Porn. The Elephant in the room.


Well-known member
Good points, however it is more available than ever to young children whose brains and bodies are still developing, creating more potential pervs.
Or, it may be de-mystifying human sexuality for young people in a way that will make them less vulnerable to becoming obsessed with pornographic imagery, and the idea of sexual perversion. There have been many studies over the years showing a direct link between the social repression of sexuality and the individual obsession with it.

patrick jane

I wish you would decide if porn is truly innocent and something to make jokes about ... OR if it's actually harmful.
It may be more acceptable for men since we start seeing it at a young age and it's like ok among guys to watch it and talk about it. I think it does degrade women and can be harmful, leading unstable men to commit rape or at minimum become obsessed with porn. The joking guy comes out in me at times and I don't try holding it back, it keeps me young. I only had 4 good ones, mostly the same - Breakfast, lunch and dinner and porn instead of pork, so the jokes are finished.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
It may be more acceptable for men since we start seeing it at a young age and it's like ok among guys to watch it and talk about it. I think it does degrade women and can be harmful, leading unstable men to commit rape or at minimum become obsessed with porn. The joking guy comes out in me at times and I don't try holding it back, it keeps me young. I only had 4 good ones, mostly the same - Breakfast, lunch and dinner and porn instead of pork, so the jokes are finished.

I took it as an attempt to lighten heavy subject matter.
Don't worry, I sometimes am the only one that laughs at my jokes. Lol

patrick jane

Somebody here said only those with prior mental illness can be obsessed and addicted to porn. People that are sociopaths like Ted Bundy as one example, porn is evil in the hands of evil. The question is, can porn change normal people into obsessed addicts ?
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Hall of Fame
The question is, can porn change normal people into obsessed addicts ?

Nah ... those who seek out porn are ALREADY obsessed addicts ... of smut. Not every male views porn ... it's what separates the men (nonviewers) from the boys.

patrick jane

Nah ... those who seek out porn are ALREADY obsessed addicts ... of smut. Not every male views porn ... it's what separates the men (nonviewers) from the boys.

So then the question becomes, when and how does the mental disorder occur. When is the trigger for a person to begin craving porn and/or watching smut. It seems stag parties and men watching porn together goes way back. What gives ?


Hall of Fame
So then the question becomes, when and how does the mental disorder occur. When is the trigger for a person to begin craving porn and/or watching smut. It seems stag parties and men watching porn together goes way back. What gives ?

I don't believe it is a mental disorder but rather a purposeful choosing based on a person's values and how they were brought up. There is a specific misogyny and disrespect of women that begins at a young age.


"2351 Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes."

"1866 Vices can be classified according to the virtues they oppose, or also be linked to the capital sins which Christian experience has distinguished, following St. John Cassian and St. Gregory the Great. They are called "capital" because they engender other sins, other vices. They are pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth or acedia."

Best regards.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Nah ... those who seek out porn are ALREADY obsessed addicts ... of smut. Not every male views porn ... it's what separates the men (nonviewers) from the boys.

That is not true. Teenage boys are tempted, they all have smart phones and very few have parents that have them controlled. They don't have the power, unless they are filled with the Holy Spirit, to resist the temptation, which very few are.They hide it, they can watch in private. I asked my 14 year son yesterday, how many kids does he know that watch it? He said everyone. We need to wake up this is an epidemic of evil! It is impacting so many in very dark ways.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
"2351 Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes."

"1866 Vices can be classified according to the virtues they oppose, or also be linked to the capital sins which Christian experience has distinguished, following St. John Cassian and St. Gregory the Great. They are called "capital" because they engender other sins, other vices. They are pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth or acedia."

Best regards.
Thank you for your contributions!


Somebody here said only those with prior mental illness can be obsessed and addicted to porn. People that are sociopaths like Ted Bundy as one example, porn is evil in the hands of evil. The question is, can porn change normal people into obsessed addicts ?

'Porn addiction' is just a label given to those who differ from those who actively seek out sex. It's really a mutual thing, which stems from the same thing.

I think it's foolish to look at those with an alleged addiction of pornography to be the 'victims'- the men and women who are involved in them are the victims, and their parents as well- who wants to be shamed with such a child? And what becomes of them..


Well-known member
You are ignoring the truth.
Read the article in the 1st, post.
It releases pleasure hormones in large quanities that become addicting, which are designed to be used during sex between two loving partners.

Its not natural to get aroused watching porn and it is harmful to the brain and the soul, which are connected.

Porn also devalues the participants. Something to be lusted after instead of cherished.
Addiction is not caused by the existence of these chemicals or the circumstances of their effect. It is caused by an inability to control our reaction to them. Just as with the excitement induced by gambling, extreme sports, and other human activities that cause our brains to produce these chemicals.

The problem is the inability to control our reactions to them, not the chemicals themselves, nor the stimuli that induces them.

Again, you're not addressing the real problem, and you're proposing we deny everyone access to aspects of life that only a few among us cannot control their reactions to. And you don't have that right.


Pornography is a cater to sexually frustrated men.

It's probably saved a lot of incidences of rape from happening.

Only at the cost of young women making shameful idols of their self for the weakness of men.

Though it's predominantly this way, pornography does just the same to many lonely women, and perpetuates homosexual deviance.

Nonetheless, I do not think this subject is something that should be subject to the viewers. The focus should be on the producers thereof- just like with drugs, it's the dealer who is the destroyer, not the user.