ALL things that offend
ALL things that offend
Dee Dee,
You made a feeble attempt to answer my points regarding the parable of the "tares and wheat",but I would say that your answer is WRONG!!
You say that this parable is only about God´s judgment on the Jews,but that is not what the Scriptures say.But you must again DENY the plain words of Scripture so that you can cling to your mistaken idea.
Again,the Lord says that the "field is the WORLD",which you say refers to the Roman Empire.
"The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who sowed good seed in his field;But,while men slept,the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat,and went his way"(Mt.13:24,25).
This refers to the words of the Lord that "the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world"(Mt.24:14).And at the same time that this happens,we see that the enemy "sowed tares" among those who received the gospel.So in all the Roman Empire we see that there are both tares and wheat,believers and unbelievers.
The Lord continues His parable:
"Let them both grow together until the harvest;and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers,Gather together first the tares,and bind them in bundles to burn them,but gather the wheat into my barn"(Mt.13:30).
We see that the "tares" of "the field",or the "unrighteous" of the RomanEmpire,are to be gathered together and burned.
Dee Dee,this is not just about gathering together only the "tares" from Israel,but instead all the tares from the Roman Empire.
"As,therefore,the tares are gathered and burned in the fire,so shall it be in the end of this age.The Son of Man shall send forth His angels,and they shall gather out of His Kingdom ALL THINGS THAT OFFEND,and them who do iniquity"(Mt.13:40,41).
Dee Dee,please read the WORDS OF THE LORD.They do not match your teaching.You say that it is not ALL the "tares" that will be gathered out,but instead you teach that the judgment is only about the "unrighteous" Jews.
The words of the Lord cannot be any plainer,but since they conflict with your teaching you choose to pervert His words in order to attempt to make them fit your ideas.
Now perhaps you will finally deal with this parable AS IT IS WRITTEN!
In His grace,--Jerry