re: Trump and punching people in the face

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
you misspelled 'alcoholic retard'

Doubtful as I'm neither a troll masquerading as an ambassador for Christian faith or lacking in the ability to converse in my native tongue, verbally and else.

I have no difficulty in spelling 'sociopath', 'troll' and 'sad little git who needs to get a life outside library opening hours' by way of examples.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's funny. If you were grown up, you wouldn't be playing games when you pretend like you want a serious answer and then give me a flip response. Get back to me when you have grown up loser.

Do you even have a sense of humour or capable of taking any sort of ribbing in the light hearted vein it was given? You've not managed to give a serious response to anyone as it is and yet they've managed to give a definition of macho and well under three hours at that.



“Two great European narcotics, alcohol and C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶i̶a̶n̶i̶t̶y Atheist Progressivism.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche (revised)


like marbles on glass
I probably have some metrosexual tendencies so let's see. :think:

I used to love BR. I don't get there often anymore but I think their style is getting further from what I prefer.

No, no, no, and no. A man-purse could be nice at times though. :eek: And I used to have more shoes than I do now. Mostly I don't go out enough to wear a variety. :chuckle:


No. But I wish I was more skillful in the kitchen. Spaghetti for dinner and pancakes from a box for breakfast are more on my level. :chuckle:

Hell. No.

No, no, yes. Dry skin sucks.



No. I enjoy wine but I can drink the cheap stuff. :chuckle:

Sure, why not.

:chuckle: Well done.