Racism in America


It seemed to be directed at anybody. Do you consider white supremacists to be racist?

It wasn't directed towards me as I've made my stance very clear on race relations:

1). Hard work earns respect
2). Embrace God's Word.

Now an answer to your question:

Yes, I've made it clear that you white guilt ridden liberals (who as shown are also anti Semitic) are racists, including the race-baiter (The Berean) who posted the videos.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It wasn't directed towards me as I've made my stance very clear on race relations:

1). Hard work earns respect
2). Embrace God's Word.

Now an answer to your question:

Yes, I've made it clear that you white guilt ridden liberals (who as shown are also anti Semitic) are racists.

I think racism of any description is vile, so I'm not sure how that makes me a "white guilt ridden liberal" exactly. You OTOH have obviously not answered the question.

Do you consider white supremacists to be racist?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The thing I've noticed about racists in modern society is that they're often accustomed to code, misdirection, defense via offense and creative lying.

Below is an example of a couple of those.
That question is of course directed to the democrats/liberals in this thread, as they identify with the political party that founded the KKK, and as shown through numerous posts of mine are the real racists.
Except, of course, that he racist wing of the Democratic party long ago moved to the Republican party, along with other genuine conservatives, which is why the South is a near lock for whoever gets the GOP nod.

Lincoln's party was the more progressive of its day.

I think racism of any description is vile, so I'm not sure how that makes me a "white guilt ridden liberal" exactly. You OTOH have obviously not answered the question.

Do you consider white supremacists to be racist?
He's not here to deal with the substantive part of the problem. He's here to put on an offense and try to misdirect the argument and examination, projecting it onto the least problematic and least empowered, traditional victim of that particular.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And and and it was those racist Republicans that sneaked into the Democratic Convention and booed God and Israel.
How would that be about race again or in any part rebut my historically verifiable points? :plain:

Else, you're mistaking a number of yahoos, not popularly elected by anyone, with their constituents. I don't know how many of the people you're clinging to for a point did that, but I know that over 90 percent of the present Congress claims Christianity, including over 80 percent of the Democrats. Link The Christian Post


How would that be about race again or in any part rebut my historically verifiable points? :plain:

It's that Christian thing, i.e. love your neighbor as you'd love yourself.

Else, you're mistaking a number of yahoos, not popularly elected by anyone, with their constituents. I don't know how many of the people you're clinging to for a point did that, but I know that over 90 percent of the present Congress claims Christianity, including over 80 percent of the Democrats.

Then those democrats better look at a legitimate version of The Holy Bible (not the Queen James version), because their pro abortion, pro homosexuality, pro redistribution of wealth platform goes against everything that God stands for (and as shown with abortion and homosexuality, and will be shown with government handout programs, has been extremely destructive to the Black Community).

BTW, I thought you only voted for B. Hussein Obama in the 2008 election? You're sure acting like someone who defends the Democratic Party.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's that Christian thing, i.e. love your neighbor as you'd love yourself.
So that's not an answer...well, at least you're consistent.

Then those democrats better look at a legitimate version of The Holy Bible (not the Queen James version), because their pro abortion, pro homosexuality,
And there you go with the next goal post. I didn't say the party platform isn't flawed. I noted that over 80% of the party representatives in Congress, who are Democrats, are also professing Christians.

pro redistribution of wealth platform
You mean like Jesus and the common purse? But what particular plank are you failing to cite to with that one?

goes against everything that God stands for
No. That's still the party of feeding and clothing the poor, of seeing to it that the sick have doctors, etc.

I'm not interested and have omitted your faux reference to concern for a community you disdain enough to refer to as JBs.

BTW, I thought you only voted for B. Hussein Obama in the 2008 election?
I did. And I voted otherwise in 2012. So I'm not wed to either party, but the Republicans weren't offering the right message or candidate in 08. Neither managed it in 2012. That's politics for you.

You're sure acting like someone who defends the Democratic Party.
It's like I said in my interview a long while back, its a perception reflecting the make up of posters here. If this were a similarly situated left wing site I'd be getting the same suspicion and accusation from the left.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's that Christian thing, i.e. love your neighbor as you'd love yourself.

So that's not an answer...well, at least you're consistent.

It's not an answer, it's the answer.

Jesus didn't say in John 14:6

"I am a way..."

He said "

I am the way..."

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Then those democrats better look at a legitimate version of The Holy Bible (not the Queen James version), because their pro abortion, pro homosexuality,

And there you go with the next goal post. I didn't say the party platform isn't flawed.

Gee, do ya think that a political party that backs the extermination of 58 million unborn babies and just redefined God's institution of marriage just might have a "flaw" or two? (and as shown, both abortion and homosexuality have had a devastating effect on Black Americans).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
pro redistribution of wealth platform

You mean like Jesus and the common purse?

You're obviously confusing the One who said "Thou shalt not steal" and promoted tithing and charitable giving with this guy:


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's not an answer, it's the answer.
No, it literally didn't answer my question about how the cat calls of some were racist.

Gee, do ya think that a political party that backs the extermination of 58 million unborn babies
Platforms are only meaningful when you build something on them. So I remind you that Roe is already there, was put in play by a court stacked by Republicans, not Democrats and that the total can then be as easily set at the feet of the de facto sponsoring administrations and party.

and just redefined God's institution of marriage
And that's a point blank lie. The laws relating to marriage in our compact are not God's, which is why any number of people have married without a whisper of invocation of His authority. Atheists, by way of. And changing the law of our compact isn't altering or attempting to alter religious law.

