Hi Nang,
Thank you for reading my post.
You wrote:
I would not agree that the "image" of which you speak was created, for the definition of God is uncreate in all ways.
I'm not sure what you mean by the definition of God is uncreate... but I think I disagree.
You wrote:
But indeed, God decreed and promised a Seed who would incarnate as Mediator between God and man (Genesis 3:15), coming in the image of the Father, so we can know that Jesus Christ, as the only begotten Son of God, was known in the heart and mind of God as the Son of Man, before the foundations of the world.
Yes... and you have written a great truth. The Son would come in the IMAGE of the Father. Is it any wonder that Jesus said: "When you have SEEN ME, you have SEEN the Father."
That's because God already had an IMAGE... and he formed Adam a body after His own image and likeness ... and He gave the promised ONE a body after His own image and likeness as well. Colossians 1:14,15 KJV.
You wrote:
How to describe this eternal existence is difficult for God being spirit in essence, and not flesh and blood, means that His reality is so different than what we experience in time, that there are no words to explain these marvelous truths.
Well the best we can describe the invisible spirit of God is with words like: infinite, eternal, omni-present, life, truth, a creator, etc. I do believe that the ONE spiritual God is outside of time. That's why understanding that
He created a bodily form is so key to understanding how He could enter time. It seems from scripture that this original bodily form was
super-natural- not of flesh and blood. Exodus 24 calls IT
a body of heaven.
You wrote:
Paul said this, when he was carried by the Spirit into the third heaven, and witnessed paradise and heard "inexpressible words which it is not lawful for men to utter." II Corinthians 12:1-4
Yes... While ALL things are IN GOD ... yet he was able to literally enter the creation as well. Now doesn't it make sense when Jesus said: I am IN the Father and (yet) He is IN me.
You wrote:
So, as interesting as this subject is as to the pre-incarnate Christ, we must not go further what scripture has revealed . . . and I agree with you that God indeed revealed Jesus in theophanies prior to His incarnation as Savior. . . and we have been told Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. One with Father and Holy Spirit, uncreate and equal in power and glory.
Yes, we know about the promised
"SEED of Woman" (Genesis 3) and about the
"exceeding great reward" promised to Abraham. (Genesis 15:1 KJV)
And we know that God told God to arise, judge the world and inherit the nations (Ps 82:8KJV)
We know that when our Lord Jesus, who was God come as the Savior (John 1:1; Isaiah 43:11KJV), finally appeared upon earth with flesh that he said: When you have seen me - you have seen the Father.
Well, the same thing perhaps could have been said about the appearing of the LORD God in the OT. When one had seen the Father LORD, then they had seen the image of the Savior Lord ... It is just that God's image was for the first time ever seen in flesh as our Lord Jesus... which no man had ever seen. That is why John 1:18 KJV says this:
"No one at any time hath seen
God, the only begotten son ...
he (John the B.) has revealed Him. "
We also know this is the truth - Isaiah 43:11 KJV.
Is it any wonder that our Lord Jesus said:
"The Father and I are ONE."
You wrote:
The Son of God added nothing to His Being by coming in human flesh; but rather manifested in time, the purpose, terms, and ramifications of the everlasting Covenant of Redemption, established within the Godhead prior to time and creation.
I agree with you.
You wrote:
Revelation is not change. It is manifestation of what IS.
I also believe that manifestation is important ... and the answer to "of WHAT" IS - The manifestation of God's literal created image of presence that God used.
You wrote:
Which means, all the elect sons of God also were known by God in His heart and mind, as surely as Jesus Christ was known by God, prior to creation! We were foreknown and prepared to share in the glory of the everlasting kingdom with Christ. (Proverbs 8:12-31) This is remarkable but hard to express!
It seems that you and I are thinking about similar possibilities.
You wrote:
Jesus Christ, being one with the Father, is I AM. Whether in time, or in the eternal realms. And His spiritual children are known and found in Him; redeemed in time and saved for everlasting life and glory in His eternal kingdom.
These are such wonderful truths . . . why let others bog us down with their attempts to humanize and limit the attributes and sovereign purposes of our Lord from Heaven?
Do you realize what you just wrote???
You have identified that you acknowledge the existence of
"The LORD from Heaven."
So, who is the LORD ?
The LORD is the ONE God when he manifested
His appearance unto the eyes of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Moses. (Exodus 3:6 KJV; Exodus 6:3 KJV)
And what is Heaven?
It is a realm that God created ... It was first called the firmament. You read about it in Genesis 1.
You just wrote that -
the God, who was able to appear to the patriarchs, was also the Lord that was in Heaven.
Is it any wonder that Exodus 24:9,10,11,12 KJV called God's presence, which they SAW - The BODY OF HEAVEN in His clearness?