm macho. It only becomes an issue when men who lack it start attacking men who have it in spades as in the trump campaign. It's at that point it reenters conscious thought.