You're obviously confusing the One who said "Thou shalt not steal" and promoted tithing and charitable giving with this guy:
Taxes aren't stealing unless you have a horrible dictionary. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, then do more with the plenty God provides.

He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14: 12-14​


New member
No, it literally didn't answer my question about how the cat calls of some were racist.

Platforms are only meaningful when you build something on them. So I remind you that Roe is already there, was put in play by a court stacked by Republicans, not Democrats and that the total can then be as easily set at the feet of the de facto sponsoring administrations and party.

And that's a point blank lie. The laws relating to marriage in our compact are not God's, which is why any number of people have married without a whisper of invocation of His authority. Atheists, by way of. And changing the law of our compact isn't altering or attempting to alter religious law.

Taxes aren't stealing unless you have a horrible dictionary. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, then do more with the plenty God provides.

He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14: 12-14​

Well said.


"C" is for crime:

While white guilt ridden liberals continue to make excuses for immoral behavior in the Black Community, these sort of things continue to take place:

'50 teens' storm Walmart in destructive rampage

Store contents 'shattered, destroyed, turned over and thrown about'

June 30, 2015

Police in Macon, Georgia, say up to 50 teenagers stormed into and trashed a local Walmart store over the weekend, causing thousands of dollars in damage in what appears to be an organized attack.

The onslaught took place at 1:45 a.m. Sunday, and an incident report from the Bibb County Sheriff’s office says floors in parts of the store on Zebulon Road were “coated with broken merchandise.”

“The length of the store from front to rear was lined with items which had been shattered, destroyed, turned over and thrown about,” the report said.

Surveillance video, which police have not released to the news media, shows the crowd yanking a man off an electric wheelchair and tossing him to the ground at the store on Zebulon Road. The Walmart is located just east of Interstate 475 in one of Macon’s most frequented shopping areas.

The video reveals 17-year-old Kharron Nathan Green entering the store first, displaying gang signs. He was then followed by a large crowd of other teens that investigators number between 40 and 50.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/06/50-teens-storm-walmart-in-in-destructive-rampage/#boum5rzHSZFbJeYF.99



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's not an answer, it's the answer.

No, it literally didn't answer my question about how the cat calls of some were racist.

Having to vote 3 times (followed by a booing after the questionable decision on the vote was made) to allow God into the Democratic Platform says it all. Remember that these people at the Democratic National Convention were delegates who represented democrats (like you) nationwide.

If a political party denies God, then they deny what Jesus says in Matthew 22:36-40.

You can't love God or your neighbor as you'd love yourself if your party is legislating policies that have been devastating to the Black Community.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Gee, do ya think that a political party that backs the extermination of 58 million unborn babies

Platforms are only meaningful when you build something on them...

Without a doubt the Democratic Party Platform has been built on misery and death.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
and just redefined God's institution of marriage

And that's a point blank lie. The laws relating to marriage in our compact are not God's, which is why any number of people have married without a whisper of invocation of His authority. Atheists, by way of. And changing the law of our compact isn't altering or attempting to alter religious law.

That doesn't change the fact that the institution of marriage is defined by God in Genesis (one man, one woman) and that throughout time all civilizations acknowledged that definition.

And then we got civilized:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You're obviously confusing the One who said "Thou shalt not steal" and promoted tithing and charitable giving with this guy:

Taxes aren't stealing unless you have a horrible dictionary. Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, then do more with the plenty God provides.

My dictionary defines theft as "A criminal act in which property belonging to another is taken without that person's consent."

When the baby murdering-sodomite loving Marxist who some call the President takes money from tax payers to give to others whom he deems is in need or to bailout failing corporations, that is theft.

You're obviously aware that tax money is also being used to fund abortion and homosexual causes, would Jesus approve of that as well?


No, it wasn't. Do you consider white supremacists to be racist?

Yes Art, without a doubt, you and your left wing movement are racist.

And as shown, your good friend WizardofOz' Libertarian movement is racist.

I haven't been back to my lynch party in awhile to see what's going on, but please take your drama there unless you intend to defend liberal/Libertarian policies that have destroyed the Black Community.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes Art, without a doubt, you and your left wing movement are racist.

And as shown, your good friend WizardofOz' Libertarian movement is racist.

I haven't been back to my lynch party in awhile to see what's going on, but please take your drama there unless you intend to defend liberal/Libertarian policies that have destroyed the Black Community.


Nope, I despise racism of any sort. Do you consider white supremacists to be racist?


Hall of Fame
Yes Art, without a doubt, you and your left wing movement are racist.

Is there any particular reason why you are projecting rather than answering a simple question?

Here it is again:

Arthur Brain said:
No, it wasn't. Do you consider white supremacists to be racist?

Do you need help? Let me show you how it's done.

Yes, AB, white supremacists ARE most definitely racist.


Nope, I despise racism of any sort.

Then you would despise liberal policies that have not only held Black Americans down, but destroyed their communities.

Do you consider white supremacists to be racist?

Yes Art, I do consider you, WizardofOz and other white people who think that they are supreme to blacks by legislating policies that destroy them to be racists.