points of view......
points of view......
Well, we can go "are not" "are too" until be are both blue in the face without changing anything.
Thats the thing with 'opinions' - many points of view, perspectives, assumptions, beliefs.....within a particular religious tradition, all using the same canon of 'inspired' writings. Kinda how things go
I have looked closely at the proof texts used and they are inconclusive in declaring God is "Omniscient", "Omnipotent", "Omnipresent" using the definitions of those terms accepted in classical theism.
This happens to be your 'current' point of view, appropriating what knowledge or perspective you have 'acquired' up to this point in time. Your point of view 'could' change.
In any case, classically the 3 'omnis' of 'God'
still hold,
because the originality, universality, infinity, supremacy and ultimacy of God's very nature
always prevails, because of who or what God
is (unqualifiedly so). It is only when certain 'qualifications' on these universal attributes are 'assumed' do we have what we
perceive as 'limitations' upon 'God'. The 'omnis' have been assigned to 'God' from antiquity for a reason, since these attributes have always been assumed to be
inherent to 'God'.
Even if you hold to the general view of Open Theism, with respect to free will and omniscience,...the infinite knowledge of God which is always in the 'present' is all-perfect and supreme, in every actual moment of present existence,
cognizant of all potentials and possibilities pregnant within this "now". (even here, God's knowledge of the totality of reality is always greater than any one individual point of view). So, in general,...to say that 'God' is
all-knowing,...or is the 'Light' of all-knowing (as Infinite Intelligence itself) still holds because 'God'
is Light. 'God' is pure Being and Consciousness, the One Spirit-Presence
everywhere, having all knowledge and all power
possible. (but still even here we are adding the qualifier of 'possible', by our own standards of time perception and what we assume can or cannot be known). Again, we can assume certain 'qualifications' on Gods atttributes...but lets not forget that there are aspects of Supreme Deity or The Absolute...that are Unqualified and not subject to conditional knowledge, space or time. Otherwise... since 'God'
is involved and engaged with-in Creation,...naturally Spirit is active in both time and space, by the very nature of movement and his 'everywhere' presence. All is 'point of view'(from a relative perspective), beyond the pure conscious light of God-reality itself....which is always all-knowing, all-being, all-present.