We don't move through "slices" or "frames" of time. If that were the case then we would merely be the 3D projection of God and movement would be an illusion as well as our own existence.
I've agreed that movement involves space and the inter-flux of energy-elements within space and forms that also have their own space-consistency, inter-acting, relating to other movements
of space. Remember how we've covered how that 'things' not only 'appear' to take up space', but contain their own 'space-density' as well? Our body for instance has density and form, and 'appears' to take up space, but our body and any form also has
its own space as it were (still researching this in studies on the nature of space which I may add as a portal-page in my TOL blog). In any case, time is a relative perception "relating" these movements to which we agree.
That's why space and time are not things.
As concepts I agree they are not '
things' per se (especially 'time' since its a 'perception' relating movements), yet I dont see space as
mere nothingness, as there are different kinds of space-density, potency and consistencies, however space acts as an 'energy' or 'wave' medium, having its own native aetheric quality and ability being the essence of which forms derive and in which energy, mind, matter and spirit coalesce.
Space is the nothingness where things exist and time is as aspect of those things.
Again, still researching the fundamental of space (
aether and its qualities, configurations, etc.) and yes,..time arises as a '
referential perception' relating movements.
God by spirit is something, no-thing, or everything.
Another wonderful subject and quest-ion. Does 'God' as 'Spirit' have a 'form'? Is there an aspect of Deity that is
prior to 'space' and
before 'time'?

- this is the aspect of 'God' many of us classical-theists hold exists, which is '
God transcendent', while the aspect of God involved within creation is '
God immanent'(

- while such is speculated and beyond the kin of mortal mind or finite comprehension, we still attribute such a nature to 'God', in his pure absolute Beingness and Infinity. We naturally resign such Ineffable splendor of Mystery to Deity as that which is
beyond conception (
Para Brahman). - of course Mind is always relating and present with the influx of space-time relationships,
as long as such movements are perceived, so on one level the debate over whether God is in time or not is merely 'cosmetic'. -
God's omnipresence pervades all space and time anyways. So?
If he is outside of things called space and time, and the things in space and time, then he is no-thing.
That aspect of God that is prior to space and before time would be 'God' as '
No-Thing' (TheOver Soul of Universal Quantum Physics referred to as 'The NO-THING') , since God is not an object, neither corporeal. 'God' is not a 'thing' per se. We must recognize there are various aspects to 'God', in his eternal Being and as 'Spirit' undergoes 'change' or 'transformation' in the world of form, the play of space-time. (see, 'change' or 'transformations' of energy are not denied).
If God is every where in things called space and time, and those things in space and time, then he is indistinguishable from everything.
One can still hold to God's omnipresence (everywhereness) and still not embrace a form of
pure pantheism. If God is truly omnipresent and
also has his own unique, special and holy 'form' or 'personhood', then we would acknowledge his 'omnipresence' in other ways that qualify as such, while he also retains his 'personal presence' in Paradise or the highest celestial abode. My theology certainly allows for the
omni-versatility of 'God' in these various allocations, as optimizing the classical omni's of 'God', even with our limiting conceptions or qualifications of such.
Panentheism still to me is the most comprehensive view, allowing for God's immanence and transcendence in all dimensions and beyond.
If everything is inside of God and he is at the same time outside of everything then I'm going to throw this computer out the window and head for the beach, can't argue anything if being rational is meaningless. And yet many of you seem to think other wise.
Before you do anything impulsive (lol), relax that analytical mind of yours for a moment. A panentheistic view allows for 'God' as a divine personality and personal presence to exist as his own 'person'(however thats defined), in his own holy residence or abode and also be omnipresent via his omniscience, all-pervading Spirit-energies, personal abiding presence in the soul, and thru the host of celestial beings and angles that minister thru-out the cosmos. - there are many ways God can be 'omnipresent'. Spirit(energy) is present in all that is 'personal' and 'non-personal' in the cosmos, co-existing and co-mergent with universal consciousness.
Panentheism accepts God in all aspects of his omnipresence.