Open thread because you are confusing the unique measures of time after creation (sun, moon, stars, clocks, watches, sundials, hourglasses, etc.) with time itself (which is not dependent on measures and marches on with or without clocks). Time (duration) existed in the uncreated triune relations from eternity past, even before clocks subjectively measured it.
Ps. 90:2; Ps. 102:27; Rev. 1:4; Rev. 1:8; verses in Revelation about time in eternity/heaven, etc. are biblical support. Enyart has responded to the few timeless proof texts that say no such thing (I AM does not mean timeless, but eternality, self-existence, etc. An endless time God is as eternal as a timeless one, whatever that would mean).
Is time something that can be measured Godrulz?
Is God someone who can be measured Godrulz?
By definition, time is something that can be measured. therefore God is greater than time and therefore exists outside it. If you want to keep the thread open and continue the discussion, that's fine.
I'm out. Thread closed for me.