Proof that Paul didn't preach a different gospel than Peter

God's Truth

New member
Well, if you are not, then you are an even bigger hypocrite - initiating and or participating in threads supposedly by and between saved people.

Now you have me concerned about your soul. I don't like your hypocrisy but nevertheless Christ died for your sins too.

Above all other issues mine is to maintain the good words of one washed by the blood of Christ - not by any works I have done - and tell you so.

If you are not saved there is your solution.

Be sure to pass it on to GT when you get over your hypocrisy. Care about her, as I, who could care less about your kind, have nevertheless set that aside, that the blood of Christ alone, not your works, be the issue.

Pass it on coward.

Please reconcile 2 Peter 3 and Galatians.

God's Truth

New member
There's one gospel.

However, many will debate different components of the one gospel.

You deny the New Covenant is in place right now. Does that mean you aren't saved? How is that any different than God's Truth's view on works?

You claim that one day there will animal sacrifices for sin. That's a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross. Does that mean you aren't saved?

What makes you think you're better than God's Truth?

You're a follower of John Nelson Darby for crying out loud.

Do they believe the animal sacrifices should be done again?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Darby followers think they are the only one's know who is saved and who isn't.

As I predicted in my last post=his "Darby" spam.
Shut up, you clown-ette.

Spineless Craigie, the man pleaser. It's not working, sweetie. Not many visit your page, sweetie.


New member
I believe that Jesus preached the New Covenant.

When a covenant of blood is made, the guidelines must be followed exactly.

Jesus taught the commands he expects us to follow to be saved, and to stay saved.

Jesus shed his blood on the cross that is the blood of the covenant.

There you have it Tel - her own testimony against your failure to witness her error to her - "he expects us to follow to be saved and stay saved."

All while supposedly trying to save we, who are saved, from our supposed error - what - a - hypocrite!

God's Truth

New member
As I predicted in my last post=his "Darby" spam.
Shut up, you clown-ette.

Spineless Craigie, the man pleaser. It's not working, sweetie. Not many visit your page, sweetie.

Do you really think that it means something to God that you have more visits on your page?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There you have it Tel - her own testimony against your failure to witness her error to her - "he expects us to follow to be saved and stay saved."

All while supposedly trying to save we, who are saved, from our supposed error - what - a - hypocrite!

Spineless man pleaser Craigie Tet. won't raise any protest, Danoh. He was spiritually "neutered" years ago, when a few of us "MAD wackos" hurt his feelings, and he claimed others were bullying him on TOL. He's been crying, obsessed, ever since.


Well, if you are not, then you are an even bigger hypocrite - initiating and or participating in threads supposedly by and between saved people.

This isn't the "Exclusively Christian" section. Anyone is welcome to participate in this thread.

Now you have me concerned about your soul.

You're a Darby follower, you have much bigger problems than being concerned about my soul.

I don't like your hypocrisy but nevertheless Christ died for your sins too.

Christ Jesus died for all sins.

Above all other issues mine is to maintain the good words of one washed by the blood of Christ - not by any works I have done - and tell you so.

You told Johnny boy to give me hell.

If you are not saved there is your solution.

How do I know you're saved?

Be sure to pass it on to GT when you get over your hypocrisy.

What hypocrisy?

Care about her, as I, who could care less about your kind,

It's "couldn't care less", not "could care less"

have nevertheless set that aside, that the blood of Christ alone, not your works, be the issue.

I never said anything to the contrary.

Pass it on coward.

(Titus 3:2) to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.

God's Truth

New member
There you have it Tel - her own testimony against your failure to witness her error to her - "he expects us to follow to be saved and stay saved."

All while supposedly trying to save we, who are saved, from our supposed error - what - a - hypocrite!

1 John 3:24 Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them.

Jesus does not live in you and you do not live in Jesus unless you obey his commands.

That is the Word of God.


Do they believe the animal sacrifices should be done again?


Dispensationalism claims Ezekiel 40-48 is the yet future.

Numerous times in Ezekiel 40-48 animal sacrifices for sin atonement are given in detail.

Dispensationalists believe these events will take place in the future.

When pressed about this belief of theirs, they get real squirmy, and come up with different excuses like "they will be for memorial purposes only", and other ridiculous excuses.

But, that's life when you choose to be a follower of John Nelson Darby.


New member
Spineless man pleaser Craigie Tet. won't raise any protest, Danoh. He was spiritually "neutered" years ago, when a few of us "MAD wackos" hurt his feelings, and he claimed others were bullying him on TOL. He's been crying, obsessed, ever since.

