Racism in America


Is there any particular reason why you are projecting rather than answering a simple question?

Here it is again:

Do you need help? Let me show you how it's done.

Yes, AB, white supremacists ARE most definitely racist.

How many times do I have to answer: Yes, I consider people who voted for the Obama Presidency which amongst other things promotes the disproportionate murder of unborn black babies to be racists.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Was it not established in this thread long ago that you and your fellow white guilt ridden liberals who hold the black man down with your racist policies make you (in your mind) supreme to them?
See, I hope Angel sees this sort of habit on your part at some point and recognizes the problem with you. You don't behave like an honest man. An honest man would be offended by the question, but he'd answer it. Just as an honest man wouldn't deflect, repeatedly, when asked about the JB business or fail to stand ready to and actually offer proof of his asserted authority, as you failed to do when challenged on your claim regarding your profession long ago.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Was it not established in this thread long ago that you and your fellow white guilt ridden liberals who hold the black man down with your racist policies make you (in your mind) supreme to them?

See, I hope Angel sees this sort of habit on your part at some point and recognizes the problem with you. You don't behave like an honest man. An honest man would be offended by the question, but he'd answer it. Just as an honest man wouldn't deflect, repeatedly, when asked about the JB business or fail to stand ready to and actually offer proof of his asserted authority, as you failed to do when challenged on your claim regarding your profession long ago.

Let me help you with that answer TH:

An honest man would vote for Obama.

I guess that makes you an honest man ey TH?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Then you would despise liberal policies that have not only held Black Americans down, but destroyed their communities.

Yes Art, I do consider you, WizardofOz and other white people who think that they are supreme to blacks by legislating policies that destroy them to be racists.

It's okay Connie, I doubt anybody really expected you to answer, after all, you know how much whacko white supremacist garbage is tolerated around here. Just ask Drake Shelton...

The thing is you can't even condemn a site you used as source material to attack a black man. It seems obvious now that you used it deliberately but tried to hide it as you know it wouldn't fly. Now you've been asked a very simple question and do your darndest to deflect around what should have been a very easy answer to make, that being that yes, white supremacists are racist, you couldn't because you're obviously one of them.

Sometimes not giving an answer is an answer in itself.


Hall of Fame
Nope, I despise racism of any sort. Do you consider white supremacists to be racist?

Is there any particular reason why you are projecting rather than answering a simple question?

Here it is again:

Do you need help? Let me show you how it's done.

Yes, AB, white supremacists ARE most definitely racist.

How many times do I have to answer: Yes, I consider people who voted for the Obama Presidency which amongst other things promotes the disproportionate murder of unborn black babies to be racists.

Your dishonesty has been noted. You are simply incapable of stating ...

White supremacists are racist.

The fact that you are unwilling to even address a simple question is exactly why people don't believe anything you have to say.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Let me help you with that answer TH:
You trying to help someone with honesty would be like Madalyn O'Hair conducting a Sunday school class.

An honest man would vote for Obama.
Rather, an honest man would tell you if he did and you asked. And he'd offer proof of credentials he rested on and would explain himself when he gave the appearance of using a racially insulting term. That sort of thing.

I guess that makes you an honest man ey TH?
Not by your definition, because voting for someone else the last time around would contradict it. But you already knew that, which makes our effort...well, you know that too.


Back later with more "C" is for crime.

We'll see how white guilt ridden liberals just slobber all over themselves when they watch Black youths burn down their own neighborhoods because of alleged police "racism."


Hall of Fame
Back later with more "C" is for crime.

We'll see how white guilt ridden liberals just slobber all over themselves when they watch Black youths burn down their own neighborhoods because of alleged police "racism."

Say the person who feels the need to bring race into every issue ...


The thing is you can't even condemn a site you used as source material to attack a black man.

For those of you that aren't familiar with the anal retentive writings of Art Brain, he's still obsessed with the fact that I used a site that I later found out was anti Semitic to expose the truth about Martin Luther King Jr. (who as shown earlier in this thread, met with Jew haters Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X....which of course isn't important to Art).

A broken clock is right twice a day Art. I use all kinds of websites (Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign, etc. etc. etc.) if they contain the truth about the subject that I'm talking about, and will continue to do so even though the people behind the source are baby murderers, child molesters and anti Semitic.


Say the person who feels the need to bring race into every issue ...

If I start a thread entitled "Racism in America", I suppose I should occasionally talk about racsim ey Sandy?

Now if you don't think racism is a problem in America, please show us that it isn't, and we can all email the guy who you voted for (twice?) and let him know to shut his trap as it really isn't a problem.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For those of you that aren't familiar with the anal retentive writings of Art Brain, he's still obsessed with the fact that I used a site that I later found out was anti Semitic to expose the truth about Martin Luther King Jr. (who as shown earlier in this thread, met with Jew haters Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X....which of course isn't important to Art).

