question for MADIsts.


Well-known member
She does that no matter what we say or don't say, Clete, and she's not the only one.

If you want an explanation of what I meant, PM me. But before you do, look at the EXACT question she asked that I replied to. I think you'll figure it out with no help from me.

God's Truth

New member
She's got a nerve asking that, seeing as she spends more time here than you do.

Spending a lot of time here has nothing to do with my asking him if he is lonely. I asked him if he is lonely because he is bullying me, and people say bullies are really just lonely people that do not know how to interact with others.


Well-known member
Spending a lot of time here has nothing to do with my asking him if he is lonely. I asked him if he is lonely because he is bullying me, and people say bullies are really just lonely people that do not know how to interact with others.

Well if so, he's hardly alone in that.

Anyway, what was your baptism?


New member
Other than the lovely Tambora's "because this is fun" at what point do we all get that GT is an imbecile through and through; and we ought to ignore her as there simply is no point in dealing with her.

Or is it that we all subscribe to being identified with the subject of that old joke "why do you hit yourself on the head with a hammer, stop, and then start up again? Because it feels so good when I stop."

Wait a minute; perhaps that is the "this is fun" our Tambora is referring to.


God's Truth

New member
Where in the Bible may we read of this baptism of the Holy Spirit?

It is first stated with John the baptizer.

Matthew 3:11 "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
That makes it sound like there's a sliding scale of performance. As if He may accept one person who has done more (or less) than another person has done...that the standards for both may not be exactly the same.

Legalists like to compare themselves to muslim terrorists, nazis, or other savages when the standard is God's law not other people.