Yeah, I noticed that. As I am new on here, every so often I'll troll through some old threads.

I've noticed he used to be all Mr. Wonderful, and supposedly all ears.

You and the guys - okay - and some girls too - would go into all kinds of in depth details and he would fail to get the simplest things.

I mean long pages of details on every issue.

Haven't got to the pages where he is all anti-darby this, anti-darby that. I mean, its there, in his recurrent patterns - a hypocrite being a hypocrite - but not as obvious as he is about it now.

His kind are always like that...

So you say he is not saved; is that right? I thought other Mid-Actsers asserted understanding otherwise?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why are you a follower of John Nelson Darby.

Why would choose to believe a doctrine that wasn't invented until the mid 1800's?

Thanks, moron, for giving me the opportunity to expose you, once again, for the habitual liar that you are!

1."That's not my argument.

I have never said that dispensationalism was "wrong" because of how old it was. I specifically said that no one taught about Christ coming back twice before Darby did."--habitual liar Wimpy Tet.

“I never said it was wrong for how old it is.”-Tet.


This post:

"wasn't invented until the mid 1800's?"

"No matter how hard you try, you can't take away the fact that dispensationalism was invented by John Nelson Darby in the mid 1800's...Why are most dispensationalists afraid and/or embarrassed to acknowledge that Darby invented what they believe?"-Deceiver Tet.

"My argument is that if there is not one single trace of something for 1,800+ years by anyone, then it was invented.”-Tet.

"... Deep down you know that your belief system has only been around for not even 50 years, and that it was "developed" by men..."-con artist Partial Preterist Soddy Tet.

"...Your false teachings of men is a false teaching since there is not one trace of it in the first three centuries. None of the early church fathers taught your theory, its only about 50 years old."-con artist Partial Preterist Soddy Tet.

"MAD didn't exist until the mid 1800's"-con artist Partial Preterist Soddy Tet.

Lying punk.

Well, Craigie, addicted to lying?

2. Craigie asserts, again, then when you discover objective truth, determines if it is, in fact, objective truth, and thus asserts that the earth was flat at one time, and that the Lord Jesus Christ was not such. until he discovered it.

God's Truth

New member

Dispensationalism claims Ezekiel 40-48 is the yet future.

Numerous times in Ezekiel 40-48 animal sacrifices for sin atonement are given in detail.

Dispensationalists believe these events will take place in the future.

When pressed about this belief of theirs, they get real squirmy, and come up with different excuses like "they will be for memorial purposes only", and other ridiculous excuses.

But, that's life when you choose to be a follower of John Nelson Darby.

How can anyone think that there should be animals sacrificed when Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb of God once and for all?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why would choose to believe a doctrine that wasn't invented until the mid 1800's?


"That's not my argument.I have never said that dispensationalism was "wrong" because of how old it was. I specifically said that no one taught about Christ coming back twice before Darby did."--habitual liar Wimpy Tet.

Habitual liar-even he admits it.


How can anyone think that there should be animals sacrificed when Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb of God once and for all?

It's mind boggling, but that's what Dispensationalists (Darby followers) believe.

They have to claim there will be animal sacrifices in the future, or their Dispensationalism falls apart.

They have Jesus coming back, sitting on a man made throne in a new third temple, overseeing animal sacrifices for sin.


New member

Dispensationalism claims Ezekiel 40-48 is the yet future.

Numerous times in Ezekiel 40-48 animal sacrifices for sin atonement are given in detail.

Dispensationalists believe these events will take place in the future.

When pressed about this belief of theirs, they get real squirmy, and come up with different excuses like "they will be for memorial purposes only", and other ridiculous excuses.

But, that's life when you choose to be a follower of John Nelson Darby.

As your posts on this forum from years back recurrently reveal - you failed to grasp the overall scope and context from which we assert what we do.

Fail that and the various details - whatever they happen to be - are actually a waste of time going into.

Your ignorance is the same ignorance Paul had had to lament about what he'd wanted to share with the Corinthians, but could not due to their viewpoint.

Instead, he had had to settle for speaking about the simple things - about the Cross. They were nowhere near ready to learn the full details of those higher ground issues - The Mystery - he would have to await some later time to share it with them.

1 Corinthians 2:

1. And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
2. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

6. Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:
7. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
8. Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

1 Corinthians 3:

1. And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
2. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Johnny boy says I'm not saved.

He says I'm a child of the devil, that my father is satan, that I'm the spawn of satan, etc.

Why are you not trying to save me?

Craigie the wimp says that everyone is saved, explaining his "kissing up" to the children of the devil on TOL,and his lack of vertebrae.