Questions for Arians


Well-known member

Notice he did not say ει in the greek
Doesn't need it. It says, literally, "to Him." Done deal, no?

Striking this out, doesn't make it unreadable or go away:
It IS just that clear. I've pedantically shown it to be. Nobody can obscure this. It just can't be done. You can try if you like but I'm confidant in my language ability. -Lon
It IS just this clear.


Well-known member
Since you don't know how to define vulgar, being vulgar at it....

Such is infraction-worthy on TOL, however.
In other words, foul language.

That's against the rules, and is infraction worthy.
On top of infraction-worthy, It isn't fit for spiritual conversation so I'm ever bothered by it. It lowers the conversation that is supposed to be spiritual, down to a fleshly basal level. Instead of being about God and His revelation, it becomes about 'how you appropriately/inappropriately feel about it" instead.


Doesn't need it. It says, literally, "to Him." Done deal, no?

2 objects can be implied. The sentences are not complete in Greek unlike in the English which mistranslates it as ending in exclamation point also. How stupid are the translators who first used an exclamation point are, I wonder?


Well-known member
2 objects can be implied. The sentences are not complete in Greek unlike in the English which mistranslates it as ending in exclamation point also. How stupid are the translators who first used an exclamation point are, I wonder?

Incorrect. The Greek is EXACTLY that clear. To me, it seems YOU are trying to import English into a Greek text (importantly) that stands as COMPLETE without the imposition. IOW, at that point you are certainly reading 'into' the text. That's a " :nono: "

It IS just that clear. I've pedantically shown it to be. Nobody can obscure this. It just can't be done. You can try if you like but I'm confidant in my language ability. -Lon

2 objects can be implied. The sentences are not complete in Greek unlike in the English which mistranslates it as ending in exclamation point also. How stupid are the translators who first used an exclamation point are, I wonder?

Er, punctuation like that doesn't 'change' the meaning, it emphasizes it. You are free to put a period there if it bothers you. Such changes not a lot, about next to nothing. ANY liberty we take with the text should not/cannot change the meaning of the text. Huge huge difference.

Gary K

New member
It's a loaded religionizing baloney word.

LOL... I see. Words that express concepts that you don't like are phony made up words.

You're actually pretty funny because I got a good laugh out of the fact that you used a made up word to say indwell is made up world. When I look for an authority on words I go to the dictionary not some anonymous person on the internet who likes to make up words.


Well-known member
I might add, so as to clarify that I am not disparaging Arius, for he had the right idea.

God alone is the God and God had a son, Jesus the anointed one, who is an entirely separate entity from God himself.
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Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
This is an dishonest comment.

The only one being dishonest here is you.

What I said is I don't read the way you do.

In other words, you twist what scripture says to fit your beliefs. That much we know already.

Did Jesus or did Jesus not affirm Paul as His messenger to the Gentile?

Quote scripture to support your answer.

Another nitpicking comment.

It is so lame.

This is a non-substantive comment.

Please put more effort into your posts, or I'll kick you from the thread.

Gary K

New member
Another nitpicking comment.

It is so lame.

So, you see misrepresenting who the Holy Spirit is as basically meaningless? What did Jesus say about blaspheming the Holy Spirit? He said all manner of sins could be forgiven, but blaspheming the person of the Holy Spirit would not, could not, be forgiven. That sounds extremely serious to me.

Gary K

New member
This is an dishonest comment.

What I said is I don't read the way you do.

That was not, and is not, a dishonest statement. You claim that the plain wording of scripture is too confusing to be understood. Jesus time after time referred to the Holy Spirit as he. He spoke of the Holy Spirt with pronouns such as whom, himself, and he. He never once called the Holy Spirit an it, and yet you do. You're the one saying those verses just can't be understood for you deny not only the words of Jesus, you deny the meaning of the English language by refusing to acknowledge that words have specific meanings. You claim following the grammatical rules of the English language is just too confusing.

Sorry, Meshak, but that is what is dishonest.

Gary K

New member
Ofcorse you will neny it.

If you keep this up, you will be disregarded.

I am too busy for this kind of game.

good day.

If that's the way you want it. You haven't provided a single verse to support your view that the Holy Spirit is an it. When a person can't provide any scriptural support for their position it ought to tell them something. It ought to tell them that their position isn't Biblical.

Gary K

New member
Says you.

Do you have to go this law?

How is saying you are misrepresenting the Holy Spirit going low when your position is not Biblical? You can provide zero scripture to support your statements, and deny the scriptural evidence that says He is a person. Where, once again, is your Biblical support for your position?


If that's the way you want it. You haven't provided a single verse to support your view that the Holy Spirit is an it. When a person can't provide any scriptural support for their position it ought to tell them something. It ought to tell them that their position isn't Biblical.

Talk to yourself.

good day.