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...You have the "free will" choice of who you will serve.
I haven't seen the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
There aren't any other gods to chose.
They don't exist.
Only one exist and only the Elects knows it.

...You have the "free will" choice of who you will serve.
You are funny. The WORLD is not God. LOL! You can't see those qualities in God ALONE. That's your problem. Get God would ya!
Get back to me when you can say something intelligent on the matter.
True, our thoughts never save us.Isaiah 55:8 RSV For my thoughts are not your thoughts...says the Lord.
How dumb can you get. :hammer:
True, our thoughts never save us.
Our ways will never get us anywhere.
How can we take you seriously with a comment like this about the meaning of Isaiah 55:8.
Get back to me after you figure out what makes God, God.
The "literal" Biblical account of God makes God, God. The timeless spaceless view of God comes from natural theology and contradicts scripture.
Can you respond without a one line mockery of what I just said?
Do you know what natural theology is?
"Natural theology, thus, is that part of the philosophy of religion dealing with describing the nature of the gods, or, in monotheism, arguing for or against attributes or non-attributes of God, and especially the existence of God, purely philosophically, that is, without recourse to any special or supposedly supernatural revelation."--wiki
"In the Middle Ages two basic types of theology began to crystallize...There was natural theology according to which a genuine knowledge of God and his relationship with the world could be attained by rational reflection on the nature of things without having to appeal to Christian teaching. And revealed theology which was concerned with what was disclosed to man by God through the revelation recorded in the scriptures. Revealed theology goes back to Biblical revelation, and Natural theology back to classical Greek philosophy of Plato and Aristotle."--1 Brown Colin, Philosophy and the Christian Faith, Tyndale Press, p. 33
I explain the contrast between Revealed and Natural theology on my website page,
Natural theology is as natural as a kid looking up in the sky and realizing that an all powerful all knowing and all existing God created that wonderful and unexplainable (other than it was created by a Divine being) sky full of starts and galaxies holding perfectly together by someone or something. That Someone who can do that to me is God.
Revealed theology is what is written in Scripture. The Scriptures prove that my ability to see natural theology was the beginning of my correct understanding. Natural theology is not a philosophy it is a God given gift to everyone who does not corrupt that gift with vain knowledge.
natural theology noun
theology based on knowledge of the natural world and on human reason, apart from revelation.
to say that God is in time is also an absurdity
Thank you. I didn't think "doof Dave" and "god-doesn't rule" would get it.
What don't you get about the divine attributes of God? Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. THE attributes that make Him God. If you want a God of your own making that's fine but the God of the Bible is not this science formula your mentors like to define for you.
That's exactly what I said. Too bad I didn't need to know what wiki and Plato said to figure it out. It's Biblical. We are born with an ability to see natural theology.
Romans 1:20
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
Yes. Apparently some think general revelation and the study thereof, natural theology (a.k.a., philosophical theology), is a bad thing. Sigh.That's exactly what I said. Too bad I didn't need to know what wiki and Plato said to figure it out. It's Biblical. We are born with an ability to see natural theology.
Romans 1:20
20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
General revelation (creation) is foundational, but not exhaustive. We also need special revelation (Word, Christ).
Yes. Apparently some think general revelation and the study thereof, natural theology (a.k.a., philosophical theology), is a bad thing. Sigh.
It is really quite simple in that no claim to any moral theology in special revelation can be made without natural theology as the foundation.
Well here you simply quibble with the word "theology". Sorry, but the word stands as defined. Studying God as revealed in nature or as specially revealed are all theologies whether you like it or not.I don't really like the use of the term "natural theology". General revelation doesn't appear to be a theology in and of itself.
It is really quite simple in that no claim to any moral theology in special revelation can be made without natural theology as the foundation.
Well here you simply quibble with the word "theology". Sorry, but the word stands as defined. Studying God as revealed in nature or as specially revealed are all theologies whether you like it or not.