A broken clock is right twice a day Art. I use all kinds of websites (Planned Parenthood, Human Rights Campaign, etc. etc. etc.) if they contain the truth about the subject that I'm talking about, and will continue to do so even though the people behind the source are baby murderers, child molesters and anti Semitic.

How could you possibly not know where your "evidence" was sourced from? I don't buy it. I reckon you knew exactly where you were quoting from but even say you didn't, how come you couldn't condemn 'Creativity Movement' for the freak show it is once it had been discovered to be the source? Not only would you not do so you've continually avoided answering whether white supremacists are racist and that points to one thing.

You're one yourself. Anyone who wasn't would have slated Creativity Movement and given an obvious 'yes' to the question about white supremacists being racist.

It's not a shock by any means.


Well said.

Welcome back to the "Racism in America" thread TOL Super Moderator bybee!

I just wanted to say that I am so glad that TOL management has chosen someone who like themselves (Knight, Bob Enyart, who is a Christian Pastor, Ebenz, Sherman, Poly and previously Delmar) is a devout Christian who believes in God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture which includes valuing the sanctity of life and standing up for traditional family values, which of course means traditional marriage.

It's great to have you posting in this thread!


New member
Welcome back to the "Racism in America" thread TOL Super Moderator bybee!

I just wanted to say that I am so glad that TOL management has chosen someone who like themselves (Knight, Bob Enyart, who is a Christian Pastor, Ebenz, Sherman, Poly and previously Delmar) is a devout Christian who believes in God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture which includes valuing the sanctity of life and standing up for traditional family values, which of course means traditional marriage.

It's great to have you posting in this thread!

Thank you!


When I heard someone refer to Jews as a race several years ago, my first reaction was "How can it be a race when people of all ethnic backgrounds can join and leave the Jewish religion?

According to the author of this article, Jews are not a race (but note that a SCOTUS ruling in the 1980's designated it a race for purposes of certain anti discrimination laws).

On that note:

"H" is for Hymietown (which makes the race baiting Revvvverend Jesse Jackson not only an anti-Semite but a racist.)

Jesse Jackson's 'Hymietown' Remark – 1984

Rev. Jesse Jackson referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in January 1984 during a conversation with a black Washington Post reporter, Milton Coleman. Jackson had assumed the references would not be printed because of his racial bond with Coleman, but several weeks later Coleman permitted the slurs to be included far down in an article by another Post reporter on Jackson's rocky relations with American Jews.

A storm of protest erupted, and Jackson at first denied the remarks, then accused Jews of conspiring to defeat him. The Nation of Islam's radical leader Louis Farrakhan, an aggressive anti-Semite and old Jackson ally, made a difficult situation worse by threatening Coleman in a radio broadcast and issuing a public warning to Jews, made in Jackson's presence: "If you harm this brother [Jackson], it will be the last one you harm."

Finally, Jackson doused the fires in late February with an emotional speech admitting guilt and seeking atonement before national Jewish leaders in a Manchester, New Hampshire synagogue. Yet Jackson refused to denounce Farrakhan, and lingering, deeply rooted suspicions have led to an enduring split between Jackson and many Jews. The frenzy also heightened tensions between Jackson and the mostly white establishment press.




Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How could you possibly not know where your "evidence" was sourced from? I don't buy it. I reckon you knew exactly where you were quoting from but even say you didn't, how come you couldn't condemn 'Creativity Movement' for the freak show it is once it had been discovered to be the source? Not only would you not do so you've continually avoided answering whether white supremacists are racist and that points to one thing.

You're one yourself. Anyone who wasn't would have slated Creativity Movement and given an obvious 'yes' to the question about white supremacists being racist.

It's not a shock by any means.

No answer aCW?

Another answer all by itself, and please stop tagging your own threads...


No answer aCW?

Another answer all by itself, and please stop tagging your own threads...

Answer to what? I guess in order to answer one of your questions, I'd first have to read your obsessive posts.

Either contribute to the thread by stating that racism isn't a problem here in the US or if you acknowledge that it is, provide a remedy for it.

If not, it appears that the lynch party is still going strong and in need of another drama queen.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Answer to what? I guess in order to answer one of your questions, I'd first have to read your obsessive posts.

Either contribute to the thread by stating that racism isn't a problem here in the US or if you acknowledge that it is, provide a remedy for it.

If not, it appears that the lynch party is still going strong and in need of another drama queen.


Nobody's interested in lynching you as why would they? You're not a martyr for anything besides your own ego fuelled delusion. Clowns don't warrant that dude...

The questions were completely straightforward and your complete reticence to answer has already given you away. You support Creativity Movement and you don't think that white supremacists are racist.

All that was needed to know really unless you care to differ?


And now a few words from a racist tolerant homosexual.

