Proof that Paul didn't preach a different gospel than Peter


No, you hypocrite - she is lost and needs to be told.

She says one has to obey Jesus in order to get saved.

For her, believing that Christ died for our sins is not how one gets saved.

NOTHING ELSE any of us is talking about matters if she ends up lost - NOTHING.

Tell her that much - care about her that much. Quit being a hypocrite in this!


More proof that your "two gospel" theory is being destroyed by scripture.


New member
Reconcile 2 Peter3 and Galatians with your "two gospel" theory.

You know your mind is made up. And besides what you need to first believe is -Romans 4's:

4. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
5. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
That's because the New Covenant wasn't in place yet.

Nope, not after the cross.

That is not what he "argues," moron. Grow a brain, or go ask your children, whom you ignore, spending 1/2 of your day on TOL, with your satanic obsession.

Nope. You/he asserts that there is just one piece of good news, in the bible, and thus assert that your saint Judas preached the good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV.

That is satanic. How long have you been a satan worshiper, Craigie?


New member
More proof that your "two gospel" theory is being destroyed by scripture.

In the past I've dealt with my share of Preterists. They have all ranted the same things you have.

You are the first to put said issues before another's eternal destiny.

You hypocrite, even if you were 100% right in your anti MAD rants, you are wrong in this - the most important issue of all - thus, that so matters above all others - and you know it.

john w

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Hall of Fame


New member
Why are you a follower of John Nelson Darby?

Why would choose to believe a doctrine that wasn't invented until the mid 1800's?

Yeah, you have me there - Darby would also have told GT to quit this nonsense of asserting that one has to do something to get saved.

Yeah, you got me, you hypocrite.


You are the first to put said issues before another's eternal destiny.

Johnny boy says I'm not saved.

He says I'm a child of the devil, that my father is satan, that I'm the spawn of satan, etc.

Why are you not trying to save me?


Did the Lord Jesus Christ preach the Old Covenant, or the New Covenant, prior to the dbr?


(Luke 16:16) The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Notice how badly they want us to start debating something that has nothing to do with the topic of the thread?

The reason they want this so bad is they can't defend their "two gospel" theory.

They're desperate.

"I wonder why Tel tel a lie hasn't told you already that your belief that one must obey Jesus in order to get saved - is wrong?"-Danoh

What about it, sweetie, spineless one? Answer the question, and act like you have the guts, to act like a man, punk.

God's Truth

New member
You know your mind is made up. And besides what you need to first believe is -Romans 4's:

4. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
5. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

Paul was talking about not having to do the ceremonial works.


New member
By the way smartguy, the issue of this thread is whether or not Paul had preached a different gospel - one thing you know that much about in this is that GT is lost - you know Paul did not preach faith plus works for salvation.

In this you yourself are going against your own thread.


By the way smartguy, the issue of this thread is whether or not Paul had preached a different gospel - one thing you know that much about in this is that GT is lost - you know Paul did not preach faith plus works for salvation.

In this you yourself are going against your own thread.

There's one gospel.

However, many will debate different components of the one gospel.

You deny the New Covenant is in place right now. Does that mean you aren't saved? How is that any different than God's Truth's view on works?

You claim that one day there will animal sacrifices for sin. That's a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross. Does that mean you aren't saved?

What makes you think you're better than God's Truth?

You're a follower of John Nelson Darby for crying out loud.

God's Truth

New member

(Luke 16:16) The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing their way into it.

I believe that Jesus preached the New Covenant.

When a covenant of blood is made, the guidelines must be followed exactly.

Jesus taught the commands he expects us to follow to be saved, and to stay saved.

Jesus shed his blood on the cross that is the blood of the covenant.


New member
Johnny boy says I'm not saved.

He says I'm a child of the devil, that my father is satan, that I'm the spawn of satan, etc.

Why are you not trying to save me?

Well, if you are not, then you are an even bigger hypocrite - initiating and or participating in threads supposedly by and between saved people.

Now you have me concerned about your soul. I don't like your hypocrisy but nevertheless Christ died for your sins too.

Above all other issues mine is to maintain the good words of one washed by the blood of Christ - not by any works I have done - and tell you so.

If you are not saved there is your solution.

Be sure to pass it on to GT when you get over your hypocrisy. Care about her, as I, who could care less about your kind, have nevertheless set that aside, that the blood of Christ alone, not your works, be the issue.

Pass it on coward.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No he hasn't, neither have you, and neither has heir.

Not one of you have reconciled 2 Peter 3 with Galatians.

Yes, he has. And others have. Yoo're just too stupid, to figure it out, as your father, the devil, has a gag order on you. You've punted almost every question, that has been directed to you, challenging your "argument," but you, being the actress/hypocrite that you are, and wimp/cry baby, as is your MO, spam "None of you have answered my questions....reconciled......,..Wa...Wa....You meanie MADists......" as you do on every thread, and then, when you are asked to answer a question, you go into your satanic "Darby...Bullinger" routine/spam.

You're a deceiving punk, spineless child of the devil, who engages in sophistry, habitual lying, and deceit. That is your rep. on TOL, Craigie.

Leave TOL-we smell your sulfur/dung.