Racism in America

The Barbarian

The number of people who have merely inherited wealth without earning it is indeed increasing.

It's an increasing drag on the economy, as wealth becomes harder for the middle class to achieve.

Sowell is the apologist for those parasites.


And here we have a white guilt ridden liberal who is responsible for holding the Black man down with his racist policies, putting yet another Black man down .

The number of people who have merely inherited wealth without earning it is indeed increasing.

It's an increasing drag on the economy, as wealth becomes harder for the middle class to achieve.

Sowell is the apologist for those parasites.

Now now barbarian, if you want to talk about the Kennedy's and their silver spoon wealth, how about we start another thread about those parasites?

The Barbarian

Aw... Connie's projecting again. Obviously, Jack, Ted, and Bobby did greater things than their father. And some of their offspring have been achievers also, albeit not as successfully as their parents.

That's how it works. Privilege often harms one's potential. But wealth and contribution to society are often diametrically opposed. For every Steve Jobs, there's two Koch brothers.


Aw... Connie's projecting again. Obviously, Jack, Ted, and Bobby did greater things than their father. And some of their offspring have been achievers also, albeit not as successfully as their parents.

John F. Kennedy: Adulterous affair with Marilyn Monroe, Bay of Pigs/Cuban Missile Crisis, etc.

Teddy: Helped bring the legalization of abortion to the US, adulterous affairs, left a young college student to drown in a car while he ran away hoping to find an alibi, etc.

Bobby: He did stand up for Joseph McCarthy, so I will give him credit there.

Now that you've drooled over people that inherit their wealth, how about we return to talking about white guilt ridden liberal racism and the devastating effect that they've had on Black Americans?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Nobody's interested in lynching you as why would they? You're not a martyr for anything besides your own ego fuelled delusion. Clowns don't warrant that dude...

The questions were completely straightforward and your complete reticence to answer has already given you away. You support Creativity Movement and you don't think that white supremacists are racist.

All that was needed to know really unless you care to differ?

Seeing as you haven't differed I'll take your silence as confirmation aCW.

What a crank.


Seeing as you haven't differed I'll take your silence as confirmation aCW.

What a crank.

It appears that you conveniently missed the most important part of my earlier post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Either contribute to the thread by stating that racism isn't a problem here in the US or if you acknowledge that it is, provide a remedy for it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It appears that you conveniently missed the most important part of my earlier post:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Either contribute to the thread by stating that racism isn't a problem here in the US or if you acknowledge that it is, provide a remedy for it.

Alright. Crack down on white supremacist nutcases and those who support such organizations, like you for a start.


Alright. Crack down on white supremacist nutcases and those who support such organizations, like you my good buddies WizardofOz and GFR7 for a start.

Fixed that for ya. (And yes, we need to crack down on both white and black supremacist organizations, which would involve exposing racists like B. Hussein Obama and others for what they really are).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Fixed that for ya. (And yes, we need to crack down on both white and black supremacist organizations, which would involve exposing racists like B. Hussein Obama and others for what they really are).

No you didn't. You're obviously at the very least sympathetic to causes like Creativity Movement and you can't even answer the simplest of questions as to whether or not white supremacists are racist. That said it all and this thread is simply a feeble attempt at justifying your own puerile racism. I doubt it's fooling anyone...


No you didn't. You're obviously at the very least sympathetic to causes like Creativity Movement and you can't even answer the simplest of questions as to whether or not white supremacists are racist. That said it all and this thread is simply a feeble attempt at justifying your own puerile racism. I doubt it's fooling anyone...

On that note: Have a wonderful drama queen day Art.

The Barbarian

Fixed that for ya. (And yes, we need to crack down on both white and black supremacist organizations, which would involve exposing racists like B. Hussein Obama and others for what they really are).

Connies auto-defense: deny everything, make counter-accusations. It might be a bit obvious, but for Connie, it has one desirable quality.

It requires no heavy thinking.


You too, as well as one of denial. White supremacist knobs really don't have room to talk about racism and there's no drama in pointing that out - except to white supremacist knobs.

Connies auto-defense: deny everything, make counter-accusations. It might be a bit obvious, but for Connie, it has one desirable quality.

It requires no heavy thinking.

"A" is also for Alinsky, as in Saul:

Obama's skewer-the-messenger strategy ( Saul Alinsky taught tactics for Community Activists )

Socialist and community activist Saul Alinksy taught organizers to ridicule opponents when the arguments of their opponents could not be refuted by logic, evidence or argument. He advocated denying the truth or just plain lying. In Alinksy's world, the end always justified the means.

Alinsky's acolytes on the left have learned the lesson well. Because they dare not address the questions raised, they attack the one asking the questions.




Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"A" is also for Alinsky, as in Saul:

Obama's skewer-the-messenger strategy ( Saul Alinsky taught tactics for Community Activists )

Socialist and community activist Saul Alinksy taught organizers to ridicule opponents when the arguments of their opponents could not be refuted by logic, evidence or argument. He advocated denying the truth or just plain lying. In Alinksy's world, the end always justified the means.

Alinsky's acolytes on the left have learned the lesson well. Because they dare not address the questions raised, they attack the one asking the questions.

Oh, go and quote Arian Supremacy.org or something to slate another black celebrity or whatever, and then hide the source and play ignorant when it's pointed out as you did on your stupid MLK thread. Your racism is blatant and there for all to see.


Oh, go and quote Arian Supremacy.org or something to slate another black celebrity or whatever, and then hide the source and play ignorant when it's pointed out as you did on your stupid MLK thread. Your racism is blatant and there for all to see.

"D" is for drama queen drugs: As in recreational drug riddled Black Community.

Crack Cocaine epidemic

The Impact of Crack Cocaine on Black America

Black males, between the ages of 26 to 34, reported using crack cocaine more than any other racial and gender combination (Peters, Williams, Ross, Atkinson, & Yacoubain, 2007) and according to Hartley and Miller (2010), 85% of offenders arrested for crack cocaine were Black.
http://www.nationalforum.com/Electr...Cocaine on Black America NFJCA V2 N1 2013.pdf

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
Connie's auto-defense: deny everything, make counter-accusations. It might be a bit obvious, but for Connie, it has one desirable quality.

It requires no heavy thinking.

Connie helpfully provides an example:
"A" is also for Alinsky, as in Saul


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"D" is for drama queen drugs: As in recreational drug riddled Black Community.

Crack Cocaine epidemic

The Impact of Crack Cocaine on Black America

Black males, between the ages of 26 to 34, reported using crack cocaine more than any other racial and gender combination (Peters, Williams, Ross, Atkinson, & Yacoubain, 2007) and according to Hartley and Miller (2010), 85% of offenders arrested for crack cocaine were Black.
http://www.nationalforum.com/Electr...Cocaine on Black America NFJCA V2 N1 2013.pdf

Because white folk don't have drug addictions...

Why are white supremacists invariably thick?


I don't want to jump ahead to the letter "P" which stands for Public Education quite yet, as there are many more letters to cover before I get to the letter "P".

I do however feel the need to inform the readers of this thread that because of our current state of public education, many Black children are suffering.

Granted, the fact that some public school teachers promote sexual perversions such as homosexuality, incest and pornography on an internet forum, might be a good reason as to why public education is in the sad state that it is today.