George Takei's Racist Rant: Clarence Thomas Is a 'Clown in Black Face'

George Takei unleashed a racist rant against Clarence Thomas, sneering that the Supreme Court justice is a "clown in blackface." The Star Trek actor on Monday fumed, "[Thomas] is a clown in blackface sitting on the Supreme Court. He gets me that angry. He doesn't belong there."

Talking to a local Fox affiliate in Phoenix, Takei snarled that the second African American on the Supreme Court is unqualified: "This man does not belong on the Supreme Court. He is an embarrassment. He is a disgrace to America."
- See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-...clarence-thomas-clown-black-face#.aiz9ri:pFFl

Clown in a black face? Surely Georgie boy isn't making a reference to Al Jolson?




I wish we had some African-American TOLers to comment and get their point of view. Maybe we do and we just don't know? I can only remember one TOLer who stated he was African-American. I seem to remember he was a young guy, an agnostic, whose dad was a dentist.

Great idea. Here's some words from a Black American talking about

How white progressives have deliberately enslaved and destroyed American blacks

For the last seventy years, liberals have asked blacks to elect and empower them so that they could defend us from racist conservatives who were trying to keep us down. They said that without them, we would be relegated to an inferior education, lower-paying jobs, and the sorrow of institutional racism. (And it has happened, but with a different cause.) But after all this time in power, how has liberalism benefited us?

An analysis of the leading indicators for a good quality of life for the black population (employment, education, crime, and family) shows that in many ways, the current generation of black youth is in worse shape than the last. It seems incredible that in the 21st century, we could be backsliding, but the facts don’t lie.

The black unemployment rate is 89% higher than the white rate (8.7% versus 16.5%). This is after nearly seventy years of the solid black vote for liberals. At each election, liberals say that blacks need protection from conservatives, but there are no conservatives anywhere near us. The only thing that all of the people who set the policies that affect us have in common is that they are all liberal. Our cities have been under liberal control for decades, and they are also where the black economic and social indicators are the worst; and the mainstream civil rights movement that claims to represent us never questions whether or not liberalism is partially to blame.

Inner cities have higher taxes, more costly business expenses, slow police response, more crime, and therefore less economic opportunities. All these problems are exacerbated by liberal tendencies to raise taxes, stack up regulations, and blame society instead of the criminals for crime, which results in soft-on-crime police and judicial systems.

The high black unemployment rate is partially explained by the fact that the high school dropout rate in major cities is close to 50%, with some as high 75%. What employment prospects can we expect for a generation of men without high school diplomas? Liberals run the school systems, but their philosophy is not held liable for the tragic circumstances we find ourselves in. They lower standards in the name of fairness to the underachievers, and then they fight vouchers that would allow us to take our scholastic business elsewhere. The result is kids who are less prepared for college than those they must compete with...

Look at the state of the black family; the black illegitimacy rate is near 70%. Coupled with high divorce rates, it’s a pretty good bet that any given young black lives with his mother. Beginning in the 1960s, liberals told us that we didn’t need marriage to enjoy our sexuality. They said that marriage was cramping our style and that a woman needn’t be “dependent” on a man to help with the family. They said she could do it all. (One activist said that “women need men like fish need bicycles.”) Liberals encouraged us not to consider being married a prerequisite for having kids — so we didn’t, and look what it has caused: millions of single women trying to earn a living while raising kids and running a household alone, while burdened with the crushing weight of disciplining our young men and instilling virtue in our young women.

Our cities are infested with crime. Blacks make up 49% of all homicide victims and 35% of state and federal prisoners. The liberal solution to crime is to look for racial discrimination in law enforcement and criminal sentencing. I can remember that when I was a kid, the liberals attacked street crime police decoy units for being racist since most of the people caught were black. Well, they stopped, and now look at crime. Liberals have diverted money from law enforcement to social programs. Every time a new prison is proposed, the civil rights “professionals” claim that it’s part of a plan to unfairly round up and imprison our men.

Welfare is a good example of a liberal policy that has devastated us. The last generation grew up with unrestricted welfare, and its effects are still being felt. Unrestricted welfare meant that anyone could receive welfare at any time and would never be kicked off. I can recall men in my neighborhood in their thirties who were dropouts and had never held a job. Yet with all of that spending, liberals could never find the money to lower police response time — something that would have an immediate and beneficial impact on all of our lives. It would lower crime, increase business, and lower costs...

And through it all, nearly 90% of blacks loyally vote for liberal candidates. This has got to stop before we are a permanent underclass. Blacks must abandon their blind support of liberals and support candidates who will focus on lowering crime, improving schools, and encouraging commerce. These priorities are mostly found with conservative candidates. It’s ironic that now that we have the freedom to vote for whomever we like, almost all of us vote for one type of candidate — the kind that’s the worst for us.

Read more: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1065818/pg1?disclaimer=1

