Paris attacks


New member
Sure you attempted to correlate domestic murders with an act of war by enemy combatants which are two very different things.

A death is a death. Did it matter who did it? The murders in France are murders by criminals, not enemy combatants. The only identified perpetrator was French, not middle eastern, so he was a domestic criminal.

...and it is still irrelevant to domestic violence statistics, not even the same argument really.

Domestic violence is violence within the home. Is English your second language?


Well-known member
"All free people should have the right to bear arms. It is, in fact, the only thing that makes them free people. The moment you can’t do that, your freedom to say, draw and eat what you like can be irrevocably withdrawn with no notice and no vote."


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
A death is a death. Did it matter who did it? The murders in France are murders by criminals, not enemy combatants. The only identified perpetrator was French, not middle eastern, so he was a domestic criminal.

That is obviously where your error begins, you don't know the difference between a criminal act and an Enemy/Unlawful combatant. Whether these cells are homegrown or not they are aligned with ISIS which is waging armed conflict and has declared war/jihad against the west. Even if you personally do not acknowledge there is a war being waged (although France & the UK have already acknowledged such) your adversary has declared it on you.

Just for your edification...

Enemy combatant:

any member of the armed forces of a state with which another state is at war; also, any person in an armed conflict, including terrorism, who could be properly detained under the laws and customs of war

or Unlawful Combatant if you prefer:

Unlawful combatants are likewise subject to capture and detention, but in addition they are subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals for acts which render their belligerency unlawful. The spy who secretly and without uniform passes the military lines of a belligerent in time of war, seeking to gather military information and communicate it to the enemy, or an enemy combatant who without uniform comes secretly through the lines for the purpose of waging war by destruction of life or property, are familiar examples of belligerents who are generally deemed not to be entitled to the status of prisoners of war, but to be offenders against the law of war subject to trial and punishment by military tribunals. (Emphasis added)

Domestic violence is violence within the home. Is English your second language?

I understand the difference quite well, has reading comprehension always been a struggle for you? Out of your own newspaper today the headline reads:

Paris attacks: We are all at war with Islamic State now. We must not back down
Britain and its allies must overcome their misgivings and fight these murderers wherever they hide until there are no more atrocities

Just domestic criminals eh? Argue with yourself much?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
This is a common error. It is plain wrong. It isn't full scale war, but it isn't "just criminal activity" either.

Not just a common error but, a very dangerous misconception.



Well-known member
How To Beat ISIS: Quarantine Them

They want us to invade

Let the savages of the Middle East stew in their own blood-soaked juice. Let us shore up our defenses, and treat ISIS as we would an outbreak of bubonic plague: by quarantining the entire region. Our answer to the War Party must be unafraid and unequivocal: No, not now, not ever again!


New member
Yes, the French have found their is too bad it takes tragedy to recognize the danger right before you.

Too bad it takes a tragedy before you start watching the news. France has been bombing ISIS continually since 2014.

No wonder you don't really understand what is happening in Europe.


New member
This is a common error. It is plain wrong. It isn't full scale war, but it isn't "just criminal activity" either.

Either they are enemy combatants granted the protections of the Geneva Conventions, or they are covered by domestic criminal law.

There is nothing in between.


New member
All countries in western Europe are run by "wannabe-fags". Extreme leftists who would do anything to get "another million muslims" into the country.

Violence, rapes, murders are growing in numbers every day. The whole western civilization is being slowly replaced by Islam. The countries in eastern Europe, who are being bullied into taking in muslims are refusing. They put up fences and protest. Thank god someone has a brain.

Many areas in European cities are controlled by muslim youngsters who attack anyone who appears "European". No-go-zones.

The western European countries have 15-20 years to reconsider and expel all muslims from Europe or western Europe will cease to exist. Le Pen in France is one who can do something good. She wants to expel muslims back to their homes.

Europe is run by spineless cowards. I wish that they burn in Hell as asap. Total destruction of western Europe is a shame.


New member
No, Le Pen's National Front party does not want to do that. They wish to deport illegal migrants and criminals. Not all Muslims.

Le Pen has stated that seeing muslims praying on the street is as bad as the Nazi occupation (1940-1945). That's her point of view. Of course France is under occupation. The question is what will they do about it...


New member
Le Pen has stated that seeing muslims praying on the street is as bad as the Nazi occupation (1940-1945). That's her point of view. Of course France is under occupation. The question is what will they do about it...

Yes she has said that. She IS a nasty piece of far right work, and will be in court soon on a criminal charge of inciting racial hatred according to the papers.

But she was talking about the 'streets' where Muslims were praying outside a full mosque as being occupied, not AFAIK France as a whole as you claim. We don't usually have a problem with people praying in the street - do you object to public displays of faith?


Well-known member
Either they are enemy combatants granted the protections of the Geneva Conventions, or they are covered by domestic criminal law.

There is nothing in between.

Guess what? The old rules don't hold anymore, much as we would like them too.


New member
Guess what? The old rules don't hold anymore, much as we would like them too.

During the Northern Ireland 'Troubles' captured terrorists were given criminal trials, sentenced using criminal law and incarcerated in prisons. They were not enemy combatants, so criminal law applied. They were criminals and dealt with by the criminal justice system as such. Terrorism has existed for a long time, and one more attack does not change anything fundamentally.

Unless you want nations to operate outside of the law within their own borders, then the rules must be applied, or new laws created to give terrorists a special status half way between the two.


Well-known member
During the Northern Ireland 'Troubles' captured terrorists were given criminal trials, sentenced using criminal law and incarcerated in prisons. They were not enemy combatants, so criminal law applied. They were criminals and dealt with by the criminal justice system as such. Terrorism has existed for a long time, and one more attack does not change anything fundamentally.

Unless you want nations to operate outside of the law within their own borders, then the rules must be applied, or new laws created to give terrorists a special status half way between the two.

What happened in Northern Ireland isn't necessarily a guide to handling every possible situation. And there indeed may be a need to change laws.